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Found 4 results

  1. Happy Solstice 2023

    It is that time of year again when the day is long and the sun reaches its zenith. When we look at our current lives, and all the problems we face, remember that for millennia eyes have watched the skies and observed this phenomena. Countless eyes observed, countless lives been lived, countless years go by, the ticking of the clock as the earth spins on. Enjoy.
  2. Happy Summer Solstice. From the winter solstice until now, the yang energy has been waxing - building up, storing up. Yang is a sort of firmness. A strength that is placed in stillness. When strength gets used, the operation changes from waxing to waning - what we have and use gets used up. Every day the earth spins in a complete circle, and we have darkness and light, day and night, by which to feel this change. Every month the moon revolves around the earth, and we feel this in the gravitational pulls of the moon, in the moon's alignment to the sun, and in the moon's relationship to it's nodal axis. Every year the earth revolves around the sun, and we feel this through the seasonal changes and so much more. So: When the sun is behind us at midnight, this is as far from us the sun can get in the daily cycle, and from this point until noon the energy waxes. When the moon aligns with the sun from our perspective on earth, no light is reflected back to us. Through-out the following two weeks the reflected light will appear and grow to fullness at the 'full moon.' We're all accustomed to full moon tales of wild energy and chaotic unfoldings. It's pretty simple to understand. Same as getting a paycheck and spending it all at once. Energy gets built up and then the operation changes - we've become used to saving up, but something changed that operation on us. We're no longer saving up - we've been given our chest of gold and now we have to defend it or spend it. But often we don't even realize something has changed, and we go off drinking on a whim and wake up the next morning broke and carrying some vague recollection of a wild party beneath a mean hangover. Or maybe we've been dealing with some challenging struggles for a week or two and just snap, unable to control ourselves. See, the changes of momentum in the earth, moon, and solar system are cyclical. But with our daylight savings and gregorian calendars we aren't very in tune with these changes, and tend to embody them as linear motion. This linear motion changes, then we struggle to adapt after the fact, settling into a new linear pattern until it changes again. One of the most profound lessons I've learned from daoist thought is how to adapt to cycles. How to become oriented with circular flows. How to let go of linear attachments and open to continuous change while constantly reorienting to the center. The lunar and solar cycles are very connected, but not in a way that is clearly defined. They say that when the new moon which begins the new chinese lunar year comes after the date of the solar year (lichun), that the moon is blind to the year, akin to showing up late to a meeting, needing to play catch up and not exactly certain what was missed. On the other hand, if the lunar year new moon comes before lichun, the moon is early to the meeting, and more in tune, more in synch with the energy of the year. Both are important. Sometimes we need to see, sometimes we need to hear. So today. The summer solstice. After today the yin energy will return and the yang energy will wane. The yang will be invited into motion, invited into getting shaped and spent. The energy we have cultivated this past year and the connections and foundation we've been building will be put to the test. As we enter into this yin period, our past patterns of how we spend our energy will come into play and we will discover just how well those patterns will make use of what we've been storing up. It's a subtle change that unfolds slow enough to miss at first. Currently the moon is waxing, even as the sun begins to slowly wane. We'll likely still feel this waxing of the moon more strongly, but then as soon as the moon begins to wane we might feel a more distinct change in direction, or it might not really settle into place until the next waning of the moon, giving the moon a full cycle to really catch up. This this post is just a nudge to be aware of this change. If you've been moving in a linear direction now's the time to let the transformation unfold, let the fire burn, let the return begin. Or, if the energy isn't ready to be spent yet, now is the time to preserve it, set it in the vault and switch over to making refinements rather than adding new features. Just be wary of pushing on as before, in that linear direction, or the rug might get swept out from under you. We don't want to spend everything. We want to save some of this heat and energy for the coming winter. Blessings!
  3. What are your most amazing gifts?

    These long, deep nights around Solstice are my favorite of year. Deep, hours long conversations about the nature of reality, or completely fabricated stories of unimaginable bullshit are among my favorite pass times ever and this time of year is so conducive to it. I lost my Father this year, very suddenly. So many conversations, so many moments. Life changes so fast, it's me who's slow to respond it seems. In the midst of the pain of his absence, shines something far more powerful though. It's gratitude, for being fortunate enough to have known him at all. The memories come so suddenly, reaching to pick up a sweater and then, this overwhelming waves of gratitude for all those I've lost and all that's passed and joy in having shared life with them for a time. Such gifts as these... my wealth is truly immeasurable. May all beings be released from suffering. Love and Light.
  4. Happy DongZhi!

    The yin has just about reached it's maximum and has no choice but to make way for the growing Yang. I personally love winter solstice, much more than Christmas. Remember to take it easy. Sleep, rest, then sleep some more before you rest. It's also a wonderful time for meditation and poor time for strenuous exercise. Magical time of change. Happy DongZhi festival ya bums.