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  1. 丹田 Dantian Dantian are the Qi Focus Flow Centers, important focal points for meditative and exercise techniques such as qigong. 張伯端在《金丹四百自序》內有以下一段: 「要知身中一竅,名曰玄牝,此竅者,非心非腎,非口非鼻也,非脾胃也,非穀道也,非膀胱也,非丹田也,非泥丸也,能知此之一竅,則冬 至在此矣,藥物在此矣,火侯亦在此矣,沐浴亦在此矣,結胎亦在此矣,脫體亦在此矣,此竅乃神氣之根,虛無之谷,即在身中求之,不可求 於他也」 The 竅(Qi Focus Flow Centers) of the body is called 玄牝(The root of creation). The 竅 are not heart, kidney, mouth, nostrils, spleen, stomach, anal, bladder, Dantian, or brain. You must know this 竅 well. This is both 冬至(The revival of the sun) and 藥物(神 spirit + 氣qi). 火侯(The fire in the body). 沐浴(Microcosmic Orbit), 結胎(cintamani). It means this too. It is an out-of-body, a hole, and a source of 神(spirit) and 氣(qi). The depths of non-existent things. You have to get this in your body, but don't get it anywhere else. 《丘祖秘傳大丹直指》: 「六論玄竅: 人以命門為玄,腎堂為牡,此處立基,謬之千里矣。不知玄牝乃天地之根, 在西南昆地,臍後腎前,而又非臍下一寸三分,亦 非兩腎間之空竅。此乃真竅,能得而 知。上通泥丸,下透湧泉。中接心腎,內虛而直。不可形求,不可意取。先天真種實藏於 此,通天地, 通神聖,得則生矣,失則死矣,“真人之息以踵”者此也。此天仙下手處, 舍此而下,酆九幽者也」。 The 命門(Qi Focus Flow Centers) are not front of the kidney and behind the belly button, 1.5cm below the belly button, or an empty 竅 between the kidneys. You have to know that this is a real 竅. The top is connected to the 泥丸(the crown[top] of the head) and the bottom is connected the 湧泉(the sole of one's foot). Then, where is Dantian? One cannot quite pin down the Dantian, but it exists. Then,How do I find Dantian? You can find where the heat originates. Take a good look at the picture below. You observe the spine on the opposite side of your belly button or slightly below the belly button. That way it is connected to the Dantian. 玄牝 is a term that comes from the Dao De Jing. Dao De Jing [第六章] 谷神不死,The valley spirit dies not, aye the same; 是謂玄牝。The female mystery thus do we name. 玄牝之門,Its gate, from which at first they issued forth, 是謂天地根。Is called the root from which grew heaven and earth. 綿綿若存,Long and unbroken does its power remain, 用之不勤 Used gently, and without the touch of pain.
  2. I will write a ancient novel Or a history of sundo(仙道) from now on. about 10,000 years ago There was a war with the Venoms. This is similar to the movie(Venom, 2018). It 's like a ghost. Anyhow, We was done over from the enemy. it's burning books on the Taoism(仙道) classics and burying Taoistic scholars alive. The greatest teachers(紫府仙人) sequestered himself from the world. Taoism is a branch of sundo(仙道). The simple movements of gigong is difficult to change. First, Your body should be as hot as a furnace. Second, check that The secrets(gi) of nature goes all the way across your body. Third, Be a human being, for starters, reap the enlightenment.