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Found 1 result

  1. Taoist Poetry Book

    Friends in Dao, I'm glad to say that I got 'These Daoist Bones' by Gu Shen Yu today. If you like poetry, especially about Dao, then you'll love this little book. I looked before I came here to write this, at, it's on sale there for $11.99, I believe. And I *think* that you can download the PDF file for $3.00. ​If you get it at (I can't buy from Amazon because this hacker pursuing me has multiple accounts in my name..........I'm the only person in the whole USA with my first and last name, although there are a few people in Britain with my first and last name is worthless in dealing with hackers!!) it's gonna cost you! Or it cost my friend, who I paid to get it for me. Like $22.99, plus $3.99 for shipping. It's only got a total of 158 pages. It's 4 and a half inches wide, and almost 7 inches tall, less then 1 inch in diameter thick. I used to work for a printing company for many years. This book probably cost maybe at most $2.00 to $3.00 to make. Don't let rip your ass off. Get it from while it's on sale, or better yet, download the PDF file. I don't know percentages enough to tell you what a up mark on money that if it costs $3.00 to make, what getting $23.00 (almost) to sell it is. But it's a LOT! We are in this TOGETHER. In this Daoist thing, I suppose that a Daoist can be a capitalist, but I'm not sure, just how that works. How DOES that work? lol Oh well, there goes my chance to ever publish a poem in that Daoist online e-zine..............but since I think that capitalism REALLY SUCKS, it's probably worth it! ;-) The poetry here IS very well done, I could joke and say that I like my poetry rare, but that might be way outta of line! No, it REALLY IS great poetry, you CAN feel Dao from it, it permeates the whole book in fact. Now, if we can work on, and get them to stop ripping people off, but since that's been the way of for many, many years, I doubt that things will change tonight, or anytime soon! Keep on Daoing, Differently Abled Daoist