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Found 1 result

  1. I suppose that you could say that it's come to my attention that MOST of the versions (and I maybe have at least 45 different translations now--and maybe quite a few more!) of the Tao te Ching/Dao de Jing, have a distinct Buddhist slant to them. I guess that I'm wondering if that's a good thing or not. Nothing against Buddhist's mind you, I've only known a couple of them, and they were very nice people, as people go. Well, I'd like to start a conversation about may have been covered in the past, but maybe we could cover it again, if that's so! I know SOME parts of Daoism and Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism are very similar, but I'm wondering if there are any translations of the TTC/DDJ that are free of Buddhist ideas, and Buddhist spirituality? I'd sure like to discuss this with lovers of the TTC/DDJ. So.........till then, Keep on Daoing! Differently Abled Daoist