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Found 84 results

  1. new to dao bums

    Hello . I am John. I train in multiple disciplines but my main one is Shing yi . I am in the Phoenix AZ valley.
  2. The Bonghan System

    In the early 1960's Bong Han Kim discovered a biological system that lined up exactly with the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body. Shortly afterwards Kim and much of his published research disappeared Prior to that, his research indicated, this system had energy carrying capacities, far beyond any other of the human circulatory systems. The next 50 years saw an active suppression of this research. But, the Bonghan system is now being resurrected as the "Primo Vascular System" by some pretty big names in biology, chemistry and cancer research. It seems that this new research is corroborating much of Bong Han Kim's earlier research. I am interested in how many Dao Bums know of this and what their understanding is of its' spiritual/meditative/health value?
  3. Start of A Journey

    Hi guys, Im new to this forum so dont know what to expect. A little backstory on me: have been searching for truths in life for a long time, have a nagging urge to delve into spiritual and philisophical circles like this. Have read about Christianity, Hinduism, several yoga practices, Taoism, and various practices within it. I feel that chi kung could give me the most immediate help in opening the doors to further searching. But I cannot sense my chi. I have only begun practicing, and I understand that it may take time and definitly will take practice. I am regularly practicing, but I have heard stories of people who have not felt their chi for several years. Some may say that it will come to each at their own time, but I believe that this is an excuse for unawarness of effective methods. So my request is for anyone to give me insight on how to fasttrack my awareness of chi, may it be through books, opinions, or experience. Thanks so much!
  4. Acupressure and acupuncture are two therapies based in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. They both believe that symptoms and diseases in the body are caused by an imbalance or blockage of energy flow in the body. These techniques aim to restore the flow of energy to improve health and well being. In Mantak Chia's book Awakening The Healing Energy Through The Tao he gives us a great insight on how to open or awaken are Chi through acupressure. I have been performing this mediation to help awaken the lower tan tien and may I say this is a great technique if you are having no luck opening the lower cauldron. Please read the book for full description. Here is brief description taken from his book: Use a Finger to help Concentrate When you concentrate on the navel focus one and a half inches below the skin. In the beginning, apply pressure on the point with your index finger for one to five minutes, then return your hands to your lap with the right palm over the left. Concentrate on the sensation created by your finger, pressing again when the point becomes indistinct. Once more, do not concentrate on breathing. Merely relax your eyes, tongue, and throat, and the mind will become still Once the mind is calm the power will accumulate. At first it is not easy to draw power to the energy center because your vital regenerative faculties have been abused for years. Your health cannot be restored overnight. The more you practice the stronger you will get, and you will be more able to endure heat produced by the higher voltage of chi. If you have been concentrating on the navel for a long time but do not feel any energy, change your focus to the Ming-Men, the point opposite the navel on the spine. This helps the energy to rise up to the head and descend down the front of the body to the feet. However, if you do not feel anything in the navel but have definite signs of improved health, you are on the right track. Remember, the experience of chi is different for everybody. Some people experience warmth or bubbling sensations, others feel as though their navel area is expanding, and some people can increase their chi circulation without creating vivid sensations. No matter what your experience is, try to be as sensitive and aware of your body as possible. Adventure into your body, it is a vast land laden with riches.
  5. New guy says hi!

    Hello, I was referred here by a redditor after making this post: I copied and pasted it below. I have high levels of energy which I meditate on and run through different circuits frequently. Some days I try to "burn" with my whole body at once all day long. I am familiar with rotating major and minor chakras on two axis of rotation, and the stimulating effects that has on the energy meridian pathways. I can feel where the meridians go and identify where acupressure and acupuncture points will stimulate. I can warm myself when cold and heal myself. During intense energy meditations, my point of awareness isn't at the third eye, it's wherever I'm focusing, and I can look around and see the energy fields of my body, the chakras, the meridians, the physical anatomy as well, and it's all dancing in all colors of the rainbow, and is accompanied by beautifully harmonious astral music. I don't believe I've had a full Kundalini experience, but when I do connect the tail of the snake through my root to the earth, or the "below", and run the head of the snake through my crown to the "above", it feels like going super saiyan, especially if I'm cycling with the whole universe, fully open, sending and receiving to infinity. Am I right in thinking that I should be putting more energy into the environment now? Feeling my surroundings and working energy with other people? So far I can put up a strong shield, I can "feel" people, whether they're close or far, and send them energy, having beginners identify the areas I send energy to and whether I'm sending energy or pulling energy. All information on energy work I've found thus far teaches how to do these things I've become familiar with, but on my own I've started to find things I haven't heard about before, like seeing the energy and hearing music. Does anyone know where I can progress from here? Any high-level books I could read? What else is possible?
  6. Hello, I was just reading about jing, qi and shen and there are a lot really, but for now i want to practice and try to cultivate the jing after reading its benefits. I was wondering if anyone knows some good videos on youtube or something that you recommend that teach how to cultivate it or maybe a website? or if it is possible to explain here, if you know any? and If you are advanced in such cultivation, can you tell me about your experience and how your journey was, and what impact did it have on your social, love and sexual life.. and other aspects of your life? Also, I do practice vipassana, is there a link between vipassana and cultivation the jing energy? Thank you.
  7. Hi there, I'm a follower of the Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin) system in Qi Gong. I'm self taught and have been doing this for almost 2 years. I earnestly try to calm my mind and sense the Chi running up my spine. Very occasionally it runs through my head and if I hold my tongue on my upper mouth I believe I can sense it running down back to the Dan Tien. The other line I've very definitely sensed is down my arm to my hand, especially if I'd done the "tapping" Qi Gong routine. So that's 2 of the 12 I have definitely sensed. How easy are the others to gain a "glimpse" of? Qi Gong gives me insights into my, or rather the human body, almost every day.
  8. Greetings and salutations.From IL.

    Hello My name i go by is Asharana but if you would like to know my formal name its actually Kenneth. Ive practiced Microcosmic orbit from the mantak chia awakening healing light series as well as learning about the 3 dan tiens. Ive only recently been able to connect the spiritual body (macro) to the Micro(physical) so i am looking on where to go now i noticed each time ive connected to the northstar general other wise known as the northern star i feel either a strong spinning sensation or a pull from what feels like a strong vacuum effect of it. getting back to the intro i wanted to learn not only advance healing techniques but also how to have a strong or more fluid connection to the "Wuji" or emptiness I am unsure why but this seems to be one of the things on my bucket list before i move unto my next life. i can say ive experienced the silence of meditation and felt awakenings of the spiritual nature that hit me more then once like a mach truck of the universal energy . I was first developing or cultivating the energy that i have now when i was about 20-23 years old by first being attuned to reiki. then i realize there are methods that are more simple then reiki within in the first year of finding that attunement i decided that i would learn to be a healer to assist in developing my energetic body which i did not know could grow or i should say raise to higher levels until i started reading about "light/rainbow/diamond bodies" that is when i realize i had all the time i need to start working on my self to become better with my abilities and uncover new ones over time. So i am happy and hoping that within these few years ahead i'll be lead further down my path into the understanding of what my other spiritual bodies are like or even if my soul it self it manly multi-existantial
  9. This thread was inspired by a post I made in The Pit. see below I'm looking for a polite thread on how the various arts interpret and practice yin and yan energies. I spent most of my time in Ki-Aikido which had a mostly singular definition of Ki. A useful one. Most Eastern arts seem to split chi into many types of energy. The biggies being yin and yan. How does your art work with yin and yan chi? As well as other forms. What develops yin chi, what yan? Do we need to separate them? What is the framework understanding in different systems. As well as practices if permitted. I'm hoping we'll get some of the sites more experienced people weighing in on this and the discussion stays open and respectful.
  10. I am a nearly 22 year old male and I have chosen at this time of life to be celibate and conserve jing while trying to restore lost chi from childhood. Since I don't have sex, masturbate or watch porn I am afraid my testosterone is low for a male although this may not be rational, I am not sure. But I at least want to train my mind to meditate on sexual desire and transmute it instead of pursuit of temporary pleasure into confidence and personal strength. The longest I have retained is 168 days and I'd like to go indefinitely from this point onward but it means I am going to have to find healthy outlet for fulfillment and accomplishment in life. That's the whole idea though lol. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  11. New To Testicles Breathing

    When practicing testicle breathing should you as well as practice celibacy to improve results? And how long does it take to have a successful session with testicle breathing. When you center your attention around your testicles should I feel like a cold icy feel down there when breathing? And is it the breath going from the testicles to the spine? Any Tips
  12. John Chang

    I am mostly interested in John Chang from Indonesia, I have watched his videos and my son has a similar gift where he can see energy and direct it and has done healing on me, friends and some animals. We would really like to be able to contact this man and possibly meet him someday. Personally I don't study this exactly, I am more into sound healing and Sanskrit mantras, interested in Buddhism and Hinduism. I do believe in this form of healing it is just my sons thing.
  13. 99.99% of the time the best translation of प्राणायाम is "don't waste your breath..." There are (of course) other possibilities...
  14. Master Jiang book

    I'm in China and have visited Master Jiang with Aurelian and a group of 10 more people. The visit was a great experience. People who needed healing were all healed and the chi kung practice was taught to us. Maybe later I will have a post about my experience, how it was, what happened, but now I just want to make an announcement about Aurelian's "Adventures in Qi Healing with Master Jiang" book. Everyone who orders his book between now and our landing in Romania will get two books for the price of one. We are flying tomorrow back to Europe and probably this deal will end on Monday morning. As usual people who want to visit Master Jiang with Aurelian are welcomed to register on his site -
  15. Okay, I have been reading about ways of opening the microcosmic orbit and one way is the cool draw technique known as testicle breathing. Another I have read is about imagining a small white pearl at the lower dantian and then orbiting the pearl around the back and front channel with intention to feel at the same time as visualization. Do you guys think the deer exercise can help open this orbit? And, can you guys tell me what techniques you use to open the microcosmic orbit?
  16. Okay, I need some help here and I would appreciate your guys feedback on this topic. It seems to me every time I try to mediate on the lower dantian below my navel I lose concentration because I feel energy running through my back? I was wondering is this do to my back injury in my upper back because I sometimes feel this energy just by standing still and concentrating. It feels like thousand little electrified ants running in my back is this my chi or is this normal for people with back pain? I usually feel this energy get stronger when I mediate, so is my back trying to heal itself or is this loose chi from my back injury or could this be my spinal fluid? Any ideas?
  17. Moving the body with chi

    Hi all, I wrote briefly in the welcome section that my background in martial arts for the most part has not been focused on the internal aspects. A few years ago I became interested in manipulating/conserving sexual energy, which is what led to me attempting to learn about the microscosmic orbit etc. After a few years of practice, not really following any particular method as I felt the most progress when just experimenting with my own methods, I have come to the point now where I have what I believe to be a good awareness of 'energies' within the body and can feel sexual energy (orgasmic feeling) in any part of my body that I wish to feel it. So far I cannot feel any obvious physical benefits apart from perhaps increased energy, although one interesting thing that I have been experimenting with over the last year I can only describe as using this energy to move the body, its very difficult to describe... but I'll try... because I'm sure many of you can do this...Rather than 'physically' trying to move my arm for example I can just picture the arm moving and it does... only for simple movements, such as extending the arm straight forward. As I said its difficult to describe, but really I'm just searching for others who practice this, I suppose I'm looking for what steps to take next. As I said I don't follow any particular teaching I just experiment on my own.. Any comments/ advice on where to go with this is welcome and appreciated.
  18. Form and Chi Movement

    1. My first question is whether one's form/position matters when meditating? eg. sitting, standing, walking, lotus position. And if so, how does it affect your body when meditating or doing qigong? 2. How does one smile at one's organs,"breathe" directly into one's organs to fill them with chi? Is one in a state of meditation when doing this? How does one know if said organ in filled with chi? How does one breathe into specific parts of their body? Edit: 3. What breathing mechanisms would you recommend for building up chi or just energy work in general. eg reverse breathing,
  19. New Guy on the Way

    Dear all, I am 48 yrs young and after experimenting with a lot of different esoteric/magickal systems I came to the clear conclusion that the Tao is the way for me, too. I am working myself through the "Universal Healing Tao" system and I am doing the "Six Healing Sounds", "Inner Smile"and the "Microcosmic Oribt" once to twice every day. These meditations are very uplifting to me like no other I ever tried. Now I am working on semen retention (day 7 now), which I am really interested in and the cultivation/transmutation of sexual energy. I am fascinated about how others start to percieve me in a more positive way, when I abstain from ejaculation fror week. I want to learn more about why it is so and about how use this energy to change my personality into "higher frequencies". I came here to this forum because of a fascinating answer the member Seth Ananda gave here: This is exactly what I want to work myself in to! Does anybody have a book recommendation for me? I would appreciate that very much! My further interests are shamanism & tantra and everything that has to do with the subconscious, the "matrix of matter", chi/orgone/od/vril/animal magnetism, reiki and healing but since I don't want to dissipate, I focus solely on the Tao,since the Tao is quite demanding :-) Thank you. Edit: Why I left Satanism. I felt very attracted to Satanism and it seemed to be ok, since I held the belief, that there is no "good" and no "bad". The world seemed to be "symmetrical" and it seemed to be irrelevant which "path" one takes. Today I think different. I am convinced, that there is a life after this life here on earth and that your inner core (soul) will reside somwhere in the astral plane. I am also convinced that here are beatiful places in the astral and really bad places with nasty entities, where nobody (even the most dedicated Satanist) wants to go. Every soul loves the good side. In hardcore Satanists their "flesh" may dominate, but as soon as the flesh is dead, the soul is naked and strives and cries for peace and beauty (see near death experiences). This is what I believe today and this breaks the symmetry! There IS a good side and a evil side and the two paths (left hand and right hand) don't lead to the same goal! Satanism lowers your frequency (whatever this is...) and leads you to lower astral realms - bad, bad, bad. Increasing your frequency reconnects you with God. Things in your life start to fall into place and time seems not to work against you any longer (my experience). I am convinced, that here are only two external powers influencing us: The "dark side", which is Satanism, which is STURNism (Important: Google "Black Cube Conspiracy"). Since Planetary Magick is part of this Kabbala/hexagram system, I consider this as belonging to the dark side, too. The "white side", all influences coming through the Matrix, like belief, Christ (I am Christian), inspiration, trust, love, high vibration (...) and last, but not least, Chi! Luke Skywalker: "Is the dark side stronger?" Yoda: "No, faster!" Saturn/Satan, the dark side, is easier to access and provides everything you want to still your lust. Especially when you are young, Saturns offers can be very seductive! I take some quotes of "Star Wars" very seriously, 'cause Gerorge Lucas seemed to know exactly what he is talking about. Did you know that his invention, the "Death Star", looks exactly like the Saturn (!) moon Mimas? Coincidence? I think not. I hope this helps to understand my postings. I can't go deeper into all this now.
  20. I was about to post this in another thread that is already well under way but thought it probably warrants a thread of it's own. So I'm curious. What are people's thoughts on "chi/energy necklaces/pendants/bracelets". I see these marketed as "scientifically proven to show they enhance energy levels, keeping you going for longer" I have a view on this, but just wondering what others think.
  21. By definition, is what I am asking, not to be muddled with how it enhances your life...
  22. Hello from Oz_Chiguy

    Hi All As you have probably gathered from my screen name, I am a chi practitioner who lives in Australia (currently an advanced practitioner). I got interested in chi through my studies in paranormal phenomena, and a curiosity of the unknown. I have a very scientific approach to all of my studies, and had I not had scientific validation, and now experience in chi, I probably would have put the idea of chi in the same basket as the tooth fairy. I have wonderful Sifu's who have guided me well and their ability has not only been verified scientifically, but is evident through every interaction with them. They can change you from a bad to a good mood quicker than you can remember why you were in the bad mood in the first place. Although I am more than happy to discuss what I have learnt (and experienced), and what they have taught me about myself, I am not happy to talk about who my teachers are. I feel no need to prove anything to anyone. You can either listen to me, or ignore me, but I assure you it takes one to listen for one to learn. I look forward to discussing in a community of like minded people. Many thanks Oz_Chiguy
  23. The idea of me thinking about this topic is not original. In my opinion a truly new original idea these days is very rare as I believe that most ideas that we think of today have been thought of in the past by someone else. These ideas must have an original source... For example: The chi/fire/electricity throwing characters from Mortal Kombat, Raiden, Sub Zero, Scorpion etc or Goku from Dragonball Z or Pyro I think his name was from X-Men... The idea of a chi/fire/electricity throwing individual in my opinion cant just be made up. There must be some truth behind the original idea. It must come from an original source. Any constuctive thoughts on the above....?