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Found 71 results

  1. I was about to post this in another thread that is already well under way but thought it probably warrants a thread of it's own. So I'm curious. What are people's thoughts on "chi/energy necklaces/pendants/bracelets". I see these marketed as "scientifically proven to show they enhance energy levels, keeping you going for longer" I have a view on this, but just wondering what others think.
  2. By definition, is what I am asking, not to be muddled with how it enhances your life...
  3. Hi all, Just wondered if anyone could send over recommendations for brief zhan zhuang routines. I've got some time freed up at lunchtime and would like ideas for a c.20minute ZZ session. Goals would be to complement my existing nei gong/meditation/qi gong practices i.e. gathering, feeling, directing qi, LDT work etc. I don't have any experience with ZZ, but imagine it's simple to learn and practice but challenging to perfect. If anyone has any suggestions for forms that would fit into this slot (With brief warm up/down if possible) I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks
  4. I am curious what people's views are on the concepts of 'yin qi' and 'yang qi', and what the sources are for your views on such things. For example, do you think that there are two distinct forms of qi, one of which is pure yin and one of which is pure yang, or do you think that such expressions are really just indicating the relative characteristics or qualities of certain forms of qi, such as Earth qi is more yin as compared to Heaven qi, and Heaven qi is more yang as compared to Earth qi, etc., or do you think the concept of there being such things as 'yin qi' and 'yang qi' is just plain wrong? Also, I would be interested in hearing what people are basing their views on. Is this something you have been taught from a certain tradition or teacher, or how did you come to your view? I have never been a big question asker when I have interacted with teachers, so I have never asked any of my teachers over the years specifically about this.
  5. Qigong systems

    Can someone list all the qi-gong systems in order of strength, or the known ones anyway and since there are 3 broad energies called qi, shen, and jing; does this mean that there are systems like shen-gong and jing-gong or along those lines. If so, could you name a few and the differences of the systems.
  6. Mindful Martial Arts

    With his forty five years of experience, Shifu Hayashi (Christopher Goedecke) explains the spiritual nature and the transformative process of the Martial Ways in the Mindfulness Tradition of the ancient lineage masters in this 3 part interview. I know everybody on the Way will find wonderful relevance in this interview. -Tom
  7. Mindful Martial Arts

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I live in NJ. I am apprentice to a Buddhist monk in martial lineage. We have been working on an interview about spiritual martial arts, internal energy, and living a mindful life. Here it is. I know everyone here will love it. Please tell me what you think. -Tom
  8. Such as? Especially as Tsung Hwa Jou's promised fourth book on the southern school is never coming out. I'm not interested in Dual Cultivation, just in not hurting myself through sex. Thank you.
  9. For those who like Kung Fu films. I purchased this movie (Dragon Tiger Gate) and thoroughly enjoyed the special effects. You can watch bits of it that other's have put on youtube. Here is an excerpt...maybe some truth to it ? (girl wants to save dying friend) Girl: Master! Girl: Master!Master! Girl: Please save my friend! Master: His wounds are too deep for me. Master: Go to Mt Baiyun. Master: Only Qi can help him. Girl: Where can i find Qi? Master: Inside the pagoda. Girl: I will find him once i get up there? Master: No one has ever entered the pagoda! Master: Stay put! (girl takes dying friend to pogoda temple to try and save him) Qi: Pick up the prayer beads. Qi: Pick up all the prayer beads. Girl: Master Qi! Girl: Here are all the prayer beads. Girl: Please save my friends. Qi: There is still one bead below the pagoda. Qi: You have gone an arduous way. Qi: Your friends must mean a lot to you. (one last bead falls off the pogoda) Qi: If you can jump down the pagoda... Qi: To pick up the bead... Qi: Then I will save them Girl: I hope you'll keep your promise. (she jumps off the 10th storey of the pogoda) (she wakes up at he bottom) Girl: Did I ever go up there? Qi: Everything is an illusion in the mundane world. Qi: Only your conviction is real. Qi: The moment your decided to sacrifice yourself... Qi: The prayer bead was already in your hand. Qi: Dont't worry, l will save your friends. Blessings of Insight !!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
  10. I'm experiencing pain and stiffness at the moment when I sit in meditation. I'm wondering whether sitting upright with no support just causes tension? Either way, it's very distracting and not too pleasant. When I then consciously slouch I feel better...but then it's like I'm doing more stretching exercises rather than meditating. Simple breath meditation just seems to be harder for me these days than say 6 months to a year ago. Perhaps my back is just shaped differently. Long car journeys in an erect seat also hurts a lot after a couple of hours. Does anybody have any clue as to what this could be? The doctor once said that it's just because I'm used to slouching and that I need to train my back muscles up by doing yoga exercises but since then, I've been more mindful of posture yet still it seems to be a problem.
  11. Hello all, I posted a few months ago in regard to Zazen practice and slightly open eyes that somewhat cross. I thank all that participated as now I feel that I have benefited greatly from the experience I have recently been practicing a chi/soul finding exercise that I found on Youtube from the Wudang guys. I was happy to see that the Zazen practice prepared me well for I am to use visualisation...something that I find difficult if my eyes are slightly open and I can see that I am still in my front room! But this isn't my problem...I know I will overcome this with practice. The real issue arose last week. I am prone to anxiety and almost bi-polar type behaviour but I have had this fairly under control in the last year or so. But recently, panic attacks have been regular, and I often find myself waking in the night. I have had some family issues in the past and they have resurfaced recently so I'm certain this has rocked the boat along with some added financial stress as of late. But last week I found myself in a very bad way. I spent a week with one of my old school friends. He stayed with me for a couple of days then I stayed at his for a few days in preparation for a big barbeque party. All started fine but as the days went by, I noticed that each chi meditation I did in the morning became more and more disrupted to the point where on Monday, the day I was set to travel home, I sat there freaking out for the whole 30 minutes! I was agitated, my lower back felt stiff, and there were negative voices everywhere. I felt too week to watch and control my breath and I just couldn't focus at all...I was just submitting to all the horrible words and scenarios that were in my head. Ok, so the week leading up to this did include a lot of weed, tobacco, energy drinks and alcohol. Sleep deprivation and some junk food (I tried my best to be good here! For the best part my diet was ok) ... so I guess I really do know the culprits (along with my family situation for me to nicely dwell on) BUT at the same time, what can I do? My old friend knows me too well...and I feel I would be alienating myself if I didn't keep up with the partying. A different (and wise) friend of mine told me that tobacco, alcohol and energy drinks would mess with my chi (not weed though, he likes the odd smoke) but I never really thought about it until this happened. All I know is that after last week, it has made me pissed at myself. I have been really moody since and I've upset my girlfriend only because I couldn't find a way to smile or be happy. I've literally been wallowing in some state depression for a week now and gradually I'm getting out but shit - I feel like I've destroyed myself just by hanging out with old school mates for a week and being "me". Sorry for the long post, I just need some advice on where I should go from here. I have a gut instinct, but I would like to see what y'all say first... Many thanks in advance for those that have read this and want to reply.
  12. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    Hello. I am really interested in taoist thought, practice, and ways of living. I consider myself a student and seeker of truth, which means while I understand philosophies and their place I realize the most important part of anything is how it affects short I like practicality and to prove and experience things for myself. I've read and researched many "spiritual" philosophies and practices and would like to be able to eventually experience them all for what they can offer. I am most interested in chi right now, and to understand if what I have been feeling is the same thing as some of you...please reply if you think you can help me. Lately I have been noticing vibrating tingling like sensations mostly in my fingertips and through my hands, sometimes in other parts of my body. Incidentally as a result of focusing on these vibrations inwardly in a way they I have noticed to that wrinkles and lines have begun to form and appear on my hands that were not there before. I am worried that I am doing something harmful to myself, which sucks, because I wanted to understand chi and its healing benefits. Am I actually feeling chi? Or just nerves? Is there a difference? It's almost as if I think I am accelerating the aging of my body, and I thought meditation and feeling chi would lead me to reduce the aging of it...? Have I stumbled on the "dark side" of the force? I have never had a meditation teacher, and I have only read books on these subjects, which is why I am posting this here now. I wish there was someone in Ohio, which is where I live, who is actually able to personally help me. Please respond if any of the things I have said interest you, or if you think you may be able to help me understand some of these things. Thank you.
  13. Metaphorical Qi

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I couldn't find a thread about it (maybe I just missed it). Anyway, In my studying, what little bit I've learned of qi/chi/prana/etc. is that it is the life force that runs throughout the universe (or something similar), kind of like the gas for the cosmos. It can be used and abused in multiple ways. Traditional Chinese Medicine (and I suppose Ayurveda too) focus on cleaning/clearing the Qi pathways to prevent/cure sickness. However, I've found little positive evidence backing up TCM. In that light, here's the question: Is Qi a real thing in the sense that it is wholely contained in itself and perhaps misunderstood, or is it more of a metaphor for the multiple body systems working together to make the results of Qi? Is it something else entirely? At this point, I am more inclined to think of it as a useful metaphor, like the concept of an electron or gravity, but I'm interested in what other, more experienced Taoists/others have to say.
  14. Hello everyone! My question is - what concepts does one need to accept to call himself a Daoist? My answer would be simply - "The Dao produced One, One produced Two, Two produced Three, Three produced ten thousand things." My understanding is that that metaphor denotes periods of creation in the Universe. Dao = Primordial being One = Existence Two = Yin, Yang Three = Yin, Yang and Qi, however, this is disputed Ten thousand things = Everything that is Am I right or wrong? So accepting those basic concepts: Dao, Yin-Yang, Qi and perhaps the Three Virtues (compassion, humility, moderation), one can call himself a Daoist. There is also the difference between philosophical and religious Daoism, which sounds like a Western misconception. I believe every Daoist is partially both religious/spiritual and philosophical. I sincerely doubt that Daoists agree with everything Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi or Lie Yukou said. What are your thoughts? How would you define the basic concepts of Daoism and how would you define a Daoist? Thanks in advance!
  15. As a cultivator, it is very important to learn about the gradations of internal cultivation. Generally, we use the following level classification: I. Refine Jing (vital essence) into Qi: this stage contains inside and outside Qi moving, small ZhouTian opening and Entryway opening three steps. II. Refine Qi into Shen(spirit): this stage contains internal and external opportunities appear, big ZhouTian moving and the Entryway losing form three steps. III. Refine Shen return emptiness: this stage contains primordial Shen appear, Shen baby in vitro and millions of incarnations three steps. IV. Refine emptiness fit Tao
  16. There is a soliloquy underway at present, that is trying to find all the biomechanical and newtonian explanations and interpretations of Qi and Jin. These are wrong, imho. Qi is real -- those who work with it know it. It is energy. What is energy then, you may wonder. Physics defines energy as the ability of a system to do work. Or in other words, the rate of change of energy measured is work. So, energy, really is measured by the magnitude of work done. Eg: Energy is measured in degree of heat, speed of wind, speed at which some object moves etc. If Qi is energy, the Jin (or Jing depending on which school we adhere to) is Power, where power can be defined as the rate at which energy is converted into "Work". To give an example, if the work done by a particular form of energy is generating heat, the rate at which it generates heat is the power of that particular form of energy. In my opinion and experience, Qi has a wave like nature, but it can behave in a particulate manner (like Electro-magnetic energy). Depending on the nature of observation (in this case, experience), it can be wave-like and particulate. In different cases, it may feel like a wave and in others it feels like a "stream of particles -- like electricity is a "stream of electrons". Jin is the Power associated with Qi and it's effect can be measured (in work done). Unlike the normal manifestations of energy (such as light, heat, etc), Qi has two aspects -- The Substantial and insubstantial. In other words, Qi has an expanding aspect as well as a contracting aspect. So, Qi is both like say sunlight as well as gravity. Sunlight is expansive, gravity is contracting (condensing, etc). The interplay of the expansive and condensing is what produces life (ie if there is too much expansion, the energy will dissipate. If there is too much condensation, energy will become a point and collapse into itself. Also, Qi can be guided by the mind. Like a self-boot-strapping system, the Qi starts the mind and then mind controls the Qi (known or unknown to the mind). But that which the mind operates on (the medium and the source) are both Qi (so Consciousness is also Qi or Qi is also Consciousness). Qi in different amplitudes and wavelengths is identifiable as various phenomena we encounter in living beings. By using the mind intent, the vibrational frequency of Qi can be altered. When Qi is made to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies, it is known as Shen. At lower frequencies it is known as Jing (essence), When Qi is stored in the bone-marrows (empty space in the skeletal structure), at various frequencies of vibration, it is known as Jin. This Jin can then be projected unto the environment around us to produce work (Fa Jin). How's that for a start?
  17. This paper was originally written for our students. We thought it might benefit the Taijiquan, Qigong, Kung Fu and Nei Dan community so we are sharing it as a free PDF download. The Science of Qi Healing A Survey of the Research and Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong Practices by Ted Nawalinski, Sc.D. Available as a PDF, free download
  18. Here is a page with video teachings by Michael Tse covering a wide range of topics including Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, and Taoism Tse Qigong Centre videos-
  19. Wu Dang Temple Monks

    National Geographic documentary "Wu Dang Temple Monks"-
  20. A part of a BBC investigative series about religion. Here the religious and spiritual systems of China are examined including the principles and practice of Taoism- [media][/media ] [media][/media ]