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Everything posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. Controlling sexual desire

    Hahha. If you really want to control inner desire, live with an old person of the opposite sex for a while. They will zap your energy and sex drive for sure. Then stop living with said person and you will notice the difference and then hopefully control your desire. Most of the time it is mere excitement that causes a neophyte to go wild with sexual energy. Hence the current porn pandemic and chronic masturbation. Anyone who is learning TCM or is knowledgeable about cultivation can make some decent money helping those who are not 'learned' concerning the importance of respecting themselves and their body, sad to say. Cultivating emptiness can allow one to go long periods of time without ejacutlating. With enough empitness, one can be around the opposite sex when they are naked and not feel compelled to expend their energy. But there will always be some amount of energy transfer around the opposite sex due to polarization. Mostly Shen it seems in my expierence, if one is not having sex. Fun stuff to learn.
  2. The Tao of Dying

    Hahaha. Almost forgot to post this. Woke up from a dream the other morning. I was in a hostage situation with a bunch of people. In my hand I held a chunk of bread. Before I woke up, I had heard a voice say "Were making a life for a chance to live, not a chance to die..." I then dropped the bread on the ground for the hostager and woke up as I began to walk away. The bread symbolized life, possibly Christ. Beats me. But I found it rather ironic concerning this ongoing thread. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, will know. Good Day!
  3. The Tao of Dying

    Yes, oh great Sree the God. Quite the world you live in it seems. If the body is not real, than surely I can kill thee without any pain nor shame... I was merely hinting at personal experiences as well other experiences that I have read about concerning others and there experiences. If the body does not exist, neither does this realm or earth, it must all be a figment of one's imagination. Therefore you no longer exist. Are you seeking answers from within because you don't trust others or are you TRULY wanting to know the truth for yourself... If the second choice is the case, feel free to ignore me on this forums as you are rather argumentative and conversing with me will only keep you from truly realizing the truth within your self. Good day.
  4. An Altar for Sree

    I usually get confirmation from other people and beings in the dream state, but it doesn't mean I always agree with said path or what I am aiming for. There is no path, but the path itself. There is no confirmation, besides the one you realize for yourself and are willing to acknowledge.
  5. Can Kundalini "burn up" entities?

    Yea, once you awaken and become more aware of your subconscious mind dreams tend to get very interesting. I stopped masturbating a bout year ago, funny story, and actually had a dream of a demon who was trying to tell me to start masturbating again through my old philosophy teacher and then I saw it's face with red eyes and a grin like the joker... Strangest dream ever. lolz. Energy vampires.
  6. An Altar for Sree

    Interesting synchronicity today.
  7. An Altar for Sree

    I use to have a pokemon altar... Those pokemon taught me a lot.. I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was...
  8. An Altar for Sree

    Indeed. I guess I should extrapolate on the point i was trying to make. It is not the altar or customs that make one spiritual. It is the Spirit that made the altar or customs. Just how Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Voodoo's, and dare I even say Satanist who have their own altars... Now if one is willing to get into a discussion concerning the relevance of how altars are symbolic and can be anchors for and in one's subconscious mind, this I am willing to invest time in. Reason being, I remember going out of body once and found myself some where near the Vatican and went underground to this basement that had a cross of some kind with a bunch of jewelery. No idea what that dream was about or why I was there. The only thing that came to mind was this item held a energetic relevance some how. lolz. Sort of like Zelda.
  9. An Altar for Sree

    Might I say the best altar for any human!
  10. An Altar for Sree

    Altars are f*cking pointless, in my opinion. Sure they can allow one to tune back into a certain state of mind or synergy, so to speak. But they mean nothing and they only idolize the BS that one can concoct in their brain. You, yes you, are the God numb nuts, the rest is futile. What you do with your time and your day is simply that... Reading spiritual philosophy and thinking about this stuff can be fun, but without a sense of self, said person truly being God, you won't realize anything that will move your mind or enlighten your self. You will constantly end up at odds with yourself. If you want an atlar, a temple, etc, look in the mirror. No one can have, change, or desecrate that altar. It is simply yours to do what you may with it. The Three Pure Ones... The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Hahaha. Look at that parallel. Have a good day.
  11. The Tao of Dying

    So you think your Jesus..... Me too buddy. Me too. ^_^ ^_^ For the last time, if you want to die... LEAVE YOUR BODY and see what you are left with and make sure you learn how to ground yourself before you do. Your intellectualizing something that only experience can answer and give insight. I don't keep referring to this because I am trying to convince of my perspective while you sit here and try to formulate a whole new doctrine of thinking called the Tao of Dying. It is quite simple and it is BEYOND the mind.... Good luck 'genius'. Also there are Buddhist who practice the art of dying as well without leaving the body. I have never looked into this nor do I care. But as far as I am concerned, I am dying every single moment of my waking life as my body generates new cells and the old one's die off etc. The only thing that stays the same is my state of consciousness, this is what seems to go beyond the grave and has allowed many to come back and share what they experienced in the 'after-life' which truly means nothing, because said person never truly died, they changed state and experienced something beyond the mind. Beyond this space and time. Thank you for wasting my time.
  12. Recycling Anger.

    Anger is a gift, if said anger is just. The surge in energy and force can be useful in that moment. If one is constantly having rage fits, one has merely found a method to get whatever it is that they want. It is easy for a fool to be violent. Rage to me is a double edge sword. You can burn a lot of energy and not fix a problem or convince any one of anything. Still stuck in the same place, depleted, and possibly embarrassed. What i have found about myself is, i tend to have anger spurts when i am around individuals who lack interest in the intellect or knowing one's self, so to speak. I hate calling people stupid, as it automatically makes me seem superior. but some people are and i honestly dont know what to say to some folks. Why i get angry, i dont have the slightest clue. So i practice silence instead.
  13. The Pearl

    Hrmmm. I am assuming more so as a full OBE. Where one physically leaves the body. What is strange about this state is that it is truly freeing and many abilities open up it seems. One can easily manifest their fears as well in this state, as well as their dreams/heaven. You also better be good at grounding if you do this before death, getting back into the body can be frightening if you dont know what your doing.
  14. The Tao of Dying

    No. Because you still care about it as if you could conquer or defeat it. Have an OBE then lets talk about 'death'. It is truly in your mind. Death doesnt mean anything, it has no meaning. It is the individual that gives it meaning. Afraid of the unknown. Have you ever seen ghost or demons, do you think they know death?
  15. The Tao of Dying

    Hrmmm. What is worse, the nukes themselves or the geniuses and intelligences and ego that created them? One can be brilliant, but have there heart in a dreadful place. There is no place to hide, every advancement is a double edge sword for those with conviction and heavy hearts.
  16. Forsake knowledge

    What he ^^^ said.
  17. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    What he said... Just don't abuse it. People who are chronic masturbators develop a dependency to constantly release serotonin in the brain. I have been trying to reach 100 days or retention to see if I can without nocturnal emissions and I have been noticing that my body feels physiologically stronger as well as tenser. Looking to rejuvenate a bit. Last year was rough.
  18. Another OBE...

    Had another random OBE last night. I remember hearing music by Eminem the rapper apparently and being able to predict what the lyrics he would sing next.. I was floating above my body in this state and I seemed to have full telepathic abilities as well as clairaudience of some kind. I remember feeling free and then had heard a relative say "hey what are you doing" and I flipped and went back into my body and woke up... How do people become detached from their bodies? I went to sleep last night not wanting to do this at all. It would have been fun to levitate and fly around though. Does any one else experience this phenomenon?
  19. Spiritual Eye (Blue Pearl) in Taoist literature

    Hrmmm. This morning I had a good meditation session where I noticed a lot of violet/purple energy. At one point I could open my eyes and sort of stare off blankly into space and still see the waves of energy. When I closed my minds eye I could see a deep rich orb of violet in my minds eye. Twas fun.
  20. Another OBE...

    Seems so... But why does that push me out of my body?
  21. The Tao of Dying

    Interesting analysis. That is because China is doing some thing different. They are not invading other countries, but rather going to other countries and helping them build their infrastructure in exchange for resources, unlike the US. Also China has a lot of room for growth in my opinion, so yes there will be millionaires in the coming years there. But Chinese students are still coming to Amurrrica to go to school strangely enough. It is when the 'growth' train stops in China... Like it has here in America, that is when the guns come out and the gluttons begin to see who they can take advantage of to keep their inherit 'posterity'.
  22. Recycling Anger.

    Hrmmm. Do you know where this is stemming from? More importantly is your anger JUST. What I mean by that is, were you traumatized to a certain extent that something is still living on within you? This is usually how other dysfunctional people INFECT other people to get what they want. I have experienced it myself, it is a common trait amongst individuals who are weak and conniving or who also traumatized themselves or have been highly betrayed some how. If one is good at projecting energy or reading other people, you could possibly help them, if not, don't waste your time. Send whatever it is back to this person slowly, so they themselves can learn to help themselves and hopefully one day become enlightened to their very own thoughts that are creating darkness for THEM and OTHERS. If you keep holding it in, it is only going to drive you even more mad. It has nothing to do with your energy type or who you are. I had fire energy even when I was a happy go lucky teen. I was in great shape and worked out every day. It was not until I became entangled in the issues of others did my energy become a problem around others. Many people develop vampiric agendas and traits. Some do it unknowingly, but are usually able to bounce back into equilibrium with the help of some one rather quickly, which is what healers usually do. Then there are those who knowingly leach off of others and do not care about anothers well being at all. These people are beyond scarred and traumatized, they are in a hell that is all their own and do not care. They feel as if life itself has betrayed them and their whole goal is to make every one else miserable all well seeming nice and innocent. They become so entrapped in such a complex it becomes normal for them to perceive life in such a manor. For these kind of people, you kick their ass some how and discipline them before they hurt others with their negligence, but you also better be ready to help this person if they decide to open up about their problems as well. Now, in my opinion, whatever it is that is bothering you, express it in a healthy manor. If some one else did this to you, talk about it with that person and make it very well known that you want to kick their ass for making you so irritate. If this is your own indignation, you surely need a creative outlet that is going to help build self-esteem and self-worth. Don't bother with living a virtuess life until you have a sense of dignity and self-esteem, trust me, I have tried. The people who pissed you off in the first place are not going to care for virtue at all. They are the one's with the problem. To me your 'issue' seems more emotional than it is energetic. Your going to have to work with the heart 'chakra' or whatever the new agers are calling it these days to find some kind of bliss and joy. If your surrounded by miserable people, you probably won't be able to do this mind you. If some one has a heart issue around you, that WILL take precedence over your cultivation until they are healed or dead. For some reason the heart works that way which is why I prefer the mind.
  23. The Tao of Dying

    Hrmm. You need a mirror.
  24. Spiritual Eye (Blue Pearl) in Taoist literature

    Exactly how I see it. So what does that mean? Imperfectly? What did I miss? So I see violet all the time when I am meditating or even when I sleep and the it is interesting to say the least. The energy it self seems to collapse into itself, sort of like a black hole, but it is continuous waves of violet in my minds eye... I wish your teacher would had said more than climb into to it. How? Why? What does it mean?
  25. Pyramids

    Thanks for sharing this. When I close my eyes I tend to see violet. What are some meditations to activate the thymus? I rarely care for matters of the heart as I am more cerebral and usually tend to be in my head all day to be honest.