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Everything posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. Yea. That would be fun to learn, time travel. The left side of my hip has been twitching out all day today.
  2. Hahaha. That is weird. Sometimes I feel energy GO UP to my heart. Hrmmm. I practice the deer all the time. It's fun. I honestly only have orgasmic sensations when I feel my energy has circulated enough around my aura. Some times I get orgasms from taking the sacrament at church. That is fun as well.
  3. Mormonism and Satanism

    This seems like old testament magick to be honest. Sacrifices, pacts, and contracts. A quick way to conjure energy.
  4. Sufi of Afghanistan

  5. Mormonism and Satanism

    Dude, Solomon's Key is definitely sealed with SOMETHING. I was reading it last night on my phone and before I turned my phone off I saw a six pointed star on the screen. Fell asleep of course, saw a slew of beings of all kinds. Some creepy one's as well. Had some weird dreams as well. I find my self driving in a dirty brown river with my some relatives. We were using our car as a boat in the river and we came to this dead end. Strangely my brother blamed 'white people' for closing off the river, so he kicked the boards down and then this opening opened up and there were boats on the other side and we all got arrested? Then in another dream this African man looking preist had given me a goat that turned into a white lamb. Told me to get baptized with it apparently. I also saw some kind of temple, a miniature model. It kind of looked Egyptian. I was checking that out for a while. There was also a time in the dream where I was looking at something hat looked like the inside of watch. I want to say I was looking at some kind of subtle device, but it kept changing and made no sense really. Looked cool though.
  6. Kundalini

    I consciously focused and meditated on yang today, my masculine side, the darkness within the Light. Things got interesting right away. The Light in my minds eye became more lucid and transparent. I began to see blue as well as green in my minds eye. I also felt a greater sense of energy around my entire head and body. It seems to help distribute the energy in my body, go figure. I plan on switching off between yin and yang the next couple of weeks and see how it goes. I fell asleep the other day and heard a females voice tell me that I had been feminized. I'm assuming it was the Goddess. To much yin. If I want to work out and sculpt my physical body I needed to focus on yang, since I am a male. Go figure. Still havn't done organ cleansing though. Going to give that a try as well.
  7. Kundalini

    Hrmmm. This reminds me of some one else's experience that I once read about. There was a woman who was at a doctor's office with her husband. This woman was a shaman apparently, who had already had some experience concerning 'spirituality'. Long story short, she ended up passing out at the doctor's office and found herself in a realm of utter nothingness. COMPLETE AND UTTER NOTHINGNESS. The only thing she could remember was her mantra that brought her back to this reality, she couldn't remember ANYTHING in this realm, even though she was conscious there. It scared the crap out of her and changed her beliefs about what is truly true to say the least. She felt she wasn't in control of anything and there was nothing to be 'had'. She was so conditioned by this world and the need for desires. She said she had talked to the Goddess while in that state and she had helped her come back. I could only imagine what that would be like. I guess one could prepare themselves some how to anticipate it all, but it seems the Goddess was seeking to show this woman a lesson as her spirituality seemed mostly about 'materialism' and seeking to be a Goddess. Hence, more ego. It is my opinion that no one should take a spiritual path TOO seriously, it is fun to study and understand spiritual systems and why they are relevant but if it causes more good than bad, throw it out. It is about the Spirit of the matter, not the Law. When the Law begins to hold precedence over the Spirit, the Law no longer serves it purpose for Man, but can simply be used to judge the unrighteous. Because with Spirit, anything is possible. Also when man begins to use Law to justify his actions, he has deceived himself from the Spirit of the matter and is then bound to be a hypocrite. Such as when men go to war to kill in the name of God, but then come back and are expected to be Law abiding citizens. This sort of philosophy is all over the bible. Specifically Timothy. Fun stuff.
  8. Topic derail; Free Taoist thunder magic information

    Hahahaa. The God's are real. Just last week I met the Lord of Hosts. It concerned a ritual in a dream in a old catholic cathedral. I almost crapped myself when I woke up that morning. A lot of respect for that Higher Being and I haven't been to a Catholic church in years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_of_God
  9. Kundalini

    Going to have check those herbs out. Also if you notice the IDA and the PINGLA, fluctuate back and forth. Yin then Yang. Male side.. Female side. Very interesting to think about. I need to cultivate more yang, my body needs it. Not more yin. Any one have a good source to read up on the toaist elements?
  10. Kundalini

    Many things will die with the ego, even one's own previous beliefs and religion itself, if one's religion is egotistical. Anything that was built upon the ego, will be destroyed. Thank Kali. Once your ego dies, there you will find your true sense of 'power' and what may truly matter to you or whatever it is your seeking. If your simply experimenting, you will simply find more Truth.
  11. Kundalini

    You guys might get a kick out of this article.. http://www.richardcassaro.com/tag/masonic-sun-and-moon Going back to the beautifully breasted woman on page 15 We see the IDA on the left side, concerning the female side and the Pingla on the ride side concerning the male side. Then we have Sushmana, THE NARROW PATH. HAAHAHA. I know with pramayana, you can do a solar/luna meditation. "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way." Matthew 7:13 Only through conscious effort, can one obtain the "Kingdom" and constant realignment with the Higher One. Or else you stagnant and end up back in hell. hahaha. Then you have Zen which speaks of the Gateless Gate, but I have never studied it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateless_Gate Gotta love those baby feeders by the way. I am so yang right now. ahahaa. I just want to sit back and enjoy. hahah.
  12. What do you make of this? 13000 yr old satellite

    I think it is BS.
  13. Kundalini

    Hrmm. Can you recall your dreams?
  14. Mormonism and Satanism

    Yea I honestly do not know what inspired such text. I have seen Horus once in my dreams. I see falcons all the time as well. This makes me sound crazy, but I do believe that an enlightened or awoken being can in fact go thru the 'veil' and exchange information with other beings. Sort of like what happened with Crowley when he went to Egypt. There is definitely something magickal about Egypt. Maybe it wasn't the text itself, but the link that was needed to contact said beings. Beats me.
  15. Kundalini

    Yep, Kundalini in the west IS misunderstood. Since most people love to congregate and bicker about pointless stuff. It makes no sense as to why one would bother seeking to be delivered from bondage of sex, society, and self-study. lolz. It seems the energy can literally make one a monk if they so chose.
  16. Astral Projection?

  17. Astral Projection?

    The astral world is freaking nuts. You can do whatever the heck you want there and one's 'abilities' are only as good as one's imagination and self-understanding and belief system. New Agers like to call it the 4th dimension. Hence why you see damn near anything and everything there, people and characters of all types.. Unfortunately it is usually done while sleeping. I have yet to meet some one, besides native americans, who can consciously project without excessive imagination on their part. One can have lucid dreams in the astral as well, which is pretty fun, you can help others, mess with others, learn new things, or sit and observe. Now going out-of-body in this realm, that is something that is dangerous but very fun as well if one is capable of doing so.
  18. Negative Effects of New Age teachings

    The problem with the New Age... Is the EGO. hahahaha. Way to focused on 'abilities' rather than what is truly True.
  19. The first world war...is still happening

    Yep. What makes one think that religion IS the answer? HAhahhaa. Cultivating wisdom and awareness already, I see.
  20. Timing of Magic Over a Lifetime

    I'd rather not bother Sree with his never ending 'thesis'. I've decided to leave that thread alone. If he has yet to venture to this side of the forum, that is due to his own inherit dogma.
  21. Kundalini

    Seems to be about suffering, overcoming bondage, and realizing ones True Self, Godhood. So if your into BDSM, you have a long way to go.
  22. Kundalini

  23. Kundalini

    You should have seen the stuff I saw when my channels finally opened up and that is because they are not officially all open up enough. I remember reading some where that the soul is sort of like a pipe that needs to be cleansed from past karma and boy did I have some past karma. I saw numerous under-worlds, pyramids, the devil on a throne, I saw a pyramid made of skulls, plenty of free masonry stuff. I am not to sure if it was all mine or I was consciously cleansing the karma of others, as I was meditating a lot. My third eye is open for sure. Funny thing is I had a dream this morning concerning the Shakti of a male. I saw it in the dream. The male side of the Only one side was open and was flowing with numerous colors of light. I told him that he needed to embrace his feminine side as well. When I told this other male this, I found my body becoming flush with vibrant energy, a bit of ecstasy to say the least. I found myself meditating in a make shift room with a bunch of random people there. There was some kind of altar with candles and a bald male meditating there as well. There were others meditating as well. I found myself then talking to a white older female about esoteric teachings and about being devoted to the Goddess. When talking to this older female I felt sexualized and a rush of sexual energy flooded my body as well, but I did not feel "HORNY" I felt calm and peaceful. I felt no need to penetrate this older women, I felt acknowledged, loved, and grounded. Taking a look at this beautifully breasted female, you will see both side of energy at play: It is said when the female side is embraced, one can become highly intuitive and physic to the touch. Which can drive a male crazy and can cause some females great depression. Not to sure what the male side does. http://www.yogatantrameditation.com/tantra-meditation-healing/types-of-tantra/kundalini-tantra
  24. Mormonism and Satanism

    I honestly want to know more about talisman magick though.
  25. Mormonism and Satanism

    Hahaha. It all depends on how your translating. Even the bible itself has mistranslations. Which is odd to think about. The only reason I found mormonism interesting was because of the Book of Abraham and the Doctrine and Convenetants where JS makes some claims about 'spirit being finer than matter' and how a Higher Being told him that whatever we learn and retain in this life we get to keep in the next, eternity. And depending upon the precepts that one keeps in this life, it supposedly determines where one will go in the next, since there are many worlds according to the Book of Abraham. It felt like Buddhism and the Dharma. A lot of parallels. I found it funny because Buddhist don't have a hard time accepting these possibilities, but a lot of Evangelical Christian's have a hard time dealing with such 'extraordinary claims' concerning Mormonism. Many think JS went to far with plural marriage and seeking to be overly righteous in this world, but who is to say that he was wrong or right? That is the Buddhist in me speaking hahaha. Book of Abraham : http://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/abr?lang=eng Doctrine and Covenants : http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament?lang=eng Spirit is finer than matter: http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/131.1-4?lang=eng