Samurai Mountain man

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Posts posted by Samurai Mountain man

  1. I'm kind of back where I started in that I'm looking for a "vehicle for enlightenment." I kind of fell into (Theravada) Buddhism and have been happy with the basic practices and reading thus far. I'm dabbling with the idea of "no-self" (actually, it makes clear sense to me) and want to exercise it further.


    Dude, there's so much buzz going on around your post, you're trying and trying. Why not stop that? try no more,stop filling your cup. ya dig? it's spilling all over your lap.


    It's like, you know all this stuff and you've read this much and you're practicing all of this Taichi. Why? The harder you look for enlightment the harder it'll come.


    when was the last time you contemplated your breath? like the important shit behind it: oxygen gets in - Carbon dioxide gets out that's what's real, that's what's important. Ever heard the saying: Waste not, want not? Well it's actually the other way arround.

  2. I have already said that you, a mere mortal, can't not comprehend what the spirit knows. Therefore, you can't negotiate or barter with the spirit. You have to do what you have been called to. I believe this is called "faith." Faith in yourself and the spirit being.


    Point, how does one even barter with a spirit? "Okay I have a vacuum cleaner here and I ain't affraid to use it, back the f#ck up Casper."


    Unless... Cat know something we don't and he's holding out on it.

  3. Another friend of mine had tried LSD once. She was in college and was in the forest that night. She explained how she could literally see energy emanating from the red wood trees and could see the aura of others as well. This allowed her to realize that there is more to life than meets the eye to say the least. She was happy about her experience, but it did not have a long lasting impression on her sense of self. Metaphorically speaking, it was just a brick in the road.



    I also had another friend who had claimed to try DMT as well as many other hallucinogens. She had plenty of spiritual experiences and even met Lucifer himself apparently. But her sense of self, the inner 'I', did not evolve or make her a joy to be around nor did it reduce her sense of suffering. It was merely an amusement ride. But there is a interesting book out there known as the 'Spirit Molecule'. I have never read it though.


    See this is an interesting couple of anecdotes, to me they speak of how these drugs are a key of sorts to go through that pineal door. It doesn't mean whoever is taking them is prepared to experience what's on the other side, to comprehend what's been revealed to them, maybe it's because it takes the right purpose in taking them, as well as the right mental state to embrace the third eye experience.


    I think they act like eyeglasses allowing us to focus our vision into seeing things we would not normally be able to see.Putting them on does not guarantee you'd be able to understand and learn from what you're seeing and feeling. It seems to me one requires to be in tune to be able to learn, otherwise you'd be having -as you said it- an amusement ride.


    Further testing required, better comprehension needed. Information, Information, Information hoooooooooooo!

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  4. I found the following Text while messing about on the internet, Im always looking for diferent adaptations of the Tao Te Ching as well as personal input and interpretations people have posted arround.

    Not only do I find it incredibly amusing, I think it has a certain clarity you won't find in many other Taoism texts out there. I apologize for the inconvenience if it's been posted before.



    A slice for your reviewing.

    adapted by Ron Hogan originally attributed to "Jesse Garon"
    [...]15The ancient Masters were pretty damn impressive.They were deep.  Real deep.Words can't even begin to describe how deep they were.You can only talk about what they were like.They were careful, like a man walking on thin ice.They were cautious, like a soldier behind enemy lines.They were polite, like a guest at a party.They moved quickly, like melting ice. They were as plain as a block of wood.Their minds were as wide as a valley,	and their hearts were as clear as spring water.Can you wait for that kind of openness and clarity	before you try to understand the world?Can you stay still until events have unfolded	before you do the right thing?When you act without expectations,	you can accomplish great things.


    16Clear your head.Stay calm.Watch as everything happens around you.Everything reverts to its original state, which was nothing.And whenever something becomes nothing, 	it gets right with Tao.If you don't understand that,	you're going to screw up somewhere down the line.If you figure it out,	you'll always know what to do.If you get right with Tao,	you won't be afraid to die,	because you know you will.
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  5. Maybe they're reaching a point of social stagnation as generations progress.

    Have you noticed how little kids today seem to develop mentally and physically faster than they used to? how they're able to comunicate, sit up straight and reach out to technology and complex concepts at an amazingly fast pace? It's probably related to over-stimulation in and out of the womb, what the hell do I know? But one can't help but to connect the dots an look at how a geist is rising all around us. Maybe the age of wireless coms is affecting us in ways we couldn't have forseen making us restless and shifting; the first unconcious steps into transhumanism.


    Or maybe the Amish got bored with whisking butter or whatever is it that they did.

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  6. I recently discovered/became somewhat aware that I have a huge ego which hides itself very carefully in a guise of humbleness.


    Which leads to a very arrogant holier-than-thou behaviour, yes? Sometimes I let my ego get the best of me and act like that at times, It's an awful realization to see you have been behaving in a way you disaproove of. It's the proverbial stick up the rear end.


    But fear not, realizing it is the first and utmost step in letting go of it. Good luck brother.

  7. Ah, I see. you make a very good point ChiForce, thank you.


    However, It needs not be either way, this is what I meant when I advocated both the experimentation with psychedelics and the traditional approach. I also stated before that goals could be similar, but not exactly the same, the spiritual experience. We're talking about cultivating/opening the third-eye and a person trying both ways in parallel is able to gain insight into something others may not, and in turn share what's experienced with them, it's exploration for the sake of learning and experiencing something new, not for the sake of saying "well this is the most effective way to do it".


    I don't want to come off as im just simply advocating the use of psychedelics to be a counter-culture apologist mouthpiece, or saying that they're superior, what I am trying to say is based on what we can research about them, they're well worth the shot. Do not mistake me for aTimothy Leary drone saying LSD will free your mind and give you a groovy time, that's just silly because in the end; there's gonna be a thousand fold ways of attaining a thousand fold different spiritual experiences and there's no arguing with each personal result.


    This is also why I tried to divert the thread's focus from psychedelics to meditation and others, so we wouldn't stagnate in what I put forward.

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