Samurai Mountain man

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Posts posted by Samurai Mountain man

  1. Under my happy-go-lucky Philosophical Daoism there lies a depression that's almost as old as I am.


    I am by nurture (or maybe nature) a very, very angry man. I can get incredibly violent at times swinging to very dangerous extremes; IE: as a kid I got into a very nasty fight with a bully, where I began gouging the boy's eyes out with my thumbs, thankfully we were separated before any harm was done.


    Other time, not too many years ago as an angsty hormone-pumped teenager I nearly stabbed myself on the neck to stop me from stabbing someone else.


    I've manage to keep myself in check (save a couple of close calls) for a very long time but it's becoming increasingly difficult for me not to snap and retaliate for the tiniest of things. I've taken to obsessive wallpunching to quick-vent anger.Whenever I feel this anger I tried meditating but it just sort of pisses me off even harder and I ragequit.


    After years and years of fighting this thing, it's only after deep examination of the TTC that I've realize that I don't have to "fight it" anymore, supressing it and keeping it under check's done nothing for me other than making it slip away from control as time goes by.


    Instead... I can harness it. I can redirect all of that energy into something creative instead of destructive, I can use it to better myself.


    Brilliant, but how and where to start? You can help, I know you can.

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  2. When you're being passive aggresive you are being timid in an aggressive way. That's the issue.


    More like aggressive in a timid way. I've often found that people whith a certain degree of knowledge tend to act with an air of superiority all the time, even as they type you can see it in their words, they're tainted with that fucking arrogance and smugness.


    It's often the people who believe themselves to be "above" something, who act so dignified all the time as if they never looked at their shit stained paper after wiping. you know who act like that all the time? People who won't call themselves wise but you can see it in their speech, on their faces... they think they are wise, they think they're better.


    I think that's a load of bullshit and pardon-my-french. Nobody is above anything in this world, given the right situation, the right push and you'd have kings kissing a beggar's feet, a gourmand eating microwave food and a peaceful buddhist monk beheading a little girl.

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  3. Look at it this way.

    White blood cells pursue relentlesly bacteria and other alien (harmful) organism until they catch them and kill them. If they didn't We'd have very short lifespawn to say the least. Everywhere in nature we can see violence is as much part of life as peace is. this is NOT me taking violence lightly or endorsing it.


    But if I were put in a position I'd have to react violently I would do so without flinching or looking back.

  4. There's always an alternative to violence, sure. Non-violence seemed to work for Ghandi.


    But remember things are more complex than "this or that". choosing some things over others just out of personal belief of what is correct can lead to dissaster as well. Morality is more often a full spectrum of colors than it is monochronme. Is stealing wrong? Yes, is stealing to feed your kid wrong? no, it's stealing to feed your kid, now it's lost all meaning of right or wrong, and each individual person can judge as they see it fit, what matters is that it happened.


    "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail" -Good ol' Abe Maslow.


    if you only view things through a set of terms, you're bound to act on them the same way with little regard of what will happen.

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  5. Too bad, the old Ishida is gone



    What ever happened to him anyways? started eating too much strogen-pumped chicken or something?I think his juvenile sense of humour wasn't a bad thing, 'twas good.

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  6. You are not paying attention, rene. Instead of fooling around in class, you need to help us think this through. Samurai is trying.



    Nah man he hit an interesting spot. I personaly welcome everyone's participation, even if they're joking or saying something absurd. To put aside someone's word is to put on blinders. Clarity can come from anywhere at any moment, that's why I never hold back on posting a joke reply on someone's thread even if it means they may dislike my lack of seriousness, I firmly believe truth streams through humour.


    What he's saying can be applied to our little thread here. While I talked about how death and life are basically the same thing, he talked about there being a clear difference in spite of them being part of the same experience, which is the experience of being.

  7. Or - maybe there are the two sides and the wholeness of the coin, simultaneously.


    A blended perspective isn't moving past duality into unity only.


    It's seeing the whole and the parts. Both, right here, right now.

    Yes, that too. So when one says "no sides, just wholeness" it's not an absolute statement, it's relative in spite of the inflexion still. Both parts are equally true!


    Warm regards as well friend.

  8. You know, y'all making some seriously good points, all of you.


    If there's a Tao of dying, then it's bound to be the same as the tao of living, two sides of the same coin, and the coin is the Tao. But the sides are an abstraction of the wholeness of the coin; so there are no sides after all.

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  9. That one was pretty funny.


    'Cuz I'm the good guy, and from the start feminism was about equality. I was kinda one by default but if you have to ask and point it out then I always been a feminist.

    Feminism was about equal rights AND treatment for women, sure. But to be a feminist you'd have to actively "fight" for women's rights, inclussion and that sort of deal. I treat women as equals, not as i treat other men, but as equals none the less.


    The strongest, most coragerous people I've met in my life have all been women while most manly figures in my life have been dissapointing and have set poor examples. But even after this I can't stand by a feminist agenda, i see no point in it.

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    You have answered your own question before you ask....???

    It appears he has discovered yin and Yang without even wanting to do so, which is the best way to do it.


    Great thread gentlemen 10/10, I propose to have it pinned.

  11. I desire to be a housewife, and have the freedom of time to dedicate to cooking, cleaning, gardening, and making a home out of a house... sadly... I cant get payed to be as such! I'm an incomplete half, so if i had a husband, we'd compliment one another. I'd support him supporting me supporting him supporting me... ... etc.




    Oh, and i forgot about my writing!! I need a man who loves a good story ;) lol and wants me to finish writing as much as i want me to finish haw!



    One of these days, a black van is going to pull up on your front door and a group of masked braless feminist are going to crawl out of it to beat you in the head with a medicine ball (because a club or a bat are phallic tools) and they are going to kidnap you and submit you to a intense method of deprograming to rid you of those patriarchal thought patters that have been engraved in your mind by the oppresive rapist gender.


    Just letting you know how it's going to be.

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