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Posts posted by RyuuKyuzo

  1. Lol, I don't think I could do that. For one thing, yeah I'd always wonder about all my little kids out there. Second, I'd be so embarrassed having a female nurse, or a male one for that matter, handing me a cup or whatever they give you lol. Maybe if the nurse would ummm....help with it....but if she helps me with it, she probably does for everyone lol.


    I think the idea would be to go in there, flirt with the nurse, and pull her into the room with you, which would take a high level of skill, to get her all turned on, before she realizes how much trouble she would get in lol.

    It's even more embarrassing when you have to ask for 2 or 3 more cups... and a mop.


    Not that I would know anything about that.

  2. Perhaps true, presented a bit harshly, but I'm not an absolutist of anything.

    I get within a second of Now, I"m happy as a clam.


    I'd add that Tolle is very anti-think. He constantly repeats the theme 'Thinking' is the enemy. I feel he over stresses the point. A quiet mind is the best mind, but imo thinking is a tool to valuable to throw out.


    Tolle differentiates between repetitive background thoughts and what he calls "focused thinking" -- the kind of thinking you use voluntarily to solve a problem. It's not that he's against all forms of thinking.

  3. In the old days, you'd get a smack to the back of the head. Since this is the internet, I guess you'll have to smack yourself.


    That reminds me of a popular question my friends and I pondered on as kids;


    "How many smacks does it take to get to the center of one's being?"


    ... I may be remembering that wrong.

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  4. "Love is such a vital phenomenon that you cannot hide it. Has anybody ever been capable of hiding his love? Nobody can hide it; it is such a fire inside. It glows. Whenever somebody falls in love you can see from his face, from his eyes, that he is no longer the same person – something has transformed him. A fire has happened, a new fragrance has come into his being.
    He walks with a dancing step; he talks and his very talk has a poetic flavour to it. And not only with his beloved – when you are in love your whole being is transformed. Even talking to a stranger on the street, you are different. And if the stranger has known love in his life he knows that this man is in love. You cannot hide love, it is almost impossible. Nobody has ever been successful in hiding love."
    ~ Osho

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  5. Howdy! Welcome to my first post.


    I heard this was where all the bums hang out, so naturally I caught the nearest train down here.


    I don't know anything about the dao, so I guess I'm off to great start.


    Do you like puns as much as do I? I DAObt it. (har har) -- You might as well laugh at that one, they only get worse from here!

