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Posts posted by CrunchyChocolate555

  1. Yes, fortunately this is exactly the way I'm seeing it, but it is still a bit disturbing.


    I can't decide between wether I should figure out what I should learn from it, or just let it go...



    Look at it from a more positive perspective -- it was a karmic event that had to happen, and now that it has, its over. Please try not to fret over it too much by reading into it more than what the event actually was.

  2. Earth element imbalance: I couldn't take it anymore. Being that I knew the root of this issue, I just mustered up the heart (and the courage) to have a heart-to-heart talk with my mom for the 1st time in 15 years, and told her everything I felt.


    Welp, that was just amazing, and so worth it. And thanks for the advice liminal :)

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  3. Can anyone relate to this? I have a stumbling block in my heart chakra. I have a yearning to open up, to connect, to love, but every time I try to make a sincere effort, I am pushed back with a feeling of hurt and pain. Literally, I will be talking to somebody and want to make a compliment but I will be stopped by this painful churning feeling in my chest and solar plexus. Even more fucked up, I gave one of my best friends a hug the other day, and was struck with such painful grief that I almost wanted to cry. My inability to love then gives others the impression that I am cold, ungrateful, and arrogant when in reality, I am everything but. What do I do??!!

  4. It's new-age BS- pure and simple. Drunvalo has been making predictions for the last 2 decades about 2012 (and beyond), none of which have come true in the slightest. He has zeroooooo proof to back up any of his crazy alternate theories about history... I'm still debating weather he actually believes in what he teaches, but there is no question in my mind that he is just another new-age con-artist.


    For what it's worth, I have read all his books a couple of times, and believed the hype myself for some time. Unfortunately, some hard proof is required in life, none of which he has ever been able to provide. Seems like a nice guy though!

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  5. Chiming in to post my review of my private lesson with Sifu Terry on Skype!


    Some background about me: have been practicing FPQG on and off, and much more consistently in the last year, for a total of over 3 years now. I had some concerns about my technique and other questions for Sifu Terry, so I decided it would be best to ask him in private. Outside of qigong/meditation, I do a standard 5x5 heavy lifting routine, 3 times a week, which although great for muscular gains, had inducedced a lot of deep muscular tension which FPQG has been amazing at "unknotting".


    During the consultation, Sifu Terry asked some questions about myself and my practice, and then we went on to live technique corrections. He went well out of his way to make sure I clearly understood his answers, and took a lot of time to explain the history/methdology behind the practice, as well as some more advanced stuff not mentioned on the DVDs or forums that proved to be incredibly useful.


    So with some very simple tweaking, the return I'm getting on the practice has skyrocketed. After the corrections, I started feeling energy flow in certain areas that I never had before, tendons/ligaments popping back into alignment, and a heightened sense of well-being.


    I am really grateful for Sifu Terry's help. I just wish I had the possibility to visit him in person in LA. I've talked with him about how I'm quite interested in becoming a certified FPQG instructor, so I probably will end up flying there quite soon, though.


    If you feel for whatever reason you're not getting the most out of your FP practice, or really just want to take it to the next level, you can't go wrong with the private instruction sessions.

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  6. It seems now more and more people, especially as part of the "new-age", are advocating focusing on the heart-center, "living in the heart", breathing through the heart, and overall address it the same way as us Taoist cultivators address the lower Tan Tien.


    From all the Taoist literature I have read however, it is said that it is unwise to overly focus and gather energy in this mmiddle center, as it can quickly cause unbalances, particularly emotional imbalances.


    I suppose the distinction should be made between simply bringing awareness into a certain area and actually storing energy... which is kind of tricky. I mean, doesn't sustained awareness automatically make the energy accumulate?


    So how would one "live in the heart" without making the heart/middle tan tien energy accumulate/stagnate?


    Any thoughts and ideas, I'm open to discussion.

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  7. PM sent


    Hi CrunchC:


    My first response is to advise you to practice at a duration each day that doesn't bring-on nervous system exhaustion--if that exhaustion is truly debilitating. It may be possible that what you are feeling to be nervous system "exhaustion" is actually nervous system relaxation. In which case you should try to practice through the exhaustion feeling until you "hit" rejuvenation through allostasis. But I can't say for sure without seeing you.


    I can't really give you a confident prescription on improving your FP cultivation without seeing your practice. And also seeing your over all aura and state of health. This can be done, however, through a Skype video I recently acquired a new webcam.


    **So I will take the opportunity here to announce to all FP Qigong practitioners that I am now officially offering video consultations/lessons in FP Qigong via Skype. And the fee will be the same as what I charged Fu_Dog (Lloyd in Orlando,FL) in 2009: $90 per half hour, with a fifteen-minute ($45.00) consultation being the minimum service.


    Sorry I can't be of more help. But let me know through Private Messaging if you want to set up an appointment for a Skype session. You can also contact me at [email protected]




    Sifu Terry

  8. Hi Pitisukha,


    I would say it's not something you need to be overly concerned with doing FPQG. It seems I am a rare case in this instance.


    For a detailed explanation of CNS exhaustion from doing too much internal work, I would suggest reading "Opening the Energy Gates of the Body" by B.K. Frantzis.


    Basically, it's like physical exhaustion, but worse.



    Hi Crunchy,


    As a beginner with FP I'd like to ask you, what are the symptoms that tells you get nervous system exhaustion?


    A more open question to everyone, how one can tell with quite certainty that is practicing too much?

  9. Hi Terry,


    I know most people experience great benefits from doing a high volume of FPQG but I recently noticed (I say recently, as I was kind of denying this before), that I tend to quickly get nervous system exhaustion if I do anything over 30 minutes of qigong (including FPQG), despite being in excellent physical condition.


    My question is, given my observation, what would be the best thing for me to do if I want to continue cultivating FP energy? Tone it down on the volume? Say 15 minutes a day for a couple of weeks, and go up 5-10 minutes at a time?


    Anything more you could add on that note would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  10. -

    Your logic is based on fallacy and the marketting that gets thrown around, to be a little direct and blunt.


    There are two related points here.


    One. Every system has a point at which it can collapse if pushed. The energy-body is no different. However since most are not directly aware of their energy-body, they tend to approach the practice of qigong without that awareness. Some over do it and cause a system collapse resulting in fatigue.


    In a similar vein to the people who like to feel the effort, burn and fatigue from a "good workout" there are people who will wear such badges of honour in energy circles. Usually with the proviso that to get 'better' you have to 'go through' it. To each their own.


    There are also indigenous practices that intentionally cause energetic collapse to help break the spirit from the body for various reasons.


    Detoxing is different. Detoxing will cause fatigue as the body expunges the toxins. Certain practices that really get the circulation and blood going, couples with a strong massage of the organs can cause a heavier detox. This is not what I am talking about regarding 'energetic collapse'.


    Two. Depending on who you are, and your energy habits, certain practices done a lot may cause a system collapse. Some may not want to hear that but it is the way of things. If I was to attempt to run 10k I know I'd have a physical body collapse!


    As with most physical activity most people do not care about what the state of their body is before attempting that activity, nor the possible effect it may have on them. It is why running is still one of the most innjury related activities. But try pointing out to a keen runner that their gait and pre-conditions are damaging them. Trust me on that, even when they come to you in clinic with complaints they still can't 'hear' you.


    Energy-body activity is no different. While one person can go to a qigong class and say do 3 hours of mico-cosmic orbit practice and experience nothing but elation, someone else will find it begins to move and brings up much stagnation and will feel pretty crap fairly quickly, another will get the same benefit as the first person from 30 minutes.


    Knowing when enough is enough for YOU is often ommitted, people then get the impression "well they said it was 'good' for me, so if I do MORE, it's even better.". But everything has a point of diminishing returns, and going beyond that can lead to collapse and fatigue. You mentioned doing 2-3 hours.


    The opposite to all the above is causing bouts of 'mania' and insomnia that is as though the person has drunk a pint of esspresso! Doing this, usually will lead to a backlash of fatigue.


    Qi-gong = energy work management



  11. -




    It's called energetic collapse and can be triggered in numerous ways. Over doing certain energy practices will certainly do it. Its kinda like hitting the gym really heavy and then not being able to move because of muscle soreness.


    "There is a big difference between losing your energy through a habit of collapse and having a consistent energetic connection with earth. One leads to fatigue."


    I do feel that depedning on your habits, certain 'qigong' may exacerbate a pre-condition, in the same sense physical activity can. Given the massive variances available in approaches and methods of qigong practice, it may simply be a case of 'not the right fit for you', at least at this point in time.


    We all have 'energy-body' "habits" same as we have physical body ones. To me, learning qigong is to become aware of these habits and to lessen or drop the dysfunctional ones.



  12. I know this is probably unheard of, or at least not really common, but I just noticed that qigong was causing (or at least contributing to) some bouts of extreme fatigue and sleepiness I was experiencing in the last few years.


    About 3-4 months ago I was doing qigong perhaps 2-3 hours a day and constantly felt lethargic as hell, unmotivated, and all I wanted to do was sleep.


    I stopped everything cold turkey for a couple of months and although felt my body getting much tenser, I had tons of energy, felt great, and could do whatever I wanted. I was also much happier.


    Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, I went back on a steady qigong regimen (out of sheer curiosity), averaging 1 hour a day, and I am again feeling lethargic, barely got out of bed this morning, and feel all around irritable and crappy.


    So my question is: is this some kind of detox reaction? Should I just stop and forget about qigong, or keep going to hopefully one day break through whatever is going on?



  13. That's not so easy to do haha. My last TCM doc/acupuncturist, I e-mailed him a detailed description of my groin issue since I didn't mention it during my first few visits. He never got back to me on it and when I questioned weather he received my e-mail he just said "yeah, I'll get back to you on that in a bit" but never did. I suppose he just doesn't deal with this kind of thing *shrugs*



    Bingo! *Very* pertinent to "Liver qi stagnation" for you. (Obviously, I assume you've realized this.) Super important to tell your dr of Ch.medicine, and perhaps also something you'll need to work on yourself as a long term project.

  14. That's very interesting about the importance of having free-flow of energy in the groin area.


    I had an incident back around 10 or so years ago which caused injury to my groin and I am wondering if this is not a causal or at least attributing factor to my liver stagnation.


    Basically what happened is I waited too long to urinate, and it caused some injury to my uro-genital tract (caused a spermatocele to form in both my testes, and messed up my bladder).


    As far as I know, there is no known cure for this aside from surgery, which is not recommended because the problem is not really debilitating per se.


    BUT, it did cause a whole lot of tension to form in this area which I hold to this day, and I do know it is habitually contracted almost all the time. It's almost impossible to just "let go". Whenever I try, things start to spasm wildly, major discomfort and frustration ensues and I pretty much give up right on the spot.


    Hello CHunky, consider this message a continuity of my last one...


    First of all, when I mentioned that you need to actively engage yourself in abandoning the hatred thoughts, I did NOT mean that you must fight with them, you should not, in any stance fight with your own negative thoughts, for you will feed them with more energy and produce more mental tension and stagnation, simply observe them without trying to dominate them. When you get lost in them, then you must actively remind yourlef not to react to them and just observe them,, in this way you will start developing equanimity, voidness, wu-wei.


    About the Qigong practice, I recomend that you practice a relaxation technique before your practice, so as to produce SONG or deep relaxation. then you should try to maintain song or deep relaxation throuout your practice, this song is essential to dissovle stagnation on mental, psychic and physical levels, thus unobstructing the Liver. Actuallym you should start developing Song thoughout your entire day. Remember, Equanimity and Song are two essential features of a good qigong practice, especially to deobstruct the Liver. the Qigong practice will activate past karmas and negative tendencies, and you will neutralize them by staying equanimous and not reacting to them, if you practice qigong with no euqnaminity, nothing will be gained.


    Another thing, alot of obstructions take plate on the Pelvic area (thankyou Gerard for past advice on this), on the sexual region, which is a place where the Liver Meridian is very active. Alot of blockages have their roots in sexuality,m so during your relaxation technique eu could relax alot that area, includint the lower dantien, the pubic bone, the Hui Yin. Mains tain relaxed througut the day. However you are in a sexual situation, try and notice if you are "holding back" your sexual organ, and then consciously develop Song on that area, relaxation. Acept desire, feel it (but not necessary react to it). Sexual obstructions can also be cleansed if you imagine your self naked when you are walking through town, or if it is not illegal and not too cold, STAY NAKED and walk around town, rsrsrs, do not contract and hide your sexual organ.


    Another very important place to relax and develop song is in your abdomen flanks, laterally in between your ribs and your pelvis, alot to do with Liver.


    any questions you may PM me...


    good luck!

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