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Posts posted by Energy

  1. Hi everyone!


    I'm a 38-year-old guy in Melbourne, Australia. Have been working on my energy states ever since I first ran into strifes in puberty, but had until recently never come across a community that understands the importance of this.


    I'm very open-minded and very focussed on sorting out my life - on remaining present and keeping my powerful self accessible at all times. This has led me to all sorts of experiences in nature and in physical training. However, I haven't been ready to take in what Tao and alternative practices can do. Simply put, I have let myself be swept along by western society, being stuck in my head most of the time. Only a few months ago, I finally realised that the wisdom within me is not in my mind, but all throughout my body. I started really connecting with my subconscious, to really start working with the subconscious rather than trying to understand everything on a mind level. This has led me to more powerful and efficient progress than anything else, and in a very short time span.


    I hope to be able to open my heart to everyone here and unlearn as much as possible of the conditioning that has seen me stuck in a rut for so long. This is already happening, and I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts and feelings with you all.




