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Everything posted by digitalyogi

  1. THE GRIDCOIN - A scientific cryptocurrency of the future

    The Gridcoin is better because a portion of the power that goes into mining the currency can now be utilized for various science projects, this is what we can use a lot more of. So everybody wins.
  2. THE GRIDCOIN - A scientific cryptocurrency of the future

    LOL Have you heard of Bitcoin? there is a donate bitcoin button on this forum.
  3. The Highest Level Of Immortality

    Where do you think George Lucas got the idea for "the force" and "Yoda" ??
  4. When I first watched this it really struck me how honest this man was. You really get the sense that he is trying to teach us something.
  5. The Greatest Description of Enlightnment

    LOL maybe i went a little overboard with the title, I just like the way he describes things. It's good you liked the video.
  6. The Greatest Description of Enlightnment

    I think the entire video should be very interesting for everyone. I honestly think all of it is very relevant to just about everything on the this forum. The part where he describes the way he sees the world after his transformation, I am pretty sure that is a pretty good description.
  7. The Greatest Description of Enlightnment

    His descriptions match a lot of what has been written by a lot of sages.
  8. I am very interested in this topic as well. Maybe some sort of humanitarian mission or something along those lines? Maybe a job where you are in service to something or someone? Maybe animal shelter or something? I have thought of this myself quite a bit. My father is an engineer and they recently did some kind of medical survey and ti turned out that %60 of the entire firm were on some kind of anti-depresant. That was a real shocker to everyone. The pursuit of money really kiils people inside, the overworking and constant stress really breaks people.
  9. Marijuana-induced Kundalini-like syndrome?

    That is exactly what Gopi Krishna postulated in one of his books, that many people who are diagnosed Schizophrenics are actually people who have out of control Kundalini.
  10. Marijuana-induced Kundalini-like syndrome?

    Your story sounds exactly like what Gopi Krishna went through. In his case it was meditation for 17 years that finaly resulted in the full awakening of the kundalini. This is the reason why in India there is a saying that "Without a Guru spiritual progress will not be made".
  11. The enteric nervous system

    From what I read this site ( ) is a pro Islam and anti Buddhism site. LOL
  12. Spiritual Lyrics

    I used to listed to a lot of Trance music when i was in high school and and I still do today sometimes. I recently heard a tune I had not heard in a long time and when I heard the lyrics they absolutely blew me away. I had listened to it so many time before and never really understood any of it I suppose. But now in light of my spiritual practice they make a lot more sense. I think whoever wrote the lyrics was a spiritual person or maybe had a psychedelic experience because it seems he is trying to get an important message across and I missed it for so long LOL . The good stuff starts @ the 3 minute mark.
  13. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    In India among the yogis it was commonly understood that if someone genuinely wants to learn about spirituality, the aspirant should be taught for free. If the aspirant feels that he is being helped he can leave a donation/offering called "dakshina" out of respect for the spiritual master. True spirituality has never been and never will be for sale.
  14. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    Been going for 6 months now with this and my body looks completely different from when i started. Due to all the bhandas my abdominal region and entire body has been strengthened tremendously and I have had some amazing meditative blisses and experiences. So many spontaneous mudras and kriyas(including masturbatory ones) that I have completely lost count LOL.For anyone looking for initiation I highly recommend this.
  15. This is a trailer about a tibetan monk who endured 33 years of torture in a chinese prison. He wrote a book that details their torture tactics.
  16. Ye, talk about being tested.
  17. When John Chang says....

    If you search on google there is an indian yogi in cross leged psoture with erect penis. I tried to find it again, but can't seem to get it. Also Sri Aurobindo talks about the needed transformation of the sexual organ for higher consciousnes to start functioning.
  18. This is a German docu with english subs. Very interesting.
  19. When John Chang says....

    I should read up on Muktananda. I have also seen some pictures of yogis sitting in lotus with erections. I never understood those pics untill i started to hear about this part from books and personal testimonies of people who have went through those stages. Very interesting.
  20. When John Chang says....

    I have heard about the "erection that does not go away" from several people. sounds very interesting. I have not experienced that myself. Can u elaborate more on this?
  21. Resonance - Being of Frequency

    Intersting documentaty on how electromagnetic waves affect human beings.
  22. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    If you read some of the material by some of the famous historical religious figures in India, most of them say that meat magnifies greed and other negative emotions to a great degree. So who knows maybe meat does screw up something inside of us. Maybe or maybe not, who knows. Even the old testament forbids eathing of meat.
  23. WOW, great story. I love stories about the Siddhas, very inspiring.
  24. Bizarre telemetry telepathy awakening?

    Great story. Sounds like a great idea for a movie too.
  25. This docu had some interesting testimonials of mystical/spiritual experiences.