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Everything posted by Gypsy

  1. How is 'matter' experience or expressed by consciousness? If flesh became word, will thought-mind eventually understand it through technology or other ways for ego mind to understand itself within the absolute part of creation. This is taken from a guru:"Why is there evil in the world? --To thicken the plot--"
  2. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    Maybe the clowns actions, was what you wanted. And, you forgot the quote: "what comes around goes around!" past life's karmic conditioning?!!
  3. Bad friends and companions

    Curiosity is the word. Reasons--causes for past-present events are endless among those that are concerned at heart' and flows like branches of a willow tree. There's no end to agony and ecstasy, Life is based on these two energies. Once their misery is satisfied, something else surfaces for more of the same play, except this time it's with a whole different stroke for different folk!
  4. Bad friends and companions

    check out dream moods dictionary;
  5. Welcome to Tao or Empty Tao. One thing you know for sure is I amness, without content without time bound going this way or that way-this is True Nature of Being or of the Solar-Soul System, a system filled with on going happenings whether you like it or not.. Life-ing wasn't meant to be easy. Thy Rock-Earth body continues to be tempted by outer attractions-distractions. It's the way of the Tao. The Tao is a tricky energy working it's magic on it's soul. Life is similar to a fairytale filled with thought belief stories of 'me-i'. And, this is the wake up call, to let go of the stories of me-pea brain. lol~ Thy Rock put that belief story there for us and we've all been hoodwinked to think we are the thoughts that think without your consent. If this truth is understood by whoever reads these lines-'great', if not than our scripts are not similar. We are not the content or the stories, these stories do not define our True Nature. You will never know what you are in this time/space imaginary filled with interpretation ideas. And, never locate it in word. This is Thy Rock or God or Christ Conscious playground. It's the Ocean and were the waves. Thy Rock's novel is very challenging at times, with test, exams, ups-downs in the emotional word play. Creation-Tao-Brain Biological Psychological system was created for you to believe. And, it sure got my attention. As long as you don't give thought thinking in things-material to much of your attention(awareness-consciousness), go with the flow and allow it all to be as it is. Even when other's aren't on the same page as your journey is to be intelligent wise, loving, understanding, with compassion, or not. Be Still & Know, your True Nature is neither this or that. Namaste
  6. The Gap in Awareness and thinking which thrives in causes-effects by bad-good experiences-expression of the One Christ Life Consciousness, but it's actually caused by the separate (me-identity) giving the bad all the attention, flowing towards something that isn't there-here in the first place. Suffering is the distance the gap between noisy thoughts which grab attention and try to fix what's right-wrong. However large the gap is between what is actually happening and what words are placing the gap in it's attention on, is how much emotional thought will suffer or fight mode. If there's no gap, than there's no negativity-suffering. For example: if someone you love is dying, awareness may be so fully focused on what's happening in that moment that the experience lacks the suffering, although suffering- sadness, sorrow, grieving may appear later if thoughts thinking in past memories creeps in about how things should or could have been. This Cosmic Game of vibrational sounds, tones as letters form words are limited time base, and will never figure out anything in time. Creation is a variety of skits, roles, following a leader or not. Creation is about intelligence and being aware of the playing the emotional word game. So, Life-ing is awareness in letting go of control, and for doing so--your in control. Namaste
  7. Breathing is important in the practice of meditation because it is the faculty in us that is simultaneously voluntary and involuntary. You can feel that you are breathing, and equally you can feel that it is breathing you. So it is a sort of bridge between the voluntary world and the involuntary world β€” a place where they are one.~ Alan Watts

  8. Hello from Perfect Egg

    Hello from inner-world in tea daze, tea anyone?! Silence is a source of great strength. ~ Lao Tzu
  9. Hello from another Newbie

    Hi, The practice of Zen is to eat, breathe, cook, carry water, and scrub the toilet β€” to infuse every act of body, speech, and mind β€” with mindfulness, to illuminate every leaf and pebble, every heap of garbage, every path that leads to our mind's return home. ~ Thich Hanh Much to read, without identifing as a reader! Enjoy
  10. Hi From Vince

    may the sun space be with you!
  11. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    Hi Jadespear, Your in great hand where it counts in taoist bum mindful practices. Seeing fresh, in every-thing. Namaste
  12. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Stories from Emptiness: Direct download: Zencast397.mp3 Category:Gil Fronsdal -- posted at: 12:00 PM
  13. The Cool Picture Thread

  14. "The Teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind." Khalil Gibran
  15. telepathically, lucid drop in while dreaming, or it's a mixed bag of musical chairs
  16. Let's Talk About Afterlife

    Haha! have u seen the miniseries "Terra Nova"?
  17. Let's Talk About Afterlife

    it depends. This is only what i know, so don't take my thought for it and all answers are within you. When your ready to know them, your receive. Word-thought-Imagination manifest within frequency-creation. The time-space educational system made up from mathematical symbols and letters have their own tone. (if you've ever played the organ or piano-bingo! and, is endless if you have an intention-or expectation of Life after death. The True Tao cannot be known, closes thought can explain it is empty spacious limitless knowing that "word became flesh=thought-thinks"-limited within the vocabulary upgrades and If you believe "word to be solid-things(objects-subjects) which is thought verbally expressed in 'music tones' β™« frequency-vibration reality tunnels. The Tao doesn't care how many times you relive or replay out your imaginary scripts. Words are not to be taken per-son/per-daughter, etc. Gessho!
  18. Hello!

    Hi & you will relax with friends, and progress with many ideas, here., I'm familiar with lucid dreaming. It's quite a ride sneaks up like a fast locomotive, but once awake the second time in the dream, it reappears then the 3rd-4th time isn't so chaotic, can actually slow it down by knowing it is a dream and now it's a game. similar to playing hide'n'seek. Even the day dreams slow down, also. Once you recognize your the director, producer,actor in all life's events-all day-all night, there's no forcing the matter(which alan watts speaks matter to be measure)-lol. For example; 3 x this same dream repeated itself overlaying each other. I was being chased by a murderer and killed. After death occured, I appeared right where i was once again; chased and killed. chased and killed. Finally woke up and crawled out of bed, and said; 3's enough!'
  19. This moon

    completed acrylic-painting from a dream i had a month ago. called "92 empty pages", on a maxi skirt tonight- believe 92 will be the finishing touches within The Tao or ThyRocks chapter of it greatest novel ever thought an idea called Life, without an 'end' cover of course,,,life goes on,,,, Namaste
  20. My last post for a while, many are appeased.

    Deeply understandable, the old self has been rattled, and to bad there isn't a manual how to handle this wake up call. Had a similar effect while raising my 2 boys, which didn't come with a manual either. ha~ Usually our intense optimism can carry spaciousness through anything, as long as thinking doesn't scatter within the theater mindstages. After all, isn't potential limitless? yes, but at some point you have to do something with it, so let go or let your intuition guide you and you will achieve whatever it is. Namaste
  21. When You

    When you start to get under the surface of noise, freedom become what you've always been, right here/now. The world is conditioned=thought-an 'unconscious psychological-psychology mental noise, which is infinite Consciousness. Once you've really realized, you loose the '13 or more sense' of separation, before or after thoughts thinking within time becomes grasping or trying to arrive somewhere, these are deversions away from True Nature or the Tao. Finished reading a pdf from Anton Wilson with his brillant piece on "Reality Tunnels". Great depth of the unconscious mode!! This is precieving reality tunnels as they are actually, One thing or One no-thing is what's happening. Conscious-Unconscious manurfactures many thinking states of the invasion through thought, have you noticed. This is a silly example, but the subjectivity projectory outer world is actually helpers, because what is spoken is what is thought. When you meet up with others whom are awake to this totally ignorant states of thought working in duality of word/e-motion-You realize "Life Lives Us". Hugs β™₯
  22. ....

    Is it not enough to be our own teachers and to remember our own long-held wisdom? Here Life turns about-face, toward the sun, and releases from the old thought-constructions based on the belief that Life is a sinner. Too much emphasis on that belief may have harmed, and certainly depressed. Looking too often and too long at defects may cause to become obsessed by them. A more positive and less restraining attitude is available on the Pathless Path.
  23. Time- what is it?

    Who observes clocks in night dreams? Of all the waking dreams I've observed, no clocks or time has existed. Another observation, were all connected entering this day-dream/night-dream for the fact; I have witnessed my ex going to a Halloween party dressed up as a gay fellow the night before-Saturday. That next day-Sunday, had a hunch to call to apply my insight to him. Yes! This was so, with an amazement of Life's true nature is already fulfilled! Namaste β™₯
  24. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    when you feed the body, your feeding the ego. Ego harming another ego, is ego. "Job carried the answer to his own question, "Oh that I knew where I might find Him," within himself all the time, but he did not know it." We suffer under the delusion that we must struggle, centimetre by centimetre, all the long way to the kingdom of heaven. We stare, astonished and sceptical, when a Sage--Indian, Chinese, Japanese--tells us that we are already in it. There is really nothing to be achieved here; only something to be accepted--the fact of your own divinity. And, it may take many lifetimes-rebirths to accept this from this in-divid-ual-i-me nonsense of ego self limited definitions we take as identity, that we are alone the body.