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Everything posted by Horus

  1. black holes

    Yes, a convenient misconception for the meat and dairy industry Plenty of calories in a potato bro! Does these people look low in calorific intake? No toxic, spirit dampening, cruelty embodying, flesh ever needs to be eaten
  2. black holes

    http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-saturated-fat-studies-set-up-to-fail/ http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Saturated-Fat-Studies-Buttering-Up-the-Public/
  3. black holes

    Hmmm, emerging evidence from Meat Industry sponsored scientific studies no doubt.
  4. black holes

    Yep, cheese will always be body clogging crap - nothing changes that. Go Vegan!! hmmm... Those things are the way they are - how we see them depends entirely upon our own filters. Otherwise all the human numbskulls on this planet would be seeing things as they really are - instead they only see the inside of their asses, because their heads are up there...each to their own though.
  5. black holes

    Ah well, 1000% more power in accepting and acknowledging that. Problems become potent pockets of potential then bro!
  6. black holes

    Only up to the point that you are still viewing/living through the ego. When you surrender that and leave it behind in the 5D - you can live through a higher power void of egoic subjectivity. You then know without knowing that you are the creator of reality not the interpreter.
  7. black holes

    Ah, well...you can't keep your head in the sand about that forever bro. It's all you means you are all of it aka you are a God. What, Ya think a God can't unGod itself and be a God/Not-God if it wants?
  8. Yes, Indeed. It's creeping up on everyone huh? lol My awareness of this is growing exponentially, as is my level of purity in mind. I'm finding my meditation is becoming very quiet - the chatter is leaving... I'm finding for whatever reason that I'm no longer having to refocus my mind from thoughts arising in meditation - I can sit for an hour or two now with no thought...and when thoughts arise I follow them to their origin (which is elsewhere). The earth frequency is lifting rapidly now - I can see so much more energy is the atmosphere, little yang sparks of energy darting everywhere have tripled in the last 12mnths. My daily experience is finally become present for the first time in 37 years - and with that my thought stream is all but stopping, and now I see it has mostly not been mine. I can hear other people's thoughts very clearly now...they arise as if mine - but there is a space between now - and then the person speaks and says what seemed like my thought, but it was actually theirs... I can see other peoples channels and energy, and quite frankly most people are starting to smell really bad energetically...like I can smell the build up of stagnation more as I purify... But it is the earth grid that is purifying me now - whereas in the past I had to do a lot of work. The earth grid's frequency is connecting with the celestial grids more powerfully now - and it's, for me, like doing nei gong without doing anything....
  9. Yes, absolutely. For years I would free it for them. I've spend thousands of hours remote clearing people/animals/stars/planets/earth sites etc (after asking permission spiritually of course)... But I've recently been told that is over now, and to focus on grounding my own energy for the upswing on its way/arriving... I'm no longer asked to do that work for others, but focus on myself (for now)... That work is very powerful and has opened me up like a God. At times I fly thousands of light years out to look at a star that I was clearing, or I'll fling to the other side of the planet when clearing energy from a given person - and see them crystal clear, as if I were there with them only more vivid. But that is over for now... Now I'm asked just to push it back because they need to take responsibility themselves...and I need a rest. But you are right - that work is the basis of celestial immortality (coupled with archetypal virtue work of course). To give is to receive.
  10. Thanks, you may want this one? http://www.amazon.com/A-Study-Daoist-Acupuncture-Moxibustion/dp/189184508X
  11. It's your condition and it's the practice, there is never a coincidence that we choose certain practices for what they bring us to. The practices we choose draw us to important realisations even from the start. The easiest solution is to test it for yourself... It may take a while to attune your focus (depending on how much work you've already done) but...take an approach during Meditate on the du mai and ren mai (mco) - which you have done already - and in a session, once you are connected with the MCO energy start to work with the other extra channels and notice how open or close they are. Working with the wei mai & qiao mai - start at the top of the head with bilateral intention (Yi) on Zheng Ying (gb17)... Opening a channel is easier if you focus on opening all of the points on the channel and connect them to establish flow/assess the level of flow/openness. It helps to touch the points, gently tap them, rub them, bring fingers to a point and open them gradually to open the point, breath respiration into the points, acupuncture, beads with bandaids, sword fingers...whatever feels better for you. The whole idea is based on the law - where your mind goes your energy follows. This will start to give you a basis of how open each channel is and a realisation of what is actually required to open the channel and what that actually means in tangible terms with hands on reference. It helps to try and open sections of the channel at a time by opening and connecting points like notes on a musical score - and you can start to here the music. Each not has a frequency, and the more you focus and open the energy points and channels you will hear the internal music/frequency of the etheric body (each point will being to sing for you). Work on from bilateral Zheng Ying forward to Mu Chuang (GB16) and then Tou Lin Qi (GB15) and so on, descending the front of the body via the points of the Yang to Yin route of the Wei Mai - and connect with the Yang route of the up to LI16 then up the head to GB 20 and back up to GB17... Basically making the yin and yang wei mai and qiao mai channels into one big loop (bilateral loops) - opening every point and connecting them with each other... You will feel pulses at each point as the energy arrives and builds at a point... You may find it easier to take the flow of energy in MCO and redirect it through the channel as you will have a greater capacity to feel the flow in the MCO already.... imo you have some Liver stagnation and probably some Spleen deficiency which is stopping the qi flow due to impeded blood flow...so if you cant do it/learn it yourself...you may benefit from a visit to an acupuncturist or qigong dr. But ultimately you want to come to a point of being able to asses all of your organs and channels and balance them together - that way you know what is going on internally - and when a practice or incident adversely or positively changes your system, you actually know how rather than having to interpret it uncertain intangible ideas. ie when you ascend the yang wei mai, you can feel the yin wei mai descending (in energy flow/reflection)...if not then either the flow is impeded or your connection (thought and intent) needs to be developed more to sense what is actually happening in the channels... You do however need to do the same with the Chong Mai. I'd suggest going easy there though, as the energy will all ascend to the head if the lower jiao and lower points of the channels are closed - which will overheat you and in your case imo - lead to some rising Liver Fire, which would be a false fire/empty heat caused by resultant yin deficiency because the yin (lower) aspect of the body is closed compared with the top - and all this work is just more fire, adding more heat. light and ascending energy to the mix. Hence the focus of most systems of developing the root (yin, LDT, legs, water, balanced organs) prior to the trunk, branches and leaves... So before any of that even starts to come into pay (opening the extra channels that is) - you'd better put some focus on opening your root to the earth and tonifying yin (kidneys, and liver, spleen) and assessing a nice full open root - and in attempting to then balance that with yang you will lead yourself to open the yang leg channels in harmony with the three yin channels in the legs... I'd suggest learning pulse diagnosis to balance the energy of the organs through all of this...
  12. So, perhaps there's a need to counterbalance it with posture that develops the Yang Leg Channels...? Is that a common experience? With regard to the Gate of Life and Death (Gate of Mortality) - it is the control base for the 8 Extraordinary meridians... If the belt channel is blocked it cannot successfully mitigate the uprising yin through the other 7 extra channels... Have you done much work on the wei mai (yin & yang) and qiao mai (yin &yang), chong mai, dai mai? Because, in theory if you have not opened them up sufficiently first - it will slowly build their capacity by dispersing the rising earth yin, bit by bit - and that will chew all the juice for quite some time until a critical mass is reached thereby opening the extras and filling the regular 12 channels... I don't know what extra channel work you had done prior to that, so sorry if you have - just trying to wrap my noggin round the concept...
  13. black holes

    I discovered a new technique last night that was very powerful... 1. I start with the above technique...I feel for our nearest black hole (well, the one at the center of the Milky Way (not technically the closest, which cold be V4641 Sgr - on the Sag arm of said of the Milky Way ). Keep pumping into her, and then start seeing the whole universe sucking into the Black Hole. As this is happening it lights up my LDT and is pumping synchronistically into my LDT. 2. When that phase reaches a critical mass/event horizon, allow an inertia to build as you will it all to flip around - and then start seeing the whole universe sucking in the same way into your LDT. The black hole and all contents are sucked into LDT, and then the whole universe follows and the LDT is gobbling up the whole universe. I add a compacting gesture to that, compressing the universe more and more to the center of the LDT. 3. Then repeat step 2, making it a bit faster. 4. Then repeat step 2/3 getting faster and faster - you are gobbling and sucking the whole universe into your LDT pushing the boundaries of your mind to repeat again and again and mind boggling speed. There are multiple parallel universes all sliced into NOW, so you are gobbling and compacting to a point in center of LDT. This heats up my LDT faster and hotter than anything I've done thus far...
  14. Thanks for that, I'll check it out. I think his Daoist Acupuncture workshop would be an eye opener too... Edit: Just checked out 'Heavenly Streams' - I'll get that one.. It sounds very similar to the point respiration and channel work I have been doing, feeling the elements and breathwork focus until the ego gets so tired it falls asleep and the inner vision of the channels opens up. Nice tip, gracias!
  15. But how many of them are yours, and how many are from elsewhere/others? Every morning lately when I wake up I'm hit with a mountain of negative emotion...its my neighbour's and the worlds response to the high energies of this super moon. One by one I push each emotion back to its origin - I can see/feel it go back to the specific house of the person each emotion came from. Then I lay there in bliss (free of all their resisting change/light bullshit) and I practice Fuqi... Incidentally I once had a visit from the White Rhino group soul asking me to do some clearing/healing work on the group soul. I obliged... It was f'n intense - so much ANGER - I felt that surge through my Liver Meridian like live molten lava lightening..intense pain. and heat. My eyes fluxed and I thought they were going to burst. And the channel was clear for months after that...
  16. Nice. Hey I'm always a sucker for embodying the will of the light...ya had me at that one... Would you say that you cover most of your system in your video series?
  17. How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

    HaHa, every day bro! Nicely seen!! It's an indispensable part of my daily work out... That's me on the right!
  18. Yes, well said. Though, you needn't separate yourself from the celestial... Surrendering personal egoic will to divine will merges you with that highest part of yourself - your will in time becomes one with the highest will of all.
  19. Hey Lim I just got the text, but it has been calling me... I'll let you know when I've delved, which at my speed may be a year or so lol - I like to creep up on this shit
  20. Favourite Staple Foods

    Fruit & Veges and good thoughts.
  21. black holes

    If I pump qi into out systems black hole - it pumps qi reflectively straight into my LDT.
  22. I do appreciate what you are saying there Ya Mu, but I think that "absolutely no way to predict where" is a bit over-stated. Call me picky but, where there's a will there's a way... When there is no pressing need for most practitioners to develop the method of knowing where the qi will go and when - we don't develop such ability. But, when you enter an intimate relationship with the channels and points through point respiration and emotional clearing, over a long period you become so attuned to the meridians, points and qi that you can see them, feel them and you get pulled through the system in different ways depending how you hold your intention. And when you delve beyond linear time you can run and rerun scenarios in no-time and "test" the outcomes - ie where will the qi go to if I did this or that...
  23. How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

    Pretty simple concept once you fully embrace the eternal now. When we open up beyond 3d reality into multidimensional beings (which we are always even when we close it down) time moves from a forward motion to a universal NOW. From "A Course In Time Travel" time-travelers.org/ : "In a normal reality, we experience time as forward motion in the form of instantaneous time slices. We are usually denied access to previous or future existence. In multi-dimensional reality, we experience time as a universal now, where everything that ever happened, or ever will happen, is happening all at once. This is not confusing to us in a multidimensional reality, because these myriad separate events are homogenized in a very wonderful way that promotes a perfection of being." Just because our linear egoic self currently believes in 3D reality, it does not mean that other aspects of your self are caught in that belief...and when the will resides within you to break free of the illusion - you come to your own party. Any time you clear an old ("previous" life) emotion, you are doing the same thing - whther you see it all visually is not really important (but it is fun ) My other parts come and go and visit me all the time. Actually, incidentally, I've had a visit from SOTG in the future - right after he leaves/left his physical body...(ie a visit in current time, but the time frame is many years into the future, which is when that visitation actually occurs/occured/is occuring). It turns out the immortal bit worked too btw
  24. I'd appreciate if you could outline more detail in your experiences here?