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Everything posted by Horus

  1. BOOM! Love it... I've always perceived this and always naturally gravitated to both paths leading to the same point, like I just couldn't help myself but embody both. I didn't though make the middle path connection so figuratively, so thanks Though I have witnessed that the highest evolved being that I know is more aligned with the First "path"... A child-like, simplistic, passive, unquestioned, unwavering acceptance - and an unwillingness to "require" any practice but effortless right action and the highest choice in every moment in thought, word, deed. But then, that is a person who was born whole, fully awakened - a spiritual master of the highest returning. But then other similar masters come back and adhere to process very naturally. Personally, as I said, I embrace both and pull them together to one unified point; LOVE.
  2. Simple wisdom, BOOM, Jeff! I've discussed this at length with a lot of passion unto Source/God and my Guides...that the higher level practices are not "here for me". They patiently keep assuring that "when you and humanity are ready, the knowledge will present itself to you. That is how the higher teachings came before, that is how they shall return again and not before". I'd love to hear this...would the foundation to your Christian Mysticism tradition be similar to what we might presume is covered in a text like: The Seven Christian Initiations in the Gospel of St John By Kristina Kaine Or can you suggest another foundation text?
  3. There's a story about an old man that was wanting to see the Buddha, but the disciples turned him away as foolish. The old man was ready to die, and was considering jumping off a cliff... The Buddha came and found him, asking him why he wanted to see him. In effect, the man said his life is over, he has no more reason to live - he came across your camp and thought, oh well, why not see this Buddha. The Buddha took this old man as a disciple, and directed him to meditate in a nearby graveyard. The man took up the offer... To the surprise of the other disciples, this old man advanced very rapidly and soon realised enlightenment. "How did he do it so fast, master?" exclaimed the other disciples to their Buddha. "He was already done with the body, so letting go was just a matter of simple focused intent". The graveyard helped in that he was the impermanence of life, he simply let his body "rot" to him and released himself from its bondage.
  4. Hmmm, pretty Is the "inner heart" a white flame in said tradition? Inside myself there is a golden disk (jin dan) at LDT afront the Mingmen, above that inside MDT there is a big fat white flame, and above that in UDT there is a growing degree of reflected light from the flame below...to me that represents soul in three ascending/descending states. I feel through observing this, or know without knowing that when the capacity or rate of vibration ascends sufficiently - all these fields merge into one field. What then is the difference between a chakra and a dantien in that process?
  5. Thanks very much for sharing this...by "rendering desired effects via intention", do you mean just that - plain and simple? Or do you mean that intent be activated with regard to fluxing or emission of light from a given center...? I'm presuming you meant just intent, as it reads - just felt like I'd like more clarity there. ie I can create flow in another/or a center, earth center, star what have you... at a distance just intending it, but then I can also pump it, inject it, flow it through, invisible needle it etc.. But you are talking about activating a given state of flow just by intending it, yes?
  6. Thanks for this Jeff... I've actually had a Prudent Body projection inside a couple of people that have this unified field. It's like a normal dantien looking field of power/awareness - ie like an enormous jin dan that instead of being in the 7D equivalent of the lower abdomen - it spans way beyond confines. When viewing this in two different people, I had to "lean in" to view the outer edges of the field - the body like dr who's tardis - whereas viewing someone's jin dan is just a case of looking at the space afront ming men. The unified field also has a very different feel and colour - it feels like primordial 1st dimension cunsummated with all dimensions into a unified field of accumulated awarenesses - and the palate is like a setting sun, yet primordial pastel colours merge throughout unconstrained by 3d concepts such as swirls or streaks of colour. To me its the seat of God Consciousness - and actually thes colours therein reminded me distinctly of another projection I achieved only once - a projection into what I might call the primordial Garden - a place where original Source created another Source, who under "him" had created other Gods and Goddesses that populated the earth (before any fall). The two individuals with the unified field are the only individuals I have ever viewed with such a field. I've seen others with a full tai chi in there, but none with the unified field like that. Advanced initiates they both were.
  7. Only if attached to said power will you create such need, to fight that is. Rather "It may sound cool to have the power to fight a demon, but then you will have to take responsibility for what you do with that power". And power without the skill and knowledge commensurate with said power leads to unfruitful use of power; irresponsibility. Incidentally, any power to fight demons is best respected with the same love you have for any other sentient being, unconditionally - the great fight to end all fights is LOVE.
  8. I prefer to see that as "always choose the highest thing, and live through compassionate awareness in NOW, thus not needlessly manifesting that which you are not. With great power comes great responsibility.".
  9. Emotions and spirituality

    Very similar for me Bindi. All I'd care to add is to try TLM (seach it on DDB), and also to see the reflective relationship between thought and emotion, 5th dimension reflecting the 4th, 5th chakra reflecting 4th and or vice versa. Also not accepting all thought and emotion as yours - when you have said unconscious content in your own system it will be a sounding board for others thought and emotional content - playing through as if it's "yours" - thus the matrix hold plays through us.
  10. Who can perform spiritual transmission? How has received spiritual transmission? How does it work? How do you do it?
  11. I've had the big cops, sometimes they do big bikers - but it's just a presentation to get you distracted from the rapid ascension you were doing...the light goes into fear and they feed - that's all. What works best is laughing at them - Rediculous! HaHa! These gifts are yours, your Yuan Shen & Yuan Shen activating - either due to jing-qi-shen transmutation from ldt, mdt to udt - producing a high pressure of shen in UDT. Or due to cultivating a high pressure state of shen in UDT via breathwork or other form of direct cultivation from external energy fields. The beam is like a lead light, a predursor to some other manifestation of will - ie from that "beam" you can manifest a mtriad of different things - but it is light, and all light is protective. So, the darkies only like light they can control, right? They cannot control that power unless they kerb you into fear. I've projected said beam from the crystal palace through Yintang (there are higher points up the forehead also) and the beam shines out - like a creamy white And then, depending on your level of synergy, accumulation, and consummation you have achieved (how much purging, tonification and regulation you have done - thus allowing you to bring all of your self to a zero point) - this will determine what "options" are available to you... You can just blast beams out, or you can project out - qi, awareness in the form of your various subtle bodies (is astral, etheric, prudent etc) for a full spirit projection. The greater the degree to which your higher bodies and consciousness can penetrate and saturate the lower ones - ie all your cells are all vibrating at their highest energetic states, purged of lower unconscious content - the greater the degree of choice you will embody - a higher end of the scale being the ability to ascend at will all cells into one and teleporting. All we are is light bro, what you are doing is not just the techs played with - its all the work ya done/are doing in other incarnations.
  12. What is the answer to the universe?

    Awesome, huh, certainly more than marbles in there, hey? Welcome to the threshold then, bro! The next step to clean up that landscape is to clear out the subconscious...then you'll see what is without projected filters, yo! Prior to "cleaning up" the content latent in the subconscious mind, we have its contents projecting onto the canvas. After (and somewhat during) said clean up we have the pure light of awareness illuminating said canvas. The first state projects all created mento-emotional content in a similar fashion in the sleep state - which is merely the same process interfacing the 4th dimension rather than the 3rd. Or rather the 5th and 4th dimensions reflecting each other through multiple dimensional awarenesses - ie if said mento-emotional content vibrates at 1st, 2nd, or 3rd dimensional states of experience, then the awareness will animate through the 1st, 2nd or 3rd dimensions (energy centers/chakras) respectively, illuminating the content therein (as a filter upon "reality/ies", if you will) - the experiential result being "whatever you are "ready" for".
  13. What is the answer to the universe?

    Ho ever ya wan it bro, yo da big boss innit? In my experience they tend to embody the age that most represents how they felt most them, which is usually younger. But that is just how they present themselves - and it can take quite a bit of energy to step down their frequency to enable us to "see" them in a way we are comfortable... Some kids will see a beautiful parrot, or some other benign and lovable presentation, its all about us after all - we are their heaven. Well, now...a good healthy degree of scepticism frosted with a dash of willingness to ridicule is actually a palpable and potent asset in such affairs. The trick is to embody them as tools, not let them drive ya Bus. Now, with Astral Projection...whether in the local 3D or elsewhere I feel it best to take what you get and move on, as it's not the ideal vehicle in this current "climate". Being yin in nature it makes ya fast food for yin spirits, yo! Far more prudent to joy-ride the Stellar Body if ya really need to...ya be far less tasty then No need to travel like that to jump through those hoops bro, remote viewing that shit is far more suitable... Though these things take time and focus for me still...and time and focus is being spent very thoughtfully right now. Try me again post 2020, things should be looking up by then... We'll see - I'll keep ya posted. Until then, with where we are all at... I has my hands more than full.
  14. And Godly Powers are not natural? Supernatural is a misnomer, all is nature; all is Natural. The you that you know and the you that I know seem to be different people, I look forward to their re-mergence. Until then, I declare that, I shall enjoy this perfection you are choosing. When you rise high enough upon the planes of subtle existence, the all pervading omnipotence of said "intelligence" becomes far more palpable, consummating, accumulative - rise high enough and the external becomes the internal, and "thereup" presides the truth that said intelligence has always been you.
  15. Cloud Appreciation

    The ionospheric heating technology being used in international weather control experiments currently is making some very interesting clouds, huh?
  16. Cloud Appreciation

    Well, I'll be buggered https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake_cloud Is anything I think my own thought, or just others recycled? Time for anew me thinks....
  17. Cloud Appreciation

    I love clouds too Dusty! In the last year of two I have apparently developed the ability to predict/see earthquakes coming in the cloud formations above my home. It started with the Christchurch NZ quake, the clouds were in a special formation, all stacking up heading toward NZ. This new gift reached its peak a few months ago...I had no experience for a while - and then the cloud formation came back - but this time it was building toward an epicenter off the QLD coastline - I pointed to where it was building. I could feel the earth grid responding to ionic buildup in the sky - or vice versa. The next day my whole house shuddered, windows banging - I just smiled and enjoyed the ride HAHAHA! The epicentre of the quake was exactly where I pointed to... Can you move the clouds with your mind yet, dusty?
  18. What is the answer to the universe?

    Have you not yet had the pleasure of leaving your physical body and viewing it from the subtle planes? Whether it be astral, etheric, or prudent body projection (or other) - when you achieve that you may feel it is very different to what you do now. Especially the Prudent body projection, because you will perceive a parallel "physical" body (residing in the 7th dimension, but emanating in the same "space" as the 3D fleshy vehicle - and being in the 7D, above 5D mentalisation - you will "know without knowing" that you are eternal, the 3D body just like a rocket booster, it falls away leaving the seed of God Consciousness. Death is Birth, Homecoming.
  19. What is the answer to the universe?

    It expands exponentially in the continued remembering of self after death of the physical body. Actually it starts some time before the physical body dies, as the other subtle bodies start to die first. When the physicality dies consciousness then experiences the death of the subtle bodies one after the other. Nothing ever dies merely changes form - "did you love enough?" will be the question that determines where you then move to - back in again or on to higher planes. Many mediums will tell you that when a parent loses a child, that child still "grows up" on the other side, and they can see them in progressively larger bodies as we do in the physical - such is the compassion of the universe - we really get to do everything we want, in divine timing and readiness.
  20. Yes, I'd agree with that - dries you up after a while...I only use it when the earth grid is getting pounded, it makes short work of those nasty energetic critters that love chaos. My girl is a wiz with foods to eat and cover all of the essential elements, even for Vegans! Go Vegan! Go Later! HaHa! Thanks for that Andrei, nice to hear from you!
  21. I use a Don Croft Zapper, seen them? http://doncroftzapper.com/ Pretty damn good too...similar to an acupuncture session. And then there is electro-acupuncture...