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Everything posted by Horus

  1. The whole thing is a construct Ralis, anyway. They made it they can change it. But, there is no problem. A humanity that chooses to sleep rather than take responsibility for its spiritual power beckons forth those that are willing to hold that power for them until they are done with the resting...then they look the other way and pretent that its not part of them, and then make it real that someone else is oppressing them. It's humanities arm that is pressing down upon itself with the glove of organised control. Too say that one constitutional ruling or another is the problem is to look at the situation at such a granular level that you cant see the forest for the trees. Man, we're all in this together. The nothingness begot the somethingness in order that it could experience itself - but we got tired of all that work - hence the fall (really a jump) and all the complaints and victimhood serves only to stabilise the control.
  2. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Kindness becomes me Wu Ming Jen! I've not come across anyone yet that has the inner vision like that. To me it only stabilises once there is sufficient chi in the upper dantien... So, could you explain to me what you have done to have this inner vision. I have the inner vision also, but I need to "charge up" before I can make it work. ie it's not stable or constant without the charge - and my capacity to hold the charge without brain fry is not there yet.... Would you share what work you have done and how the inner vision works for you?
  3. Intellectualism is for wimps

    hmmm, yes, another point to think long and hard about - (head scratch... )
  4. Intellectualism is for wimps

    You are the abyss and the observer - who better to stare at than yourself?
  5. ok, then sign me up to the free-balling Kramer Sect..... This is our Avatar!
  6. We're already there. It just takes time to pan out while the plane is still this dense. But, it doesn't mean much really. In order to unite as one we must even out the playing field. You'll see the same thing with businesses - all the biggies will merge; with sport, you will not see just 1-2 masters dominating, instead emerging groups of masters all at the same level. Yes, toward peace - but it is always darkest before the dawn. We are going to see all the shit come out now that the light is anchoring in - that's how she rolls this grand chick Gaia! Whether it will be 1000 years of shit is debatable - more like 750 and a down slope....with a big white BANG!
  7. I don't wear underpants if that counts?
  8. Intellectualism is for wimps

    I'll have to think about that one...
  9. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Thanks Joe You're always a font of wisdom. Have any of the Mo Pai practitioners found that embryonic breathing leads to the center like Joe mentioned "energy center emerges"?
  10. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Thanks again Wu Ming Jen You are a living gem. So, you have obviously perceived LDT with inner vision? Is that right?
  11. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Thanks Wu Ming Jen Your word ring with a grounded resonance founded in practice. Let this not be a discussion on the existence physical or otherwise of LDT or any other DT - such comments to that affect are welcome but off topic - I can only discmiss what tries to unplug what I know with certainty. I have seen it with my own soul. Western medicine is concerned with the whole picture also - it merely asks us all to look in the other direction (ie distracted illusion). "Does the LDT have a physical location, shape, color, form?" - semanticas aside - the physical location that parallels where LDT is situated on the subtle/etheric body is perhaps more apt. Answer: yes it has a location, and yes the colour and shape and form changes depending on many conditions. "let personal experience reign supreme" - well, provided that personal will surrenders to divine will - personal experience is supreme.
  12. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Now ya talkin! In this case I used the words "results" to be linked with - folks are able to achieve an increase in yang chi "growing/filling" in LDT by simply considering the whole abdomen as LDT (or by not being too concerned about pinpoint accuracy as to its exact "location". For me, particularly now I have seen LDT, I'm still going to explore (in practice) which is better: Focus very specifically on the exact center of the actual LDT that I have seen (glowing disk) Allow for it not to "matter" - and allow Yi to drive the breath (yang chi) to reach LDT (ie not be so worried about the precise location of LDT) For me it's only then a question of which gives more rapid, or more holistic results, or perhaps which results ensures maximum uptake of the available chi with each inhale.
  13. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Ok, thanks Chi Dragon.
  14. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    Used to, but my body calls it poison now - and I can only sip at my mother-in-laws red wine now and then (to the gasp of my body - (it complains usually)). We (my body and I) prefer the green 'erb. Used sensibly it expands awareness, and the little auric smog it leaves is easily transmuted(in my experience). It has helped me get out of many energetically disturbed states. And it's great to help decend any chi that gets caught/over compressed in the upper center. But I understand it is not for everyone.
  15. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Thanks ChiDragon - what do you mean "free for all"?
  16. Intellectualism is for wimps

    The 3 P's knew that thinking and just being were two ends of the same thing (yin/yang) - and moreover thy 3 P's knew that a satiated mind (input with correct knowledge) would allow the supreme power of beingness to envelop them. In other word the 3 P's knew the 6 P'S (Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance).
  17. What are you listening to?

    Maybe the astral emanations from the heart valves...but it was not the physical sound of the heartbeat. I'm familiar with that - it was either the astral sounds of one of the psychic centres or i'm going with the umpar band!
  18. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I like this comment - though I'm not so concrete on there being any real difference between the physical and the subtle - just rates of vibrational frequency. We really don't experience anything physical. You can experience Tan Tien "physically" though right? like when you feel the lump - LDT itself may not be physical - but matter condensing around it may be - isnt that all that physical is anyway?
  19. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I liked this comment - simply because I agree that in practice - forget all of the rationalisation and let the process be. That's where the beauty lives... However, i've seen the LDT - i've "sat" right infront of it - i've watched it surge and burst forth with chi - I know it is not imaginary. I agree that you can do away with the numbers. Incidently - I feel that the varying numbers may be that the focus allows for the "bottom" of the circumference of dantien. Some people's will be larger/smaller. I actually feel that dantien may be centered at the navel....and the 1.3-3 inches allows for the focus to direct to the lower part of the actual dantien disk/sphere (it was rather more disk like that spherical in my perception - while other objects were more 3D-like. Either way, folks are getting the results from just a deep abdominal focus and accepting the whole abdomen as LDT.... I'll do the same process from within myself and report back next time i'm in there. Also worth adding is that it is like a tardis (dr who's telephone booth vehicle) - in that it expands massively - like it should not fit in the space there - but it does. (I was able to remote view a royal family members LDT when I was in there - and theirs was MASSIVE).
  20. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Are you saying that a grown dantien will give you a buddha belly? (chinese buddha staue with big belly (i mean)) - because i fell that is not right? That idea is symbolic/suggestive I feel.
  21. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I must 100% disagree regarding the imaginary bit too. Having said that - it's a semantic and practical argument - and exactly my point here i guess... Imaginary location is still a good tool to use, right? It is something we imagine when directing yang chi to LDT - but, i'd be more comfortable with the idea of using intent over visualisation/imagination - as intent still brings no mind - while imagination is more active. The LDT is really there and it does fill/empty - but the size is not dependent on the level of fillled/emptied. It can be big and full or small and full. Either way it is real, albeit subtle in nature. It is amazing. I'd equate it to looking directly at the sun on a smoky day. It is the most perfectly circular thing i've ever seen (again, like the sun - but the edges are very clean - and unlike the sun can be looked at directly - so they are very "sharp".
  22. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    "I love how primordial energy gets a physical location. Its like a chakra opening and closing do spinning wheels open or close?" By "I love how primordial energy gets a physical location" - do you mean that sacrastically? no issue - just wasn't sure. Beacuse "viewed" from within the abdomen it is 100% not immaginary - and the "primordial" position has a directly locatable "position/or overlap if you will with a/the "physical" position (just on the subtle plane - not the physical one. (hope that makes sense?) Yes, very much like a baby. Ifact, having just started doing this more focused and regular DT breathing - my neurology flashed back to when I was in the womb - i felt my slippery little lips and the suckling no-mind nature. Thanks for sharing - but if you feel that the LDT is imaginary - than it is just a belief you have formed - but, whatever - if the practice still works it does not matter much? For me, if i'm not very specific - i get into situations I don't want to be in very quickly. I tend to get results VERY quickly - so I need to be precise.
  23. Intellectualism is for wimps

    If that wasn't intellectualism attacking itself - than i must be in no mind... Without intellect we are just the all. Which is just eternally fine - but we wanted to experience ourselves. Without the current structure allness/spirit nestled into form - we just are - ego is required in order to experience whatever "reality" you "create". Only when each and everyone of us is ready will we return to the original state. Be cautious in your criticism of leopards lest you grow spots yourself. Thanks for sharing!
  24. It's not a destination, its a journey, one that we paradoxically have taken many times. We are the map. It becomes not obvious as soon as you think its a path - thus placing it outside of you. You are a guide, and a grand teacher. For most of us - we are in this state because we are in varying degrees of refusal to accept and see who we truly are. We are already there, just facing away from the responsibility of being all of it. Humanity is choosing this. We did not fall, we jumped. Whatever, all things return to the light. You can jump in front of that bullet train for as many lifetimes as you like you will still be intact - thus is the compassion of the universe that you are. It's only as exclusive as it is entirely inclusive.