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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Caeser: acta est fabula plaudite acta non verba ad arbitrium ad augusta per angusta ad astra
  2. Ghost experts...I need you!

    And, Ya gotta know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away Know when to run
  3. Ghost experts...I need you!

    The best was to diffuse the "So much so, I had to stop." factor is balance... Make it about you, not about them (spirit)... Just because a medium can see/hear/feel/communicate with spirit - does not mean its all about them... This is about your makeup, it about you and your giving unto the world, your love of life, your offering. To keep grounded, find some simple productive practices to do on a daily basis and let go more, allow it to be part of your lifestyle and come from love not seeking results. Mediums often feel massive anxiety - but its all in the resistance. Know thyself.
  4. Ghost experts...I need you!

    "It is interesting that my partner claims that she always used to see ghost and spirit when she lived with her mum. Nowadays she doesn't. Interesting to know why this is only affecting me...I guess generally she is more grounded these days. I perhaps know why...I'd be interested to see if you know as well. I'm not playing here, it's just that you have been incredibly accurate so far...I just want to know how correct my intuition is." Well, the first thing I heard was "she's pregnant", but it was a strong thought form - so, could just as easily be your idea? or maybe mine... Women are generally more grounded than men, its in their nature. I see her clinging closely to her mum, but in a nice way. A good support structure they have together, with much love. The wisdom of women can teach us much. There are so many things that can affect grounding, but for a woman (in general life context) nurture and nature have much to do with it. Is she with child (yours or past-partner's)? Is she wanting a child? Did she stop taking drugs recently? Is there a strong mental commitment like embarking on study? A broody woman will ground up like no tomorrow, and she'll pull her man into line like a trooper. Her mother feels like a strong grounding force here, and she feels like she is supporting her daughters entry into motherhood. Even venturing into that energy elates my energy body... "Yes, I carry the genetic "worry" that my dad has. Incredible anxiety and a lust for chocolate. Perhaps a comfort food. I went through my rebel stage because I saw this early and didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. As much as I love and respect him, he annihilated himself at a civil service job." Worry is a/the negative energy of the spleen - and it is most simply dealt with by transmuting/converting/turning it into/trying to see how you can be more open. Openness is a/the virtue energy of the spleen. Openness and fairness, balance and centredness. So, when you feel the worry - ask yourself "am I being open and fair here"... Am I being open enough. Worry tends to have a subject, so, whatever that manifests as - ask "am i being open to that. Am I being open to that "worst case scenario? If I create it, am I being open enough to take responsibility for my creation, to take the gold of wisdom from it and to move forward positively with openness, fairness, and balance? Man, I love chocky too! But we've split up. I find it clogs my energy pathways, and there is more than meets the eye going into the more commercial blends. I've seen some nasty stuff going on within commercial chocky that made me "abort" it completely. But, I can still taste it with my jedi mind/body tools...haha! It is intrinsically tied up with the genealogical issue - so delve into it - its a gift on offer there... "The alkaline diet, is this close to yin foods? That is something I have already adopted (except the chocolate, at the mo!) My partner feels the same...she needs an alkaline diet to battle candida symptoms or something..." The Yin/Yang of foods is a big study, and it depends not just on the nature of each food in question, but whether its raw or cooked, what time of year it is, and what your internal "weather" is doing. In this i am only a student...but alkaline acid is easier to navigate superficially. This acid/alk chart is based on the "affect" that each food has on the system (as opposed to their own acid/ak ID as such - ie some acid foods have an alk afffect on the system) http://www.fhsblog.com/misc/food_alk-acd-lrg.jpg I found it very useful to help move beyond Candida. What a journey that was - I have very little food craving now.. I did a 21 day pau d'arco cleanse with no fruit, no meat, nothing acidic - no sugar basically. 100% alkaline, and then renuke with probiotics and nutrition.... The issue to watch for is the leaky gut syndrome - but copius slippery elm does the trick... I looked and couldn't find the old guys site that gave me the details - but this might be even better by the look of it - http://doctorglen.wordpress.com/yeast/ Candida is driving the digestion funfair - take back control by compassionately letting it die, and then move on with support. (looking deeper Candida is a big part of the dirty C word (cancer). re bath:"I can add the other ingredients if you feel it is necessary." - yes, do that. heaps of them. The first time I did that bath, Yeshua himself jumped in with me and splashed water on his face..I was like, who's that. ooohhh! "This includes the mindfulness meditation. I will keep this up!" - do, it feels good. But my point on the pinpoint concentration is that you are present. Some mindfulness and no-mind meditations can leave you open/receptive to influence. Rigorous more active meds like neigong make use of the mind, while those dormant wafty states in stillness (without pinpoint concentration) splay you open and allow entry. "Yes, my landlord lived in this house for 11 years!" - this guy is ok, it's just a karmic bond/hockup you have shared. But his life is stagnant and he wont listen to the light anymore. I feel his mother has severely thwarted him in life, but we only get into what we create so, each to there own - "all paths lead back to me" (the light). You are not responsible for his karma. But, entering such a contract, the weight of his karma offered a comforting nook to rest in. If you are indeed a medium, I cannot judge you for that. A medium will do everyone around them. A medium is a conduit not just for spirit but for energy - so how much of what you feel has its origin within you? "Only yesterday did a good Taoist cyber-friend agree with me in that I need that responsibility now. Mouths to feed, my own home and wife. When I'm 65 and retired, I can then carry on my spiritual practice for enlightenment, but at 26, is worth more to me to stay grounded and look after my immediate family and start one of my own." HAHA! Oh the running medium! "When I'm 65 and retired, I can then carry on my spiritual practice for enlightenment, but at 26, is worth more to me to stay grounded and look after my immediate family and start one of my own." Man, life is the greatest work...we can all sit around creating energy bodies, omming, cleansing, charging, merging with tao for as long as we like....if we really evolve with all of that we might just have the opportunity to come back again and try being a woman, hanging the clothes on the line, mopping the floor , loving the children and the husband - then we'll stare mastery in the face and be it. But, you can't outrun us (spirit) - the owls will bring the letters through every crack in the house. I do my work in the mornings before my wife wakes. Just watch Theresa Caputo - I have deep admiration, love and gratitude for mediums.
  5. depersonalization

    Hmmmm, your own worst enemy have you become... Homeboy Jedi Martin, break it down for me: Cursed missed opportunities... Am I part of the cure? Or am I part of the disease? OOooooohhh! AAAaaaahhh!
  6. how does one reach enlightenment?

    "What about Buddha? he searched until he could search no further, finally ending his journey within, in meditation." The meditation got him there - but only the engagement of correct thought, word and deed took him "over the line".
  7. Caeser:Ah, the meaning of life? Many spend their lives in search for meaning, and forget to live it. True. The reason and meaning of life is to be found/used in experiencing the splendor of creation. To use the senses is not a sin. The senses are there as a vehicle of experience. In spirit we just are, we cannot "experience". Thus, so it is that we come here, into form, to enact our will on earth as it is in heaven. The desire to experience ourselves pulls us here.
  8. Ghost experts...I need you!

    "I'm just wishing it away. The physical world is enough to live in, nevermind these other pests!" While your unwillingness to play with the "fairies" and th darker side of life is great... This attitude stems from your unwillingness to integrate with your spiritual power.... "The physical world is enough to live in, never mind these other pests!" This is the cry of a "medium" carrying the world on his shoulders...you are not Atlas. I'm pretty sure a medium would tell you who you truly are. That is what you are not earthing here, and that is what the pests are telling you. "What the f#%k are you doing here, kid?!" - "oh, well, dinner is served!". Beyond the illusion, the darkness is seeking, nay plotting, your ascension. Ask yourself this question, from deep within: Am I a Medium?
  9. Ghost experts...I need you!

    ok, so working backwards. Diabetes. Diabetes is the stomach imbalance I'm feeling here. Diabetes is a centred in the stomach/pancreas/spleen (earth element). If you delve deeper within yourself, I feel you'll find a "genealogical" disposition toward pancreatic/stomach deficiencies - but it is emotion/belief related (and probably centred around openess, fairness, centredness and balance - oriented in your ability to "integrate" - this will be exacerbated by worry and a level of difficulty accepting the "sweetness" of life. These things will be stronger with the father, but simply avail an opportunity or "in" to your energy system. And by genealogical I mean that this has it root cause in your fathers "timeline". See a time line therapist to release it, or perhaps a medical qigong dr. The earth element is what grounds you, earths you, roots you. And to get an in, you'd need to be "uprooted'. Spend more time in nature, less time playing computer games, more natural light, less unnatural light, less acidic food, more alkaline food. Buy some frankinsense, colloidal silver, kosher salt. Take hot as you can handle bath with sea (kosher) sale, fresh rosemary, cinnamon, and a few drops of eucaplytus. Fully submerge within it as long as you can. get out when it starts to cool. That is a very powerful cleansing bath. The AP dabbling in the past was being held back by the lack of grounding (earth element again). Mindfulness meditation on its own needs pinpoint concentration to avoid susceptibility to "infiltration" by any that seek it with you. The mold is being facilitated by the energy of the building. A rolling stone gathers no moss. I'd move house. You think its a good ticket, but who's holding the tickets and who's holding the fines? Mould/Mold is a marker. It's only present in a state of decay, and lost souls and energy...well, misery loves company. Fighting the mould is an uphill battle, it's part of the landlords Karma and his inability to integrate with love and responsibility at a family level...did he used to live in the home? It doesn't matter, anyway. This is a temporary stop for you, and the time to move forward is approaching. It's all about your life Rara... So where do you need to move forward in life that you have not yet, that you have been delaying, or that you....can't seem to "ground" yourself into yet? Edit addition:This is not about solving the spook issue. There is nothing "wrong" about what they are doing, have no judgement. Fight begets more fight, only deeper down the rabbit hole. This/they are a gift, a gift to deliver the insight and wisdom that darkness only gathers in the shaddows, and feeds on what light it can there. So, the path of least resistance is to move house, and move forward with life into a new earth.
  10. God:Wonderful question, soaring crane, soar you do. To answer this question we need to travel back to ancient times... Come with me. We can go back even further with this, but to maintain the most relevance for this current epoc of man - let's drop into the timeline in "ancient" Greece, not too long before the Golden Age. There was a period of time here, let's call it a post-Atlantean readjustment phase. Many beings fleeing from the fall of Atlantis traveled to the Greco peninsulas, called their by source/light. Many of these beings were much large than we are today, they walked with me, they were with their godliness. Man and woman were at ease with one another, balanced. Things started to settle in and the balance of society was good. Women came, at this time, to be more central and holding a leadership position in their partnerships with men. Women were actually more dominant for a time, but the men were ok with that. Being closer to their godly state, they knew that women were by their very nature closer to God/Source. They knew that. They lived that, and women were more worshiped for their simple beauty, their tendency to nurture, and their intrinsic compassion. Like all cycles, the creation phase of this newly forming "society" came to maturity. And as is the way of life, so then came a period of chaos. In this chaos, the "honeymoon" period of this relationship dynamic came under pressure. It is the way of life to move from creation, to chaos, and back to creation repeater. So when the chaos phase developed - which is essential for evolution (it is from the darkness that we extract the gold) - it brought up that which sought transmutation - namely the past horrors and fear surrounding the ancient relationship within and around mankind. Souls were tired. They had lost their foundation, and this phase was offering a new one. The past fears of times where women dominated men, and vice versa arose. Women were shown the great chasm in their wombs, and men the great hole in their hearts. In addition to this mankind felt they needed a rest. When we are tired it calls upon great surrender to divine will. But surrender requires great strength, and they were tired. They were tired from their past... They wanted a rest from spiritual work. At the arrival of these lower energies, resistance was growing. The hearts of mankind wanted to rest. "Can't we just have a rest now?" they asked me, and they began asking en masse. "Can't we just rest, it's too much? We want to enjoy the senses and live". And the compassion of the universe is unconditional, so it was. As the masses go so shall go the earth. This choice began to change the dynamics of the society accordingly. Men became increasingly dissatisfied with being "told what to do" by women. The perfect couple, under the pressure of the past within, began to distance themselves from each other, and thus from me (tears from the author). Men wanted more freedom, and women started to speak up to man. Before that there was an understanding that flowed, now it took words. But men wanted more, they sought more "power" in their day to day life. Men began talking to each other about their growing dissatisfaction. Some of them, acting out of past inner pain and the energetic wounds of old, began to meet in groups to discuss this issue and what to do about it. You see, there are two paths for you hear on earth when it comes to the life you'd like to become/lead. When, in our life, we feel the upsurge of old negative emotions we have a choice to make. It's a choice to be conscious, and resolve the old emotions with compassion and wisdom - thus moving into a higher frequency - or a choice to be unconscious, in which case we dismiss these inner feelings, suppress them and those energies crystalise within our body tissues in a holding pattern until we can deal with them. Now, these two choice have a big affect upon the way we then interface with the world and the evolutionary waves that woo us forward. If we have chosen to suppress and avoid the "work" - then these inner frequencies take up residence in a more superficial level of our consciousness - they become "aurically" active, and "visible". Because of this, these energies, still seeking resolution, play out in your life. The illusion becomes thicker, and these "themes" generate scenarios that will allow us to heal them in a perhaps less direct manner. Rather than working with wisdom and responsibility, these energies enter the realm of experience. Now, within that context let me go deeper with this. Let's go very deep... Come with me, now, to the center of the earth. It's hot there, so dress for the occasion We are still at a similar timeframe. While the above scenario is taking place, in the center of the earth, upon an ancient rock, sits a man. This man is very learned of the ways of the earth - he know me well. He is about 700 years old at this time - let's call him the "Super Wise Man". There is an ancient tale in your histories about him. This man was beyond the folly of the masses, he left them long ago. He sits in meditation at the core of the earth, peaceful. Throughout his time there he had been visited by several people - let's call them yogis. The came and went at times. It was very difficult for most to come to that place, it took much ascension to be in such a state of godhood - even then. Those that came couldn't stay long. But some did come, and sometime they would ask him questions. He would help them if it was the will of the way to do so. For some it was, and some he helped - so it was. This man could see all of it. Without being involved or broken from his peace, he was one with those above - he knew well their plight. It had been a long time, maybe a few hundred years, since anyone came to visit him. There was one yogi that come infrequently. This yogi, one day, was approached by a man that sought answers. The man seeking answers was a representative of a group of men, a group of men that were growing in numbers, a group of men that represented the growing dissatisfaction of men within society. This group of men had now reached a point of culmination. They had come to realise that the balance of energy was stopping them from growing greater in their power - so they sought answers from the learned of the earth. Humanity had chosen to sleep, they "needed" rest. Within that rest, with the increase of manifesting imbalance, men sought greater independence - playing out very old inner pasts. The men were actualising greater humanities desire to sleep more, to go deeper. All of this turmoil was in a way harder than the work, they needed a deeper dream. And so it was, that these men, this "Brotherhood" - sought to answer this calling. Humanity wanted to sleep, and these men had their own agenda within that force - an agenda for "power". The yogi was asked questions by the man representing the "Bortherhood". He wanted the lore. Specifically he wanted the keys to the dynamics of the earth grid in relation to man and woman. The yogi told him all he could. The yogi had no judgement, and offered no resistance. The yogi could see through this man, through the other men, and see all of it. He told him all he knew, but the man grew impatient and angry with him. The man wanted more. He threatened the yogi, but the yogi had no fear of death - he was pure compassion. He told the man that he had no more to teach him...but there is another. He told the man where to find the Super Wise Man, how to get there, and promised him that he would find his answers there. The man returned to his group and began the training required to travel to the center of the earth, seeking counsel with the Super Wise Man. The yogi warned the man before he left. He warned him that the Super Wise Man must be approached with utmost respect. He said that the Super Wise Man was very powerful, that he could disintegrate him at a whim if he chose. He instructed the men on how to approach the Super Wise Man. It took the group a long time to get there. They all tried, and it took their most skilled adepts to make the journey intact. The Super Wise Man allowed them to make the journey. He had been aware of their attempts, he was privvy to the mans conversation with the yogi, and he had humanity within his heart. The Super Wise Man knew what they sought, and he came unto me. "What is your wish?", he asked me. My wish is always the same, it has never changed. I wish for all of you to have free choice. Only when each of us, in free choice chooses to be with me, will there be peace on earth. The system is perfect. The Super Wise Man already knew my reply, and yet humbled himself unto my will. He then knew that he was to offer what they sought. He knew that humanity was the driving force, and they wanted sleep. So the Super Wise Man gave the Brotherhood a leg up. There were three men, the most skilled among the brothers, that were about half way to where they needed to be. The three men didn't know why but all three suddenly developed exponentially. They had fear in their hearts, holding them back, they knew it. And the fear did not leave, but the power came. They were enabled, without realising it, by the Super Wise Man. They made the journey to the center of the earth. They found themselves within a vast cavern - and could feel a very intense presence. It was the Super Wise Man. The most skilled of them approached closer. The Super Wise Man brought him closer, and suddenly the man was before him. The man fell to his feet, his fear was uncontainable. "Have no fear", said the Super Wise Man in his first physical words for several hundred years. Instantly, the man felt all fear fade from his being - he felt like a God. "What you seek I shall provide", said the Super Wise Man, and then proceeded to transfer vast amounts of information into the mans consciousness. He spoke physically, but with those words came a stream of knowledge that the man now "knew without knowing". He spoke of the keys of the earth grid, and the sacredness of the relationship between man and woman, children, nature, animals, and the sacred spiritual humans that walked alongside humanity. The Super Wise Man was showing the man how to re-engineer society wise the sacred earth keys- with knowledge of the way. He explained the creation of the earth and its manifestation through the grid, and talked to the creator angels that brought it into being. He explained the binary nature of grid ascension dynanics;how to ascend and how to descend the grid, and he explained that in accordance with below so shall it be above. The man was enraptured. He had no questions, the transmission was complete. The Super Wise Man filled his bucket and answered all questions without them being asked. The man was in tears, humbled. Pressing most in the mans mind was a deep chasm of guilt. He sensed a sadness in the Super Wise Man (authors tears fall). He knew that a sacred seal had been ruptured, that he had what he came for. He bowed his head to the Super Wise Man, and when his head rose again the man was with his two companions, back on the surface of the earth. The man collapsed and cried uncontrollably. His two companions supported him, and when they touched him - they saw it all. They saw everything that the Super Wise Man imparted. They saw it all. A vision of a great spiral staircase unfolded before them. The three men talked at length, discussing how to convey this knowledge to their Brotherhood. What came to pass was an understanding of the sacred nature of women, and how they link men to God. They discussed the dynamics an implications of this with regard to the binary ascension of the grid. They knew that while women were empowered in society, there was a great upward force propelling the balance upward through the spiral - to higher frequencies. They inversely saw and discussed that when women were disempowered, so came a great, inverse, downward force. The three men returned to their group of men, and took long counsel with their leaders. Great counsel was held in secret, to discuss the great plan that was unfolding. The men worked together unfolding the keys they were given, dividing and mapping out this knowledge into a master plan. This plan developed over time, but came to a culmination and was soon the lesser keys became common knowledge unto the Brotherhood. The men were organised, and they had knowledge. They had greater knowledge and keys to gain greater knowledge and skill. They worked together to design a great unfolding fabric of change. Women, children, nature, animals, and spiritual mankind were to be systematically disempowered. This would happen gradually, and would be weaved into the very fabric of society. They knew that in order to facilitate great sleep among mankind, these groups had to be pushed down, oppressed. And so it was, and on it went. Layer upon layer of life fell into the path of descent. Women and children were systematically and gradually marginalised, disempowered, and oppressed. The spiritual leaders were removed from positions of counsel and power. Systems and structure was introduced to society and embraced with open arms by the all. And all the while the Brotherhood worked in secrecy, behind the scenes, adjusting and working the mechanics of life to their own desire. This theme continued, and continues to this day, to the point of complete separation from me. You will see remnants of this story in your histories, as I have mentioned. They whispered in the ear of the Super Wise Man and in came a great flood engulfing all the land, and all the people with it. The great flood was not about water, but about consciousness. A great flood of consciousness engulfed humanity, just as they wanted, just as they granted unto themselves in my name. (shivers up the authors spine). A great sleep was all pervading, and they veil was. So, you must see that this was an act of compassion. "Why is society structured so unfairly against women?" - That was your question soaring crane. I think I have answered that. And yet, your heart still hurts. Well, this brings us to a lesson on judgement. The three men could not make the journey to the core of the earth on their own. And contrary to their own belief, it was not fear that stopped them. Nay, fear is fuel for greatness, coal for transmutation into love. No, it was judgement that stopped them. And it was judgement that was lifted from them for their journey. You see, when we judge another, or when we judge what is - we enter a contract. Discernment sets you free from judgement. To discern is to know, to judge is to condemn, and condemnation becomes your own. To get to the center, then men had no judgement. No judgement of the right and wrong of it. It just is, and its perfect because it is. So, when we judge we enter this contract. We trap, in time and space, that which we judge, in whatever way we judge it. We entrap ourselves, and everything changes - knowing dematerialises into belief. So, my point is that "unfair" is judgement based. Now, don't get me wrong here. If it were me, I'd agree that the highest way is one of balance between man and woman. It is a sacred key, and was never a secret. But, when humanity seeks to forget that, and any other truth that makes us see the truth - then things change in accordance with that will, and all of the players in this great stage take their part. Responsibility is about acting in response. Responsibility is not about obligation. Humanity chose to not take responsibility for a while. They needed a rest. And so it is that the compassion of the universe, the compassion of children, nature, animals, and the spiritual to follow this. Women in their compassion took it for us. Women are the yielding absorbing force, the yin force if you will. And so it is. So, soaring crane, you see that women offer us a great compassion taking the fall they have taken, and take every day. They wait compassionately, endlessly, effortlessly. They are there for us. But so too are men. They offer what is sometimes hard to recognise as an act of compassion (referring to the above mentioned process). Now, within this context - we also called upon "off-planet" assistance, we are all in this together. But, it was humanities will to sleep that is the catalyst. So, what part for you and your life? Love unconditionally. And if you love unconditionally, then there are no conditions to your love (shivers up the authors spine). I have beseeched you to love thine enemy many times, through many messengers. And I told you to be patient, And I told you to be fine, And I told you to be balanced, And I told you to be kind. So, go forth now. There is no unfairness that is not an act of divine love. Unfairness only arises when it is called upon as the great teacher that it is. So, love them. Love those that wrong you, and be patient with them, be fine in the midst of discrimination, I will hold your heart in mine (tears from the author), i will bring balance where there is need within you if you live in my name, to you I will be kind because kindness is the fruit of my love for you. So, soaring crane. Go to your circle and give thanks. When you chose a higher way, I will deliver unto you those that will support you for they seek your support within them. And thank women and men alike, for only when we come together in my name shall we soar together once more (tears from the author). With all my love...
  11. God: You have the code of eternal life there, Captain. Love in triplicate. You are one of my greatest creations. Peace be with you always.
  12. "King Solomon, what is the best way to use your magical ring? (Nungali asked) hmmm, what is the best way to live, Nungali - within that will you find your answer. Only he who masters life will master magic. As for the best way to use my ring - well it depends on your aim. What are you trying to achieve? My ring is only of use to those that can master their inner self and know themselves as the divine creator. The best way to use my ring is to go within and realise that truth, then no ring is needed. Arch Angel Michael gave me that ring as a reminder of my wholeness - that is its true power. So, what is the best way to live? It took for me to leave this world to fully know that answer is:with love.
  13. depersonalization

    Alkalise your diet I'm feeling will be a big help right now. You are being pounded with heavenly light while your underbelly has been ripped up due to the grief of the loss. "taking up contemplative prayer and a better attitude" - Beautiful - that's great. But do things to support. Get plenty of sleep, go roll around in/on nature, eat fresh veges and fruit, get some rescue remedy drops, talk it out.
  14. depersonalization

    It's temporary - you are expressing exactly what it feels like for an energetic sensitive to transit through the 2010-14 ascension process. We've lifted the earth up from the 3rd dimension to the 5th and are now rooting in the new grid. What you are describing is end times symptomology. Focus on what you love and desire.
  15. depersonalization

    You are loved. Know that to be true beyond everything else. We don't know what spiritual/meditation work you are doing if you'd care to elaborate. Beyond your spiritual work - much work is being done for you right now on a cosmic level. We are poised on the brink of entering the new earth grid. Go and read Karen Bishop's blog, she expresses these ascension symptoms beautifully. You are feeling de-personalised because your whole psyche and energetic framework has been cleansed, rewired, and is about to be re-rooted into a new grid - an multidimensional earth grid. That is not to dispel your personal life experiences - that is the true playing field upon which you are unfolding those adjustments. Yes, you are right - the time to give up is now. But, what you are giving up is the old self, allowing for the new to restore itself. Things will get better soon, I promise. You are loved
  16. Ghost experts...I need you!

    It feels like some of the spiritual work you are doing is attracting attention. Are you doing some kind of astral projection or magic? Either way you need to clear the space, and ground yourself. Buy some frankincense and burn it while you walk around the house and shift any old, stagnant, lost energy. Claim your authority over the space and yourselves - this is a home of light and love and no other energy will be tolerated. If there is any energy here that is not in the light, that is lost or stagnant - GO NOW! Go into the light or go back to where you came from - and "blast your light". Kosher salt on the wall of the house (spray bottle with water). That spare room needs more light, and it feels susceptible to mold/mould spores? I also feel an energy imbalance that is being manipulated here - if its coming up every april you may have a stomach issue. Does you father get stomach ulcers or digestive issues?
  17. Clairvoyance vs Immediate Knowledge

    "it then becomes an obstruction of one's own making (aren't they all)." Yes, it is true that clairvoyance - and any other "voyance" - finally becomes an obstruction. But it's all about timing and readiness. Clairvoyance is a gift to help you reach enlightenment - for sure. But once you get close enough, you'll need to let it go, and everything else with it. Just because a ship can't travel over land - doesn't make it not fitting to help get you over the water channel and begin the final trek on the last strip of land. Clairvoyance has helped me see which meditation will be better - I can see myself the next day and know which will be better fitting for me. There are many gifts that aid, but then ask to fall away - just as a space shuttle needs its booster rocket - but the booster rocket becomes superfluous for a lunar landing...
  18. Time Line Therapy (TLT) is an amazing modality for releasing emotions and negative belief patterns. In the process of TLT you identify, via the subconscious, the origin event of the given emotion/belief - whether it by before, during or after your birth - and if its before your brith - in the womb or before - if its before - was it in a past life - or passed down geneologically. I've cleared a number of geneological emotions and beliefs - I literally dropped into the events in someoneelse's (relatives) "time line" and cleared the emotions at the subconscious level (from myself). You connect with higher self and bring down the positive learnings that allow you to completely resolve it. It works 100% every time - and you just don't "do" that emotion/belief anymore. So, I have confirmed this in real-time. Nice post, thanks!
  19. This is particulary oriented to Taoist Immortality - but feel free to discuss other forms. My Question: Once one is Immortal and after the death of the physical body, can one still cross over (into the light)? Most people not having become Immortal would cross over - is this still an option for an immortal? Say your spouse is not immortal but you are - would you still have the option to cross over to "be with them"? I'm not after a discussion on the semantics of crossing over and being with - but feel free if you need to. My question is about whether you still have that option?
  20. "your spouse is already immortal so no worries there." - do you mean by this that we are all Immortal (ie Eternal Soul) - or that she (my spouse specifically) is already Immortal? Is a child born as a bodhisattva already immortal?
  21. ok, so Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard Paperback by Chen Kaiguo (Author), Zheng Shunchao (Author), Thomas Cleary (Author) That is an autobiographical text, right - so it doesn't go into the application/practice of the above posted levels?
  22. Thanks, great post! What text is this from? Is it the Long Men Pai text - Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu? or is it a Master Chongyang text? Anytime I think of Wang I see this full on shen light around his head...and just feel his love and compassion.
  23. Man Alive! After years of half-lotus and trying to squeeze myself into a Full-Lotus - and I can now finally sit comfortably in Full-Lotus.... And then I see this guy! ok, just take one step ahead of the last foot.....
  24. Thanks. Many of those that would be perceived as coming to save others - are merely coming in service as they were asked to come. So, even when you know nothing/noone needs saving - they still come in offering that which was called for. Pure service.