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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Ghost experts...I need you!

    "Would you say ascention and kundalini are the same thing? Just different words?" Kundalini is Yang energy nestled within Yin at the bodies Yin center (perineum/base of spine). Ascension is the process of "ascending" from a lower frequency, spiraling "upward", to a higher frequency. When all thought ceases, a natural flow of chi resumes, then Kundalini can ascend - causing the Ascension of your frequency. "The unable to move thing..." This results from your mind being awake while the body is asleep, plus enough dissociation with the body ie focus beyond the body (even if close to it). There is a phase in/out "gap" where you are actually in the subtle realms (usually astral plane, but can be higher), and you are still trying to "operate" the body with waking state consciousness. In the subtle realms "intent/intention" is the driver, as opposed to mental synapse motor based movement. You can phase back in by relaxing, not panic/frustrate, try to move the body with little finger movements first and strong intention, and try the affirmation I am here, I am now, am light. Spiraling your self/being into your belly button/navel may help too. But just thinking about the physical body is usually enough. Now that state can arise from a few reasons...ill health, meditation, AP work, but also from spirit communicating with you, and on the not so nice side, from spirit f#$king with you. Either way, you are the master creator - what will thou? "I always thought Mr Miyagi did kill the fly?" Yes lol That's why I'm working my way up to the chopstick level. First I need to master grabbing dead flies with said chopstick, then move onto the live ones. But first learn to run, after mastering the walk, I must.
  2. Ghost experts...I need you!

    "Interesting how compassionate this exercise can make us. Are you suggesting in the long run this will help my mind? That learning to get in touch with our inner femininity is good for us?" Mmmm, simple feminine wisdom. Most simple alchemy in the world is to observe women. "So chocolate...fair enough. All I know is that it makes me happy. Really, I guess I fear losing the one thing that keeps me sane...I mean, I'm good with everything else, so I believe that having the sugar treat is ok. I am happy to minimise my intake though. First of all anyway." Look - the "do what you love" rule overrides all of it. You are the master creator. Maybe try organic and see how you feel in comparison? Or even better, substitute with dates - they are alkaline and extremely good for you. "Haha, funny stuff about the synchronicity. What job do you do?" Appointment Setting. I set appointments for business to business sale meetings. A business match maker of sorts. "The other day, I went to speak to anything that was in my house. I got nothing...but it all felt a bit rushed and out of context anyway." Compassion for self first and then others. When you clarify your inner dialogue, you clarify your outer dialogues. What conversations are going on within? ""Faith" in what exactly? I don't know a world that doesn't include a belief or choice to make...so what can this "faith" be if it isn't what I think it is? I associate "faith" with having a choice...a decision to make. It seems that you are suggesting otherwise...?" The lines of communication with the higher self are severed by the logical mind through doubt, fear, and disbelief. Strong faith is required to open this line of communication. Faith requires no logical proof; if proof is needed, then doubts interfere and breed failure. The logical mind cannot know absolute faith and, therefore, faith must come from deep within one's true self. Any form of cynicism will lead to the death of spiritual growth, for it strikes at the root of faith itself. Faith is not something that can be forced. Even after practicing Medical Qigong for many years, Qigong doctors may still have to battle their own questions. However, through successful practice, the seed of faith is established, allowing it to grow and blossom. The opposite of faith is doubt combined with fear. Suppression and denial of fear builds and armors the ego, which leads to further pain. If the fears are accepted and acknowledged, they can be overcome by faith. Dr Jerry Alan Johnson, Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy, p139 "I have no idea what a spirit guide is and if they are true." Great, you are in for some fun then! Spirit guides are souls that have a great relevance to your souls journey in this life. They are aspects of you (it's all you remember). Nothing ever dies, merely changes form. This is tied up within the first law of thermal dynamics: "The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_law_of_thermodynamics). So, in line with that. When a person "dies", it's merely a change of form - as we are energy. Think of yourself as an "isolated energy system" that never dies, but can change form. When you incarnate from spirit into a physical body, you change form. And, inversely, when you move from a physical body into spirit, you change form. So, when you incarnate, a great counsel is performed where you review all of your past, present, and future incarnations. It is thus determined the most fitting "attributes" of self to "bring in" with you this particular "time around". Part of that process is about choosing what you want to do this time. A soul is so honoured to enter the earthframe, and freechoice. An event matched only by your eventual homecoming. As part of this process we elect/agree to a set of souls that will become a permanent resource (some of them change at different stages of growth) for what we are "destined" for in our path/life. Now some of these "guides" may be past-life experiences you have "experienced", some may be souls that have experiences that offer great insight into your journey. Spirit guides are the "people" that are "with you", in spirit, that guide you through life's journey, helping you reach your goals. You can ask them questions, ask them to do things for you, ask them to show you the highest thing for you etc You might find this "meet your spirit guides" meditation helpful: Sit in a comfortable position, one that you can sustain for about 30-45 minutes. Close your eyes and take in a deep cleansing breath. Fill your lungs to their fullest capacity. Then release the breath through your mouth and push all the air out of your body. Take in 3 deep breaths through the nose, imagine the white light from the universe coming into your lungs and collecting at your solar plexus. With all 3 exhales, image all the stress, anxiety and negativity you have leaving your body carried out to the universe on a gay smoke where it can be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone. As you exhale, imagine the events of the day or week floating out of your body. Put these worries aside and begin to relax your entire body and mind. Feel the tension in your muscles begin to subside. Begin at your solar plexus and imagine the white light moving up and down your body from this point. Imagine the warmth of the energy as it passes through your muscles and organs. Feel the tingling sensations as the light moves down to your toes and up your body to the top of your head. Imagine your entire body engulfed by this white divine light, from the inside out. Say a prayer once more asking your guides and teachers to come to you and to help with the purpose of this mediation. State your intention clearly and ask 'God' to help you with your meditative journey. Don't forget to thank them up front for their efforts. This step takes a little practice, don't worry if you can't do this for any extended period of time, but at least give it a try. Keep your eyes closed, but look up at the pituitary gland. This is a small gland located in the middle of your forehead, just above the brow. (this is also considered to be the position of your third eye and is therefore the gateway to higher conscious realms). Try to keep your eyes focused on this point. The muscles around your eyes may become sore as you stretch them upward, so don't over do this at first. As you practice, this step will become easier and easier to do. As you focus on your third eye imagine your at the base of a tunnel, dimly light and slanted upward. Imagine your astral body (or your soul) standing up from your physical body and begin to walk toward and into the tunnel. See the lights on the walls and the texture of the floor as you walk through the tunnel. Imagine yourself moving upward. Just a head of you, about 100 yards, you see a set of glass doors and through those doors you can see a brilliant white light. You feel in your heart that this is the light of the universal consciousness, of God. A feeling of Peace, calm, protection and knowledge fills your insides. With each step closer, you feel more relaxed and at peace..you feel uplifted and connected to this universal energy. As you approach the doors, they automatically open and invite your soul into this realm of enlightenment. As you pass through you can see an image waiting for you, arms outstretched as if wanting to greet you with a loving hug. At first the image is little blurry and about 50 yards in front of you. As you get closer to the image, you begin to see their features more clearly. You can see the type of cloths they're wearing, the style of their hair and any decorations they have, such as a hat or feathers, or jewelry. Finally, standing right in front of this wonderful soul, you can see their face very clearly and you know this is your guide. As you embrace, you can feel their energy surrounding you, both spiritually and physically. You make a mental note of this feeling so that you can recognize it when you return and feel your guide during your conscious state. The remainder of this meditation is up to the individual. You can ask their name, ask them what your purpose is in this lifetime. What lessons you're here to learn or what karma you need to resolve. Or how you know them, what their relationship is to you. When you have concluded your visit, make sure you thank them deeply for their gift of service and protection to you. Thank them for coming here during this meditation to meet you and/or visit with you. Give them a goodbye hug, then turn and head back for the tunnel. Imagine yourself passing through the glass doors and heading back down to your meditative space. Imagine your soul walking through the door to your room, and seeing your physical body right where you left it. As your soul steps back inside your spiritual body, all the visions sensations and answers you received merge with your physical brain and are automatically stored into your conscious mind. Take in a deep breath, begin to feel your body, become more and more aware of your surroundings, have a nice long and hard stretch, then open your eyes. "As for Theresa Caputo too, I'm not convinced either. It just looks like entertainment to me...just fantasy and good selling." Entertainment, yes. Good selling, yes. Fantasy...all of life's a fantasy. My suggestion to look at her is more based in the way she safely controls her gift, to stop it from overwhelming her. "But now I ask, if you are not a medium yourself, what are you? A psychic or other? I feel like I am being nurtured somewhat...so who nurtures mediums or sensitives in this chain?" A Master of Sensitivity. "I feel like I am being nurtured somewhat...so who nurtures mediums or sensitives in this chain?" Anyone with love in their hearts that sees the light in others. We are all one. So, am I nurturing you, or are you nurturing yourself and me in the process - or are we nurturing each other and everything else in the process? nurture ˈnəːtʃə/ verb verb: nurture; 3rd person present: nurtures; past tense: nurtured; past participle: nurtured; gerund or present participle: nurturing 1.care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
  3. God: "and what about coconuts, is it true that eating wild coconut flesh and drinking the water replentishes male jing in 1 day? whereas it takes ~35 days supposedly to regain full power?" Yes. But, the time frames for "complete replenishment" will vary depending on the disposition of the individual and the quality of the coconuts. The same could be said of breast milk, which is generated from Jing and blood.
  4. God: Nice question! Those that rid from their being all that is not me will find only me. The role I play does not change, but their relationship with me does. The become instruments of the light. In that they come to realise that nothing has really changed, simply that their "desire" seeks the loftier experience. Now there are those that get caught in this. They believe that all desire is wrong, flawed, or evil. Desire is a key impetus in the evolutionary process. But what does the Buddha desire that the Bum does not? Well, that depends on the Bum. Some of your "homeless" bums are divine instruments that sit right next to me, did you know that? While it may be said that cravings and desires extinguish, according to the way of it, nothing ever dies. It merely changes form. So, a "lower" desire to unite with the opposite sex, is actually a "higher" "desire" to unite with me waiting to know itself. It's all simply a question of frequency dynamics. And completely appropriate. If one desires external power, there is no better place for them that to live a lifetime through which they navigate it. So, you see, there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no destination. I have as much use for those at the lower spectrum of this dynamic as I do for those that are well beyond this sphere. Simply, the road back to me goes on forever. What we all desire amidst all of this is truth, and love. Why? Because that is who we are. We never stop with that, what we seek simply changes nature as we do. But, some of us need to shed all desire in order to see that. Siddhārtha Gautama was posied to leave the earth plane when he came to that point. Only that he was asked by me to stay. I asked him to stay in service, and so he stayed. So, what do you make of that? Once the lower desires are transmuted, on you move to the higher "desires". To call them by another name may be more fitting, but then that's just semantics. He still desired the highest thing for all of us, that still remained or he wouldn't have listened to me. Right?
  5. God: Dearest Luke, Wise beyond your years are you. Much have you carried for others in your years here, but upward you look always. Walk the sky you do. Blessed be those that remember me in the depths of the valleys. Hard times it has been for many in recent times, particularly those that have much of me within. Pushed and squeezed you we have, tempered and advanced you we have. Almost there we are now, dear one Luke 2.0 is about to be launched. "is there a value in my having stayed through this difficult period or is it meant for me to just do what seems best for me and let the cards fall where they may?" Well, Yes. Value there is for all involved. At times in life we are tested greatly. Too much do we cling to the "good" and avoid the "bad" - when just as much is to be gained from both. You have a great capacity to feel and take the pain of others for them. Much you have endured. Only you can determine what is right for you. "or is it meant for me to just do what seems best for me and let the cards fall where they may?" Partnerships are just that. Relationships are one of the most powerful ascension tools available to you. Our partners bring up in us what we need to see that we alone are not willing to look at. Only when we have a common goal, or a common trajectory that we both live toward can we both grow together. That is the key to evolved relationships. Each of us has our own path, and that is life. But, to be together in a relationship requires work. It requires doing that work that arises within the relationship dynamic. All of us move through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. We live and die on a continual basis - death comes every time we move into a new phase in our growth. Sometimes one partner struggles more than the other, and we must offer the unconditional love that is required. It issues from our heart. And, on the flip side, when we find ourselves within tougher times, personally, our partner is there to support our growth forward. Within that dynamic, only those that work at it, and continue to grow with common goals and direction at heart, will move forward together. Know it to be true that even the most successful relationships have that same patterning. They all do. So, is this relationship helping you grow? Sometimes its hard to see the forest for all the trees in the road, isn't it? If feels to me that there is still more to grow through together. There are some underlying issues there, that need to be resolved. How much of what you have gone through together has been yours? How much of it has been you feeling the masses through your own relationship, and your own emotional body? Becoming one we are, so the boundaries of self have shifted. During the cleansing phases of the 2010-2014 ascension process many "large" souls have had a tough time. The plan was to move forward into a very new space in 2009. The masses were not ready. Too many would have left the earth plane if we followed through with that scenario. And so, the largest souls, having come back for this very purpose, took it for many. They came, embedding themselves deeply within the earth frame. They "took it" for the many, absorbing much of the karmic debt that humanity would not take responsibility for. What came of that was a very, very, trialing time for many very bright and "big" souls - souls that have been here many times, souls that were well equipped for such "work". So intense it was for many, that many didn't make it. Many "left" to earth plane to "pull" from the other side. It's a lot for a soul to rapid shift dimensions in the way we have, it requires a rewiring and re-birthing of our entire energetic system. It requires the "death" of the old to "birth" the new. Along with that process, these souls were "lumped" with much of their fellow mankind's "stuff". The bigger the soul the more "stuff"they had to "process" so that a bridge was created. A yellow brick road was laid forth for the masses to follow. The masses pushed everything they didn't want to feel into wherever they could push it. And, once the old earth grid was no more, the only place left to push it to was straight into the "big" souls that came for that very purpose. There are some souls that were so large that they took all of it at times. It is a great impact upon the psyche to suddenly be confronted by ALL of your stuff. We are, as human beings, akin to control our stuff by pushing it within. So, when the playing field is altered, as it was, many found themselves confronting a long dark night of the soul. This came en masse. So, then apply that to the largest souls and not only did they have their share, but some of them did it for 7 billion other souls at the same time. My point here is that, within this context, every relationship on the planet has been pushed to capacity. We have all played our part. So, again - how much of your relationship's "difficult period" was fueled by the above scenario? It may be difficult to decipher that as it all came through our own personal experience filters. The experience during that time was like feeling one ounce of a negative emotion and pulling through several tonnes. Where did it all come from? It came from 26,000 years of life on the earth, culminating to a point, and being pounded by heavenly light issuing from a renewed connection to the galaxies central sun. So, where does all of this leave us now? As we step forth, day by day, into a totally new landscape we are creating anew. All may seem the same as it was, but all has changed. Much that was held together in the past is now poised to fall apart. The very fabric of our society will change more in the next few decades than it has in a very long time. It's time to rest though, to rest and recuperate. Whether you stay together or not is not what counts. It's what you do with the time you do have. So, allow yourself the time to let the dust settle. It has only just started to clear. Have you noticed? "just do what seems best for me and let the cards fall where they may" This is actually good advice for life in general. Let go of control, and allow the process of life to unfold. Its a kind of taking responsibility. You have created it all, and you can only choose what the "highest" thing is for you in each moment and let the cards fall where they may. And then you pick the cards up again, taking responsibility for your creations, good and bad, and let them fall again. What else is there? It kind of takes the pressure of you to see it that way. Create and allow, not create and control. So, in that, don't make any hasty decisions. Know what you have come through. See yourselves as one, nurture and support. Reassess your selves regarding where you are going, what's import to you, who you are. When we look into these things within ourselves, within the arms of a lover, or any other partnership, we are saying to the universe I am present for this. And when we say that, we enter a dual dynamic, spiraling together into the "future". Along the way we face challenges, and we have to let go of the old (within each of us) to enter the new together. So is the way of relationships, and only when that stops will it be time to reassess again. So, what meaning is there? Love. Growth. Companionship. Support. Joy. Happiness. Courage. Strength. Wisdom. So, is there a value in my having stayed? Only you can answer that. Have you grown?
  6. Michelangelo: "If I could see clearly, I wonder what would I see that I'm afraid of?" There are many ways to "see". Try that same "guided meditation" process on that feeling, the feeling behind the above statement. Well, there are actually two emotions in that: "If I could see clearly" and "I am afraid of".
  7. Dearest Stosh, We share a common conundrum here. What to do with such beauty as I have created, now that I have... What is there to it if it just is? It's is infinite as I am, but what of that but a hapless reflection. It came to pass that through creating all of this, I came to know myself more fully. I came to know my infinite nature through my successive attempts to recreate myself anew. It dawned upon me that something was missing. Freewill. And so Stosh, that poised a great issue for me. What, how could God have issues? Well, I do. I still have many. I'm not the only God you know...how could that be true? In fact I'm not even the most powerful God, so please be patient. And don't pander to me, all I did was create it and you. I think you'll find more compassion for me in this when you come to the realisation that I am still learning, and that infact, I am learning from you. You see, the biggest challenge in all of this, for me, was not creation. But, freewill. Creation was the easy part, let's say it was innate within me. But not freewill. That's a wild card. And let me tell you, the other God's in their other universes were all catch off guard by that one. Man, I became a celebrity God within a flash. Trust me, you don't want all of that attention - and you think your inbox gets full! Freewill is still a stiff one, so if you can help me out in that we'll both gain, innit? My issue with Free Will is that it continually challenges me. Man it feels better to say that! It challenges me because, well... You all keep changing your mind. You all tell me what you want. You are usually very passionate about it - ranging from contemplative to damn consternating. And, being a very compassionate God (many of the others laugh at me for this btw - I'm a multi-universal joke out there for many!) I try accommodate every wish. Don't get me started on accommodating every wish! I know you can relate to how it feels when you create something, a scenario or some such, and then all the work comes, and soon enough you're questioning whether it was such a good idea in the first place.... But cause and affect are such that you have to follow through, right? Well, not always, but if we don't get the learnings we do. So, everyone creates with fervor, and then soon enough. Nup! Had it with all that BS,God, what is this shit you're sending me! I want this now, scrap that other wish! Then add co-creational synchronicity to that, and man I need a secretary just for the amendments. Man, if even half of you would just go through all the trials and tribulation for just one wish, you'd get what you wanted. So, you see it's not as simple as give you what you ask for. Now I have a hierarchy of wants to shuffle through, all of you have them. And then each of those wants in your personal value systems need to be weighed and measured and compared against the collective will to determine where they come out in the wash! So, you flutter around down there asking for dates and times. Well, i'm doin my best here! I am God, but so are ya'll! And I've made it such that your say goes. So if your say goes, I can't overrule that! Only you can! And you overrule your own creations so willingly, so often, so passionately that you keep getting mixed messages - like creation doesn't work. How many people are screaming at me, all day, all night, "It's not working down here, you old bastard! What have we done to deserve this?!". You think this is whinging, you ain't heard a pin head of it! But, patiently I stick to my guns...on and on I go, facilitating and maintaining, and....ok, ok that way now...alright....(repeater). That's why so many of the others are laughing! The jokes on me! But, it's not really, because I know the end game. Right? Yes. I knew the end game before I even started. I would not have put us all through this if it were not all leading to something good, right? I promise you! Why would I? I'm not a Masochist! So, "I wanted an accurate answer , not "just any Ol' response. + Theres a difference y'know. (wheres that clock when you need it ?) But any way , If God cant answer even that , simple practical question , who would he be to ask about the meaning of life of?" You talk of accuracy, and it's valid to want it. I call for it daily. Now, I'm only limited by your individual and collective choices. The Author is good, granted, but he too is still limiting himself. I give him the dates, and he only lists one. [Horus:Sorry ] [God:Apology unconditionally accepted, my son - Blessings!] I tell him the implications of each date, the milestones, all of the possible shortcomings of all of my children and, all the while it only takes one of them to call in sick that day and the whole system falls into chaos. My children at Tamron too are limiting themselves, as are their Marketing Agencies, Advertising Channel Partners, Brand Managers...the list goes on. "how the real world actually is", you say! pshaw! Don't even start me on that! "how the real world actually is!"? What's that got to do with anything I've ever done. I just came up with the Alpha Bro! It's your job to manifest from there to Omega! The shite I get blamed for, oi! oi! oi! If I were another God, I'd LMAO at me too! God that feels good! "It leaves one in a subjective web just as entangled if the question had not been asked." Well, now your getting somewhere close to what it's like for me. I'm no better off for all of this myself yet, Gringo! It's an investment into you, and I'm still waiting for the payoff! People keep looking back to me. But I created all of this so you'd choose, so that you could choose and experience yourself through the senses. Well, that's certainly happening! But are the senses being used in the highest way, are they a bridge back to me or a bridge to run from me? Well, as the light does, I have to keep checking that one. "The response I did get might seem to indicate that the answers to questions are often readily available , that one can seek in order to find, and sometimes such is a small matter. Which is certainly true , accurate , and important to consider. As far as any evidence goes, Gods plan would be to "eat and be eaten", might makes right etc.. Yahweh , was perfectly willing to dispose of all men , I think the same goes for Shiva, and the Eastern gods tend to just leave everyone to their own problems." Well, do ya think I aint heard this tune before?! Someone must be out there singing "Play it again Sam!", well it's not me that's for sure. I created free will, I don't impose it. I just got the ball rolling for you. "Eat and be eaten", Stosh, that's one of the main things the other God's, sitting pretty in their other universes, are laughing about. They told me that would happen, but they didn't tell me I'd get the blame for it like this. "God, you need to discipline your subjects! Scrap the free will day dreaming or you and your universe will never amount to anything!" They counseled me. "You don't understand, I'd retort. They will take responsibility for it all eventually..." I'd exclaim, to deaf ears. "Responsibility! HA! Ha!", on it goes. Because of that I made Responsibility my first Law of spiritual truth, but judging by all the evidence in your histories, maybe I should have made it the last one? I don't know, you tell me - you are the God on Earth! If I knew all of those answers, I wouldn't have done this in the first place. I'm waiting for you to show me! "Yahweh, was perfectly willing to dispose of all men , I think the same goes for Shiva, and the Eastern gods tend to just leave everyone to their own problems. Why be supportive of any of these ? if one is actually compassionate. Who is the god of compassion which delivers a free pass and front row seats to all regardless of what they do ? ,,,, and then if this is the case, do whatever you please, because Gods favor is not conditional." Indeed, who is that God? Offsetting again, you are. Men dispose of themselves and each other and then call it my work. They give me countless names, and then acclaim countless atrocities in my name. What choice have I but to create free will, and then let it run it's course? And where in that did you get that I'm not compassionate because I don't interfere with your choices? Man, go and spend a few lifetimes in a few other universes, no names mentioned here, and see how those God's respond to the countless tantrums I've had to endure with my hands tied! Amindst all of that you ask for "accurate"answers, times and dates. Stosh, you're asking for tangibility from the intangible. Do you realise how many timelines are at concurrent play here? If you could see it as some of your mediums and oracles see it, you'd see an infinite matrix of overlapping layers of possibility all interweaving, overlapping, inter-co-creating - it's alike an all in time-and-space orgy down there! All the while, I create no conditions save unlimitedness! Unconditional choices, unconditional love! And suddenly I'm hated because I won't undo the greatest gift to spirit in all universes. A sage is not a sage in his own home universe, let me tell you! "With all options on the table ,it can easily be construed that god created man with survival of the fittest as representing goodness, and mans propensity for compassion is his failing ,and the thing to be overcome , to gain his favor." Well, this is just shortsightedness. When did survival become so important anyway? It was never in the blueprint. And "gain my favour! Gain my favour!" You think my favour needs to be gained, jeepers, what more do I have to do to prove you had it from the start and still do? Create another universe? Great, I can just hear them laughing now.... "Ahh, ok guys you other Gods were all right, can I ask a favour?" Well, I don't have their favour, or yours now, and you think you don't even have mine? pshaw! And you think you live in a Godless Universe!
  8. God: I want to re-frame this question for you, 9 Tails? YOU are ME. How could anything be out of your reach unless you chose it to be so? So, the concrete steps are steps unto me. But, how to find the steps? Well, what steps took you away from me, do you remember? Do you remember being born? Do you remember the choices we made together in preparation for such miraculousness as yet another YOU? I remember. And if I remember, so do YOU. So, what part of YOU am I? I am the part of you that remembers all of it, seek ME! Seek not techniques, seek ME, and the techniques will seek YOU. The thing about techniques, nine tails, is that they are only a means to an end. We easily forget that, and we easily think that techniques will take us somewhere. There is nowhere to go. It is right to say it is all within your reach, if you can reach all parts of your body, you can reach all parts of ME. For your body is a map to ME, and a map that speaks volumes about me. But, are you listening? Can you respond with effortless right action to what you hear? I can. Concrete Step 1 - Use Faith. Use faith in everything, know that it is more important to be Faithful than it is to be Correct. Be that truth in the face of all that condemns you. Concrete Step 2 - Allow Doubt, when it arises, to fuel Faith, not Fear. Doubt is the first impulse you will feel issuing from that which is not me within you, when poised within Faith. Allow that doubt to be fuel, do not judge it, it is coming to you because you called it there with Faith. Allow this to be a "work in progress". When some of your Faith is swiped away by doubt, "a test of Faith" some call it, and turns into Fear. Allow the doubt to work backwards against your Fear. Allow the system to bring itself back to Faith, again reapply the truth that it's better to be Faithful than correct. Concrete Step 3 - Fake it til you make it. Concrete Step 4 - See step 1.
  9. God: Anonymous has asked a question: "Well its nothing like personal stuff but I have been researching about some stuff recently 1. Well I have read that our mind can alter anything, it is all powerful So I was just wondering, can we also change our bodies using mind power Like if I wanna change my eye color using mind power stuff or manifestation stuff How can we do this ? Any specific method or technique ? 2. I have been reading Seduction stuff too I wanna link it to this energy stuff and manifestation I wanna know Can we increase our atttactivenes to women? Is it possible to increase our sex appeal to incredible levels, so incredible that women start approaching you And fall in love with you at first sight The thing is I wanna become good with women, not good but the best I wanna make myself very attractive but I wanna do it inside out Because I know it's all about energy and mind Lol I don't know if I should ask you this type of questions or not Pls don't mind god And if you are really good than you have already understood what I wanted to ask even if I couldn't say it" God: Dear Anon, "1. Well I have read that our mind can alter anything, it is all powerful So I was just wondering, can we also change our bodies using mind power Like if I wanna change my eye color using mind power stuff or manifestation stuff How can we do this ? Any specific method or technique ?" Yes. You designed every fiber of your being. We did that together before you accepted the suggestion that brought you back here, into this life. The author had a lifetime that will lend relevance to my statements [Horus:why are you bringing me into this? Can't you just answer the question?] [God:Ah, hit a nerve did I? Why are you bringing ME into this? You started it?] [Horus: Sorry, just feeling sensitive today...] [God:Very well, as you wish] OK, well that would have been fun, Horus has a runny nose and doesn't want to play [Horus:lol] Ok, so - Shape-Changing, huh?. "So I was just wondering, can we also change our bodies using mind power Like if I wanna change my eye color using mind power stuff or manifestation stuff How can we do this ? Any specific method or technique ?" I have told you before that you are ME. What more shall I say? If I approached the other GODS of other universes with such a question they would laugh at me. Why? Because, they would presume I was joking. Shall I presume the same of your question? Oh, I know you are not joking though, I know your question is sincere. My answer would be that it is not important, and that your higher self would do that if it were. So, in that lies your answer. All things, dear one, are holographic and what you perceive as "straight" is really spiral. Those that are closest to me and closest to nature and the animals will be a good place to start. Your American Indian friends know why that is. If you start to look at all that you do from that perspective and will the answers they will come to you. A deep respect for nature unlocks doors to the soul, and when your soul doors open, your higher self will become your self, and when that happens you can change whatever you want. The divulging of any other methodology would be delivering power without wisdom, and that is not my domain. So, first wisdom and then power - apply that formula. For only when wisdom is present will those doors open. When you can open your inner ears to the music of your soul, when you dance upon the spiral of your own spirit weaving your song through time and space, then will the heavenly choir sing unto thee. Give you the sounds of instant manifestation shall I? Ok, as I have said before - you're the boss. But, come to where they already offer themselves unto thee you must. If you deny all that is not me within yourself and ascend you will ascend. When you ascend your eyes will open, and when they open you will know thyself as one with all, and when you look back down you will see the spiral dynamics of creation. You see, I/we created you from above, and so it was below. You need to come higher to drive the system. The earth grid was designed first, from above, and then the physical manifestation was animated through it. To change the earth, change the grid. You are synonymous with the grid. So, change yourself and change the grid or change the grid and change yourself. Only those that align to the grid with their grid will be grounded in their power. Only those that are grounded in wisdom will hold the keys to activate me within, and only those that know their will in heaven will manifest it here on earth. The answer is you. To put the power outside of yourself and invest it in me is close to the truth but an inversion of it. Once you fully give yourself to said truth will you see a great spiral of light containing everything, and once you know that to be you...well, suffice it to say you'll probably change nothing. "2. I have been reading Seduction stuff too I wanna link it to this energy stuff and manifestation I wanna know Can we increase our atttactivenes to women? Is it possible to increase our sex appeal to incredible levels, so incredible that women start approaching you And fall in love with you at first sight The thing is I wanna become good with women, not good but the best I wanna make myself very attractive but I wanna do it inside out Because I know it's all about energy and mind Lol I don't know if I should ask you this type of questions or not Pls don't mind god And if you are really good than you have already understood what I wanted to ask even if I couldn't say it" God: Please have no fear to ask. As one wise sage once said to another, "Ya don't ask. Ya don't get." "Can we increase our atttactivenes to women? Is it possible to increase our sex appeal to incredible levels, so incredible that women start approaching you And fall in love with you at first sight" There are many ways to do this dear one, as is the case with all things. When we were getting ready to come in here, that was one of your primary objectives, so I will direct my question to the methods we discussed in that conversation. Don't be so hung up on energy. I mean yes, it is the juice that runs the show - but, invest to much into that idea and you loose its essence. It's no nut to crack - it is your essence personifying. It obeys you, not the other way around. But who are you? The Author has mastered this. In fact, those of the water signs tend to have the power that you seek - whether they know it and develop it or not. Those with feminine balance see things differently. [Horus:If you must!] God: HAHA Well, the Author, in his day, could walk into a room (usually an appropriately "stocked" venue) and know within a few seconds where all the attractive females were, which ones were available, and which ones would say yes. You see, he is (almost) perfectly balanced in his feminine and masculine natures. He has some work to do/the universe has some linearity to unfold, but born balanced he was. It's less in the doing when you reach that state, and more in the yielding. Femininity yields, Masculinity does. So, what does that mean in application? Well, in precisely the same way, your tàijíquán masters know that 4 ounces moves a thousand pounds. It is the natural inclination of masculinity to make it happen, and the inclination of women to allow it to. Am I getting closer? As I said in our pre-natal conversation on this topic, your biggest resistance to this truth is housed within your ardent desire for it. And, as was the crux of my answers to you then - let women be your teachers. Now there are men that you can learn this from, as I told you before. But men are only good teachers for you, in this situation, if you already have the balance. First of all the balance you must learn, and you must learn it from those that live it. You need not "know" something to teach it - the best teachers are the living examples of that which you seek to know. Their very beingness is the lesson. So, this brings us to you second most challenging "learning" for this truth... If I said to you "to attract women, be like a woman", would you believe me? And , moreover, would you have the manhood to do it? I designed it perfectly , you see? True manhood requires femininity. MMMmmmm! That poses a few problems though, right? "But, don't women look for a real man?" You think... Yes, but your definition of real manhood needs some work there. Throw out all you've been conditioned to believe about men, women, and the dynamics between them. Look around you and tell me if that teaching has worked. No, it doesn't, it hasn't. Well, not to this aim anyway. So, let me be more specific - let's take a look at the divine creature you call Woman. Women are more centered in their emotional body than men, and men are more aligned with their mental body than women. A massive, and "unfair", statement, which is an untruth. But, we're starting out this endeavour from within your current grasp of it, and the wider acceptances of behaviour that your society holds true. Am I getting closer? Ok, the technique you want? Well, any technique given to you is a lessor power than one you created. Even a technique given by me is a play to diminish your power. As, anything acquired outside yourself will only lead you to the true power through showing you the experience of that which you are not. But, you insist, so try this: Understand women. (crickets chirping) Yes, but, how to do that? No, not do, how to allow that? Now I am getting close. Allow yourself to create a space within, a space that allows you to understand women. OOOOhh! Did you feel that? Did you feel the frequency change then? Did you allow yourself to hear the very fabric of manifestation ascend when we hit that truth, and hit it in a functional way? The resonance enhanced. Women do that so naturally they usually don't even know what it means. I said they don't need to know it to teach it. Well, they don't even need to know it to be it either. In that is a big piece of the puzzle. Some people get upset with me for speaking in puzzles, but there's a point to it. Manifestation is not a doing word. Manifestation is about allowing, not doing. I can only allow you, to enable. I can't do it for you. So, allow yourself to understand women. See yourself as both male and female;Androgyny. Really see it that way, allow yourself to. Remove all thoughts that resist that. In this allowance you will begin to develop feminine attributes within. That which you surround yourself with, that you will become. When the Author would walk into a nightclub, in his "wild" days, he came across the answer with little effort. As I told you he was born balanced. He came across it because when you are balanced, evenly yoked, as it were, you have an internal partnership that puts me back together. All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again... But, do you know why? Simple - they didn't ask the women to help them. Men get too stuck in their knowing and doing that they forget their duality. When you came from me to you we split you. We made you dual in order to experience that which you are not, to bring you to the "experience" of that which you are. So, allow yourself to remember that when you are observing women. Observation is a feminine principle. Allow yourself to Observe your emotional body, and you are entering femininity with femininity. As you allow this observation in deliberate willingness to engage as opposed to do, something happens. Suddenly you will find yourself absorbed with the emotional side of your being. Now, this takes much work, much acceptance, much willingness, compassion, understanding, yielding... You see, there you are becoming more like a woman already. Allow yourself to master your inner woman this way first. The Authors mother made him read women's magazines when he was a child, because I told her to. Did she "know" I told her, no she doesn't need to know to be it, remember. You only need to know to do. So, that's step 1 covered. Understand women. I already gave you this information, you only need to apply it in this life. To apply it allow it. To allow that you need to give yourself permission. Step 2 in understanding women? Once you have gone within and come closer to me through your inner reflected selves - it's time to allow the external world observation to come into this inner sphere. Or in other words it's time to allow the outer self to reflect upon the inner self. Or, allow your observation of women to reflect upon this newly found balance of inner selves. Am I getting closer now? You'll know if I am if women are getting closer to you.... You''l know if I am if you are starting to respond to the world through your emotions as opposed to your thoughts. The emotional body is to the mental body what emotions are to thoughts - reflections of the same thing. But, what happens when we act from emotional responses? We start to understand how a woman sees the world. The next step once you notice that you are acting from your emotional self? Well, what have you noticed in your interactions with women, when you allow yourself to come from the emotional level. Well, women are subtle creatures, so it may be a fine line between knowing it and being it... But, women have started to notice you more. Even if only for a second and then they look away. Allow (or "do" - as you may at this stage still comprehend it) all of the above to drive you until you get that sign. Its a sign that women are noticing you more. When you walk into a room, they all look at you. But, at this stage the majority will still look away right after. When you reach that stage, allow yourself a pat on the back. Women are kind to themselves, so to should you be. AHHH! Pride arises. Allow any pride that arises to transmute to devotion. That is a big key to the big door that now presents itself. Devotion over pride. One is self serving and the other serves me/you/them/us/we. Which one is which? Devotion to all that you see around you is feminine, and allows you access to me. And to get through the next steps you will need much of me. So much of me you will need, that the more of me you find in you the less pride you can hold. So, why are they looking away right after? Well, why are they looking to start with? Why are they looking, who or what made them look? Nothing made them look. You allowed them to look, by creating a bridge. You see Women are VERY confused by men. Even more confused by men than men are confused by them. By allowing yourself to become one with your inner feminine aspects, you created a bridge. This bridge allowed your masculine (mental/mind) aspects to walk within, and walk across into your feminine self. Did you hear that? There goes that frequency shift again? This bridge allowed you to start the great work of becoming whole within. It allowed you to function from a sense (at least a nuance) of inner balance. The old you died, in fact the old you dies, every time you hear that frequency shift. Nothing ever dies, merely changes form. So through allowing your inner masculine self to fuse with and become one with your inner feminine self - you met inner balance. Now, this inner balance changed you permanently, and a yellow brick road to me unfolded. You saw this road unto me, if only fleetingly. Then the road was gone again - or was it? The road is still there friend. But, if it is true that that which you are not leads you to that which you are, then the reverse is also true. That which you are leads you to that which you are not. When that road opened - you could see (even if fleetingly, even if you didn't note it) all the way to me. And then, all that is not me that you attach yourself to was "in the road". All that you have held true of me that is not stepped onto that yellow brick road that leads you home. In fact, the road is me. I/we are the destination. Experience is royalty. And so, when all the women look at you, allowed by your inner bridge to see you, they see me through you. They see in an instant, all the way to heaven in your eyes. That is what made them look. So, what made them look away? You will embody that answer when you reach the next marker. When you reach the next marker, they will double back. The double back look is the marker. The closer you come to me, the more they will look. The closer you are to me, the more they will wonder why what made them look was not there when they looked. Am I done yet? Closer? One of the biggest natural drivers for women is balance. Why balance? Women seek balance because women seek grounding. Women seek earthing. Were they trained to? No. They do it naturally, because, intrinsically they know that grounding is required for balance, and balance is required for grounding. They know that any power becomes stronger when you ground it. Women seek a man that is balanced and grounded, nay, women warm up inside in the very presence of a man that is grounded and balanced, and when he is clear and heart-centered they get HOT, and they steam up. Why? ... Personal power. When fire and water combine it creates steam. Steam is a required presence for life. Did you remember that last time a woman looked at you? "Ooh, things got steamy between us" he/she said. Does that sound familiar? Well, it does that for those that find a mate that is the perfect balance for them. So to does it sound familiar for any man (or woman) that is steaming on the inside themselves. And, if you are up to this stage of the formula you should be starting to steam on the inside yourself. The more you allow those aspects of self that are not me to transmute within you the more steam will start to develop within your inner landscape. So, what does that mean in simple terms? It means that when you enter, every day, into your inner sanctum, and allow your emotional self to fuse with your mental self a little steam comes out of the process. That steam allows you to see the road unto me, and that road unto me allows you to see the obstruction that you have created. So, how to clear the path? Again, turn your inner observation outward. But allow this, remember - we're not doing anything here. Why are gay men so attractive to women? (that might be a generalisation for some, but entertain me here - after all I'm God right?) Is it that they are less threatened? Well, yes, but not my point here. Gay men (again, I generalise here) are more aligned with their feminine self - by their very nature. Women feel comfortable with gay men. They look nice, they look after themselves, dress nicely, they're gentle at heart (add all the other generalisations here to taste - hey don't blame me - y'all created this mess - I just allowed it, remember?). Become more in touch with your emotions, and be not afraid to show them. Oooh, that raises some fear right? "What are you f#$king Gay or something?", we've been trained to ask ourselves. Well, what a fantastic mechanism to help you avoid balance that is. Throw caution to the wind in this arena, and you'll enter the threshold. So, we've learned to observe our feminine self, and allow it to fuse with our mental self. We're now allowing our balanced self to observe the external world, namely observing women. Now, we have moved into the realm of actions. Now, we must be increasingly committed to allow and not do, more than ever. Allow yourself by making a choice. Give yourself permission to "attract" by allowance not doing. Allow yourself to go out into the world in the same way that you went within. Allow yourself to act and live from your emotional self. Now, here's where it gets fun! How much of what you feel is yours? How much of what you feel has another origin? How much of what you feel comes from those around you? How much of what you feel that comes from those around you is specific to an individual? How much of what you feel that comes from those around you is coming from the collective? These questions are standing between you and finding me in the world. And, if you find me in the world... Are we getting close now? Allow yourself time and space in this phase - as we are now more than ever going to encounter a mix of masculine and feminine attributes with "multiple origins". Only timing and readiness will allow you access to me in the "external" world. This is why we started within first. It get's "complicated" otherwise. When we simplify within first...well, as within so without. So, after much inner allowance, and wisdom and balance gained. After entering into external observation with true application and allowance of the "rules". The primary rule being allow don't do to manifest. After mastering our own inner woman, and allowing her to attract and fuse with her inner reflective self (the "mind" that you once knew as "you"). After all of this we are ready to "be like a woman in the world". "But, hang on a second," you say. "I'm wanting to attract women! Not be one! WTF!" you feel! Yes. Well, ask a Homeopath about that one. Like attracts like. But women are not all feminine, remember. They have an inner man too, right? haha So, first of all allow yourself to observe the external women. And, already you are being like a woman. Yes, they are often more observant. But here's where the rules start to blend, the closer we get the lines are blurred - but that's a good sign. We are not separate from each other right. Now, I'm not going to spoon feed all of the dynamics to you, we've had that conversation prenataly, you have it all within you. Go forth, into the world with the acceptance that you are remembering, not learning - that is a recipe for confidence you know. Confidence....what of that? "Women love a confident man!", they say. Well, actually everyone is a sucker for confidence. Even more so for one that is grounded and balanced in their confidence, seems strong and proud, and yet there is an air of devotion and well-meaning. Wooop! There goes that frequency shift. Getting softer though right, we must be getting closer. On ending this little journey, let me leave you with with one last concept. When the Author lived in Paris, many years ago, he was having trouble getting into the popular night clubs. [Horus:you make me sound like a dweeb!] Well, dweeb he was not. But, having trouble he was none the less. The reason though, was that men controlled the door. And what do men look for - women. Men on the doors in Paris we looking to fill their nightclubs with women, not more men, as attractive as our non-dweebesque Author is happens to be A single attractive man, on his own, was not being added to the guest list so easy. So, as our humble Author stood outside these clubs trying to "get a foot in the door" as it were - I spoke to him. Until right this moment he thought it was his idea...but, none the less it was mine. But he/you are me so WTF? Right? I said unto him - "just walk in". "I can't", he said to himself/me. He had been watching ladies come to the door, acknowledge several times with lavish excitement "holy shit they're hot!" [Horus:HAHA!] He'd also acknowledged the big queues running up the boulevard, packed with men that are denied at the door. And, a flow of "hot" ladies strutting right in. "OK, just wait then", I said. He waited. Up came a man that looked like a rockstar, raised his eyebrows at the Author in acknowledgement, skipped up the steps ,straight past the bouncers, into the club. He looked like he owned the place, and the bouncers glanced at him as he just walked in. "Do you think he's the owner?", I asked the Author. Questions are so much easier. "NO!" answered the Author, to "himself" in frustration mixed with insight. Just that second a commotion started. At first sight it seemd to be a fight ensuing, coming out of the club, rolling out the doors. There were big men in suits barging their way out of the club. Then we saw a short, sunglass clad, man in the middle of the masculine tangle. They were escorting some celebrity out. In the middle of the group of body-guards was Michael Jackson. At first sight of this the Author was confused. "That's not Michael Jackson", he thought and frowned at the cheesiness. "Well, everyone else thinks it is" I said unto him. And then it clicked. Its all show. It's a show to attract people to the club. They put on a fake appearance of a celebrity and everyone talks about it, and wants to go to the club. The Author, armed with his ahuh moment, walked straight past the queue, straight past the guards, felt himself emulate a rockstar that owned the joint, and walked straight into the club. He felt, as he hoped to be the case, that when the head guard looked at him he mistook his righteousness for arrogance. He felt the guard perceive him as an arrogant vip. The guard looked, had that perception, and then looked back to his clipboard and put on his "no sorry" face to the queue of man lining up down the sidewalk. You see one of my most powerful techniques is the "fake it til you make it". Works a treat, give it a go. Why? Because if you be where you want to be NOW, rather than waiting for it to actually be so, you supervene the time/space continuum. Linearity is a tool not a tyrant. Be the change you wish to see in the world, be it NOW, and you pull the very fabric of the matrix to your feet - to your will. "I wanna make myself very attractive but I wanna do it inside out Because I know it's all about energy and mind Lol I don't know if I should ask you this type of questions or not Pls don't mind god And if you are really good than you have already understood what I wanted to ask even if I couldn't say it"" Then be that change NOW, my son. Be it inside out, I don't mind. But, know that when you get better at it, you will lose the drive for it. The closer you strive toward your goal, the less important it will be in your value system. For he who seeks the power to attract women will attract them. And he who attracts women will attract much learning. And when you learn much, you gain wisdom, and when you gain wisdom you gain me. And when you become me, all beings are your children. In time you will find yourself loving women as your own children. You will love them as I do, like a father does, And finally when you reach that marker... Well... then you'll attract the woman that you are actually destined for. Even Yoking will be yours within and..well you know the rest. And when you do that, you will know what I mean when I say unto thee. We are all one. And then the true attraction to the great work commences.
  10. Horus: Ok. Oh, and btw the Big guy had a message to add for you - that when you do find yourself in him, there you will hear a heavenly choir, and he asks that you listen to that choir until you hear it. Until you hear the "secret" that you seek. Allow the choir to show you. Allow the harmonies to show you. The sounds of instant manifestation you will find. That song sung will deliver what you seek. "Tell us how do you do this automatic writing stuff, I also wanna talk with God like that" Well, start with no-mind. I prefer typing to writing, as I do it all day. That helps. That which is automatic is being driven by the subconscious (I prefer "inner mind", and find that name more empowering). Because of that, it's easier to work with faith over fear and doubt. I started out just writing jibberish. I was determined not to engage the mind. It took a while of writing absolute garbage, and was over the moon about that. I set out of allow for no-mind to express itself and all the gibberish was a good sign more me, like snow, or tv noise dh asdf sfdfsdfskl dff;ltemn fdsg;falsglpki ,mdshjgkk , sdfyuht? The point is to allow a space, invite a space to manifest that allows the inner mind to express itself without the confines, rationality and correctness of the outer personality mind to express in that space. So, at first getting jibberish was right on the money. I kept doing that until the content came. When it first came it was the outer mind masquerading as inner mind. I just ignored that, absorbed its energy into the space for the inner mind and kept jibbering. The outer minds attempts at expressing, after a time, became weaker. On I pressed, and weaker it became with each attempt to provide what I sought. The weaker it got, the better it became, and the stronger the discernment that was required. The outer minds voice got softer and softer in that space... Then one day it became very strong. That was a surprise. I channeled the frustration that arose with it, into that same space - pressed on - and jibbered like there was no tomorrow. And it died to that space Then there was only jibberish. Then from the jibberish arose a different voice. Now that voice enters the space where the outer mind died, and "I" (the outer mind) have to translate it through my own ideas of what that voice was expressing to "me". Nothing but talking to yourself Glorified.
  11. God: "I like this automatic writing thread. Let's all get weird." HAHA
  12. God: Hi Nine Tails, good to see you are feeling better of late, thanks for your question. The most powerful act of manifestation ever was creating you, all of you, all of it. Can you top that? You might be surprised to know that the answer to that question is actually a resounding YES. The ancient "techniques" to which you are referring were moved beyond rather than "lost". Nothing is ever lost that does not have free will. And what I mean by that is that once something is, it always will be, because it always was. It is only those with free will that behold that ability, to "lose" themselves. Now, what I mean, by my statement above: "The most powerful act of manifestation ever was creating you, all of you, all of it." What I mean, is not to boast....but, that no other act in the "history" of existence had such breadth of creation such that freewill came into being. I created you in my image. You are me Stosh. Your Grandmama tried to convey this in her "keep it simple" wisdom (shivers up the authors spine). An what that means is that you have ALL of my power at your disposal already. Now, "don't give me that" I hear from deep within you. OK, I know you really wanted something more tangible...but, there is nothing more disempowering to look at the past with regret, with regret for how much better it was then - how much more power we had then. It is true to say that in those ancient times, going well back - before most of the written "records" - that we had more power to manifest. But the sleep was a tremendous manifestation of your power. How powerful we must be to be that which we are not. huh? you see? The power that you seek is not trapped within lost techniques, the technique element serves only to reunite you with me, to reunite your "lost self" with your true Godliness. In that, all techniques are a hollow crutch eaten out by ants - they serve only as a means to an end. When you can truly release all willingness to hold back from your true nature - then shall you see the true virtue of what I bring you this day. Shall I regurgitate methods of old onto thee? Well, if it were you will for me to do that, I would do it willingly. All the techniques you need right now, are already at your disposal right now. The cleanup job is underway for you now, and time will deliver what you seek. Heaven on earth is what you describe, and with you it has been since the dawn - but closed to it your eyes became, so is the extent of your power.
  13. God: Yes. But there may be delays. June 9 should get the trick done...
  14. God: You humble me, GP. But, without you, my greatest work, it would be futile. And without you I could not have done it. PS:Fix up that fence/gate(latch)/path out the front there, where you live. I will send the reason why once you do. Blessings!
  15. God: Blessed are those that wield the highest will on Earth as it is in Heaven. Tips from Source: Ear-plugs and a blindfold will deepen your relaxation This depth will increase each time you practice the formula if you will it to be so. The more detailed your visualisation the more I have to work with in delivering your will. The more people you will assists the more I have to work with in delivering your will. The more you see yourself having won already the more I have to work with in delivering your will. The more you see the people your will has assisted already the more I have to work with in delivering your will. The more you act in accordance with my will in every thought, word and deed the more I have to work with in delivering your will. Blessings!
  16. Michelangelo: Thank you, vortex. I'm only as good as you are open to receive. "the more I live for tomorrow and the afterlife, the more I may also fear there being none.." Yes. When we want or strive for something, we make a choice, and when we chose the compassion of the universe adjusts/delivers. When we want or strive for something, we chose to believe that we don't already have it - we put it outside of ourselves. Whatever it is you desire - "see" it with you already, believe it is here NOW. Whether you achieve immortality physical/spiritual/celestial before you die is in consequential at a soul level. You will have an afterlife even if you did nothing to "achieve it". Children die (ie no nigong done, no deals made, no immortal bending over backwards techniques obsessed over) and the spirit keeps growing into "adulthood" - they grow and get/look "older" like we do - they "survive" "death"...and change form - nothing dies (its the crux of first law of thermal dynamics). So, its a matter of choice - it is a different "freedom" that comes with physical/spiritual/celestial immortality generate before death. We don't have to "cross over" - you can do what you "want".... But, then so can the immortal soul that has reached perfection and crosses into the light anyway...it's just that they wouldn't serve their lower self - they serve the light as instruments of light. This Authors path will reach immortality before death, but whether he know or not yet - he will cross over anyway, into the light, into the love, into the truth. The only difference is when we ask him "did you love enough", he can answer "yes". No hampster wheels needed.... The Author has already done that. He doesn't have to come back here at all...he is free. And what does one such stellar soul do, when the call comes from those on earth for him to return. He holds counsel with us, determines and pimps his ride for the purpose (like we all do), and then he listens to the same old words that all of us listen to and accept, he hears the lullaby that we sing when we accept the suggestion we need in order to sink into your reality once more..and so it is. Not long after he get the same crude slap on the arse that we all get, just the nurse is different, and off he goes. But, that is not to deter you from your work - each to their own will... But the secret you have been lacking is "100% Commitment coupled with Zero Attachment!". In that you can still reach the stars, but knowing you are the stars, who cares if you get there? A Zen Calligrapher applies that very precept when he/she comes to learn (through the compassion their art delivers unto them) that the essence of right action is in the brush stroke - not in the mark it leaves on the page. Blessings!
  17. Ghost experts...I need you!

    My wife is a medium RaRa, and an insanely powerful medium. She has had the burning up going on intermittently for the last few years, particularly when there is a great delivery of light hitting the earth grid, or during/after heavy psychic attack (people or spirit). Cosmic Sunburn I've taken to calling it (the former of the above). The ascension process has been facilitated by our reconnection to the galaxies central sun. The central sun has been sending pulses/waves of light, via our solar systems sun, and when it hits the earth grid it then hits our grids (we are synonymous with the earth - or grid connects to/is the same thing as the earth grid). I keep telling her she need some cosmic sunscreen - so if you find some let me know! She has woken up countless times burning like words can't describe - the mattress soaked, and I mean put it in the sun soaked. She even gets it during the day,,,ahh my skin feels sunburned today! The only thing that seems to help is when I channel Yin Earth energy up from the earth, in though her k1 point, up the legs, into perineum and up into the body. I've shown her how to do that, and that helps. It's like a cool earthing. Just remember that hot is yang, cool is yin. Heaven light blasts, or heavenly energy in general is yang, and is experienced as heat (entering at the crown), and it is trying to travel through you, to meet with the yin and make balance. Anything blocking it - limitations, emotions suppressed into the tissues, will cause the yang to buildup in the head/upper part of the body - and it will tryy to integrate - but usually dominates the yin - as we all generally run to yang in the west any way - so all that yang and not enough yin equals what? Too much yang, heat, and no balance - burnup. But, it is light, love, ascension that is entering so let it burn baby! Just temper with yin. When we balance fire and water the steam of creation nurtures us and takes us higher.
  18. Ghost experts...I need you!

    "Yeah, I went through a phase of tolerating insects in my house. Almost like training. I let them stay as long as they didn't interfere with my stuff. We became friends...I think." - awesome. I live the same way, only I escort them outside...haha! My last house backed onto bush/forest and was an architectural home with massive openings, and big sliding doors with no insect screens. We were inundated with insects, so many insects...I'm sure we discovered unknown species there were so many different ones. During that year the ascension process was absolutley pounding the living (and dead) shit out of me. I was clinging to life, literally. I was so emptied that I couldn't bear to hurt them all. I was traumatise beyond what I new possible - even in other lifetimes. So, between bouts of nausea, and time trapped on the floor, unable to move (every time there was about to be an earthquake within 3000 miles) - I would try and work,,,and between working and dry reaching ....I was a butterfly, beetle, spider, fly, midge, stick insect, stink bug catch and release fanatic. haha! oh, man lucky I kept away from counsellors and dr's 9which ways the nuthouse). And what I discovered is the more I let them go...they started to talk to me. Well, before that I started hearing them, hearing their fear, hearing their will to live, desire to be happy. Great suffering is the mother of great compassion along the path of the unconscious one (and those climbing out of it). And great compassion gives birth to great perception, a level of perception invisible to the norm. OK, well I read that Solomon could talk to all beings, insects included. Not so strange, never heard this before but - sanity hasn't worked - why not? haha So, I also thought of mr miagi... And I took it upon myself to learn how to catch flies in mid air and not hurt them. I learned the "swipe" - most recommended for the sitting fly. And then once adept, I taught myself the mid air "grab". haha I watched how my cat would call insects to him ehehehehe! ehehehe1 he would call out to them, willing them to him - and they came - Boom! "No Angel!" "don't eat him!" - "that's how I roll dad, I'm a Cat! WTF!" So, i tried his hunting call...and sure enough they came. I can now enter absolute stillness and see their path unfolding, call them, and sshhlof! mid air grab - escort outside. Haha! And we're never gonna surviiiive uuunless..we go a little crazy!! Who ever said you don't need to be insane to become enlightened was definitely onto something... "But if I make time for them, I might have to drop something else." You have the formula right there, drop a coverup tactic and replace it with a perception tactic (repeater). But perceive yourself first, and weed the garden, then you will know whose dirty feet it was when someone walks across your carpet.
  19. Ghost experts...I need you!

    "Well, she's not pregnant, we know that much. Been a tough time recently for various reasons but yeah, very attached to her mum ad nan right now. Even though it's not doing her much good imo" - it's always darkest before the dawn. Watch and learn from women and how they work together. When you start making judgements about them, take it as a marker to shutup and watch, listen, and learn from them. "But her priority is to get out and work...and nurture plants and sea monkeys." Great, nurture to be nurtured. What did I say - watch and learn from her. Her bio-clock is calling for stability, nurture, growth, nature, and new life...haha - watch out... "She reckons it's the weed that stops her seeing spirit, but then, that doesn't stop me. Something has switched her off to it though." Interesting....not sure what to make of that yet..usually opens me up like a tin can. "About the negative energy of the spleen/worrying...I must admit I'm not very open. I'm worried even writing this post...I thought twice about writing it...I was going to send it in a PM even but felt I could keep it impersonal enough for others to get use out of it in the thread! I will open up in 1-1 convos/counselling and similar scenarios. I guess that's normal. But it's a reason I don't do Facebook. I hate people knowing stuff about me. Others have said that the freedom to be open, especially in something like Facebook, is healthy and liberating. These were spiritual people, even. I'm on the other end of the scale...probably reclusive and paranoid lol." - ok, now you're talkin'. This is deep at the heart of the genealogical issue. Let go of the interaction with the world part of openness to start with - take the pressure off. First start with your own internal dynamics. These genealogical issues have a different, dense flavour to other issues/emotions. And they are usually glossed over more - becasue we have help in making them more "who we are" ie they "hide more" within us - and when we activate them, they are allowed full access - bc that's who we are - we think it is our identity. So, change nothing first of all. First of all become the observer. Recognise the "not-openess", but don't jusge it - just notice it. Each and every time you observe it you build that observational reservoir/muscle. In time the not open feeling will be very clear, and then move to absurd, and then you will have a foundation to take out into the worldly choices and actions. Simplify it for yourself. Observe the worry, and the not open - and just observe. Then once it is building - see what happens when you "will it" to transmute into openness. Again we are talking about the internal weather - not the external choice or action - the trilogy of creation is hierarchy from thought - word - deed. Observe the thoughts (intimately connected to emotions as they trigger each other) first, then transmute them. Once you feel shifts there - start to observe your words, and only once that reservoir builds - start to transmute them. once you build those foundations move on to your actions. Allow yourself the grace to make this about you first, then others. To act with compassion in the world requires compassion for self first and then others. But build it in layers, make it an internal emotional thought landscape game like Zelda. You are very good at that. The challenge is to remain grounded - not get caught in your head - and observation does that - thinking about your observations un-grounds you - observing them grounds you. Learn the taoist 5 element theory of negative emotions and virtues. "About chocolate: Where can I find this stuff on commercial brands. I think I need to be put off...I mean, it helped me quit Mcdonalds 12 years ago and recently, KFC! I justify my eating of it because I run out of stuff to eat during the day." Well, what I'm refering to is something that I saw spiritually within me, and pulled it out "infont of me" and asked myself/higherself/spirit was it was - and why its there, and how its related to the chocky. To be fair what I saw is not something that I would put out there into anyone else's head that they are not ready for. Some esoteric things are better unspoken. Suffice it to say that its in the realms of "spiritual bio-warfare" and is intrinsically connected to manipulating mento-emotional states, and then add the below issues on top. But, it shuddered me to my core/soul, and I will not eat commercially produced chocolate now. [Acknowledge synchronicity when it comes....I'm pitching companies over the phone between writing sentences - and wrote that last sentence, flicked over to the next lead in my crm (calling catering firms) - and the company's name that popped up for the next call...."Chocolate Crazy!" - thanks spirit - I'm listening! ] "I pack veg, fruit, meat, rice, bread, water, tea etc into me throughout the day and come 11pm, I'm still starving. Dark chocolate digestives are my last resort but I go straight through them. I stay slim though, and only just maintain weight. I lose weight very easily...so I also worry about dropping below 10 st (140 lbs)" - until you realise why on your own, make those veges alk, trade quinoa for the rice (acid/sugar), (consider dropping fruit if you do a candida cleanse - and then take it back up later), limit meat in a similar fashion (acid), forget wheat forever, purify the water, consider hot lemon water not tea(anxiety)... "I lose weight very easily...so I also worry about dropping below 10 st (140 lbs)" - candida can cause this, and mediumship can go either way - blow up or shrink down (protection). I used to work as a care worker for "psychotic children", the kind that would bite chunks out of you, smear kacka all over their bodies and try and stab you every second day.... - food and toileting was their major point of control when they had no other place to hold control in their world. Again, for you this is male side of the family digestive issues - stemming from an old belief/choice/emotion. You came her to heal it. Don't try and stop the control - observe it - go within and work through the layers of emotion - heal them with learning from your higher self. Then the issue will resolve on the physical level - and maybe even within your family members... "Hehe, yes. Yin/yang foods very complicated indeed. I find many charts say opposite things and I just don't have the time to delve too deep into it. Ans quite right, I assumed I was just Yang person so increased my Yin foods...but on other days, I think I might have been to Yin. I don't know. Maybe I DID need that alcohol or spicy food that day. So much to keep up with. Thanks for the links though for the acid/alkali stuff. I have them bookmarked and will loo into them soon." I'd allow the yin/yang thing to be a learning work in progress. For now 80/20 alk/acid your food intake - until you work out about the cleanse. Then ideally move up to 60/40 alk/acid over time (just a ballpark - noone tells a medium what to do - give your system what it wants - but only once you delve within and know who is calling the hunger games - you? candida? spirits? family? other?). "So much to keep up with." - don't then. That is part of the run. you'd only let yourself run if you convinced yourself it was running to keep up. Let it run, let it/you keep doing its crazy busy avoidance tactics. I say it because when you build observation you become subjective - empowered. [HAHA another company just called ..."Chocolate Attraction" ....hmmmf!- not interested - yeah me either luv! haha!] "Mindfulness meditation...it's purely the breath. All I do now is breath focus until I can just sit there and experience what is happening. I might need some help here though. Does this not conflict with talking to spirits? I'm a novice after all...I am stumbling across these spirits by accident right now." "Does this not conflict with talking to spirits?" No. It sounds great. Simply know that any time you lose focus and drift into "no mans land" you are receptive and open to influence. But, that meditation is great for developing inner stillness, so it will add to your ability to "slow it down", all the dialogues and energies and perceptions. And in that you can then start to sort it all out. Is this mine or someone elses? If its someone elses who? this person? that person? Get used to identifying a clear yes/no. Just allow it over time. This takes the use of faith, which will overcome fear and doubt. It's more important to have faith then be correct. Because correct is an impermenant solution, faith is eternal. Meaning that faith in what you hear is true, and that it is coming from higher self - not from belief, thought, or "external" origin. Then fear and doubt suggest - "but maybe you are wrong" - so what - be not attached to correct, or reason. Allow faith to grow over time with that formula, and it will be a poweful muscle to dispell fear and doubt. - knowing without knowing grows from a mustard seed to a mountain (watch how she nurtures the seamonkeys (while the passion is still there that is). "I'm a novice after all...I am stumbling across these spirits by accident right now." Humility is gold, stumbling only because your hands are over your eyes to keep you and humanity safe. You are though that now, its safe to come out and shine. Accidents there are not. Don't worry about talking to spirit - focus on the other part of mediumship until you fell grounded, happy and free - the inner landscape of emotions, thoughts, and who you are. Ask your guides to keep any spirit interactions to strictly positive until you are ready to accept the whole of duality. Theresa Caputo is a great role model for that. It limits her, but it also keeps it all in the light. In time she will blossom, but the foundation is growing safely - do you understand? "Is that what you are getting at by saying "comforting nook to rest in"? Could you please elaborate on your last few sentences though...I don't think I understand exactly what you mean. Are you talking about running errands here there and everywhere? If so, my profile picture says it all. Link, from Legend of Zelda, in my favourite game "Ocarina of Time" is the hero, running around for everyone. It's just built in." Yes, but let me clarify with a macro example (as above, so below)... Humanity chose to go into a deeper spiritual slumber several thousand years ago. They were collectively tired after the fall of Atlantis (any other civilisations that played out the same collective karma). Can't we just rest from all of this responsibility? So, the slumber came. To facilitate the slumber we created beings to control us, to keep us safe from destroying ourselves completely, and maybe the planet with it. When you ascend, you hear it all, and the faster you ascend the more you here and the more responsibility you need to take - to take responsibility for what you are "bringing through" - ie the more you enlighten the more "work" to do - but at a culmination point the work ceases entirely and is grattitudinal service. As you developed as a child, whether you are indeed a mdium or just a sensitive, you had to "cover" yourself to keep safe. We had to enter deep within the crust of the earth/collective psyche and wait. Now, the grid has shifted and we are being awakened/awakening ourselves. So, now that we are deep within the matrix, they are all over us - covering us from what they don't want to see. The spiritual sensitives and mediums make them see themselves -- wwoooop! cover him up quick! So, as part of that we find people that will reciprocally support our "stuff" - the layers of "stuff" that keep us under, keep or lights on dimmer, and allow us to rest from the "attack". Rest until we are ready. You found a nook with him. He respected you intellectually, reminded him of himself, he loves you. So what do you do with those you love (well, trained by mommy) - house, dominate, feed-off, keep safe until you can fly yourself. So, wanting a rest - you worked together and manifested the arrangement. It's not about the details - it's about taking refuge in a lower vibrational environment for a while - allowing to keep your head down, keep your perception under wraps, and....rest. "Are you talking about running errands here there and everywhere? If so, my profile picture says it all. Link, from Legend of Zelda, in my favourite game "Ocarina of Time" is the hero, running around for everyone. It's just built in." Well, that is the role of a medium. They are very special beings that come here "in service". "Service" is what coming here as a medium is all about. Only those of a certain level of evolution can come her as a medium. I have been a medium many times, but chose not to in this life as it would pose "too great a distraction" to my path. So, mine is still a life of service, but a different one. Yeshua was not a medium, Mary was. And Mary was ENORMOUSLY important in helping him achieve what he did. Instrumental was she in helping him maintain and anchor/root the christ light into his being/body/system/soul. Mediums are facilitators of much, and their roles are varied widely. But its always about issuing love and remembrance of spirit unto their fellow mankind in some way (at least in this epoc as it is needed/requested). "Theresa Caputo...noted. So I guess I have to do life AND see what these spirits want. Fun fun. I guess I should get up a bit earlier too then! haha" We have all had a rough time for years RaRa, allow yourself time to rest. But aren't I coming out of rest?! Well, that rest is not really rest is it - its harder work imho. Only a mislead belief thinks that spiritual sleep is rest, and easier than "responsibility". Spiritual slumber is tiring, so wakeup and recouperate - make it about you not them. You have a great passion and excitement within you about being who you are and talking to spirit. Passion is great, excitement is exhilarating - but over excitement hurts the heart energy (allow it to become love, joy, happiness, honor, respect (see 5 element emotion/virtue correspondences). So, let go the need to talk to them. Talk to you first. And let go responsibility as you know it. Responsibility is about responding with integrity - not about things that we are burdened with, or lumped with, or should do, have to do, need to do. Responsibility is said to be the first spiritual law. Respond with effortless right action to all things, and life will start to work for you (after the storm that is - it is always darkest before the dawn).
  20. depersonalization

    Hi again sunchild. Apologies for my flippant humour in my last post. I felt your situation last night, and it reminded me of how I felt a few years ago. I almost didn't make it myslef, through the hell of unrelenting musical chairs emotions I was spinning in. As RaRa said, we are not our thoughts, nor are we our behaviours. My wife is a very wise soul, and last night she berated me (totally unrelated to this) for trying to teach her something, when she asked me for advice. "Just ask people questions, so they can come to their own answers! Don't lecture them!!" And that really clicked for me...and I'm actually really good at asking questions... So, if you are open to it, restate your problem and I'll ask you questions. If not, then that's ok too...best of luck on your journey!
  21. God: Yes. There is always a chance GP! But I help those that help themselves, remember? Here's the formula: Light a candle in my name, and see that its light casts my love for you through the whole universe, enpowering and protecting you. Lay down. Relax. Relax deeper than you ever have, deeper and deeper. Concentrate more than you ever had. Center your concentration inside the cranium. Ignore all thoughts arising. Don't stop them, just ignore them. Keep relaxing and concentrating this way and allow the concentration to center at the very center of the cranium - at the third ventricle space and pinpoint the pineal gland. Let go the thought of that, and just be there. Relax. I want you to feel any tension in your body, and just let it go, ask me to take it if you like. Take a deep long breath, and before filling up, stop as you squeeze/clench your left fist for 3 seconds. Let the squeeze release, and exhale. Let the exhale take the tension, and allow yourself to expand into the realm of relaxation. Feel the squeeze has dramatically depended your relaxation, and reel into that feeling become one with it and one with me. Relax. Now do the same with the right hand. Relax Now do both together. Relax Now do the same with your left wrist - but clench the fist first as before, then adding a twist torsion to the wrist. Relax Do the same with your right fist and wrist. Relax Do both. Relax Continue this with each major body part... forearms, upper arms, shoulders... Then toes, feet, ankles, calf, thigh, hips... Front of torso, Back. Neck, face, scalp. Then do everything together, three times. Exhale 3 times strongly, and with the exhale relax more than ever before. Maintain this relaxation in absolute stillness. Now, we do the same with your mind - but with energetic intensity, not muscle. Still focused in the pineal... Spiral all of the relaxed energy from within your body, spiral it all into your pineal gland. Get the spiral going, and relax. Feel that all of the relaxed energy we have propigated together is spiraling into you pineal. Now use an "energetic breath" not physical (all muscles and tissues are relaxed remember). With that spiral, help the energy through the spiral with an energetic breath. Allow your body/lungs to breath on their own, don't fight it, just allow it to do its thing and forget it. Energetically inhale - the relaxation energy is the energetic "air" you will be breathing in. Inhale, energetically pulling in the relaxation "air" into the pineal with the spiral - and before full (energetic inhale "full") squeeze and compress the energy into the pineal gland. Be sure that you are not inhaling air (yang qi) into the pineal and compressing - we are not yang charging the upper dantien (we do not want to cause qi pressure). We are only working with the relaxation energy "air". Release and energetically mentally relax more than ever before... Feel that the mental/energy squeeze and relax, just like the physical foundation we have laid, takes your mental energy into a greater mental relaxation than you have ever experienced - reel into this - still centered in the pineal. Do this 3 times...spiral, pull, inhale and before full "squeeze/compress" and relax (remember this is all mental/energetic - your physical body is totally relaxed and doing its own thing. At the height of this relaxation count slowly backwards from 10. Mentally relaxing exponentially deeper with each number..deeper and deeper than you ever thought possible. Know that the physical relaxation below it is feeding the depth of the mental relaxation and go deeper. When you reach the number 1 see that all mental tension has moved into relaxation, and you are in the deepest level of relaxation you have ever known. In that relaxation, ask your self from beyond the veil to take that relaxation even deeper, and ask yourself to allow your thinking to emerge from beyond the veil rather than the conventional thinking that you are akin to. That thinking is willed into thought, not a normal thinking...you know what I mean. Will the thought "I will win the lottery on x day, and my winfall will help me and many others". Will that yourself from behind the veil brings that thought to life and shows you all of the people that will benefit from your winning. It is a selfless act of love that will benefit many, and see the particular people it will help, see how they grow from it. The more relaxed and willed from the you beyond the veil you can make it the better. See every single person that will benefit, see it growing, see how much they will benefit growing. Allow it to grow on its own. Will the creation of three screens, three planes of consciousness manifesting as three screens before you - lined up from right to left. In the first screen (on the right), will the vision of your current state to manifest. See how life is now, also see all of the people that will benefit from the win, see how they all are in "now". In the middle screen, will yourself from behind the veil to see yourself winning. See it very clearly, allow it to become so crisp and complete that for a moment you are that reality. In the third screen (to the left) see how your life has changed for the better, see the details, see how it has made you a better being, see all of the other people and how they have benefitted too. See that you are all celebrating together, and understand how it has brought you all closer together and that the whole experience has brought you all closer together and closer to me. Now will the you behind the veil to scoop up all of this energy, scoop it up and will that the you behind the veil brings it to me. Know that it has been brought to me. Now when you are ready count upwards from 1-10 in a relaxed manner, only coming back to now when you reach 1. Lay still and silent for as long as you wish...go to sleep if you wish... Allow me to raise you, feel refreshed, and when you are ready feel wide awake and fresher than you ever have. Give thanks. Now, extend that thanks. Give thanks to me, give thanks to yourself behind the veil, and give thank to all of those that will benefit, thank us all for the co-creative opportunity and the love. Only do "good things" unto the world, and live with an attitude of gratitude that you have already won. I AM WITH YOU.
  22. Michelangelo: 1) What are some of my past lives most relevant to this one? In this particular lifetime, vortex, all of your "past-lives" are equally relevant and have reached a culmination point. In this time, all of the original soul groups are present in one way or another for the end times. In terms of most relevant...well, that is an open question. Relevance is relative. You were a scribe in ancient Eqypt (under Thutmose I), a priest in Babylon and a concubine in Avalon. 2) Who, how and why did they build the Giza Pyramids and other stone megaliths around the world? Who, the master masons. How, with blood, sweat and magic. Why, power. Why...the grid is perfect already. These structures are arranged in such a manner that they act as giant accu-structures (like accupuncture needles) upon the earths grid/meridian system. They are to channel and control energies into and out of the earth grid. A mediating conduit between heaven and earth. They have been devised based upon knowledge delivered by star peoples and spirit. They have been used to energise the earth, and that energy (due to humanities choice to slumber) has been used to maintain the sleep in many cases. In other cases it has been used to ground energies, open and close portals and jumps to other star systems. You'll need to be more specific regarding any particular structure. The Giza Pyramids were built by successions of Pharoahs - with multiple outcomes. Propaganda was a big need in that era, and images of power went a long way to secure power, as did directing and inspiring the many. They are also burial structures to connect with the cosmos, and also served as initiation gateways, drawing on cosmic powers to dominate the lower self with ones higher self. All of these structures will be removed in time as we ascend and no longer require such density modulation and control. 3) Were there lost civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria and what happened to them and their peoples? Yes. These two civilisations overlap in their timeframes, from 10-50 thousand years ago. The reasons for their downfall are similar, and they all stem from past collective karma. Humanity has always struggled to come to terms with power. We seek to know true power, when we are already its essence. And when we seek something, we make a choice. We choose to believe that we don't already have/know it. And we choose to create scenarios that "teach" us what we seek. Humanity think that survival is the aim. It is not. Civilisations were never launched to live "forever", any more than people were/are. It's about the collective experience leading back to Source. Not "did I live long enough", but "did I love enough" - and in that you either learn some or win some. These civilisations, and more, I was privvy to view when I was alive. I was gifted with the ability to time travel. And they all have the same underlying issues of the struggle for power. When we seek power, we seek the lessons of power not power itself. True power is feminine, it yields and fills itself with the all - there is no seeking. So, their seeking for power over themselves, each other, the stars, over the way of the light. That is what happened. But, how did it manifest. Well as always, the manifestation is the multifarious details. But, the driving reason is far more simple. When we seek power before a foundation of balance and purification has been rooted - we become unstable. Humanity was 9/10ths of the way to achieving a solid foundation of balance, purity and ultimate rootedness. They were not yet ready for the final 10th, and still set forth to propagate power beyond their means. Suffice it to say that external (off-earth) energies provided the final 10th. But, was it really the final 10th? No. It was a new 10th from a "higher" source. And so, the dynamics were complicated, and the capacity to regulate power fluctuations was fractured before the influx. Differences of opinion among the leaders of the earth grew, and the stage of power reached a climax. There was an attempt to harness more power unto the earth grid via a manipulation of interstellar structures. These cultures were advanced in such sciences, and playing out the above mentioned energies they brought about a cataclysmic event that thrust them into change. There were several impacts upon the earths surface. A number of meteor fragments impacted, in the Atlantic ocean on the edge of the Caribbean region, and one hit Australia to form Ayers Rock. 4) How did humans originate? We came from the stars, we hybridised our DNA within host species. 5) What are Bigfoots? Remnants of lost species, and many hoaxes 6) Is the future predetermined? Yes. But, all of the possibilities are holographically, spirally, ovelapping within one and other. All of them are happening, and access all of them we can and do. We experience them all as multiple time lines. One that has developed to a functional level, their higher energy centers can see these layers, and can ascertain which trajectory is playing out, and can see when it is changing based on the collective will. But, we can change it all. That is the point, and the virtue of foresight, but would we change it if we could? 7) Can you give some significant personal or global prophecies for this year? Well, prophecies are just observations and indunctive reasonings into the above mentioned fabrics of time/space. At the present time humanity is poised with a great choice they have never had. Today we walk into a newly established earth grid, and a choice to start anew. So, which way we will go is a little tough to determine - as we are creating that right now. But, humanity is taking it up in a sleepy fashion which suggests that we are in for some explosive changes. America is already in a mini-depression, and that will deepen. The Euro will continue to increase its growing dominance in global markets. There will be another extensive tsunami in the Indian/Sumatra/Andaman region unless the many ascend above it. Humanity will spiral into more control and less civil liberty on the whole. Manifestation has been re-engineered of late, so once that settles in our choices and creations (positive and negative) will be empowered more than they have been for thousands of years - so expect more chaos from those that thrive in such energy, and expect more love and positive manifestations from others. That delay between thought-word-deed and manifestation will be dramatically shortened - so creation will speed up. Global health crises and pandemics will increase. The Global conflict arising will see America over stretched, and stepping back from its global dominance. We will see a more even yoke between rising super powers...leading through to the eventual rise of Africa as the true global leader (not within 12mnths though...on the longer term). You will see more earthquakes, and some significant landmarks will become inaccessible. 8) How can I cure my eyesight? The human body is a mirror of the cosmos. Every part of your body is intrinsically connected to and oscillating in unison with your cosmic body. The eyes are the root of the liver, which is a very important organ/energy in the system. Your liver energy is the collective of your choices, it is representing the harvest of every thought, word, and deed. And the eyes are a gateway, reflecting the energy of your soul unto the world. Primarily issues with the eyes will stem from issues with what you are seeing in the world. But, first a little on the idea of "cure". We do not develop ailments in order to cure them. Ailments are a bodily communication of underlying spiritual issues. So: What do you not want to see? Are you being overly short sighted in your life? I believe that you will find your answer within. There is a genealogical energy stemming from your paternal lineage (2-3 lives back) that is supplying a current of consciousness unto you. It is something that you are here to heal, but it's not about the eye sight - it's about a past emotional choice that you came here to heal. You will know of what I speak if you delve into inner energies like a "stubborness to accept", and an "unwillingness to let go" of certain plans that have been envisioned. I have here your Grand Father's Father, it started with him, but was more compounded within your Father's Father - whether it developed as eye sight deficiency is not important but likely. They, your ancestors want you to heal this for you/them. Let go of curing it physically, and aim to resolve the root cause. Genealogical traits are sometimes hard to catch, as they are often prided as part of who we are. We often "overlook" them as they herald from a deeper distant part of our makeup - they have a different vibration to other feelings and thought patterns. Start to develop a functional comprehension of them by considering each though, word and deed. Is that my thought? Does that thought or feeling originate with me. Is it ok if I heal and clear this feeling now, and for me to be aware of it consciousIy? its root cause located before, during, or after my birth? In a past life, or past down genealogically? Allow yourself to come above your timeline and go back (if you see the past as being behind you that is) to the very first time "you" felt this feeling. Let yourself know when you are "above" that "part/root cause". Drop into that event, into that timeline, and ask that you be made aware of what is happening. Are you aware of that feeling here? What is happening in this event? Once you have some awareness of the event, and can feel that feeling, ask "can I go and get the learnings now?" Leave the event, go up, above that event, waaay up and waaay back, before that event ever occured. High up and way back so you can no longer feel any of those feelings from where you now sit - at the "learning position", where that event is way out infront and way down below. Can you see that event out there and down? point to it. Now stay up in that learning position, and ask your higher self to bring down to you all of the higher learnings and resources that your unconscious mind needs to learn and get to 100% let go of this old feeling today, permenantly , and for you to be aware of it - NOW! (Speak out the learnings, one after another as you listen for them to come - just say what ever comes to your mind - and if they are not positive enough - go higher up and further back. Tell yourself, that's it, you're doing great - these are wonderful learnings. What else, what else does my unconscious mind need to learn or get in order to 100% let go of these old feeling today and to be aware of it NOW! (Speak them again if there are more) Is there anything else? Go until you hear a no to that question, or there are no more learnings. Ask that all of these powerful learnings be preserved so they will always be available to you. Drop back down into that event. How is it different? Can we leave now? Go back up to the learning position, and look towards now. Ask yourself to come back to now, only as quickly as you can let go of all of the emotions in that event, and all subsequent event all the way back to now, preserving all of the learnings so they will always be available to you, and when you get back to now open your eyes and come back to the room. Do you smell popcorn?
  23. Yeshua: Dear one, thank you for sharing. We are all friends unto the light, one and all. "Are Friends on-track with their traditional understanding of the small, still voice and of the Light within?" Yes, and No is the answer that you seek here. We are all on our own path back to light. Traditions are as useful as they are burdensome. We must continually ask ourselves, and check ourselves, so is the way of the light. The written word as a means to convey is both powerful and flawed. The moment I convey a truth in writing it ceases to be truth;a mere reflection. So, "Are Friends on-track with their traditional understanding of the small, still voice and of the Light within?" Brian, like all things - some are and some are not. But judge not either way.... Simplicity is next to godliness. The idea that it is small or still is only relevant when used in comparison to that which is large or in motion. So, of that, and of the light within? You do know these answers... Here, let me quote one of my kindest children. The key to what you seek is in the employment of Faith. Your friends discuss much, and when you come together in my name - that is more important than being "correct". I came to realise that it is more important to have Faith than it is to be Correct: "The lines of communication with the higher self are severed by the logical mind through doubt, fear, and disbelief. Strong faith is required to open this line of communication. Faith requires no logical proof; if proof is needed, then doubts interfere and breed failure. The logical mind cannot know absolute faith and, therefore, faith must come from deep within one's true self. Any form of cynicism will lead to the death of spiritual growth, for it strikes at the root of faith itself. Faith is not something that can be forced. Even after practicing Medical Qigong for many years, Qigong doctors may still have to battle their own questions. However, through successful practice, the seed of faith is established, allowing it to grow and blossom. The opposite of faith is doubt combined with fear. Suppression and denial of fear builds and armors the ego, which leads to further pain. If the fears are accepted and acknowledged, they can be overcome by faith. Dr Jerry Alan Johnson, Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy, p139 Soon, as we move forward, poised now at the dawn of a new earth, the small, still voice within will become larger and will move you toward the light within. But, we cannot remove you from free will. It takes Faith to believe what you hear from your inner voice. Was that coming from my ego/personality/mind - or was that the truth of my soul/higher self? Only Faith will dispel fear and doubt. And Faith was never about blindness, its about letting go and allowing the higher aspects of self to blossom within - without judgements like right or wrong. Well, that was the voice - it just was. Please be more specific if you wish for more clarity here, "Do we currently have access to a reasonably accurate written record of your teachings" No. "(or should we each find you on our own?)" - You have found me now, so what whilst thou? I came unto the earth as a normal man. My soul is so expansive such that Source/Humanity sequestered my presence here again. I was equipped to embody the Christ light and raise the frequency of the earth plane that my fellow man would have what they sought. Any journey which embodies so grand a light upon the earth will attract equal darkness, so is the way of it. I was no writer. I was a teacher, a healer, a son, a father, a priest, a builder, a carpenter, a lover, a friend among other things. I was shown that my word would be used against me. Thus it is that my lore was a spoken word. The spoken word is, the written word will be what we make of it. Humanity brought me here, and humanity resisted me. But, I knew that to be the case before I came unto thee. But, would you still come and offer your utmost even when you knew it would not be accepted. Yes, you would do that. So great was my offering that much was achieved. When you offer the all unto man, it all gets through whether it's cognitised or not. The message is learned whether its allowed the light of day within ones consciousness or not. Free will then moves forward. So great was my offering that as great a control came to meet it - so is the way of it. But darkness is but an angel in disguise. Lucifer and I are brothers. We came together to create duality, so that spirit had a means to experience. When given the option to be that which you are not, you then have the option to remember who you truly are. You then have the option to experience who you truly are. Only then do you have the opportunity to enact your will on earth as it is in heaven. There are only about 1000 words currently know that are attributed to my name - and while they point to the truth - even these words have been assessed and rewritten to suit the means of humanity. At the true first council of Nicea (c6AD) my part was rewritten. Much of the workable truths were hidden. But these will resurface soon. The custodians of humanity, saw the need to respond to the impact my life had upon the earth. The sleep of humanity had been ruptured, and it was to be contained, so it was. "or should we each find you on our own?" - You need only think of me for more than a few thoughts and within my arms shall you be. Seek not to find me on your own - seek to find yourself through me. The path to righteousness is all embracing - shun no teaching, accept everything with love. Seek not to find me in the written word, nor in tradition. Just feel me and know that I am with you, standing right by your side loving you. How could anything else be the truth?