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Posts posted by Shagrath

  1. WAU! Thank you snowmonki for this knowledgeable answer. This clears up a lot of things and yet brings out more questions :) I have always seen that the Chong Mai goes through the legs, in front of abdomen and up the spinal cord but I thought its bad representation because Yang Jwing Ming and others called Chong Mai the channel that strictly goes up the spine and connects 3 Dan Tiens. So that is Zhong Mai. Why isn't there any Zhong Mai in majority of TCM books and its not part of eight extraordinary vessels? Can you recommend some literature that are mentioning Zhong Mai? Do you know any practice that can strengthen Zhong channel?

  2. @Practitioner: Thank you for your quick answer. I think he discussed that in his Understanding Qigong DVD's.



    @GrandmasterP: Thank you for your suggestions. The "Taiji Pole" concept is from Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson's book Chinese Medical Qiqong Therapy Vol.1 - Energetic Anatomy and Physiology. I really don't think Jerry is rigid inside.



    About Center Channel/Meridian I have read in Robert Peng's book Qigong Master. And about Thrusting channel I have read in Dr. Yang Jwing Ming books.


    But still I am not sure are they talking about the same channel?

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  3. In past few weeks I got really interested in Penetrating/Thrusting/Center/Chong Vessel and Taiji Pole. Some resource say that Chong Mai is in the Taiji Pole, and then others call Taiji Pole Center Vessel which is the name also of Chong Mai. There are lot of information about them but they are not clear about neither of them.


    So, is Taiji Pole different name for Thrusting Vessel? What are they? Can you recommend some good resource upon that?



  4. Could you provide details of the Buddha Fa and how one can learn it.


    I don't have any resource on that subject, since I have been individually trained by my teacher and he was individually by his teacher in Tibet. So...


    Exercises are very very similar like those in Falun Dafa since Falun Dafa originaed from Buddha Fa. So if you know those exercises you can adjust to these in 10-15 minutes.


    1. exercise is the same but with one additional movement

    2. exercise is also the same but on the end posture there is one mudra done with hands that amplify maturing of amygdala and elimination of destructive emotions

    3. exercise is the same except the turning the wheel part, here it's done differently

    4. exercise is exactly the same

    5. exercise has similar movements but it's done in different order and there is much more emphasis on cultivation prenatal energy and harmonisation of two brain hemispheres.


    And between every exercise is meditation and after all exercises there are two meditations done in Embracing the Tree posture.


    There are lots of benefits but some are: maturing of microcosmic/macrocosmic orbit, strengthening 12 organ channels and 8 extraordinary channels, maturing all 3 dan tiens but accent is on middle and upper, harmonisation of two brain hemispheres, regeneration of bone marrow, cultivating transparent body (best translation from my native language, in Falun Gong it's called Falun wheel in lower abdomen) and Buddha nature ("emptiness"), etc.


    There are three levels of transparent body as you go through cultivation, three levels of empathy development and the end is being aware of your Buddha nature.


    As for learning I don't know what to tell you. The only person that teaches it that I know of is my teacher and he teaches it only in his higher class of Tai Chi and Qigong and he lives in Eastern Europe. And I am now currently living in Netherlands. So if you are interested and ever passing through PM me and we'll go for a drink and practice some energy Shen Gong :)

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  5. Yes and no. He explains techniques for semen retention for people who want that, but he also mentions one breathing technique for saving sexual/seminal energy and than if you want to you can ejaculate without any energy loss. That breathing technique is really great, lots of sex coaches teach that technique like a cure for premature ejaculation.

  6. Personally I have never trained Falun Dafa, but lots of my friend did and I have never heard a bad thing about it. On the other hand I practice Buddha Fa that I have learned from my teacher and he learned it from his teacher in Tibet. This Tibet monk said that this is original practice centuries old and Li Hongzhi ruined it by removing some of movements, added some of his own and changed speed. When my friend tried that practice after few years of Falun Dafa they ware amazed by the strength of practice. One monk even said that that Buddha Fa he teaches is originally developed by Boddhidharma and later on it moved to monasteries and in Shaolin stayed diluted practice Yi Jin Jin and Xi Sui Jing. He said diluted because the practice of Buddha Fa has all benefits of both Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing.


    I cannot say if that is true or not, no one can because of the there are no people who knew Boddhidharma and are still living. But I can say that its really great routine, one of the most profound that I have ever encountered and I have lots of medical miracles (hi bone density, bone regeneration after injury, no muscle soreness after intensive workout, worst stage of discus hernia healed, etc) because of that practice.

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  7. Hi there.


    My name is Alex. I'm from Serbia. I am manual therapist and healer, and I am very interested in meditation, energy cultivation and healing.


    This is the best forum that I have ever seen and now I am part of it.


    Thank you all for all this knowledge, I will try my best to contribute discussions with the humble experience that I have gained over few years.