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Posts posted by Shagrath

  1. Doesn't the imagination just create delusion though?


    Imaginary, as in mirage like and not inherently real?


    If you have any thoughts you are not in a state of emptiness. Definition of mind is collection of thoughts and emotions. Some of them you are conscious about and that's conscious mind, while emotions and thoughts that you are not conscious about is subconscious mind. In average individual proportion of conscious and subconscious mind is 8:92 (roughly said 10:90, interesting fact is that that is the same proportion if ice in water. 10% is above surface while 90% is under). So in average there is 90% if mind content that you are not aware at all.


    If you find yourself in state of emptiness and you have one thought you are not any more in the that state. Even if that thought might me HEY I AM IN STATE OF EMPTINESS, or THIS IS EMPTINESS. The moment you label that state it's gone. That is also true with imagination and visualization. They are also thoughts.


    One orthodox christian saint said that imagination and visualization are just fun games for the mind. Nothing more nothing less.


    In Buddhism they say that the closest words to describe that state is state of emptiness/nothingness on one side and state of unlimited potential on the other. Both describe the same state. Like in daoism they say Dao that can be described is not real dao. It is the same state.


    If anyone was in that state and said that is boring/chaotic/destructive/etc or something like that was just experiencing void through partial segments of mind. It was not pure state of emptiness.

  2. And plus about making video of me. I didn't say that to brag and tell how I am the negong master and want everybody to pay me money I just stated as of my current level, where I am now so anyone with richer experience could say how to pass that, or how to go deeper into neigong or just that I should continue to practice the same thing except doing it for 5 min I should do it 1h :)


    We are all friend here, sharing the same thirst for inner alchemy knowledge. We are here to help each other with our own experiences. At least I believe in that.



    That stated I would really loved to film myself if I achieve anything and put it here to prove it so there is no BS. I hate BS and false claims.

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  3. I guess what I meant was, what are the actual practices you did in those short periods of time to experience these effects? Not necessarily Fa Jin, but the hot steel bones and healing?


    Thanks! :D


    I stand in a position of Embracing the Tree or in Wu Ji position (not the same as in Zhan Zhuang) or in a cross-legged position. Most powerful is WuJi for strengthening lower dan tien and Embracing the Tree for middle dan tien. Then I draw in the earth energy through Yong Quan in my ldt and at the same time heaven energy from Bai Hui to my ldt. They must meet in ldt an the same time. Then using mental, focused and concentrated mind I make from those two energies prenatal energy in my lower dan tien and then condense that energy into my bones. If you have problem with your liver for example you make prenatal energy and store it into liver.


    For the actual mental practice of doing that it is really required to firstly go through meditations learning. I can send approximately what they are about with PM. Because I really don't want to into argument around meditations (who's kung fu is better) and it is not a topic of this thread.

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  4. Well, could you please upload a video of yourself performing Fa-Jing for this thread to back up your claims? :)

    And do you feel vibrations in your arm or even see your arm vibrate when performing Fa-Jing?


    I will gladly provide video via youtube but you will have to wait some time so I can really have it practiced in :) This was my first time after all, I am still rookie.

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  5. I'm just wondering if this has any correlation with the void united with compassion and the void without, and hatching the positive immortal fetus and hatching the negative immortal fetus.


    I really don't know. I am not a big fan of taoistic descriptions because they are way too complicated for me. Sometimes I have a feeling that even they don't know what they are talking about :) I like very much more simplistic views like Theravada Buddhism or Advaita Vedandta Hinduism. Neither Buddha, Nisargadatta, Ramana, Meher Baba, Padre Pie, etc never talked about any fetuses and yet they all were awakened and aware of illusion and had compassion.

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  6. Does anyone have any experience with uniting the void with compassion?




    In our western world names for emotions compassion is derives from Absolute Love. But Buddhist call Absolute Love Compassion. Absolute Love = Absolute Knowledge = Consciousness of Emptiness our true state of Being. When you are in conscious state of emptiness your mind starts to unify (stops functioning through its partial parts) and you see everything as One. There is no distinction between you and entire Universe. You see yourself in others and other in you.

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  7. Care to share your methods for obtaining this?


    Yes I care :)


    I have been doing lots of meditations for maturing the mind and Consciousness and maturing the energetic structures (aura, life pillar, lighting body, chakras, kundalini, third eye, third eye channel, etc). That is one part of all and the most crucial part in my case.


    Another part is qigong. For a few years I done some qigong exercises for health (cleansing and detox of internal organs) and few month ago my teacher showed me how to pack energy in my body and energetic structures. This method includes drawing in earth energy from yong quan (if you are sitting then through hui yin, and heaven energy from bai hui), storing them in lower/middle/upper dan tien and combining them to produce prenatal energy that has qualities/potentials of both combined. You can also take that prenatal energy from dan tien and lead it to bones/bone marrow, tendons, joints/ligaments, specific organs if you want to heal your self. My teacher said that goal I should pursue is that all three dan tiens are simultaneously drawing in both earth and heaven energies combine them to prenatal and spread it through whole body. And after that is accomplished you go one step further that your whole physical body and every energetic structure that you posses do that process.


    I have been doing that for a few months but only few minutes per day because it is enough for great health. Until this thread I never considered option that I was on a right track and it never occurred to me do that for a longer period of time and that is crucial for obtaining "powers".


    When I pack prenatal energy to my bones for 4-5 minutes I have a feeling of really intense heat its like somebody took out my bones and put red hot steel instead. I will do it more often and for a longer time and we'll see what happens :D


    Bending with energy came very easy. I learned it in 5-6 minutes, without any exaggeration. And if you can sense energy with your hands I can teach you also in that amount of time :)


    With Fa Jin that I experienced another day I have just placed my relaxed hands on friends chest. Took few moments to fill my lower dan tien with earth energy and I quickly released that accumulated energy from ldt through my arms. I didn't do big big arm movement like in this video (

    ) I did a small, lightning fast contraction of arm muscles and friend flew away. He had a little buzzing in ears and was in little shock because neither one of expected that one coming :D


    Best wishes.

  8. Thank you very much for your answers.


    I found myself in a pickle :)


    I know how to raise Kundalini, activate and use Bindu, opet third eye and I teach people how to do it. I can sense energy, energy blockages, without any problem can bend person standing in front of me in any direction. I know how to heal, even had patients with serious illnesses. Yesterday I successfully demonstrated proper Fa Jin on my friend. Filled my lower dan tien with earth and heaven chi and released it through my arm and my friend found himself pinned down to couch :D Also I can fill my bones, tendons, joints, any organ, dan tien with heaven and earth qi and produce prenatal qi that has potentials of both energies at the same time.


    Thing is I know how to use energies for healing and self healing but I lack knowledge for using them in other ways like telekinesis, electric qi sensation,...


    Any help?

  9. Interesting thing is that in this thread about strong energy cultivation/cultivators nobody mentioned Yan Xin. He is total mystery. It is said that he put out a forest fire in China, did a lot of experiments with scientists in America etc and yet nobody knows anything about him except that his teacher is shaolin monk and he is one of the Chunyi Lin teachers and he really kicks ass. That's it. Really strange :)

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  10. If I understood you well you wish all these elements in one workout?


    -very balanced flow of energy. With yoga I feel an ecstatic energy going straight up my spine into upper chakras. almost an orgasmic kind of feeling sometimes -- with qigong, it is much more balanced, grounding (and frankly a bit more boring to me -- that ecstasy is very useful for making art). It feels like SFQ may be a more balanced approach to health and releasing blockages but perhaps not the one that really suits me best.


    -physical weakening - since the only physical art i was practicing at this stretch was SFQ, i definitely got a bit weaker (although I also had a sickness). I have felt this with SFQ in the past. It is simply not very good exercise. If you have a normal build, or a large build, SFQ loosens the joints etc and does the job of "exercise." but I am extremely small and the lack of muscular exercise (asanas are enough) has made the upper boddy feel a bit weak. The legs gained strength though, from standing 20-30 minutes at a stretch while doing the SFQ


    -emotional detox - some difficult emotions running through, just like any other meditation practices. There is a slightly different quality about SFQ I can't really put my finger on. It feels more like the emotions are in my whole body as opposed to focused in one location maybe


    -increased energy and health


    I don't know if something like that exists. From my experience the more something is physical the more it lacks energetic component and vice versa. But you can do pushups and strengthen your for example lower dan tien. Like when you are going down and inhale you visualize ldt expandng in a ball and when you push up while you exhale you visualize energy from ldt to flow through your arms. So you strengthen your ldt and plus you are programming your mind to use energy with physical movements and not just muscles.


    My advice is that you find 2-3 practices and combine them together. e.g. find some good stretching routine, strength building program plus some qigong or something else like tai chi/yiquan/etc.

  11. What I think i'm looking for (I could be wrong however, sometimes physical exercise has been the ticket) Is more of an energetically driven exercises with a physical component, as opposed to a physical exercise with an energetic component, which is what this seems to be. I've tried something like this before, and I liked it for a bit, but eventually it ended up being too much tension in my muscles and it cut off the energy flow (perhaps I did it incorrectly). Also it may just not be the best thing to serve my goals... I'd rather just take a walk or something If I'm going to get pure physical exercise, then I can kind of explore and unwind, as opposed to be locked into yet another system. Maybe you can comment on your experience with it? I find his advertising page was impossible to decipher (and that kind of put me off).


    I understand you completely. In my experience TacFit Warrior is really great. It builds stamina, strength, flexibility and it refines movement so you can perform in flow. Lot of aches that I had disappeared, I felt more alive, etc. Joint mobility exercises from this package is pure gold. They literally take away any stiffness from joints. I give them to my patients (I am manual therapist) and they really make miracles.


    I really think that if you combine that with three stances from Stand Still Be Fit (standing like a tree, dragon, tiger) that you have a winner. Just my 2 cents.



    PS: or you can do 5 Tibetan Rites, they are energetic exercises with physical component and they take a little time to finish.

  12. To return to immortality. So essentially if your consciousness is matured you become "immortal", if you have not matured consciousness but only strong energetic structures you will decompose really really slowly maybe few centuries.


    "In simplistic terms, after the physical death the following processes take place:


    - Physical body decomposes - here it makes no difference whether it is being buried, cremated, or treated in any other way; so, essentially, the time it takes it to decompose is of no importance, nor can anything different be said for the location or the manner in which this takes place.


    - Light body, aura and Soul merge into a joint vibrational-energetic structure, most commonly in the form of an ellipsoid, which gradually looses form and decomposes as it returns to its source - the Higher Energetic Structures: the Energy of the Unique Universal Field, the Christ energy and the Energy of the Holy Spirit (to repeat, together we call them the Divine Energy). Measured in “earth years”, this process can take anything, from a few to several tens and even several hundreds of years.


    - Mind, together with the Light body, the aura and the Soul, also decomposes. With decomposition of the physical body the instruments for creating the mind in the first place are also being destroyed: the senses, including, of course, “the synthetical sense - the brain”. And yet, the feelings that have formed during life still “remain”, in a manner of speaking, although essentially they are not that any longer - the senses and the brain through which, and through which only, they used to come into being and have their existence and expression, are no longer there, and so their further survival and manifestation is no longer possible. What actually remains from them is “only” an information. Therefore, the deceased do not suffer, have no sorrow, nor anger, do not sympathise or celebrate...,because they no longer possess the instruments for such processes.

    All these decomposing structures are passive in relation to the living people. Even if any “communication” is established with them, this does not represent - “a conversation between the living and the deceased”, but rather - connecting of the Vibrations of the living with the remaining vibrational-energetic structures of the deceased. All else are merely projections of the mind! Such communications are, essentially, nothing but “conversations” with one’s own self, and through help of a “medium”, meaning - an instrument in a form of the remaining Vibrations of deceased. Experiments conducted in this field, i.e. the sessions (or the sèances) of “invoking ghosts of the dead”, or “communications” subconsciously initiated, can go as far as being able to “see” the deceased and “feel” their presence and so on, which again are only the reactions of the mind (of the living person) where all this has its beginning and its end. Sometimes such experiments can prove useful if, for instance, the information received is of such nature that it will aid the development of individual Consciousness, but on the other hand, they can also be quite harmful if they end up “feeding”, or “crippling” the mind. Sheer curiosity and mere experimenting are by no means good approaches and for this reason we simply do not advise their exploitation. There are much simpler and by far more effective methods for finding out what we need to know, and that is - directly, through addressing God with a prayer.


    - Individual Consciousness - no longer manifests through the physical body, but instead, for some time, it still does so through the joint vibrational-energetic structure that is, as we have already explained earlier, formed by merging of the Light body, the aura and the Soul as well as the remaining “emotions and thoughts”, which now exist only in the form of information. Processes of decomposition of Vibrations, when viewed through the mind, can last a long time, but from an aspect of the Higher Forms of Consciousness, or rather the Divine Consciousness, they appear but as a flash.

    Individual Consciousness continues with the “process within the process” in the realm of the Higher Forms of Consciousness, which is exactly where it had started. Only now it is enriched with an experience, which we can describe only as much as is based on its manifestation on the level of Vibration-Energy and matter, i.e. the life of an individual. Further “process within the process” is indescribable and impossible to follow with the mind, but it is possible to “have the Awareness” of it.

    Continuing its journey as a “process within the process” in the parameters of the Higher Forms of Consciousness, Individual Consciousness as such does not manifest again on the level of Vibration-Energy and mater, because it is no longer as it used to be. “Enriched” with an experience, it continues the process within the Higher Forms of Consciousness, respectively loosing its identity. Such individual Consciousnesses (all, save the ones that have fully matured) certainly have had a particular, authentic role and influence through their process of individualisation as a part of the self-recognition of Higher Forms of Consciousness, i.e. the Divine Consciousness. This is why each and every individual Consciousness that had ever manifested in a given space and time, or rather, as part of the human race, have had a meaningful influence by the virtue of the fact that it was a Divine creation. The mind generated criteria, particularly that, which refers to something being positive or negative, good or bad for someone, or for the development of humanity as a whole, for an awakened (realised) person carries no significance, because all the processes, which take place within Divine creation, are in the function of self-recognition of Divine Consciousness.


    Individual Consciousnesses that have not matured do not “return” to Earth to resume their maturing process, because they have merged into the Divine Consciousness and have lost their identity. The new manifestations of Infinite Consciousness (i.e. “new people”) through individual Consciousness (can) have the Knowledge about all previous manifestations of all previous individual Consciousnesses, the only question is in what measure will this be realised by the means of their mind - “during their life time”.


    Many understand reincarnation in some of the following ways:


    - By ascertaining thus: “In my past life I have been a physician”, “In one of my past lives I was an army general”, people who nourish such beliefs consider the term “I” to be synonymous to a person defined by the so called character traits, which are based on emotions and thoughts, or on the other hand they do not even think about this term. According to them, this “I” moves with them from one life to the next.


    - Others think that the Soul is something which makes up their essence, and that it travels through time changing bodies from one life to the next, looking to “gain experiences” through numerous reincarnations, and so “pay off the accumulated debts”..., and finally to complete this process and attain immortality. At the same time, such people care scarce little about what they do and how they behave in this life, finding their solace in the belief that, by the very definition of reincarnation, they will be granted other lives where, if needs must, they will make up for the mistakes made in the past and catch up with what had been overlooked and passed by. And so the picture of a separate Soul is formed (mostly identified with the term “I”) that had come to Earth to fulfil a task, which, however, those who belong to this belief system can not easily and clearly define. In this way - a consolation/illusion that, if God-realisation and a consequent end to otherwise endless chain of reincarnation does not happen in this life, there will be plenty of time for it in the next one, or the one after... And so the irreversible damage is done, which is also present in the materialistic attitude - an aimless wasting of life and missing the precious opportunity for taking the responsibility to discover its purpose “here and now”!


    Of course, it should not confuse things if one should hear that the Soul is indestructible. Then normally the terms used are “Universal Soul”, which we can take as a synonym for Infinite or Divine Consciousness, and the “individual Soul”, which in turn can be equated to an individual Consciousness. When we use the term “Soul”, we are referring to the manifestation of individual Consciousness in the form of Vibration-Energy, whose function is in being an instrument of “self-communication” as well as communication with others. So instead of saying that - individual Soul “moves”, it would be better to say that - individual Soul is in the process, because otherwise it would be easy to loose sight of the Infinite or - Divine Consciousness (universal Soul), and individual Consciousness (individual Soul) as, in truth, being - one and the same, and of the mind as the only responsible culprit for creating the illusion of separateness. Infinite Consciousness continually self-recognises through a multitude of processes; one of them is the process of individual Consciousness as the “process within the process”. Those processes that have not bore the fruits of maturity, like we said, merge into the Infinite Consciousness loosing their individuality, while certainly contributing to the continuation of the overall processes in their ever growing, ever increasing levels of complexity...


    Divine, or rather Infinite Consciousness, reincarnates through an individual process of incarnation of individual Consciousness, which we recognise as the life of an individual."

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  13. The more I read about Mo Pai the sillier it all sounds. And that Bodhidharma was Mo Pai's top level student and Zhang Sanfeng. Can anyone back this up? It is just like Hare Krishna followers claim that Jesus Christ was reincarnation of Krishna. Nobody can prove but nobody can disprove it :D


    Some people claim that Bodidharma was trained in Kalaripayattu some disprove it etc. Nobody knows, and nobody can prove anything. So I doubt very much in such a bold claims as Kosta wrote in book.


    And surprise surprise as Mo Pai gets more and more popular we find out more and more teachers who are not even beyond level 4, and everybody is writing some books and have bolder and bolder claims, not


    You have to admit that it really sounds silly :)

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  14. Just to be clear by virtue you mean "Virtue (Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή "arete") is moral excellence. A virtue is a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice."


    Is there any other context of virtue in Taoism?

  15. Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming said in in one of his DVD's that the main difference between buddhist and taoist cultivation is underlying philosophy.


    Buddhists LET it happen, while Taoists MAKE it happen.


    I believe end result is the same. Taoists tend to achieve being one with Tao, and Buddhists are going for Buddhahood. There are many many names for enlightenment.


    To spiritual development there are paths as many as there are people. There is no ultimate spiritual path, better then the rest. If watching TV is expanding your consciousness and ultimately lead towards transcendence of your ego then that is your path.


    Pleas lets move from subject of spirituality and how bad is controlling toward energy cultivation what was original subject.

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  16. That whole idea of 'control' just stop and reflect on what sorts of things we use to control things mechanically and how.

    Gates, capacitors, gears, levers, valves etc etc. All those imply a physical slowing down, or turning off and on , something that is 'done-to' in order for that which needs to be controlled to be controlled.

    Cultivation isn't like that at all, it's more about letting go, relaxing and sinking.

    All else follows. The more we consciously seek to control the less 'control' we actually have. Only when the cultivation begins to cultivate us do we begin to make any real or meaningful progress.


    I would not entirely agree on that because I personally know handful of people who are considered spiritual teachers and next to that that they are truly fried from minds limitations and are able to perform many "miracles" with their physical bodies and energies but not close to mo pai videos or master Wang ability of Fa Jin and Fa Shen, etc. If you were right almost every monk would be able to do strong energy manifestations which is not the case.


    There are basically two approaches to personal development: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal would be only pursuing for energy powers and abilities while vertical would be just plain simple ego transcendence.


    On the other hand you are right about when your mind is calm and somebody is fried from minds grip they start having some "paranormal" powers. But not as close as someone who specifically trained for that and plus meditated.

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