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Posts posted by healingtouch

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies so far. Immensely helpful ... :bow:

    This is my go to book for this kind of stuff. There is a section called: Practice List and is a set of skills to work on to ease symptoms.


    Why do you want to stop the tingles. I like that about it. The twitches I think are related to the energy clearing blockages. The symptoms can be a distraction though.


    Here's the link:



    Because they are extremely painful and unnerving, especially when both the tingling and numbness happen at the same time, and this started happening today to me while I was driving, making it almost impossible to steer the vehicle.  :wacko:

  2. Recently, for the past 2 weeks, I have been going through some very painful Kundalini awakening. At first, I didn't realize what it was until I felt compelled to look at a post on Instagram which it described the following


    "Prior to full-blown kundalini transformation, while meditative, you have kundalini symptoms such as feeling tingles or muscle twiches in various areas of the body. You may feel fleetig pain or cramps, quivering of the lips, flashes in the brain and sporadic jerks of body poarts. You may feel sudden rushes of energy in the body, eplosions of light in the brain and feel tingling or numbness in various body parts. When you feel these things, you have the ability to sustain quiet mind in meditation for increasingly longer times increasingly. You will be faling into a deep trance like state and you will fear you will lose yourself as the quiet increase. It is like falling asleep in your meditation, and you want to awaken and shake it off. Going beyongd the initial fear, to allow yourself to fall asleep, will be part of deepening your meditation."


    Which describes to a T what I'm going through. Plus I'm not feeling liek eating meat anymore. Cravings for sugar big time. No ability to sleep anymore, maybe 2-3 hours a night max if Im lucky. This is all good, but the tingles and the numbness is really painful.


    My question is: what can I do In terms of diet, exercise, meditation to help this process along and speed it up as this is very painful what Im going thru at the moment in terms of tingles and numbness?

  3. Anyone know how to prevent legs and feet going numb while meditating? This happens after about an hour of being in lotus or with legs sideways and it's really affecting quality of meditations as it's interrupting them. 


    Thank you in advance 

  4. Sure, do share if you're up to it. :)

    I could try to explain it but I beleive it's far better when we allow the Master to explain it in his own words














    These are the links to the pages in the textbooks that deal with scanning. It pertains only to scanning for prana in the energy body of a person. However hand scanning can be used to scan for anything.


    For example if you wanted to scan a food for a specific issue. First focus on the question you have in mind. Again, be specific. Vissalize the food.. So instead of saying: Is this food good for me? rather ask: "will this <insert food name> increase my level of spiritual conciousnes?" or "will this <food name> increase my level of energy?". Your imagination is the limit. Then place your hands about 5-10 inches apart and say to yourself: this is an YES. Take your right hand as far as it can go , while keeping the left one in place (or vice versa if your left hand is more sensitive) and ask the question and start moving your right hand again closer and closer to your left hand. If the answer is positive, it will start tingling or pressure more and more as it approaches the yes distance between them. If the answer is a no, you will be able to get past the yes point without any sensations. If the answer is a strong yes, you will start feeling a sensation way befoer it reaches the yes distance.


    The method described in the book can also be used to scan foods that are in front of you for the amount of prana it carries and also specific types of prana. Again, formulate the question in your mind and move your hand closer and closer to the food.

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    First link doesn't work but the second is a very good resource. Thank you!


    Pranic scanning sounds interesting.  I've extensively used another method, applied kinesiology, which I learned years ago from a dissident MD in New York.  I even designed a double blind placebo controlled study of this method at one point, aiming to convince a scientist/skeptic friend.  Went to town preparing the kit -- having access to his funky stash of stuff, I managed to have him sample everything, from food and drink of his usual choice to trick objects like birth control pills, chemo drugs, arsenic, cat food, and pot.  (the worst performer of them all was diet Pepsi, which he drinks a lot of every day.)  The accuracy is extremely high -- in other cases I verified it by testing food items on people with known and documented allergies and intolerances.  However, this method offers only a very generalized picture of what to seek and what to avoid.  But I'm pretty sure it could blow a mind or two in people who have an idea in the head of what they "should" eat which their body doesn't buy -- it could give them a chance to find out what the body really thinks about their choices.


    As for the book -- make me write it and I will, 'tis the only way! :D


    Pranic scanning is taught in the first pranic healing level 1 course. It's very easy to learn, but hard to master, as it requires constant practice. Since your hand energy channels are open, you have a huge advantage .. I can probably explain in here as well how it's done if you are interested and would like to practice it ...


    And when it comes to the book, your wish is my command :D

  6. Thank you everyone for your wonderful and indepth replies.


    Taomeow, sounds like you are ready to write a book about taoist nutrition :)


    And, after all its said and done, I am reminded time and time again that the best way to decide whether a food is suitable or not for me is by the hand scanning method I learned in pranic healing, rather than opting for the lazy way of going by numbers and lists which are written with everyone in mind.

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  7. Scrolling on my new phone for apps to install, I noticed an app called Saber Yin Yang (Yin-Yang feeding). What it does is it classifies major foods into whether they are yin or yang and it gives them a score. The app is in Spanish which makes it a bit more difficult to use but I'm thinking this idea has merit. Here are some of the scores, with 10 being the highest, and Im going to post for now only the ones with the highest scores, which the guy recommends to avoid (whether they be yin or yang)


    Alcohol yin 10

    Sugar yin 10

    Coffee yin 9

    Achiote (?) yin 8

    Basil yin 8

    Spices (all which doesnt really amke sense to me) yin 8

    Eggs yang 9

    miso yang 8

    honey yin 8

    Salt yang 10



    My question is: does anyone know where the author is getting his info from and of anymore resources on this subject?


    edit: it's actually in English as well

  8. Good points. I also support ZOOM learning from the approach he is led by his friend - it may ultimately lead to the same approach, but without the necessity of rejecting that which does not resonate. He was led to this path via a friend, and so there is likely a deeper resonance within that relationship than we could hope to understand.


    This whole sith or nazgul based approach is interesting. Feels more like the idea of taking energy for personal use without needing to operate under the rules that other things operate under. Which is fine - it just means this approach will need to navigate the challenges related to how it positions itself within the whole.


    When we center ourselves within the whole and open, we can receive the energy of the whole, for giving and receiving are one. When we attempt to draw out the energy of the whole without an even exchange, it requires a certain cleverness to enable this type of exchange to unfold and then to guard what one has hoarded. It would appear this exchange often operates in the dynamic of competition, where one takes from another through conquest. All too familiar in the western realm. Seems pretty unnecessary, given that everything people compete over is free to be had if one just opens and accepts their role within transformation.


    Further, it is odd - what is the purpose of this hoarding apart from the whole? What beauteous design is planned that can only come to fruition apart from the whole? And how can it remain hale without the support and nourishment of the whole? This dynamic can be seen in cancer cells, who steal from the whole, but in the end fail to even sustain themselves once the dynamic of the body that sustains them fails. If there are those who would steal from the existing cancerous dynamics within our society rather than feeding them, all one needs do is absorb those threads and return them into connection to the whole.


    We are always seeking balance between absorbing life giving resources and sharing life giving resources. In time this balance can be refined to such a state that what is exchanged is merely a whisper on the surface, never reaching the core, even as one is open to all things, without walls. Whereas, if one is always protecting the core with walls, and always stealing and never giving, the resulting barrier against circularity might lead to difficulty in reaching new states of development, or perhaps require more conflict oriented progress.


    Just my musings. I don't really know what others mean when they speak in terms of the sith or nazgul approach. I was more a fan of Beren.


    Brilliant post. Thank you!

  9. Compared to you they are gods not only in power but also in insight and understanding of how things work.

    You talk about things you don't understand, but they live it.

    It seems absurd to me that you arrogate to yourself to estimate them in any way.


    I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong and assumed too much, that Jetsun is talking about the Divine Nature inherently present in every living being. When one becomes aware of their True Nature, one becomes aware of their own Divinity, of their own immortal soul, indifferent where they stand in the hierarchy of being able to kick ass and indifferent of how long their spirit body lives for after the death of their physical body


    So yes, to get back on topic ... Wang Liping is God :D wink wink


    Atma Namaste (the Divine in me bows to and acknowledges the Divine in you)

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  10. Is God the Void (the Great Mother which many perceive as completely chaotic) out of which even Jade Emperor came out or is God the Jade Emperor, the most powerful immortal with thousands of years of training and cultivation, and yet still born out of the Void?


    Is God the Great Mother that gives birth and loves unconditionally her creation, whether they are perceived as being of the dark or of the light or anywhere in between, or is God the one that polishes and enforces order onto what the Great Mother produces (creating duality in the process)?


    Or is it something else completely beyond our ability to comprehend and put into words?

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  11. One dervish to another, What was your vision of God’s presence?
    -I haven’t seen anything.
    But for the sake of conversation, I’ll tell you a story.

    God’s presence is there in front of me, a fire on the left, a lovely
    stream on the right.
    One group walks toward the fire, into the fire, another toward the
    sweet flowing water.
    No one knows which are blessed and which not.
    Whoever walks into the fire appears suddenly in the stream.
    A head goes under on the water surface, that head pokes out of the

    Most people guard against going into the fire, and so end up in it.
    Those who love the water of pleasure and make it their devotion are
    cheated with this reversal.
    The trickery goes further.
    The voice of the fire tells the truth saying, I am not fire. I am
    fountainhead. Come into me and don’t mind the sparks.

    If you are a friend of God, fire is your water.
    You should wish to have a hundred thousand sets of mothwings, so you
    could burn them away, one set a night.
    The moth sees light and goes into the fire. You should see fire and
    go toward the light. Fire is what of God- is world-consuming. Water,

    Somehow each gives the appearance of the other. To these eyes you
    have now, what looks like water, burns. What looks like fire is
    a great relief to be inside.



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    Ultimately all is dao, however, here on earth the balances are very delicate. We're lucky to be part of such balance. If we move to a very hard extreme all life may end, and will still be part of dao, to eventually transform in different ways, but we may miss an interesting opportunity here. Whatever happens happens. Just in general, self-interest is at odds with the interest of the whole.


    What many systems that struggle to attain balance don't understand is that to return to balance, all one has to do is stop applying any force in any direction and go into a place of non-action. Then, just like a swing without a rider, it will eventually stop and return to the place of balance on its own. Nature does that with people as well ... No need, in fact, in fact its harmful, to help it by using the human mind to devise a system when nature will do it 10,000 times better on its own. This is why any system that is invented by man to return to balance is inherently senseless. Just like a swing's role is to swing, and not to sit empty, so is a man's role to be in action constantly, to strive to push the boundaries of his nature and nature in general. Rest assured: sooner or later, nature will win, but where is the fun if you let it win without even a struggle on your part. 


    Quote: "Just in general, self-interest is at odds with the interest of the whole"


    And this is why many systems that come from cultures where harmony of the whole is  more valued than the reaching of new peaks by the individuals should be viewed with suspicion. Because they are devised to waste the energy of those individuals with too much energy, that could potentially endanger the harmony of the whole. So while they outwardly they appeal to those individuals desire for more of this or that, what they actually do is trick those individuals by sidelining them into a fruitless pursuit meant to empty them of that extra "dangerous" energy until they are safe for society once again. Practical end result: a stagnating society and culture.

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  13. In comparison to our man-made ethics I'd say the "universe" is quite immoral. In nature, everything eats everything else to survive. The male body is a regular killing machine. It creates millions of "could be" humans just to kill them off and recycle what's left over. The weather doesn't think twice about wiping out thousands of people. Yes, nature is quite immoral.


    Morality is the result of we humans trying to figure out which actions to avoid and which ones to take part is so as to make ourselves and the people around us happy.


    But that's just us. The universe doesn't care what we think about ethics.


    Yes, perhaps whatever the Universe produces is completely random, or perhaps it only seems random because of our inability to comprehend its laws and "ethics". So perhaps whatever nature does is not that random either, there is a deeper meaning behind it. Something which many enlightened beings and mystics have alluded to since ancient times ..

  14. From my experience, and from others accounts that I have read of or heard of as well, the ethics that we display is a major factor in what kind of teachers, and I'm talking about spiritual form teachers, aka immortals, we attract around us ...


    So now, if one has no regard for ethics and being of service to others, and is only driven by a desire for more power, for more status, for more abilities, to be #1 at any cost, for no reason other than ego gratification, what kind of teacher will this person attract? Will it be one that's willing to share the deepest secrets and training methods, with no pretense and illusion added on top, a kind one, an understanding one, that will take you to freedom and enlightenment or will it be one that has no regard for ethics either, that's alike, that is going to use this person for its own selfish motives, that will share only the minimum knowledge that's necessary for it to achieve what it wants out of the person its training and for whom only results, status and power matter at any cost?


    So now you tell me, where's the logic in preaching that ethics don't and shouldn't matter? I mean, yes, sure, if you want to be a pawn used by your "teachers"  and "superiors" in whatever "divine" plan they have concocted, then I can completely understand why one would support the position that ethics are irrelevant to one's spiritual level


    On the same note, I think everyone here would enjoy watching Legend of the Condor Heroes for an excellent portrayal of the different kind of teachers one could encounter ...


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  15. What exactly was the question your psychic asked his guides to find out how advanced Wang Liping is?


    Because being able to light papers on fire and other displays of abilities to manipulate qi does not make one spiritually advanced? All that proves is that one is a qi gong master, and there are many qi gong masters with advanced capabilites who would register as being low level spiritually because they lack any compassion and willingness to serve, and all they care about is how many followers they have or their level of fame and material possessions (material possessions include martial arts and energy manipulation skills and levels as well).


    Another way FFS communicates is images. Not so much for your eyes to see, but more like telepathy - direct to your brain (if that makes sense). Here is an example of when it happened to me:
    After my regular LMP practices, I thought to do the XYP Jing Zuo in bed a little before I went to sleep.
    Out of nowhere, a very clear image appeared in my mind of a teapot pouring water into a cup that was placed on a tray.
    It kept on overflowing with water and the teapot wouldn't stop pouring. 
    I played along, incase it was my imagination, I said "alight, my cup is full so I can't take anything else?", for the lulz I then said "how about I get a bigger cup?"
    Then an image of a huge cup appeared with water being poured into it. The more water that went into the cup, the wider and taller the cup would be. Meaning whatever I gain/learn, I'll never be satisfied, constantly wanting more.
    "alright.. how about I drink whats in the cup?" meaning, using/applying what I've learnt.
    The feeling of someone smiling came over me. Like when someone smiles at you and you can't help but smile back at them and feel good. That sort of smile. 
    It was very unusual but really enjoyable. I was a few minutes into the Jing Zuo when it happened, so I was in a completely aware/non-trance state.



    My favorite post ... A great reminder to myself that meditation, breathing exercise, this whole lifestyle, is for the purpose of being of service to others through energy healing, etc.. Otherwise, I find that I can too easily fall into the trap of doing them just for the sake of stroking my ego and like your guide pointed out, just for bragging rights of having a bigger cup, without ever using that cup to feed others as well.

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  17. maybe, over at the new fivearts.info site?


    I don't know about Qi Men Du Jia specifically, but in my experience we already know the best time - it's the timing that invites us into balance. As long as we listen with open hearts, we'll get better and better at knowing when we're jumping the gun or dragging our heels. Study of the yijing is a fantastic way to develop a full spectrum approach to finding balance within change.


    Checked out the site. Great concept but there is no date selection practitioner replying. Perhaps I should learn it, I have the books here :)


    Or like you said, fight my impulse for more complexity, and stick to the yijing.


    Hexagram 5: nourishment of yin qi. Look for this hexagram when picking  or 11, 48, 50 or 55 and I should be good.


    Thank you Daeluin :)

  18. This sounds a lot like one of those ads : get thin without exercising and while eating all you can. I might be mistaken, but  I personally doubt that any kind of real cultivation and spiritual achievement(just like anything else) can be done without personal effort, just through some magic contraptions and "by the grace of God". I can only speak from my own experience: internal training for energy cultivation is a very daunting task that requires effort, strong will, unyielding mind and body, discipline and a lot of patience and persistence. In my experience it's orders of magnitude harder overall than external kung-fu and I guess that is the reason why most people give up after a while.


    Perhaps under the category of effort we can also place the search for knowledge on how to speed up and make the practice of neigong more efficient thru the use of external tools such as crystals, herbal supplements, facing certain directions, practicing at certain times, under certain weather conditions, etc. ?


    Also, another very important part of the paractice is virtue and a properly prepared nervous system for the extra voltage. Without it, even if someone found the perfect tool to enable us to make every breath be a neigong breath, all that would do is speed up that person's demise or going into madness or psychosis.



  19. Most of my views and interests in the subject are about concrete applications, not philosophy. And nature does have a direction as imposed, if not by anything else, than at least by the flow of time. When yang reaches an extreme it gives rise to yin this is the natural way. Internal cultivation is the reverse of that, the return to pure yang.

    Anyway I'm not here to start a philosophical debate as that leads nowhere and for most part is meaningless. As I said before when it comes to Neigong I speak out of experience, not belief and I believe I said what I had to say regarding OP's question.



    In my experience and opinion this is nonsense. 


    First, neigong cultivation does not go against creation and the normal flow of energy.

    That is simply a mistaken concept. It goes against maladaptive practices and habits but not against our nature. 


    I'd have to agree with CoZma on this one that if neigong was with the flow of Creation, it would require no effort and no knowledge on our part, and the norm would be people becoming Masters. And it would take an effort not to become one. I'm sure we can all agree this is not the case .. at least not anymore. I say not anymore because perhaps there was a point in the past where this was the case, when virtue was the norm and more people then not where Masters, but somehow that has changed, for whatever reason.


    I quote from the Iching translation by Thomas Cleary which has proven to be a great guide for me in my spiritual journey

    Hexagram 23


    "What does not allow yang to avoid turning to yin is the circulating energy mechanism of heaven and earth; yet what is able to preserve yang in the midst of yin is the power of the practice of reverse operation of sages. Since sages have a path that is before time and yet not violated by nature, they can use it to usurp creation and turn life and death around" As for ordinary people, they go along with the course of creation, which strips away yang by yin; when yang energy has waned away and become pure yin, how can they not die?"


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    The only type of qi that does what you say ,as faras I know, is yuan qi, and that happens only up until the age 16-17. After that, when yang is full, yin is born and yuan qi starts to dissipate. If qi would naturally/effortlessly tend to accumulate rather than dissipate, we would all be masters by the time we die. Qi, by its nature, is like fire, it tends to rise and tries to escape.

    About crystals and the such, I don't know very much. It could be that some may enhance ones ability to cultivate, but without conscious will I doubt any meaningful cultivation can take place(unless you consider breathing a form of neigong)

     Yes, in this context, with being surrounded by the right "tools", every breath would subconciously become a form of neigong.


    It's how some people do become masters without any concious effort on their part other than meditation or prayer. They are placed by their spirit guides in the right environment at the right place and at the right time. As they say, everything does become a million times easier when one has Heaven on their side.