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Everything posted by shanlung

  1. "Well" and Anarchy

    And thankless task to boot.
  2. "Well" and Anarchy

    I was actually singing and leading others in a circle singing this song in the early 70s against the wicked Americans fighting in Vietnam. Never felt more righteous in my life until the killing fields started.
  3. "Well" and Anarchy

    For a forum supposedly packed with Taoists and professing Taoist, we all never really on that path or forgotten .. Chapter 29 Those who wish to take the world and control it I see that they cannot succeed The world is a sacred instrument One cannot control it The one who controls it will fail The one who grasps it will lose Chapter 57 Achieve the realm by not meddling. How do I know it is like that? By this: The more regulations The poorer the people. The more sharp weapons The more troubled the country. The cleverer the people The more distractions. The wider the knowledge of law, The more there are thieves and rogues.
  4. "Well" and Anarchy

    Isnt there a saying that the road to hell is path with good and finest of intentions? I recalled celebrating the fall of the Shah of Iran only to see Ayatollahs coming to the front. And I organised and demonstrated against US in Vietnam and cheered to see them go only to see the birth of Killing Fields We saw the death of Osama which seemed to herald the birth of ISIL I wasn't sure of the destruction of Saddam and Gadaffi and Mubarak, and I think the politicians in Europe will sell their fucking souls to bring them back to life and in power again. Whatever campaign it might be seems to start with book burnings. Be that in Germany so as not to whip up anti begging bowls so rapes and thefts and assaults forbiddened in order not to frighten the people there. Whenever I hear kumbayahs being sang, I smell something very very rotten.
  5. A major milestone was just passed recently. There is this thread in a forum far far away almost in another galaxy. That thread was on Chess which I rudely interrupted on 19 Aug 2015 warning them all not to be stupid and get into chess. A position also agreed to by the Saudi Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz bin-Abdullah who issued a religious fatwa declaring that chess is forbidden for Muslims because it is 'a waste of time' and promotes gambling. He added: 'The game of chess is a waste of time... it causes enmity and hatred between people.' Plagiarised from what I wrote: That is about the worse thing you have done in your life. Get out of chess before the addiction really kicks in. For those with morbid curiosity what chess is about. Modes of flight of Riamfada and comparison to Tinkerbell //Some chess memories, hustler foil, Bali Then the talk went on into chess openings and if I play people face to face Playing face to face as below? The chess board physical enough for you? from HOMO SAPIENS NON URINAT IN VENTUM And I was there again in March and June 2015 Those guys there know me very well as a person who periodically turn up sometimes kicking arses and sometimes to demonstrate how to snatch defeat from jaws of victory I used to be fascinated by openings. Wasted money and time going deeper and deeper into it. There must be about 20,000 book openings to go into instead of smelling roses and living whatever is left of my life Then again, in just the first 2 moves in the chess game, there are 160,000 possibilities and in just he first 3 moves in the chess game, there are 64,000,000 possibilities or openings And in the first 4 moves in the chess game, you have 25,6000,000,000 possibilities. And that is just the first 4 moves. Openings can go to 8-9-11 moves. Even more than that 25 billions. So what can I hope even if I could remember the 20,000 book openings against 25,6000,000,000 possible openings? You agree that is not even a grain of sand in a beach of sand 100 miles long I believe so much better to focus on the fundamentals, develop the pieces to maximise their vectorial movements and control of the center. And go with the Tao and flow with the game I only need to remember that. And being an Idiot, remembering less things meant I less likely to blunder. And all the good things I can remember cannot undo any of the blunder. Let us remember that at any opening, at any point within that opening, the numbers I quote above to you apply. So in the 2nd move of say the Ruy Lopez, just 2 more moves into that will 160,000 possibilities and 3 moves from that to be 64 k k possiblities. The most exhaustive study of just the R L will not even scratch the surface of RL Let us say a tiny fraction of 64 k k are good possibilities, let say 1 in 1000. You still looking at 64 k. And openings can go 6-7 moves deep Can one reasonably remember all of that? Maybe for GMs and IMs. Not for people like me. And then what about the King's Indian, or Sicilian Closed and Sicilian Open. And Kings Gambit/Queens Gambit and Alekhine Defense etc etc etc etc As said, remember the fundamentals and ground yourself well in that. Go into battle with no fear of death. Like what Jap Samurai have in mind. "I allow you to cut my skin provided I cut into your flesh. I allow you to cut into my flesh provided I cut you through to the bone" And what if my allowing you to cut me to the bone which is a pretense as I then will cut off your head. Also remember positional advantage get you to a favourable end game. But before the end game, God (or the Tao) put in the middle game. I then touched on WeiChi, which you folks might know better by the Japanese name of Go In checkers, your pieces still move. And if you queen that piece, the movement to that piece expand even much more. In weichi, or better known in West as Go, the pieces are the same (other than black or white) and the pieces do not even move after they are placed down. And yet, the most profound of board games, and even much more profound and complex than chess is Wei Chi. Go (simplified Chinese: 围棋; traditional Chinese: 圍棋; pinyin: wéiqí, Japanese: 囲碁 igo,[nb 2] literal meaning: "encircling game", Korean: 바둑 baduk[nb 3]) is a board game involving two players, that originated inancient China more than 2,500 years ago. It was considered one of thefour essential arts of a cultured Chinese scholar in antiquity. The earliest written reference to the game is generally recognized as the historical annal Zuo Zhuan[2][3] (c. 4th century BC).[4] There is significant strategy involved in the game, and the number of possible games is vast (10^^761 compared, for example, to the estimated 10^^120 possible in chess),[5] despite its relatively simple rules. The two players alternately place black and white playing pieces, called "stones", on the vacant intersections ("points") of a board with a 19x19grid of lines. Beginners often play on smaller 9×9 and 13×13 boards,[6] and archaeological evidence shows that game was played in earlier centuries on a board with a 17×17 grid. By the time the game had spread to Korea and Japan in about the 5th and 7th centuries CErespectively, however, boards with a 19×19 grid had become standard.[7] The objective of the game—as the translation of its name implies—is to have surrounded a larger total area of the board with one's stones than the opponent by the end of the game,[8] although this result typically involves many more intricacies than simply using surrounding areas directly. Once placed on the board, stones may not be moved, but stones may be removed from the board if captured—this is done by surrounding an opposing stone or group of stones by occupying all orthogonally-adjacent points.[9] The two players place stones alternately until they reach a point at which neither player wishes to make another move; the game has no set ending conditions beyond this. When a game concludes, the territory is counted along with captured stones and komi (points added to the score of the player with the white stones as compensation for playing second) to determine the winner.[10] Games may also be won by resignation. You see in above for WeiChi, the possibilities are 10 power of 761 against chess possibilities of 10^^ 120 I got a bit into WeiChi when I was working and living in Taiwan and then in South Korea. I drew back from that abyss as what if I got better in that and would I find the time to get deeper into that especially with my addiction to International Chess? WeiChi is enchanting and mesmerising. Even more than the other variation of chess which is Chinese Chess. I also drew back from Chinese Chess. Something very difficult as C C is also very enchanting and magical. In CC , you got almost immediatly into the middle game and where knights can be crippled and canon exist and only can work if there is an intermediate piece (regardless if your piece or enemy piece) for the canon to fire over. One measure of the complexity in WeiChi is that we have chess computer programs that can trash Chess Grand Masters even many years ago. Despite lots of efforts, the best of WeiChi program can only win against the best of human GMs only when given handicaps. It is believed that only in the distant future can computer WeiChi approach humans, and even so, provided true AI been reached. I wrote above in Aug 26 2015. I did not expect a Go program about to take on top rank in Go for some years still. I was wrong. A major milestone was reached in WeiChi or Go and AI Google DeepMind's AlphaGo beat the European Go champion at the complex ancient Chinese game. It was a very delightful shock to find a Go program made a GM equivalent in Go bite the dust. He was not the top Go GM, only the European Champion. But nonetheless..... I will wait and see in March 2016 when that program takes on the World top Go Grandmaster Lee Seudol in Korea Idiotic Taoist shock and lost for words
  6. WeiChi and AI and a bit precursor on Chess

    That number 10^^761 will be more than the number of atoms, the number of quarks, higgs leptons and neutrinos in our entire Universe. Calling that mind boggling is sheer simplification. I honestly thought a true AI must come about first. Of profound wisdom which might even be able to tell us what is the Tao and Te. And which might happen to win the top champion in WeiChi. So far that is not here yet. But Mar 2016 is around the corner and we will see then if Lee Sedol keel over at the foot of AlphaGo. That will be electrifying to me and Weichi Go fans and to the entire computing community.
  7. "Well" and Anarchy

    Give me a fucking break. My defense is an attack on him? So am I to stand and let him punch and slap me about as so pleases a small man with small mind and some power? I have hands off him and not even call on him to prove things when he kept screaming at me for proofs that fit his definations. I definately declined to prove things which are common sense and but made no sense to someone like him. I had ask him to go to Davos for that since that is in his neck of the woods.
  8. Dumbing Down University

    Concierges too.
  9. Dumbing Down University

    Ha ha ha ha! ROFFLMFAO! He didn't talk directly about books burning did he? Idiotic Taoist all ready to step in where angels fear to tread and kumbayahing going on in maximum volume in orgy of wankfest
  10. I was on this subject some time ago in my birdie groups that I plagiarised into my blog. Since this is likely to be on the mind, especially of new age Taoists (old age taoists probably will not care a damn), I thought I should get on the soapbox here as well From Mentality of parrot // Soya beans// Feather Plucking //Alcohol 12 aug 2010 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Soya beans I saw this thread in "Think twice before feeding Soy Beans " Where Tarm quoted a paper on the evils of soya beans and that luckily the fermentation process was discovered by Chinese 2000 years ago which could remove those poison. I felt compelled to enter. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I almost feel embarrased in entering this thread. By all the accounts posted such as, Originally Posted by tarm In men gynocimastyia sp? Which is formation of breast tissue in men. Sterility, lower testosterone, loss of sex drive. Fat accumulation. Enlarged prostate. I should not have existed to write a reply. Considering soy has been in the diet of Chinese over the last 3 thousand years, the cumulative impact on Chinese and other people such as Koreans and Japanese, we all should have faded away and dwindled to nothingness. Yet, there might be 1200 millions of Chinese in the world. There might have been more, but Beijing restricted their Chinese to just one child. 130 million Japanese do exist too. And 75 million Koreas. Or 1400 million tofu and soya bean eaters in the world Those researchers who wrote all those stuff must have a hard time explaining that. I saw they all decided it must be because Chinese ferment tofu and abacabra! the Chinese saved themselves from extinction! Fermented tofu and byproduct do exist. Largely as soya sauce. Soya sauce is just a sauce. Miso paste is a kind of 'condensed' soya sauce. But those ferment soya is such a tiny part of the diet. But perhaps miracles do exist where those tiny amount of fermented soya went on to save the Chinese and other East Asiatic race from extinction and fading away. Fermented soya also exist as fermented tofu. The other name for fermented tofu is 'Smelly tofu' or 'Stinking tofu' Eating Smelly tofu is an acquired taste. I love eating Smell tofu as it is so delicious. The tofu is fermented to make it delicious and not because Chinese realised soya bean is poisonous and fermenting it takes away the poison. The vast majority of Chinese hate smelly tofu with a vengence. They eat the regular unfermented tofu. Westerners might like cheese. How many Westerners can stand blue cheese? Blue cheese smell like roses in comparison to the Stinking tofu. And why are there so few chinese who love Smelly tofu? Surely, those who love poisonous unfermented tofu should have lost their sex drive and have lot less offsprings than those who ate the fermented smelly tofu? Surely, the current Chinese race should be loving the smelly tofu if only smelly tofu allows them and their forefathers to procreate? Isnt that standard Darwin principle? Or I gotten that wrong? Its long known that unprocessed soy beans is poisonous. The standard way is to soak and wash , soak and wash repeatedly soy beans before cooking. This is what I have been urging since 2003 when I wrote on Tinkerbell Mash. I do believe enough photos of Tinkerbell, Yingshiong , and Riamfada are available to see their state of health after all the years on Tinkerbell Mash. I do not believe any commercial parrot pellets that use soy beans would do what I have done. A 3 days and 3 nights of soaking and washing of the soy before the cooking. Morning with Harry & the decision// Sultan of Oman Palace// Tinkerbell Mash Batch 7 But what do commercial parrot pellets makers care? Didnt they use stuff like Ethoxyquin , originally used to preserve rubber , BHT/BHA , petroleum products , Propylene Glycol, de-icing fluid for airplanes to enable long shelf life for their pellets? So excuse me for writing. I should not have existed together with the hundred generation of my ancestors because of the evil poisonous soya bean we have been eating over the last 2000 years and more. Neither do 1,200 million chinese could have existed. Especially when most of them hate the Smelly Tofu. I have not known of a single Japanese who love Smelly tofu. Do continue on this worthy discussion as if I never came here to write. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Followed by Quote Originally Posted by Birdnut @Shanlung: Your post cracked me up. Thanks for sharing this alternative viewpoint. Certainly no one can say that your birds have not been in excellent health. It sounds like you do agree that it is probably best to avoid the commercial products with soy, as surely they do not have the knowledge and have not taken the care to prepare the beans properly as you describe. But why do you need to worry about the commercial parrot food lack of preparation of their soya beans ? Should not one be even more worried of the icky stuff that they used to have long shelf life? Ethoxyquin , originally used to preserve rubber ? Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) ? Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)? Propylene Glycol, de-icing fluid for airplanes? While unprepared soya beans are bad, I am a lot more paranoid on the above! Go make your own mash aka Tinkerbell Mash and you have no need for all the worries. You then have more time to smell roses instead. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa And yet another from me. There was a recent attempt by a group in Hongkong to ban the sale of Stinking tofu. That ban failed. Stinking tofu fans may not be that many, but all converts are die hard converts. Just that you know, you need to bring blue cheese near your nose before you can smell the blue chess. You can smell stinking tofu stall from across the road! Never mind how many lanes that road is (6 lanes in Taipei if you want to ask but dare not ask) Unkind wicked people of un-elevated taste swear stinking tofu can be smelled upwind of the stall. Those writers of 'fermented' tofu have never been anywhere near a stinking tofu (fermented tofu) stall in China, or Hongkong or Taiwan. Or even talked to any Chinese and if they eat fermented tofu before they wrote of fermented tofu/soya bean saving the chinese race. Folks here might think I exaggerate on how bad fermented tofu smelled like. I love this dish with all my heart and I found I was mild in that description as knowing how delicious fermented tofu is the smell, at least in my nostril, is wonderful as the precursor of enjoying that in my mouth and soul. I checked on the web and was fascinated by the description by others How stinky could it be? As it turned out, pretty stinky. It was a stink that could make other stinks recoil in horror, a stink so mean it could beat a man senseless, drink his whiskey, then run a marathon through manure in his best suit. It was so dense we could almost see it hovering over our table during the brief period we spent acquainting ourselves with stinking tofu. and Stinky tofu (also known by its Chinese name, Chou Dofu), a fermented tofu dish which has a very strong acrid odor, is sometimes politely called "fragrant tofu". Its smell has been described as "baby poo," "hellacious" and "sharply foul". Tourists in Taiwan or Hong Kong who follow their nose have no trouble locating a stinky tofu stand � street hawkers who sell it have been fined for breaking air pollution laws. . . . Like the most fermented European cheeses, stinky tofu makes an unforgettable impression; non-native eaters find it either exotically tasty or unbearably repugnant. Twice-fermented stinky tofu, chou doufu ru, makes even stinky tofu smell good. Even many native eaters can't stand the smell. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa And another of my letter judygram :-) Jayd, I remain very good friends with folks that regularly clipped their birdies. It is not necessary to do the same thing and think the same way to be friends. That will be a boring world. We will remain friends even if you run screaming and gagging away should we approach a fragrant tofu stall. During the time I was in Taiwan and Hongkong, never once could I get any of my expat friends to pop one piece into their mouth or even getting near one of those stall. They cross the road to walk on the other side. I find it sad they never will experience one of the most tasty and yummy dish in the world. Do resist the urge to run away and try just one tiny little piece should you come across those stalls. You will be a die hard convert after you experience that gastronomical delight. Tarm, I do not know of USA and the fetish there for soya burger or soya hotdogs . I guess thats part of Vegan mythology. I am a carnivore and love meat and to sink my teeth into those succulent meat dripping with juice. That said, one close friend of mine is a Jain where Vegans are considered as closer to being a carnivore. Yet we are friends. I am a carnivore as I have this aversion to hearing the tomatoes scream with pain when the knife cut into them or peas squealing for mercy when forked into the mouth. Soaking, germinating, washing and soaking and washing and soaking removed much of the phytate. I had been advocating this, and have been doing this in Tinkerbell Mash since I started in 2002 and not just on the soya beans. Fermentation to soya was done to change and improve the taste. 2000 years ago, no one would have known what is a phytate even if that came marching down the street with a huge brass band. As for that evil phytate, a lot of food stuff contains phytate, and not as if soy bean is the only evil one. I am no expert. There are enough experts plaguing us with their thousands of papers. In the early days when I stood almost alone in the parrot world publicly flying Tinkerbell, experts of all sizes and shapes came running along to declare what travesty of parrot caregiver I was to allow Tink to fly. That they are 'experts' were enough argument for them. Even more 'experts' came to tar and feather me when I advocate taking your parrot out on harness and leash in the early days. Allowing birdie to fly and to take them out safely in harness and leash is so routine nowadays. The world financial meltdown were brought about by another bunch of 'experts' with even more PhDs and affiliations. We the laymen all over the world are good for nothing and good only to bail them out. I am a student but I do like to think I am a well informed student. Extract From wikipedia Phytic acid (known as inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), or phytate when in salt form) Food................... [% minimum dry] [% maximum dry] Sesame seeds flour .....5.36 .................5.36 Brazilnuts ................. 1.97 .................6.34 Almonds ................... 1.35 ................ 3.22 Tofu ........................ 1.46 ................ 2.90 Linseed...................... 2.15................ 2.78 Oat Meal .................... 0.89............... 2.40 Beans, pinto................ 2.38 ................2.38 Soy protein concentrate 1.24 ............... 2.17 Soybeans ....................1.00 ................2.22 Corn ...........................0.75 ................2.22 Peanuts ......................1.05 .................1.76 Wheat flour ................. 0.25 ................. 1.37 Wheat ........................ 0.39.................. 1.35 Soy beverage............... 1.24................... 1.24 Oat ........................... 0.42 ...................1.16 Do notice the tofu , or precipitated soya bean that those experts said removing the phytates have more of that then the beans. Luckily I love the fermented stinky tofu. I and all who feed our birdies with brazil & almond nuts have even more phytates that soya. Why is there a campaign against the phytates in soya beans and not a campaign against feeding of brazil and almond nuts? Do we have to cook the brazil and almond nuts before we eat them or give them to the birdie? Note food stables like corn and wheat. The phytate in them are just marginally less than in soya. But folks do eat hell of a lot more of corn and wheat than soya in burger or soya hotdog. Is the phytate in corn and wheat different from soya ? I was thinking of taking a photo of my chest to show my breast look very normal. But I think the mods here would scream and kick me out for doing that. I thought also my fondness for stinky tofu disqualifed my breasts to be shown either. I know you wrote in good faith doing the best that you think you can for your birdies and for all other birdies. I am doing the same too. Warmest regards Shanlung aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The thread ended amicably. Tarm confessed to being a carnivore too. I accepted his invitation for a steak dinner and to clink glasses of beer together should I be in his part of the world even if we do not agree on soya beans. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 and then more more on mind & tofu // Dommie at Omer//kitties// Riamfada and 3 turns on dime aug 17 2010 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Soya beans I saw this thread in "Think twice before feeding Soy Beans " I continued and last letter below aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >^..^< To the only person that I know here that could not be written with the 26 characters of the alphabet. I thought this thread had ended with tarm doing a steak for me and I bringing the beer. I had to come back on some of the inaccuracies in your writing. My name is not revered. More accurately , I think I am regarded with some sort of fascinated horror as a kind of heretical madman who needed to be tarred and feathered. Only question is if thats to be done now and then, or all the time. I was cute , very cute in my toddling days. Not that anymore. In a dark night, if good folks are caught between me and a fragrant tofu stall, they turn and walk towards that stall. The arguments against soybean/tofu rested on its estrogen content and phytates. When I first entered this thread, I felt like a bumble-bee buzzing into a symposium of theoritical experts expounding away with calculations and graphs proving to beyond shadow of doubt that bumble-bee just cannot fly. Yet there I was flying about their charts, bodies and clipboard not knowing that I could not fly at all. The estrogenic ickky stuff, causing low sperm count, little or no sex drive, should have caused the Chinese and East Asiatic races to have faded away. The East Asiatic people is among the largest component of the human race despite supposedly having the low sex drive and low sperm count from the evil soybeans. Unless they take the fermented tofu, which alas, to those without elevated taste buds, might well prefer the curse than the cure. The estrogenic iccky stuff is also supposed to cause breast tissue to form. I find it fascinating that Chinese women seemed to have about the smallest breast sizes in the world. When I was in Taiwan, the amount of adverts hitting the air on how to increase the bosom of your girlfriend, or to the women on how to prevent the boyfriend from wandering away, flogging potions made from bananas, snake oil , and everthing else but soyabeans. Westerner women were the rage in the East. More for their lungs and not for the looks. I could not believe those Westerner women had a fetish for eating tofu burgers and tofu hotdogs. With all the unfermented tofus with estrogens in them, the saddest part of that is Chinese women have the least oogle-able bosoms. The phytates article in Wiki is not a contentious issue. Some topics in Wiki are so contentious that what you see there depends on who decided to edit there last. At any rate, it was clear lots of other food stuff contained enough phytates even if tarm and I could not exactly agree on which got what. We agreed washing and soaking and washing and soaking get those stuff away sufficiently. I love to take up your offer on steak when I am in your part of the world. gave explicit directions to that restaurant in San Francisco that served that delectable tofu. After that steak with you, I will go with you to that fragrant tofu restaurant to let you know if they kept the standard up or toned that down for the Americans. In Taiwan and Hongkong there are so many fragrant tofu stalls. Not all are the same. The best I ever had was in Chiayi city where I stayed a couple of years with Tinkerbell and been back to even more years to be with my sweet Tink again. That fragrant tofu tasted so delicious and meaty that you would have sworn it must be made from Kobe beef and the Spanish black pig combined together. That stall could be smelled not just across the road, that stall could be smelled down the road as well. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ editted on 31 July 2011 In my Tinkerbell Summertime2011, I made a visit to this special stinking tofu stall. So those who want to see those photos, click on URL below. Tinkerbell Summertime2011 -Being with her Part 1 // 30th June - 2 July 2011 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From Tinkerbell Summertime2011 -Being with her Part 1 // 30th June - 2 July 2011 Later that evening, we went to the stinking tofu shop that could be smelled down the road and not just across the road that I spoke about in Soya beans// Feather Plucking //Alcohol more on mind & tofu // Dommie at Omer//kitties// Riamfada and 3 turns on dime Proud owner 35NT a portion My enjoying every bit of it at Mrs Yu father house nearby. Recently in an episode of Andrew Zimmern in his Bizarre Food program, I laughed despite my cracked ribs when I saw him gagging and defeated by the wonderfully delicious stinky tofu that he tried in Taipei. I bet what I had in Chiayi was a lot more fragrant, and even more delicious. Idiotic Taoist with a fondness of fragrant tofu
  11. On the evilness of the dastardly tofu

    Booting this up as I read here just the other day a kumbayahing on how evil and poisonous the tofu is being chockful of a e i o us and about to embark on a wankfest out to ban tofu for the good of everyone. With a bit of trepidation and palpation in my heart I might yet bring on top of me another burning hiding of postings as it did not conform to political correctness and to the comprehension of the judge jury and executioner. Too much thoughts cluttered my mind and luckily I decided on wuwei and do and be damned can be as good as do and be praised and exalted. Idiotic Taoist as idiotic as ever
  12. I decided to join them. See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil Much more blissful and no need for rose tinted glasses
  13. I like to apologise to the good people here , especially Swiss cousins, or anyone else, for having upset their sensibilties and their wa (Japanese for inner harmony, written as 和 ) making them foaming at the mouth unnecessary and upsetting their digestion as well. In the hiatus of 3 days jail time for me, I reflected on the error of my ways and realised the accusations that I was xenoaeiou and bloodthirstiness had been founded from my dastardly representations made earlier in a thread I am thankful my naivety written in Sept 25 2015 was hidden away in the flurry of burning opps..hiding of my mails My idiotic thinking that only 800,000 refugees be going into Europe in 2015 nicely hidden saving me much embarrasement. How can I expect my own personal happiness be supreme to those refugees in burkas and begging bowls? SHAME ON ME!!!! On top of that, I also allowed my own angry views of immigrant rapings of 10 years old and 12 years old girls to get into my flawed arguments as that seems to be natural in Europe. I should not have allowed my backward views of giving them retributions of 20 rotan strokes even if that is being done in my part of the world as part of the legal heritage we inherited from our wise colonial masters. Current Europeans are much wiser and sentencing those rapers of young kids to 180 hours of social work is most fitting maybe with counselling for those rapers. Perhaps counselling be given to the kids and their families and they should be told not to grieve anymore as that is such a small thing against the overall happiness of immigrants. That I was so listed as very bloodthirsty might be unfortunately very accurate. I like very much that those views be brought to attention of the governments in my part of the world too. That hand holding and counselling of rapists of minors here must follow the European ways or Swiss cousins be most upset. My talk done then of dropping immigrant into the middle of Med sea was uncalled for. In mitigation that was in line with the song Throw the jew down the well . But then I thought finding that many wells for immigrants might be a bit difficult. In mitigation, I agreed that Michael can keep them in his backyard or bedroom. I have a better idea that perhaps they be kept in Merkel's bedroom. But then the migrants might complain of extreme psychological torture in giving them an old ugly woman which might upset their libidos. That my having 25 over muslim friends are totally irrelevant. To show my repentance, please call me xenoaeiou or whatever you judge jury and executioners can decide on. The above was what earned me that 3 days go straight to jail and do not pass go and do not collect $200. The admins and conceirges in the previous years all must be sleeping as they never caught me. They merely pm me now and then which seemed to have satisfied them as I been writing in about the same way. When you wrote so righteously about "inhumane"? "Misanthropic"? Or... "contemptuous of human life"? I felt it would be a shame for me to be any other than that to you. Errr.. Perhaps I should have explained where is Agrabah. Agrabah is a location in the 1992 Disney cartoon movie. Bombing of Agrabah with nukes or thermonukes will not harm any animals or humans or even any pixels or electrons. I cannot blame you for throwing me into jail as some 30 percent of US Republican primary voters and 19 percent of Democrats who said they would support bombing Agrabah but only with conventional bombs and weapons. Above is Major Kong riding a Mark 39 4 megaton thermonuclear bomb. From the movie Dr Strangelove. That was shot on 1964 as a satire and black comedy. Opps, I should have checked you were born on 1969 and might not have been aware of Major Kong which was why you complained I wanted to use Major Kong to ride another Mk 39 down to you. You can be assured that can never happen as Mark 39 were all taken out of service in 1967. And poor Major Kong got blown up. As for that song Erika that you stated as another reason why you chucked me into jail , I specially included the lyrics. I see you love the images so much that you glossed over the words Those who knew German might have been laughing. For those who do not know German, which might be you and your other Swiss cousins, I thought I provide that entire song of Erika below so you know how bloodthirsty I was Lyrics and translation On the heath, there blooms a little flower and it's called Erika. Eagerly a hundred thousand little bees, swarm around Erika. For her heart is full of sweetness, a tender scent escapes her blossom-gown. On the heath, there blooms a little flower and it's called Erika. Back at home, there lives a little maiden and she's called Erika. That girl is my faithful little darling and my joy, Erika! When the heather blooms in a reddish purple, I sing her this song in greeting. On the heath, there blooms a little flower and it's called Erika. In my room, there also blooms a little flower and it's called Erika. Already In the grey of dawn, as it does at dusk, It looks at me, Erika! And it is as if it spoke aloud: "Are you thinking of your fiancée?" Back at home, a maiden weeps for you and she's called Erika. I feel so sorry at having to spoil your image of me as a bloodthirsty savage monster. But this joke must come to an end. I got better things to do with my life. Nothing ever written here and elsewhere will change whatever will be happening in Europe. Except to make Europeans a lot wiser and less likely to go kumbayaing over traumatised refugees no more. Do try to laugh at my kind of humor. When I at 65 can get into reading Chinese, you can get a book of jokes and learn to laugh. You can dip that into black ink and learn to laugh at black jokes too. I rather go back to eating when I am hungry and drinking when I am thirsty. I thereby close this chapter now and perhaps revisit it a year later when 5 to 10 millions additional refugees are in Europe. Perhaps by then, your tune might well be even more extreme than what I written here.
  14. Asylum seekers SUE Germany for not paying them benefits FAST ENOUGH Making me wonder. What go into each of those traumatised refugee begging bowl for one year? Including the cost of warm housing and hot soup and hot meals so their energy levels up to play Taharrash games with gusto and vigour. No wonder millions of them flocking to Germany instead of to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or UAE practically next door and with minarets at every street corners. No filling up of begging bowls there? Neither do they come to Malaysia or Singapore where they will be fed rotan and a month jail the first time. Doubled that the second time. Doubled again for 3rd time. Guess what? hardly any illegal immigrants caught the second time and none at all the third time. No Taharrash games played either this part of the world. Germans and Europeans get what they want and what they voted for and what they deserved until they learned reality of the world we are in.
  15. You are entitiled to read what you want to read from the organisations that you want to read from. But I am not entitiled to read what I read? Or is that hoary old practise of killing the messenger of unwanted news back in place here? And for that matter, since when what you quoted made what I wrote to be rubbish and sensational? After all, not only some of my posts burned opps Hidden!. I was slapped with a 3 days ban for being a xenoaeiou from an entity who cannot even claim one Muslim friend when I have 25 including 2 imams. Maybe I can ask a couple of my Muslim friends to be his friend. He will claim other reasons. But I will address that in due time. For all I know, He might not be happy with the Dao or the De that I cannot define which might be contrary to what he believed that they are. He might be very unhappy with all the stuff I had written on Martial Arts which might have rubbed him the wrong way. Try to find the time to read this Inside the “Refugee Centers:” A Worker Speaks “They came to me and demanded that I immediately set them up with an apartment, a fancy car, and a really good job. When I told them this was not possible, they would become loud and very aggressive. An Afghan threatened to kill himself there and then [if I did not help him with these demands]. “And a number of Syrians and Afghanis declared that they will go on hunger strike until I’d help them to move to another place. An Arab shouted at another colleague, ‘We behead you!’” Even more nasty stuff but you read for yourself Let us get one thing clear. There are 50 to 60 million displaced people on this planet. The focus and $$$$ all for those 1.5 million invaders of Europe meant the remaining 50++ millions are forgotten and thrown into the dustbins. There are about 1 million Rohingyas displaced and refugees. A crisis created by British Colonial overlords in Burma when they imported hundreds of thousands of Muslims into Burma against the wishes of the people there. Rohingyas poured oil on fire when they used firearms to attack Burmese in WW2 seeking to break away to form their own Muslim country with land carved out of Burma. Now they are lamenting and wondering why Burmese hate them and Aung San cannot speak up for them. About 800,000 Nepalis are refugees in their own country when their houses and entire villages collapsed in two major earthquakes last year. The West donated more tents to those few thousand Calais gansters/invaders so that they can stay warm while trying to invade UK then they did to all in Nepal. Money promised to Nepal dried up as Europe bend over backwards to give their own invaders hot soup hot meals and warm houses. 10 to 20 million refugees in Africa from the troubles there About 6 million refugees still in Syria and Iraq and in Turkey. Those did not run all the way to Germany and Austra and Noway and Sweden to get away from the war. But they are all now left stranded as aid money for even basic meals dried up while those que jumpers in Europe get their begging bowls filled. Not that will be enough as they go form rampaging gangs to taharrush and the rob as they pleased without the police there able to catch them. 12 to 13 years old syrians on trains groping and assaulting girls and women. Let us remember 15 year old Arminas Pileckas who was stabbed to death from the back by a 14 year old Syrian boy. That 15 year old was trying to protect the girls in his class from being groped by that Syrian boy slapping him. The Syrian father claimed his syrian son is now the victim and had to kill Arminas to defend his honor. Honor of the girls dont exist for those Syrian invaders. For all I know, it might well be the Syrian father that instigated the killing, or it might just be the son own initiative. What about the joke in Koln a couple months earlier. A welcome party for those traumatise refugees on a boat ended up with the refugees taharusshing all the german female hosts on the boat. News of that horror suppressed for the the poliitcal purpose of getting more invaders into Europe MIGRANT SEX ATTACK 'COVER-UP': Welcome party for Cologne refugees turned into mass groping Germany is now running so short of money that Germany proposed a tax on all of Europe to build fences to prevent those invaders coming over. I never support fences and barb wires. Many innocent wildlife were caught and killed by those barb wires. I am still trying to figure out how the fence be build in the middle of the Med Sea. A few year ago, I felt Geert Wilders was a very dangerous man. I have changed my mind and felt more politicians in Europe should be like him. Europeans should support people like Geert Wilders. This is a depressing chapter for me as I felt I am a lone voice here. I do have better things to do with my life. I back off and come back a year later to see if folks here are still welcoming those invaders tramatised refugees with counselling and hot soup and hot meals.
  16. Taijiquan Styles

    xposting here as I like to centralised all I wrote on this aspect of my life From dtd 7 Jan 2015 I also came from TKD, but not a whole lot of it. The first thing I had to do was unlearn all of it . It's much harder (not just physically but conceptually, first and foremost) to unlearn for someone who has invested a lot into acquiring it though. It is impossible to combine hard MA with taijichuan. Especially if you are very good in hard MA. The lingering influence from hard MA is even more difficult to discard , and must be discarded to get into the inner MA world. It was only when I got to know Masters as against masters that it dwelled on me the fairy tales I had known of fajing were absolutely true. That the heart-mind was not just in martial arts movies shot in HongKong. I mentioned in my intro I was martial arts inclined. Started with Korean TKD and Goju ryu. And later with Shaolin Kungfun passed down indirectly by a Shaolin Monk Sek Koh Sum who came from China to be Abbot in Singapore Suan Lin Tse. That Abbot died before my interest in martial arts was kindled. One of his tudi was my friend. I got to where I could snap the top half with a chop or reversed punch of a brick placed on palm of a hand. With Judo done in school and Western boxing done in my Army days, I had my share of real knocks and bumps. Sek Koh Sum 释高参 was a remarkable Master Try to find the time to see more of that true shaolin fighting monk & abbot. It might read like a fairy tale. But then truth is always stranger than fiction. I was 4 years or so in Shaolin, after 4 years or so in TKD and Goju. I wrote often enough that I was throw about like a bloody rag doll left and right by Taiwan Masters who seemed to me like bag of bones. This was what I looked like in those days of 1990-1994 in Taiwan. Before I was send off to Guangzhou on that MRT system there. So if you think I must be a cream puff to be tossed about, the 2 photos below might amuse you. Extracted from Tinkerbell Summertime2011 Wuling Nong Chang & leaving Taiwan CH then showed me on his Ipad some old photos of us. I was delighted as those photos showed a much younger me. With head full of black hairs and my chest larger than my stomach. Above taken in summer 1991. CH was in training for iron man contest after I worked with him how to swim. He was going to do a sea crossing of a bay. I was going to be his safety with my fins. Yet another old photo of 1991 where we were at LungTung (Dragon Cove) doing rock climbing and traversing. Scary now when I think back of that. No safety harnesses and lines. Luckily we were all super fit and gods smiled on us all then. I was 5 feet 11 inches or 1.8034 meters. My weight then was 90 kg . You also see why much as I love taijichuan, I love many other things too much to spend all my Sundays with the Master Liu of Hsingkongyuan. Prior to meeting those Masters who convinced me in no uncertain terms that hard kungfu is a joke when faced with true inner kungfu of people who can ting jing, dong jing and fah jing. Idiotic Taoist on peng li ji ann
  17. Powerball ticket- what to do with 1.4 billion

    Can I sponge off any of you that win? Will you fill my begging bowl and give me hot soup and hot meals and warm house to live in? I can promise I do not play Taharrush in your community as I am not genetically wired for that at all. Idiotic Taoist wondering where to hand his begging bowl
  18. Alright, let's see if we can fix that. How would you have me edit the "xenophobic" label on the hidden posts before I reopen that thread? How about "inhumane"? "Misanthropic"? Or... "contemptuous of human life"? Do you have a problem with English that you need to seek advice from me to word whatever you wish to word of me? To help you decide, here was what I advocated doing to Agrabah and pasted here to remind one and all. Must be nuked ASAP until the domes glow. Princess Jasmine can live with me and brew tea and do other things for me and before that nuking NUKE NUKE NUKE!! Idiotic Taoist all for nuking one and all until they glow and nuke them once more again And that this is embedded in my favourite youtube list of songs Play that and be terrified at the images that go with that song. The words below will make you even more terrified and aghast with bloodcurdling rage evoked! Of entrails ripped out from infants and grandmothers. Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika. Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein wird umschwärmt Erika denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit, zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid. Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika. In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein und das heißt: Erika. Dieses Mädel ist mein treues Schätzelein und mein Glück, Erika. Wenn das Heidekraut rot-lila blüht, singe ich zum Gruß ihr dieses Lied. Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika. In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein und das heißt: Erika. Schon beim Morgengrau'n sowie beim Dämmerschein schaut's mich an, Erika. Und dann ist es mir, als spräch' es laut: "Denkst du auch an deine kleine Braut?" In der Heimat weint um dich ein Mägdelein und das heißt: Erika. Maybe they are in still in place because there are still people who think they are a good idea? I am all too well aware of the horrors of child abuse! Not only have I treated cases, I also had one so close to me that it's too personal to go into this here. Why do you think I would play it down just because I don't agree on those drastic punishments you are suggesting? Do they prevent crimes from happening? And what about the inevitable judicial errors? Am I to agree with all that you like and accept because you are so wise that I got to bow to your edicts and be your mirror image? Will I go wringing my hands like you moaning some young females close to me got raped and molested? I much rather that bastard got 20 strokes of the rotan. And that with 6 strokes, he will be beyond help of Viagra or a ton of rhino horns. Even so, and to show how much I do not like blood flowing. I will take a very blunt butter knife and removed that bastard nuts and dick and feed that to the chihuahua down the road. Then I can consider that chapter closed and I will not wring my hands and moan after that. Here's the thing... You single out some bad cases, then make a generalization about all refugees, and suggest treating them in inhumane ways. For one thing, there are plenty of families among them. Would you want your children to live where there are bullets flying around them and bombs exploding while they're playing in the sandbox? Do you think those refugees were all just waiting to leave their countries before war broke loose? If a million Chinese with begging bowls chose to invade Europe so that they can live a better life that they yearned for, I will say very much the same. To treat those Chinks like invading swarm of bedbugs and bulldoze them into the edge of the Med Sea since bulldozer cannot float them to the middle of the Med Sea. Even if a million Taoist with their tudis and acolytes chose to invade Europe with begging bowls to hijack aid money earmarked to go elsewhere like their own countries pensioners, I will also urge those million Taoist and tudis and acolytes be incinerated like a bunch of cockroaches that they are. It is a joke that Germans are kicked out of houses they lived in for over 20 years for those refugees. It is a joke that traumatised refugees got fed better than the poor of that country. Fury in Denmark after TV clip shows what asylum seekers are served Perhaps so that they can have their energy up for the Taharrush games that those traumatised refugees showed they can play with flair and vigor. I read with amusement that over 500 reported cases in Koln of unwilling participants of the Taharrush games by estimated 1000 largely traumatised refugees and that 30 odd were caught by police. Yet when guys of that city went in revenge beatings of 4-6?? dark refugees, 200++ of them were arrested by very efficient German police. A kind of message send to console those traumatised refugees? That they will hardly be caught and any vengeance beating of them will be caught so they can remain safe in their Taharrush games. Which can even be played in swimming pools by 3 15 year old syrians refugees on 17 year old german girl and her 14 year old sister. Played in so many cities across Europe at the same time. So either it was very well organised. Or Traumatised Refugees do not need to be organised in stuff like that as that will be so natural for them to do what they do best other than praying 5 time a day, getting free hot meals and warm houses to stay before they wear their kaboom vests and fire off their AKs. Should fascism and right wingers go on the rise, guess what! The rescuers and counsellors and welcomers of those refugees will say it is people like me that brought that about. When in truth, it's those rescuers and counsellors and welcomers of those refugees are the midwives of the birth of fascism and extreme right wingers. The joke to me the trouble just starting. I thought 5 millions will be coming in 2016. It seems that German politicians now expect 10 millions more will be coming and they aint Chinks or Taoists among those lot. Germany economy is like the rest of the world now. Ranging from wobbly to very wobbly. Will the Germany economy go on to support Greece and Italy and Spain ? Will funds keep growing and growing to provide hot food warm houses and keeping those begging bowls full? Or Germany economy brought down, and have 10 million traumatised refugees at same time within her borders without begging bowls filled or hot soup. Sternbach thinks so and hope so money will keep expanding to fill the needs. He an economic genius that must be given red carpet welcome at Davos. He will get answers from them that I do not care to provide to him I certainly do not think like him. He need me to provide him not just with names to name me, he wanted sources that spell out to him what I believe is common sense , which is not so common with him. I think I do have enough of him. I do think it will be best to chuck him into my ignore bin and see no more of his requests to me. (ps, I was not allowed to chuck conceige into ignore bin as I just found out. I think I just use a mental block and not see any stuff he wanted to chuck at me) You still haven't given me any particular sources which clearly state the connections. There it is again, that gross simplification. In reality, many countries are still suffering from recessions which can't all be blamed on evil refugees.
  19. #D-Strong

    Chinese netizens embrace eight-year-old US boy who has rare cancer
  20. Withdrawel vs. Engagement

    Is the world to stand still when you are in search of the Tao? In search of something that never left you in the first place? The butcher, the wheel maker and oil seller found the Tao in their every day work. Musahi found the Tao in chopping off heads and limbs and writing about that in his 5 Rings. Master Liu found the Tao in a brothel financed by gold he created from roadside stones. Even in my stint of 66-72 hours work week in Riyadh, I never left the Tao in between hosannas I had to make to Emperor beautiful clothings. Relax, and the Tao will always be there. Be uptight! Tao also will be there. But if you feel compelled to abandon everything and contemplate the fluff in your navel, you will also find the Tao is there as well. Be free and go where the Tao brings you and you can do no wrong. Idiotic Taoist
  21. Taijiquan Styles

    x posting to here from 14 Jan 2015 One aspect that must be considered is that Li Chu Gong was very gentle with all those that you have seen. He exerted probably a fraction of the fah jing that he would be capable of doing. You can see those shots were kind of impromptu taken in parks and public environment on very hard ground and concrete surfaces. Unlike that of aikido done in dojo on tatami mats, where bodies can be slammed dramatically on the tatami. Master Li was not likely to fah jing in force or anger , or to impart twisting , and damage those lucky enough to have hands on experiences with him. Take a look at this old shots of Ueshiba. Great dramatic throws were possible and made onto tatami mats. Noticed also some of the shots had him sitting down on the ground. How much sinking of weight could he had done sitting down on the ground. Like how much of sinking of weight my Master done when he sat on a chair at home and fahjing at me. Unlike many of that fantasies expressed that fah jing is caused of sinking of weight. and beautiful diagrams of how the legs anchored to ground etc etc etc. By guys who never fah jinged in their lives and know so much about the mechanics and the whys and the ifs of fahjing. Let us assume some stuff are real even if we do not know now how those were done. I think enough collaborating evidence on Master Li Chugong and Ueshiba , and the legacies they left behind that they knew, and did things you could not do. Of real fahjing and not the hocus pocus of Yanagiryuken the Kiai Master. Who got badly smashed up and last seen lying in fetal position. Not even to you and others, I could not explain coherently to my very own son what is fah jing and how to do fah jing. So maybe I should asked him to come over to taobums to read for himself the eloquent arguments and diagrams here on fahjing. Not that I could execute fahjing at will. I said that at about my peak, about one in 3 times, I could do that. Perhaps it was a perception from me that those 2 in 3 times that fahjing was not do-able, that the alignment was not right to do that. In some cases, out of puerile curiosity I did try fahjing knowning that was not suitable and the fahjing did not occur. Which again might well be self induced as I felt then fahjing should not be done and yet I tried to do that. In the tuishou with my Masters, I felt to my amazement that a few times I was in the position to fahjing at him but dared not do that. And was then scolded for not doing that as he deliberately introduced a weakness in his position to allow me. But in my cowardice and thinking that was a gambit from him, I dared not seized that chance. When I fa jing as when against fellow students and outsiders in matches, I never felt fahjing to be an explosion of exerted energy. In that the more exertion of energy from me, the greater the distance I throw him. That moment was entirely a feeling of the heart-mind, that he and I were one , and he will go where I want him to go. In that environment in Taiwan and martial arts where we were not out to hurt each other, it never was the intention to fahjing with hurt in mind. Enough to push him a couple of meters away, without any perception I used force on him to do that. Since I never used that in earnest, I never knew. (the only time I used that in earnest was when I was sending that other guy to the center of the earth with a hai di jen, and obviously he did not went there) Fahjing must come from Tingjing 聽 jing. Very weakly translated as listening to energy . Where when you touch on the other person, you listen to his energy and his intentions and flowing with him in unison. Ting jing will lead to dong jing 懂 jing. Very weakly translated to knowing/comprehending jing . Those are just terms. No division in my mind as to where ting ends and dong began even if my Masters tried to explain to me. When you can get to ting jing, you are already halfway into dong jing. After in depth groundings and thrown abouts by my Masters, I managed to discard all those shit about weight shiting , weight sinking , chi here and there, and vectorial forces from waist and heels. When I touch hands, with Masters, I felt I touched hands with a wreath of smoke and unable to feel them, until they want to be felt. When I touch hands with students and others, they felt so nice and solid to me and all their movements, and future movements telegraphed to me and I knew that move before they moved. So easy to lead them on, or to induce movements that they will then counter for me to set in place the consequences of their movements. And if the ducks were lined up and stars in right alignment, do a fahjing to send them a short distance away. Taoistic Idiot on peng li ji ann
  22. What do you guys think of this tai chi video?

    One aspect that must be considered is that Li Chu Gong was very gentle with all those that you have seen. He exerted probably a fraction of the fah jing that he would be capable of doing. You can see those shots were kind of impromptu taken in parks and public environment on very hard ground and concrete surfaces. Unlike that of aikido done in dojo on tatami mats, where bodies can be slammed dramatically on the tatami. Master Li was not likely to fah jing in force or anger , or to impart twisting , and damage those lucky enough to have hands on experiences with him. Take a look at this old shots of Ueshiba. Great dramatic throws were possible and made onto tatami mats. Noticed also some of the shots had him sitting down on the ground. How much sinking of weight could he had done sitting down on the ground. Like how much of sinking of weight my Master done when he sat on a chair at home and fahjing at me. Unlike many of that fantasies expressed that fah jing is caused of sinking of weight. and beautiful diagrams of how the legs anchored to ground etc etc etc. By guys who never fah jinged in their lives and know so much about the mechanics and the whys and the ifs of fahjing. Let us assume some stuff are real even if we do not know now how those were done. I think enough collaborating evidence on Master Li Chugong and Ueshiba , and the legacies they left behind that they knew, and did things you could not do. Of real fahjing and not the hocus pocus of Yanagiryuken the Kiai Master. Who got badly smashed up and last seen lying in fetal position. Not even to you and others, I could not explain coherently to my very own son what is fah jing and how to do fah jing. So maybe I should asked him to come over to taobums to read for himself the eloquent arguments and diagrams here on fahjing. Not that I could execute fahjing at will. I said that at about my peak, about one in 3 times, I could do that. Perhaps it was a perception from me that those 2 in 3 times that fahjing was not do-able, that the alignment was not right to do that. In some cases, out of puerile curiosity I did try fahjing knowning that was not suitable and the fahjing did not occur. Which again might well be self induced as I felt then fahjing should not be done and yet I tried to do that. In the tuishou with my Masters, I felt to my amazement that a few times I was in the position to fahjing at him but dared not do that. And was then scolded for not doing that as he deliberately introduced a weakness in his position to allow me. But in my cowardice and thinking that was a gambit from him, I dared not seized that chance. When I fa jing as when against fellow students and outsiders in matches, I never felt fahjing to be an explosion of exerted energy. In that the more exertion of energy from me, the greater the distance I throw him. That moment was entirely a feeling of the heart-mind, that he and I were one , and he will go where I want him to go. In that environment in Taiwan and martial arts where we were not out to hurt each other, it never was the intention to fahjing with hurt in mind. Enough to push him a couple of meters away, without any perception I used force on him to do that. Since I never used that in earnest, I never knew. (the only time I used that in earnest was when I was sending that other guy to the center of the earth with a hai di jen, and obviously he did not went there) Fahjing must come from Tingjing 聽 jing. Very weakly translated as listening to energy . Where when you touch on the other person, you listen to his energy and his intentions and flowing with him in unison. Ting jing will lead to dong jing 懂 jing. Very weakly translated to knowing/comprehending jing . Those are just terms. No division in my mind as to where ting ends and dong began even if my Masters tried to explain to me. When you can get to ting jing, you are already halfway into dong jing. After in depth groundings and thrown abouts by my Masters, I managed to discard all those shit about weight shiting , weight sinking , chi here and there, and vectorial forces from waist and heels. When I touch hands, with Masters, I felt I touched hands with a wreath of smoke and unable to feel them, until they want to be felt. When I touch hands with students and others, they felt so nice and solid to me and all their movements, and future movements telegraphed to me and I knew that move before they moved. So easy to lead them on, or to induce movements that they will then counter for me to set in place the consequences of their movements. And if the ducks were lined up and stars in right alignment, do a fahjing to send them a short distance away. Taoistic Idiot on peng li ji ann
  23. Last Farewell

    This is Major Tom to Ground Control I'm stepping through the door And I'm floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles I'm feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
  24. I honestly almost do not want to reply to you. Especially as you the Star Lord and lording over your domain and conceirge here with the powers of life and death, and at least banning here. And to show your point of burning hiding posts. Declaring that I am a xenoaeiou notwithstanding I do have at least 25 muslim friends of Sunni and Shiites and Imams. Many mentioned in my Livejournal postings made years and years ago. You should check what is xenophobic before you used that on others. You mistake my disliking of que jumpers as racially motivated hatred. Dont know if you recall I do not hate as hating meant you fear. I do not fear. I extremely dislike que jumpers. Of those who want better life (or so they say). And what kind of life did they show? Here is one of them in between drinking hot soup and hot dinners and staying in nice warm house provided free to them. At a Finnish cemetry insulting the dead Christians and Jews there and having a very good time. I decline to show those videos of them in Koln and other cities of Europe having a jolly good time over New Years Eve. Or the video of one of them in a train declaring his only purpose of coming to Germany was to convert everyone to be Muslim as that is is sole purpose in life. Since he need not have to work, in between his 5 daily prayers, he might as well do that. Nowhere did I state that you hate all Muslims. Nor did I say that the masses of immigrants don't pose any problems. What I said is that posts suggesting maiming and (in effect) killing immigrants are not acceptable on TDB. Talking of torturing, it is generally renamed and considered legal by governments that make use of it. Are you blaming me for legal institutions handed down to uncivllised Asians by the civilised and wise colonial Masters from the West and blaming me that those still in place? All I did was to point out rapers of minors will be given 20 strokes of rotan. I know in the West counselling and hand holding of rapists of minors, especially by immigrants are the politically correct way. The trauma done to the little girls , and their families to be laughed over? You applaud the sentences meted out below? You do not mind if I disagree with you as I think more of those little kids than those traumatised refugees. Nothing can be too bad for rapist of small little girls. Retribution of the rotan may bring some closure to the families of those little girls. Minnesota authorities charged Somali man Ahmed Hersi Abdi with two degrees of first-degree sexual misconduct for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl in her apartment. Somali community leader Mohamud Noor blamed Americans for not giving enough money to Abdi. A 18-year-old Somali immigrant who brutally raped a 12-year-old girl in Sundsvall, Sweden, has been found guilty of rape of a child - but he was sentenced to 180 hours of community service. So do I. However, arguably, humans are animals too. Possibly. I think you have a wrong idea about the counselling work I mentioned. I did that kind of counselling during most of the 90s when I was collaborating with a psychiatrist. Some really tough cases, and although I liked helping them, "fun" doesn't describe it adequately. People from different cultural backgrounds found their way to our practice, including Muslims (not all of them refugees, btw), Swiss, and yes, a few Germans as well. So please tell me if Gabrielle Keller and her neighbours in Eschbach, Germany, got counselling. Or even if they got a heated tent to live in as they got kicked out after 23 years of living there so traumatised refugees can have nice houses and apartments to live in. You make your counselling sound like so much fun as you welcomed more and even more of refugees to come. You keep saying this. What are your sources? And please don't say'Bild' again... What kind of a economic world did you come from? Where money just expand and expand to fill the needs, especially of sudden needs of 1,000,000 traumatised refugees with begging bowls to be filled and hot soup and warm houses to be given to FOC? Other than in Zimbabwe where 3 or 4 or 5 or more zeros were added to the bank notes? Why did government need to go on austerity budgets cutting pensions left and right? Just print and print money so more can be given to traumatised refugees? No one need to work especially traumatised refugees! Where even folks like Gabrielle Keller and her neighbours got to be kicked out so traumatised refugees can live in in between going for counselling and their prayers of 5 times daily and jollying in cities at New Years eve? There is not even enough housing and you telling me that funds are plentiful and will just grow and keep coming. Easily enough for the million now and easily enough for the 5 millions more 2016 will see once winter is over. Money that used to go to other charities now got to go to those million+++ begging bowls. Since I am a life member of a few wild life funds, I do get quarterly statements. And I have seen the level of financial support dropping and dropping as money went elsewhere. I surely have happier things to do and to write about then telling you of things you should known but do not wish to know so your Emperor can continue to walk about in his beautiful clothings. Maybe I should go back to reading of my 鹿鼎記 and to get a start on my writing of Nepal and Riyadh chapter of my life. Idiotic Taoist waiting and just waiting for the ax to drop and receiving a permanent ban so as not to disturb the harmony of thoughts here.
  25. Flower Faces

    Beauty is in eyes of beholder. Orchid below will drive male thynnine wasps and gives out scent and looked so much like the female wasp that the male wasp engages in holy yapyum with the flower thinking he latched on a succulent female wasp. Same same for spider orchid below! Idiotic Taoist warning wasps to lust with care