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Posts posted by kevincann

  1. Hi :)


    For clarity's sake, when I mentioned that Kunlun blew open my third eye, I did not mean the Red Phoenix blew open my third eye. I didn't even know about the Red Phoenix at that point. Just doing the chi gathering and bouncing the legs did it. That along with the transmission from the book and tapping into Max (invited).



    you said:



    You are mistaken. I am not your friend. You are not my friend. If you had added yourself as a friend, I would have removed you.


    If you have ever noticed, I did not post anything to you at AYP. From reading your posts at AYP I decided that you were much too unstable and wreckless with your misguided concepts to even merit any comments. And you had such a disrepectful and bad attitude that I'm surprised that you did not get banned. I did not appreciate your toilet humour and you did offend people on the forum. Then you came back and appear to have turned into a brown nosing AYP parrot. So be it.


    And look what you've done here in your comment. A 15 year old male is not a child. He is a teenager. And I have no intention of harming anyone. I find your lack of perspicacity and discernment disheartening and irritating.



    That picture is exactly what I saw after the meditation, later that night, and the next day too. After a while I could even see the tunnel that leads to you. Thank you for confirming. And you? Can you tell me what I look like?





    Experimentation without proper guidance, understanding and knowledge of the effects can lead to experiences that are not unlike schizophrenia or psychosis. But then, so does acid, meth, mushrooms, speed, MDA, alcohol and all the other things that teenagers will try. I think I'd rather have them try third eye meditation. At least they won't be killing brain cells and putting holes in their sheaths..




    You know, I've been trying to open the third eye since I was 12 yrs old, gazing, mirror gazing, gazing at people. It really isn't that easy to fully open the third eye considering that it took me over 40 years. And it is even harder to keep it open.


    The 3rd Eye cannot ignore the rest of the body for it encompasses all. Anything that happens anywhere in the bodies (physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, bliss sheath, atman) also happens in the third eye.


    Don't forget, the third eye is just not the hole in front of the brows, or the screen for dreams, or the entrance for the channel to the heart, or the vision center, or the cave of brahma or the place where ida and pingala can collapse into the sushumna. It is also the medulla, where the point of consciousness contacts the smaller self and the ego.




    And most of the time their testifying is from a base of ignorance, misplaced blame and the desire for attention.


    There is no such thing as a natural practice. Any practice is an act of will exerting itself upon the world of forms. Even non-practice is a form of practice. The only thing that is natural in my definition, is beyond both.


    Did you not read the Saraswati quote? His argument for working on the third eye first? It is the only chakra which develops the witness and establishes distance between the phenomenon and that which perceives. The witness. You know, saying a "good balanced approach" sounds really nice and all. But think about this. First you gain understanding and proper technique. At that time you don't have much chi to send to the third eye so if anything happens, it is not that intense. If you store up lots of gasoline (chi) and get your energies/shakti built up, it's eventually going to erupt and get into the third eye. If you can't control your third eye, and remain a calm detached witness, that's when the problems start. If you don't activate Shiva first, Shakti is going to be very unhappy when she wakes. This makes sense to me. Perhaps it doesn't make sense to you. That is fine. I know there are very many different practices out there, and I think many of them are invalid and misunderstood. But people fall for them and waste their time or have bad experiences. But lots of people have good experiences too! May you all be so lucky.








    I'm no parrot. For example a number of people find value in what you say, and if I was a parrot I'd

    join the pack. That I don't find value in what you say (not because your facts are much off), but

    because of the harsh way you treat anyone who disagrees with you, makes you poor company,

    for me at least.


    As for AYP, I'm certainly no parrot there either. Not 'before' and not 'now'.

    Yes I was obnoxious a year and some ago, just like you. I was a self-righteous

    know it all. Now please do not take these words as provocation or insult.

    I am in fact comparing you to myself back then. And also, my perception may well be

    wrong in every possible way in this matter. You and I could have been twins back then,

    and in fact we tend to dislike in others what we most dislike about ourselves.


    I am SO MUCH not an AYP parrot, that I'm even hosting a get-together for AYP people to come

    visit, and I'm not even teaching any AYP practices; and the man Yogani you seem to despise so

    much was apparently the one who approved that function.


    The one change that I made on AYP, is that I 'got over myself' and stopped being a douche.

    That's it. I show some respect in someone else's house, and that respect is deserved.


    I would also like to show respect in this forum, should I post here much, which I'll treat

    on a day by day basis.


    So, TI, it makes no difference to me one way or another if you wish to be friends, it makes no

    difference to me if you post up a storm and do whatever you like. So long as a child is not harmed,

    we are all adults here, and I wish you happiness in every possible way.


    For me at least, if I see you post, I will just scroll past without reading your words. I'd rather

    read the words of a good-hearted no-nothing, than a harsh expert on things that don't even matter.

    I'm sure you will do the same for me, and then we will get along just fine.


    I love you TI, just the same as anyone else.



  2. I see no reason for shame and guilt either.


    But that said, there are stages of spiritual unfolding that require 100% from your

    sexual energies, and during those times at least, it would be wise to not waste your



    Also there is no doubt in my experience, that conserving jing does give a tremendous

    boost to health and balance; again at least for certain periods.


    Finally, consider the situation where one's marriage partner is very disabled.

    In that situation mastering continence is precious thing.



  3. My observation is that meditation-only approaches can be problematic once purification

    has caused sufficient subtle changes in the body.


    It is understood that making Awareness the primary focus, without grounding practices,

    increase the flow of energy but give it nowhere to 'go'.


    Being a dual-purpose energy (sexual energy), if you do not focus it for spiritual

    purposes, it will just pile up as increased sex drive, and then it's hard to keep

    one's hands off oneself :wub:


    This is why I respect comprehensive systems, which honor both "as the mind so the body" and "as the body so the mind".





    • Like 2

  4. Flattery is the currency of fools. First I would encourage you to place yourself is the presence of some Tao female counterparts. They're intuition will aid you in directing your attention into transmutative circulations involving real people, and you never know, maybe a three way, pushing hands of coarse.




    The unconditioned mind is not afraid to be alive! Does not have to be 'spiritual'.


    Love it when false piety is checked at the door, and the saints and sinners

    play liars dice while cultivating chi!





  5. I don't like that. That sort of posting isn't helpful. Those are couched insults, and we all know what you're talking about.


    Tibetan Ice posted what he posted because he wants to help people awaken safely. Which is really what the forum of TTB is all about. Whether he is right or wrong is immaterial, he is just voicing his opinion based on considerable experience. Just because he disagrees with you and DNB doesn't make him a douche. Whats douche is posts like that, insulting people in a backhanded way while at the same time refusing to take responsibility for your words with statements like "if youre offended by this you must be a douchebag".


    Well i'm offended by that, and im not a douchebag, so sort that out. And while youre sorting, please go read the no-insult policy.


    I read the policy, and in fact after reading it, I used the 'report button'.


    Now, I'm not couching anything here; I don't play games.


    This post would have sat here, giving food for thought, unless someone turned

    it negative.


    If the glove does not fit, you must acquit.


    If you think I'm attacking someone, and not following the policy, then there

    is that "report button" that works for my posts too.


    FYI, I've had a few people post condescending things back to me, and that will

    never be a reason for me to use that report button.


    I cannot be insulted. To be insulted takes action from both parties.


    The only reason I'd use it, is if someone abused a child or something really

    horrific like that.


    And just so we put this 'into the light', TI was someone I liked and respected

    on AYP. In fact 1/2 the reason I came here, is to read his posts, because

    I was told that he was here.


    My first action was to consider using the 'friend button' for him, but i decided

    to read a few of his posts first.


    Fortunately / unfortunately this was the first post of his I read, and it so

    concerned me, that I did not hit that 'friend button'


    Well there you go;


    I had thought TI and I were old friends from AYP, and instead the first thread

    I see is all out warfare, involving the harming of a child.


    I'm not making judgments, but yes, I'm not thrilled.


    So, does that clear anything up?


    And I've used that post you didn't like, since early 1990, only when

    there was a white elephant in the room, and the room's air needed clearing.


    Yah, I knew it would piss some people off, and others to send me happy emails.


    PS: I re-read the insult policy, and it did not

    cover my post.



    However, I kept on reading to see if there was more

    detail further on down, that could apply. I did find

    one item, #14


    "14. Do not play guilt trips with the other party."


    Now I can see where someone might misconstrue my

    post as a form of this.


    So on this limited basis, I apologize to TI, you,

    and anyone else who is offended that I wished to

    point out extreme rudeness and the potential abuse

    of a child in strict violation of that child's

    parent's wishes. But for that, I do not apologize.


    Next time I'll not be so kind, and just speak

    with extreme directness, which the insult

    policy recommended.


    Live and learn, or at least that is the desired






  6. Food for thought. In the Taoist metaphysics transmitted to me, the "center" of circulation was quite different from any of the three Dan Tiens, it was a space in the body in which a vacuum was formed in order to spin the orbit. This vacuum was not formed by focusing on any of the three cinnabar fields.


    Hey DS,


    thanks for the post.


    You know that people tend to find what they are looking for!


    You know, I spent something like 30 years working with 'chakras', and I never

    noticed the LDT until my body needed it! I'm not saying it wasn't there,

    but of course is 'something really there before it's observed?' (quantum mechanics).


    Lots of yoga folks would say that dantien don't exist at all, and Tao folks

    often say wildly different things about chakras; Tao seems to document more

    like 70 chakras than 7.


    Now am I demeaning either tradition? Not at all.


    When we start listening to the body and learning it's wisdom, we will get

    everything that we need.


    Now this spinning thing;


    I'm not saying it's not valid. It certainly could be.


    In fact as everyone knows, a lot of people visualize chakras as 'spinning'.


    Really, this just helps build the sushumna, as the sushumnas analogue in the

    brain is the somatosensory cortext in the postcentral gyrus, and it is closely

    associated with the primary motor cortex, which is DEVELOPED (using neural

    plasticity) by imagining motion but not doing motion.


    This knowledge is also Tao!


    I talk about the silent center of kundalini in the lower body a lot (not just

    the more traditional one called brahmarandhra in the head.


    But this 'silent center' is not real for a lot of people (it's silent!). So is

    this center accessible before it's needed? Well obviously not.


    Thanks so much for your interest in adding value to my questions, and I'd love

    to keep learning from your perspective.





  7. Hi - I made a user name a while ago and am just now working my way back to posting. I have been interested in these topics for most of my life, and would call myself a spiritually inclined person as well, but repeated health crises have made it clear to me I need to devote myself to more fully developing in these areas. So I'll be around, probably asking a lot of questions eventually.


    This is generally a wonderful forum to rub shoulders with other spiritual seekers.



  8. DNB,


    that look would make Chuck Norris shit himself. I love you man.


    It's impossible to 'win an argument' with someone who respects nobody but themselves,

    and other people who just happen to drone the same second-hand knowledge in the

    same dead-pan condemning, condescending mantra like they do.


    You know, the folks who know every last 'secret', but somehow no matter what they do,

    they remain a douche.


    Letting other people have a say, without jumping down their throat --- even IF they are

    totally wrong; now that is Tao.


    I'm just giving general advice here, and I'm thinking about a general personality

    type; if this does not describe you, then you have no reason to be offended.

    It's not my job to judge anybody; and if you judge me for talking with kindness

    on an internet chat forum; why then you ARE a douche.





  9. Having difficulty of stopping, seems to be attached, feels like a high that cannot let go off? Anyone have the same experience or has had the same experience?






    OG is right!


    The lower dantien is definitely where that sexual energy needs to go.


    Unfortunately the mind and emotions crave sex for release; not just physical release, but release

    of all kinds. You know that an orgasm is called 'le petite morte' in French, meaning 'the little death'.


    Our beings, which are very unbalanced at the first, crave 'the little death', because we are in fact

    seeking the 'big death' (the death of the conditioned mind).


    So over time, as we open up and purify, the craving for the 'little death' wanes, because we start

    to unfold the 'big death' - wholeness - Tao.


    So in short, just keep at it, and over time, probably in a later life stage you will find it

    much easier, for the reason stated.


    Now if you have a great mental / emotional purification practice, which opens you up even a bit

    to the 'big death', that in conjunction with the LDT practice will help you a lot.





    • Like 3

  10. I would say that it is simply the innate and pure desire of what is to be what really is, or the destructive impulse of the false to become true, and in doing so be destroyed. Calling things 'egos' and 'selves' just creates more confusion IMO.


    I'm always going roundy-roundy on this one.


    Yes, all 'sensory objects' of ANY kind are temporary and will pass.


    But even 'temporary steps' are steps.


    That is the nature of all spiritual practice.


    If you watch jing or yang or yin 'do something', that perception is a

    temporary sensory object.


    But people give those kind of 'illusions' / 'delusions' a free pass,

    because some great person first convinced us to use that terms; and

    BESIDES, those 'temporary steps' actually WORK. At least they can.


    So, if the temporary step is part of something which is helpful,

    I do not look down my nose at it, so long as that tool is not allowed

    to become a 'golden shackle'. Of course that nearly always happens,

    and that's ok, so long as you get rid of it when it's purpose is done.


    Now people often ask me about all this 'layers of being talk' that I use.


    Well all that kind of talk has been with us forever; 'very special teachers'

    have used terms like that for thousands of years.


    Of course i don't give a diddly about that myself, but it's an interesting

    data point to consider.


    But for myself, the reason I use the 'being model' as a basis for a lot of

    things, is that my first spiritual practice I ever used in this world; gosh

    going back nearly all the way..


    was a practice that shot 'fire' through 'everything' and lit it up like a

    christmas tree.


    After that, I 'felt' and 'saw' and 'was' several layers of being at once;

    the 'sleeper' was awoken.


    It was only decades later that I discovered that other people had talked

    about these 'layers' of being for thousands of years.


    Now, eventually, all these 'layers' of being fall off like a dirty sock

    full of holes. They do not matter diddly.


    Eventually everything collapses down into the body, until even the body

    isn't what it was.


    Everything is a tool; all tools are 'salt to taste' for a different person.


    Everything that can exist, does exist, and exists right now, including

    temporary beings.


    It's all a matter of what you go looking for, that is what you will find.


    On the other hand, if you just stare at your navel and say, "my mind is empty!

    I am Tao!". Well that probably won't accomplish crap.


    The nature of Tao is that if you wish to experience Life, you have to ante up

    SOMETHING. Ante up any playing pieces you like; and if you chase them around

    for a while, you will build up some invisible muscles you don't even know

    you have, and eventually those muscles will carry you somewhere; eventually

    to Tao.


    Of course some paths, some 'temporary tools' seem to work a bit better, or

    at least have some consensus, so you can at least have some company while

    you do whatever you do.


    After all the spiritual talk do I *really* believe in those layers of being?


    Yes, 100%.


    Do those layers of being matter in the long run?




    Just like this 'layer of being' doesn't really matter in the long run either.


    I hope someone received some value from this post;


    it was paid for with a lot of pain before it all became clear, for me at least.





  11. Are the automatic practices something you've picked up along the way or have been spontaneously inspired?


    I received your PM: Please PM me your email contact as I am mobile and the website will not allow me to respond.


    The kriyas have always been operating in me, since I was first properly conscious. Mainly they were

    relatively simple ones, such as samvhavi mudra, tongue seeking the roof of the mouth, buddha belly

    breathing, bellows breathing, mulabandha and some other situational ones.


    I'd also be 'inspired' to create new practices for me to follow,then I'd follow them. These were mainly

    Bhakti-Shakti practices as I call them; with which you can rev up that fire on ALL levels of being most

    powerfully. But apparently I had no concept of 'water practices', so the fire revved up and consumed me

    for all those years; until just recently (see other post in this thread).


    It was more than 40 years later, before I even heard of any of these practices, that my body had

    been doing all these years; as I don't read spiritual material; I don't like it. A lot of it is fake.


    I've just started serious reading of spiritual material in the past couple years, so I have

    a mutual frame of reference to speak to people with, and hopefully to smooth over some of the

    (no doubt) vast gaps in my knowledge and tunnel vision that I no doubt possess.





  12. Jing stage first, practices build and refine. Needs completion before jing becomes a fulcrum towards refining qi. Appears to be roughly where you are in alchemical steps. Can only 'leverage' jing after full then refined. Leverage is towards refinement of qi, no enery gaps that interrupt smooth flow. Need to have addressed the jing aspect before this part really happens. Once qi is highly refined only then does it become fulcrum for true shen refinement.


    What path they take is a very esoteric question, imho more important are fundamentals that let the body do what it needs to. :) The process is not linear but matrixed wrt 'refinement of jing'. Thresholds are to be considered, for at certain thresholds, changes of 'phase' take place (not necessarily phase in a sinusoidal context.)


    Honestly, scalar potential is what it is and has many potentials for manifestation, the question is, does your body have a core need it will address, or have its core needs been fulfilled, allowing more potential to be available for other things? Before jing refinement is complete, your body has to address those core needs. You don't have the opportunity to dictate those sorts of things to your flesh, ergo you cannot mortgage your way to spiritual alchemichal progress. ;)


    I'm really fascinated that these things are clearly known, when at least my less than perfect

    knowledge of kundalini yoga and other practices does not inform me, whether all these Tao

    things are present in those other systems or not.


    But that is not important for me anyway. I don't use systems.


    Ok, I'll tell you a bit about the alchemical transformation I've been watching, and then you

    might be able to advise me in some manner.


    I was born in a blaze of gold and silver fire; the gold was 'hot' and the silver was 'cold'.

    The light was tremendous but gentle. While I was being beaten and abused, this fire was my

    companion until I was about 7, then the pain got to be too much, the noise in the world got

    to be too much, and it faded away; leaving me chasing after 'it' for the rest of my life.


    I'm not going to blather about kudalini and all that.. lets skip ahead 43 years.


    Until not that long ago, the sexual fire was roaming about my body driving me insane.

    There was nothing in my tradition to tell me what to do with it, and my body was not

    properly processing it, as I had a stick up my ass, and had the delusion that I was

    someone special, which I'm not.


    Then suddenly my body knew what to do; there was this 'click' and suddenly the pain

    and torment of 38 years (since puberty) was over. Completely over.


    With time, I realized that (apparently, I'm a newcomer to Tao) the Jing energy was being

    converted to yang (or so I'm told) and it's being stored in the lower dan tien.


    Now I have 2 other things to mention.


    The (what I call and see) as the 'gold phase of kundalni' has been over for a long time;

    my body is at peace with the golden fire and it does not bother me. It's integrated somehow.


    The (what I call and see) as the 'silver phase of kundalni' is just ending now, apparently;

    my body is at peace with the silver fire that is cold.


    The 'silent center' of Kundalini, which is not in the body at all, but just outside of it,

    seems very active; most of the energies in my body are collapsed into it.


    There is a wonderful, cold-silver fire emitting from this silent center, and it's feeding

    into the lower dan tien, and mixing with the fire.


    This mixed substance is transforming my body in every nook and cranny. It feels delightful

    fire-cold in my every cell and thought.


    I'm feeling very calm, after a life of torment.


    This is what I'm observing, but I certainly don't understand it.


    I just know that after I stopped being a prick about 'spiritual things', everything

    just seems to be taking care of itself.


    Again, I have no idea what's happening from a Tao perspective; I just know me likee.


    I'd love to understand more.





  13. Are the automatic practices something you've picked up along the way or have been spontaneously inspired?


    I received your PM: Please PM me your email contact as I am mobile and the website will not allow me to respond.


    In your profile you have your email listed as 'private' so you won't accept an email; I have no way to

    contact you other than to list my private email address on the open internet, and I won't do that.

    So if you want me to email you, you'll need to at least temporarily unblock your block on your profile.





  14. jago25_98: you can use sexual energy for other things besides sex. I conserve my sexual energy and channel it into all other areas of my life including Working Out and the Expansion of Consciousness.


    When you are full of energy you don't need a reason to motivate yourself, your so full of energy your automatically motivated and need to go out and DO!


    -My 2 cents, Peace


    Very nice.


    In another system which will remain nameless, there is the concept that all the energies are to be

    activated and to sink within the body within silence; then just live.


    Of course it seems that most systems favor some energies over others, so there is a disagreement

    over what 'balanced' really is. Although hopefully Life itself will do the final balancing and keep

    it that way, once the practitioner gets it within the ballpark.


    It would seem this concept is fairly universal.





  15. Jing Transmutation from:


    1. Quality of air you breath and the breathe

    2. Quality of food and digestion

    3. Quality of movement (internal/external)


    These are the primary three sources at first.


    1: I think what you are asking is what route of circulation does chi naturally take one the Dan Tien is filled. Correct? Standing and moving meditations provide these answers.


    2: Your vessel is an opening as well. "Cinnabar FIELDS" thus when the Dan Tien is healthy, your awareness is opened to the entirety of its field in the rest of the universe.


    3: you want this, it's normal for life, what more, you want to exercise circulation that REFINES these boulders rolling around and smashing into things into fine dust.


    4: Whats your routine like right now?


    I watch life and practice compassion.


    My body executes 'automatic kriyas' (automatic spiritual practices) of a variety of kinds,

    as required. Recently it has started Tao practices, even though I know nothing about Tao.


    I watch the body and document what it does.


    Thanks for your information; I enjoy learning things in this way too.





  16. I was reading the Ego and Humility thread over in the Tao Discussion section and I was really impressed with what Kevin said, about how we demonize the ego. This is mainly a product of religious values related to humility and it is, more often than not, misconceived and misconstrued by most people to mean that ego is harmful and should be diminished, but my question is why?


    The ego is just as much a part of who we are as our spirit and body. We do not say, diminish the spirit, diminish the body, no we say strengthen the spirit, strengthen the body, so why not strengthen the ego? Well the answer is that most people see a healthy ego as a bad thing, but in fact it isn't. The ego is essential for spiritual development, in fact without one we would not even pursue spiritual pursuits, for it is the ego that understands that there are more things in this universe than just you and I.


    In your pursuit of physical health, you should also pursue spiritual health and emotional health. The ego is the root of emotional health, so it important to become spiritually healthy, to understand the difference between needs and wants. The ego does want, but it also understands what it NEEDS. The ego is there to ensure that we are motivated to feed ourselves, to clothe ourselves, and to bathe ourselves. Without this motivation we would be hungry, naked, and filthy, three things that will inevitably lead us to sickness and poor health!


    I always encourage people to question why they believe what they believe. Who told you what to make you think the way you're thinking now? Who told you the ego was bad and why? Examine why they told you this and don't accept it as truth without knowing it is the truth.


    If you're overweight and unhealthy then you should get healthy and if you do this, then what does it matter what the motivation is? When I quit smoking, I did it because I couldn't get a full breath anymore. It was a very selfish reason, but a worthwhile reason. If I quit because I thought it was turnoff, then that would've been fine too.


    Too many people worry about the why, when they should be worrying about the how.




    For some strange reason I like your post ;-) LOL.


    You are very correct.


    The thing which a lot of people miss, is that even the Self (the transcendent One) has

    an ego. In fact, it is the primordial ego.


    We don't bad talk this ego do we?


    Likewise, the "Sleeper", the most accurate representation in matter of the Self has an



    We don't bad talk this ego do we?


    Without this ego, we could not feel joy.


    The so-called soul also has an ego; it is the desire within the 'soul' to experience

    transcendence which drives us to recognize that we are Tao.


    Without this ego, there would be no desire to exceed limitation.


    We don't bad talk this ego, do we?


    At the last, there is the organic ego. It just wants to do it's job and live in peace.

    It's job is to preserve the body and to be aware of social boundaries, as we are social

    creatures that 'keep score' 'against each other'.


    What is so bad about that? Nothing.


    Now, when ANY ego, at ANY layer gets all snooty and bloated, trying to do things outside

    of it's scope, then things become unbalanced.


    Does this explanation resonate with anyone?





  17. When you think you know everything and theres nothing left to learn and you lose the curiosity, you are far too attached to beliefs. That state is in opposition to "spiritual progress"


    A lot of people want the title of master or teacher or guru, but that title gives you arragance and as don juan the possibly ficitious shaman of carlos castenadas works says the second obstacle to becoming a man of knowledge is clarity. If you have too much clarity you become very arragant, pompous, all knowing and unquestioning of belief systems. If someone says I have done tai chi, bagua, qigong, dream work etc etc that doesnt really mean much. If someone says they have spent 30 years in meditation that doesnt really mean much either. If someone says they never really meditate and think that meditation is new age rubbish imo that doesnt mean all that much either there are plenty of people who naturally dont over analyse and are pretty happy in fact much more happy than someone who does.


    Also a lot of people get off on "helping others" when really there helping themselves there putting themselves above others in an egoic sense, "let me teach you" is a pretty egoic thing to say. One might say Im being hypocritical and saying that now and if I wanted to put myself down for approval i might agree but this is not really the case Im just expressing.


    A lot of people think that saying something with 100% belief is more clever than saying something with a perhaps or possibly or in one perspective kind of attitude. I don't think this is correct.


    Also if you manage to become very aware, blissful, have correct thoughts, high energies etc. Who is it whos is aware, there is just awareness. Who is it who is blissful? there is just bliss. Who is it with high energy or a correct thought? there is just high energy or correct thoughts. Who did it, who made it happen, a ficitious character of the imagination or everything the universe, thoughts from other people which managed to get absorbed into "your" brain.


    Some people may have heard the saying everyone is your teacher. It might sound like a cliche but really it is true. The way someone doesn't over analyse, the way someone else refrains from speaking what he may possibly feel like in order to avoid hurting someones feelings, the way someone acts illogically, the way nature is the way it is, the way a dog is so friendly and not empty etc


    This post should be pinned at the top of the forum.


    Thank you



  18. Sometimes jabbing at an angry hornets nest with a stick is required.


    Some people find benefit in old, partially accurate kundalini forcing scripts.


    Some people do not.


    Some people find benefit in living quiet lives, with open hearts, finding stillness in nature

    which they observe.


    Some people are explorers and have no need of anything written whatsoever.


    Some people use a mixture.


    Some people are just born awake.


    Ranting and raving, no matter how close one is to actually being correct benefits no one.


    Not one living being in the history of the world has the right to be the 'enlightenment police'


    The 'enlightenment police' tend to be the most miserable person in the room, as they have their

    'enlightenment', which is the one thing barring them from the joyful life.


    If the 'enlightenment police' were really all that and a bag of chips, then they would let other

    people be 'wrong' without it bothering them.


    There was as time when *I* was the 'enlightenment police'.


    Thank GOD that I'm now a swinging dick like everyone else (to use a metaphor that is gender specific).





    • Like 2

  19. ---------------


    I wanted to give personal advice,...

    to this particular individual- not to a whole audience.


    I have been reading this original posters threads since he popped up on this forum a few days ago....

    Here is a little insight on this poster, and thus- my reasoning for warning against he abruptly open his third eye:


    Lindelani Mnisi's Profile

    Member Title:Member

    Age:15 years old



    Colored Font is my emphasis:



    Posted 25 July 2012 - 07:12 AM

    I joined this forum to get stronger and learn new techniques(prefebly teleportation and best way to open my third eye). How does this forum work anyway?



    [Wants to open his third eye and doesn;t know how a forum works.... :) ]


    Am i special?

    Does this just only happen to me or is it average?

    Am i destined to change the world with this power or is it just average? Please answer, i must know




    What up erybody

    Posted 23 July 2012 - 11:37 PM

    Hey erybody, I got attracted to this site when i googled ki ghosts. Can't wait to learn everything i can about chi and other spiritual things. I'm 16 and do all my web browsing on my phone and no my parents don't know that I'm into chi cause they'd either taboo it or disclaim it and forget about it(they old fashioned).




    He is ONLY 15 years old.

    Lives with his parents, who are against this.


    Right there, I sense calamity...


    Judging by his prior posts... I get a sense, he might be headed for QiGong Psychosis, or Meglomania


    I thought it be wise- if he was more grounded and rooted _first :)


    He's 15 years old - he should experience mundane life first...because he is set for PUBERTY now - which means- those hormones will escalate his advancement- quickly


    That's why they keep the Red Phoenix so guarded- smashing open the 3rd eye quickly, might have dire consequences


    *Also, I was his age when I experienced my gifts...and I went through hell... so maybe, I might relate to him on a more personal level, too :)




    Apologies to the original poster- :) didn't mean to single you out and put you on the spot- but I got called on my actions- and maybe, indirectly- this will help you to see opposing arguments


    It is perfection that you brought up this point. It was the most obvious and important point.





    • Like 1

  20. I've noticed that for keeping fit in the past I've over relied on vanity and ego to motivate me. It served a purpose at the time and lead to good things. I improved my health for one thing.


    But I'm not interested in that like I was before. I started out for curiosity but when people commented on my success, although I noticed some of at the time I think I dropped the ball at some point and my ego swelled. This become the thing that kept me going.


    Since then I'm less driven by sex... I find myself looking for motivators.


    It's similar with language. I never thought I'd be able to learn a language but I'm slowly getting there with Spanish. I've found myself letting my ego swell as I just can't get over the fact that I'm speaking Spanish! I question, am I plain enjoying it or am I building an ego here...


    Can you comment?



    p.s. hope the webmaster can label the "New Topic" button image so I (and blind folk) don't have to wait so long over slow connections


    When the spirit starts to awaken within it's clay vessel (your body), you start to feel the joy

    of spring; of endless new life; this quiet joy makes everything else you have ever experienced

    pale in comparison.


    Then you have a choice:


    listen to and eventually become the quiet joy,


    or play around with the clay and pat yourself on the back about the clay.





    • Like 1

  21. I was just re-reading through Ya Mu's book recently and found this excerpt that may shed some light on this:


    "A FACT that i want to share is this: If you practice your qigong daily while centering your awareness on your Dan Tian, your energy will rise and NATURALLY open each energy center WHEN IT IS THE CORRECT TIME FOR DOING SO! Nothing else is needed! Never try to artificially open these centers."


    A Light Warriors Guide to High Level Energy Healing by Michal Lomax


    -My 2 cents, Peace


    You are right on the money.


    If our isolated egos play with individual chakras, we just scuff them up.


    If Tao opens them up, it will be done right.


    So making ourselves fertile ground, so Tao wishes to come around; that is OUR work.





  22. Back 6 months ago, I found my yoga practice to be incomplete, so I wandered my way to some, as it

    turns out, Tao type concepts that worked really well for me. Now I'm trying to learn the words for

    what my body is doing all on it's own.


    I was one of those poor SOB's who had jing-transmuted-to-yang rampaging around my body tearing apart

    things for like -- um.. 38 years. It started when I hit puberty, that very day, and continued until

    I was about 50. I'm 51 now. So this makes me the official worst student in history, at least on this

    point, or so it seems.


    My body told me to pool that 'jing energy' into this space about 2 inches below my navel, and about

    2 inches inward. So I did that. After that, my life started to become beautiful. I had twice the

    physical energy; the jing/yang wasn't rampaging around my body, and Kundalini entered the third



    Now my question;


    From a traditional Tao standpoint, what path(s) are taken by the jing-transmuted yang energy

    after it has been stored in the lower dan tien for a while?


    There seems to be this truly obscene amount of storage capacity in that dan tien; it's like it

    can hold half an ocean. It just keeps expanding in a manner of speaking, without changing in

    apparent size much.


    Now apparently, some energy does circulate out of it, but its not 'rampaging' any more, so

    I have some trouble seeing it.


    Now a good chunk is going into the silent center of Kundalini, but i'm certain that there are

    other streams involved, and i'm just not good enough at perceiving it.


    I'd welcome any feedback/instruction on such a very basic question.





  23. Hi thanks. I practice Spring Forest Qigong and when I'm not practicing that - I use Sedona Method releasing for my awareness training - and try and stay present. I have dabbled a little in Zazen too. Sometimes I wonder if I should check out KAP or Kunlun - just to see if these practices are more powerful. Most people seem to be biased toward what they practice - so when I read your post I figured I'd pick your brain since you have observed a lot. Good answer and thanks.


    See - your own guidance has chosen well for you.


    Success in self-actualization flows from success with awareness training and purification of what

    hinders. Where our thoughts are, where are emotions are, where our latent impulses are stored;

    results in subtle tensions that choke the flow of life, and colors our view of life (Life).


    Once the mind is steady, it may make sense to proceed to energy systems; but then again it may not.

    There is this tendency to be restless and jump into new practices, when the restlessness is the

    indication that one is not in the present; that restlessness is the indication that you'd be

    running away from your first lesson, by taking up the second lesson and distracting yourself.


    However only you can determine this for yourself; and energy work with some community support

    may be your next step.


    As the mind so goes the body. As the body so goes the mind. So this is not a cut and dried matter.


    I suppose your question was really, "how can I become self-realized faster!" That is often the real



    Of course there is no answer to that. It's rather a conundrum. If you have no fire for self-realization

    it may never happen. If you have fire for self-realization you may be caught up in delusion for half

    of forever and it will never happen.


    It is generally said that it is a matter of grace, or the 'way' and it unfolds as it will.


    And this is certainly true.


    You are not a man trying to force yourself awake;


    you are a man trying to force yourself awake AND an inner essence wishing to be awake;


    at the first both live in different worlds, have different agendas and different time tables.


    And one without the other cannot succeed.


    Fortunately for you, most of the information you need is available in the world, and the rest

    will come to you as you follow your path.





  24. It's just a "purple cloud". Like around me and then is me. From time to time I get that one. I used to 'use it' for stuff. Used to pretend a bunch of stuff with it, but really it's just a purple cloud. Not very useful, except maybe for me:-)


    Way way back I read that big pink qigong book and it suggested using all kinds of stuff, including other entities, although they were created "by the book". As I gather, I don't want any other entities involved in my qi-gong (especially because some things can take on an existence (note I don't say "Life") of their own - take kitten memes for a silly example, but an example all the same;-)


    Ah I see. When I was in my early teens, I decided that I would feed all living beings, and do so until

    all the universes ended, and even blades of grass were enlightened. Then opened up all the way and let the

    feeding begin.


    I'm sure you know how THAT brilliant little plan worked out. I guess that was my purple cloud ;-)





  25. If you were an unawakened person - and wanted to practice. What system would you choose to practice right now?


    That's a very tough one.


    If anyone gave you a recommendation, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a flurry of 'passionate' responses.


    Rather than go through a list of possibilities, ranging from ashrams and relatively hardcore hatha

    yoga derivatives, all the way to 'awakening light' which you can find in various forms on the Internet,


    I'd recommend that you take a deep breath and assess if you have the desire and energy to commit to

    some form of practice, or whether you are in more of a "want more information stage".


    Now even here, there are landmines upon landmines before you.


    There are a near-infinite number of crackpot systems, books and web sites out there.


    Probably one of the safest paths is awareness training such as Vipassana, or forms of Zen.


    I'm sure there are also gentle forms of Tao meditation that would also be in this category,

    though I'm not an educated person in the Tao, I'm here to learn more about Tao myself, to see

    how it maps to what I know.


    The problems in practice come in, when you start doing 'energy work' or more 'exotic' practices

    and do not have a teacher, which very few seem to have these days.


    No matter which path you go down, be it of a Buddhist, Yogic, or Tao path, I'd stick with the

    awareness training in the beginning, and make sure you have a support system.


    I'd avoid systems which are intimately associated with sexuality from day one, or which are

    of the western Hermetic traditions, if you have no background.


    I'd really welcome other people responding to your question as well.


    PS: we are all awakened to some degree, or we'd be stones. The fact that you are asking

    means something is stirring in you.



