So I'm new to Taoism and I've been reading a book on the basics and whatnot. But I keep running across some contradictions (which could be because of my little understanding of Taoism). Maybe you guys could help me understand some stuff more in depth.
For example, Taoism is about following your own inner nature and doing what feels nature yet, at times, I find myself wanting to do argue with or go against rather than accept. Also, if it is in someone's nature to be violent or whatever some may see as extremely immoral, is that still following the Tao? So how can we be true to ourselves if we are even the slightest bit resistant, when we are supposed to practice humility?
There's other things that go along with these questions but I don't remember them. I'm just stuck at how our inner nature may contradict some concepts of Taoism, even if these things are immoral, but just natural to us. Any help would be greatly appreciated.