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Posts posted by Boy

  1. @dwai:


    First. Be humble. Even though you have awakened, your jiva will run its program.


    Two. The parable of the archer. The arrow was already in the air when you realized the Self. Ishvara doesn’t care about your awakening so the arrow will keep on flying and hit its target. Don’t worry about it.


    Three (and one through three is all the same message). You can’t force it. If you think you can then you didn’t get the memo. You are beyond creation. Just keep on until the knowledge sticks.


    Four. Don’t listen to Arramu. If you think you are the doer, and that doing will somehow set you free, then you are already lost. Apologies to Arramu.


    Good luck!




    Don’t confuse the mind with the ”witness”. It’s as they say - when you know you are the Self, these kinds of questions don’t matter. To answer your questions more precisely: 1) Witnessing is not controlling. What you see, you see through the jiva. It’s said - but it’s hard to grasp - that the Self is not an experiencer. 2) Yes, if by ”you” you mean the jiva. Vedanta speaks of uphadis and it will help you understand the Self to an extent. 3) Yes and no. You confuse the Self with the jiva. This again goes back to the truth of non duality. There is no spoon. 4) Absolutely not. And your question doesn’t make sense ;) 5) We walk in circles. 


    When you see the truth you’ll know. And when that happens, please get in contact with others who’ve seen it, otherwise you’ll go through being an asshole like me, or even worse - become a ”guru”!

    • Like 4

  2. @taoteching99: 1. Yes. Feels overwhelming. 2. Yes, if it's realization of the truth.


    @Jeff: Yes, absolutely. It's called self realization nowadays. Many, but not all, make a difference between self realization and self actualization. The latter .. well, it's another story.

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  3. @bubbles: I love your writing! (edit: and I agree 99.99999%) Now, it's not sexy, but pertinent to this thread and quite useful - look into self realization vs self actualization! It's perhaps too vedantic for your tastes but I believe the logic applies nonetheless. I was/remained a proper asshole for a few years for example, but then I got it together somewhat. I think you'll go through the same. Much love!

    • Like 1

  4. This is all good but until we see how all this allow so-called enlightened people handle real life situations like family fights, unemployement, child death, dementia of an elderly family member; this is nice and easy talk.

    What is the value of enlightenment as a concept with nice verbose slogans that gives people an escape hatch from life?



    Spot on!!

  5. Jeff Beck should have had a much more successful career than he has had.  Life didn't take him that way though.


    I never cared much for the music Tom performed but I can't deny the greatness of his voice.



    It was pretty much Jeff's choices all the way. Here's a nice look into his personality 

    .. I agree fully when it comes to mr Jones.
    • Like 1

  6. im really trying to see things from the Liberal perspective:


    -We should be nice to everyone, except Russia.

    -Racism is an extremely problematic issue in the USA,

    -Climate change is extremely important,

    -Obamacare is helping poor people,


    That's the perspective right?



    lol, yes and don't forget that anyone who questions this is obviously a nazi.

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  7. I'm no teacher but that sounds legit enough to me, brother! I especially like your answer on 4. Some folks recommend you put your feet back on the ground again afterwards and I'm inclined to agree. For example: It shouldn't be a burden to be around other people, should it? You already know, of course. Also, I think you better get reacquainted with time ;) . Do you mind speaking a little bit more about my first question? I believe you must have had at least some inspiration from the great rishis? (I wrote a lot too!)


    much love but don't forget to keep a cool head!

  8. I'm happy for you Foundit! Do you mind a few questions?


    1. How did you finally get it?

    2. How long did it take? (Conventionally speaking.)

    3. Approximately how long ago did it happen?

    4. Have you confirmed it in any way?

    5. What (if anything) is different from before you got it? (thoughts, feelings etc.)

    6. Is there anything left for you to do?


    kindly, D

  9. @Shad282: those are some wonderful thoughts. partly, what you are speaking of is reality testing. it’s an ego function. many spiritually inclined people have weak egos and have great trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy. you need to accept reality. then your questions regarding the partly-part will be answered without a doubt. did you hear me? WITHOUT A DOUBT. this is done with a therapist in lieu of the father. it’s not complicated, but you will have built up many defenses against reality which will take serious effort to break down.


    there’s more: there is a higher reality. this is why you’re on this forum i presume. vedanta, if you take it seriously, will take you all the way. when you get ”enlightened”, preferably while in contact with a good teacher, all of your problems will disappear. you won’t die as well ;)

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