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Everything posted by de_paradise

  1. Exactly. Like having a seed object for the absorption of "surrender", except that "state of trust" or faith is elegantly egalitarian. This makes it easy to practice in daily life. I first came upon this technique in meditation, then continued to do it in walking in nature, because its so easy to trust the trees and rocks and ferns etc. Its easy to trust the cycle of birth and death in nature. After walking meditation in nature, the next step is trust in walking around town, and trust in everyday life, people. Even people who don't merit any kind of trust in the conventional sense. This is because the "trust" becomes a deeper, more meaningfully spiritual word. We are not talking about little "trust", but big "Trust" The trust that coincides with the enlightened mind, and equanimity. Doubts become like little mosquitoes, to disturb the meditation, or the state of trust. Its also an antidote to "worry", another ego-trap similar to "doubt", that creates episodes of psychic pain. Worry of the future, worry for your next problem. The resolution is actively practicing trust--in the present, the now.
  2. The antidote for doubt is faith or trust. It is a state of being that is closer to the non-duality because it does not favor one line of reasoning or situation over another. Doubts can help on the path, and in life, but 4bsolute, you are really honing in on something powerful here. There is something about doubt that is ego-centric and pulls you away from oneness, and something about trust that integrates. The idea is to let go of the objects (of doubt or trust) and keep the state, just as it is. A state of trust. Or like the Pearl Jam song title, "state of love and trust." The objects or items to be trusted or doubted are not seperate from you, so you can trust the basic level that it is all existing.
  3. ....

    Thanks for posting this Cat. I've only watched part 1, but he has filled in some gaps which teachers don't seem to address. So the responsibility of purging our own bad behaviors and thoughts just don't "poof" away. I've got velcro thoughts velcro acts and everywhere I turn I've made another velcro f-up, and it just gets insupportable because the inner contradictions seem to bring several levels of pain. It just gets more apparent as I continue cultivation. Before watching this video, I often wondered why the kundalini and ascension forums seem to be chock-a-block with people who had stopped working on themselves, or who's comments come from juvenile "dream world" ego, and yet also post all kinds of pithy pontificating facebook "share" type idealisms.
  4. Auditory hallucinations

    Maybe this is an annoying thing, but maybe it keeps you thinking about the path. So from the point of view of your enlightened self, it is a good thing. From your "small" self, its just a pain in the arse. There is a psychological component, as you said, otherwise it would just be a ringing sound without meaning. Your subconscious mind puts the meaning of siren automatically, and now its a habit. In order to change the subconscious habit you have to put your own meaning on the ringing, such as a beautiful girl singing. Each time the sound comes up, you have to visualize this new meaning, and after some days or months it will change. You have to consciously override it by brute thought force. I have heard in Bodri and Nan's writings that "nine bottled breath", otherwise known as "vajra breathing" etc, alternate nostril breathing pranayama balances the energy channels including those of the "inner ear" Try 10-15 minutes daily or twice daily.
  5. Vegan Diet

    Inuit have been shown to suffer from abnormal levels of osteoperosis due to that diet.
  6. Bringin back da' KAP

    In many ways, Glenn was ahead of his time. We discuss practices so freely now online, but its amazing that he was able to isolate the K awakening process drivers, with a kind of scientific-mind, and gutting out the dogma and fantasy--that westerners can appreciate. Most people are so confused about the spiritual path, and if they have heard of kundalini they have heard that its anti-Jesus or dangerous, or everyone goes crazy. Or, they know they want to be awakened, but are caught in a circle of reading popular spiritual authors, then doing no practices.
  7. how to Meditate ?

    Hard to say. Beginners have many obstructions, and its not just about the style of meditation. I used mantra alot, still do.
  8. Role Of Deities

    There's a few things at play. One is deep trance identification, which perhaps is another way of saying "retroversion" (nice word BTW) What alot of "regular" people don't understand is that its deeper (or higher) than what we normally classify conscious or subconscious mind, because it gets to the realm of higher mind, and that is quite a nebulous area, because metaphor are thought and thought is metaphor; or thought energy is reality, and projection of a deity is sometimes just as good as the deity. Huh? Yeah. Anther aspect is the energy of the deity communicating in this mind. Good times, lots of angels and supreme beings.
  9. happened here in london today

    Based on how he's speaking, even after the event. On the street, I would rather not underestimate someone's intelligence, if he has the motivation and can murder without compunction. Homicide is an inner primordial behavior, (that we repress, ignore, deny if you would believe Mother Teresa's quote that she went to work with children "on the day I discovered I had a Hitler inside me.” )but barbaric murder is not inversely related to other cognitive functions. He just seems like he could have fit in successfuly in society, but let hatred of injustice to Muslims build up and mix with his African tribal method of justice. Officially sanctioned murder by troops in foreign lands is still...murder. If you don't believe it, the case could be made that your moral cognition is not as evolved that you must rely on external authority to set your moral standard.'s_stages_of_moral_development
  10. Solitude is important

    Often, it is very simple things that obstruct us from making spiritual progress. Mental habits, emotional habits, ways of processing information and doing things, ways of meeting the morning, the juices that start running through our minds and blood, neurons being fired and interacting with our energy bodies and the outer world's energy. I have found that I need solitude to catch these things, start working with them, finding the errrors. They are so subtle or so entrenched in our everyday but our bodies can feel "lies" or untruth or dis-alignment through negative emotions or physical discomfort. You need solitude and silence, because stimulation and continuous outer emotional stimulation will cover the deeper problems. Our bodies are our own lie detectors, but if you pile stimulation over it, you will not get to understand your blockages.
  11. happened here in london today

    It looks like a scene transplanted African violence, maybe pan-Muslimism just a pretext. The guy in the video has the nerves and heart of a warrior, with a good mind, perhaps sick of being treated as the underclass. Perhaps in Somalia, this tribal thug behavior would've paid off without any social upheaval.
  12. For learning skills like tennis or piano, its best to learn from a pro in the field, go to a school etc. For spiritual related teachings, its a little more complicated because we are talking about the path to unification with the source, not just some random ability or skill set. The decisions are not taken by our conscious minds, because the intellect and our little voices are merely "echo chambers", they are not "us." Inasmuch as we think we are taking the decisions, we are deluded. Imagine a student who is not ready, or who has little merit, hunt down a great teacher in some place, based on "reasoning" in the echo chamber. The source places us like dominos to match our readiness to further our progress. The chain of causation is complex, and what goes through our echo chamber minds is delightfully obscure, and who and what is pulling our strings in one direction or another is fathomlessly multidimensional.
  13. PUA and Spirituality

    Thats cool JohnC. I found that PUA stuff led to spirituality as well. But at the time, I needed the PUA sex drive "get the girl" motivation to make some of the inner changes. At the time, pursuit of enlightenment was not really on the radar, at least not consciously. But desire to get girls was strong, it got me out of the box I was in. Interesting how one thing leads to another. NLP will lead you to spirituality as well. At that some point you realize that there really was a kind of destiny about the spiritual path. As far as PUA being Zen, I suppose in some ideal sense, its close enough. If you pare down everything, all the ego baggage, social conditioning, your own traumas and failures...and just stay present in your own sense of animal lust, thats not Zen because its still lust attachment. But if you could do that, and interact with the girl so that the lust can express itself, in a way that she is willing to respond to, thats pretty good.
  14. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Small business participation in GDP is in terminal decline as a long term trend, despite the rented facades. The other biggy: income distribution, where the small pool of rich are getting richer. These are indisputable facts. No one's ego, self worth, social stutus, or personal anecdotal evidence is on the line here. Its nice to be optimistic, its nice to be able to fit in the economy either way. However the OP is suggesting that we can change for the better. This becomes a spiritual topic when we start investigating humanity's connection to the earth, and our own meaning of life. My own belief is that we can be transmitters of a new paradigm if we connect with our higher selves and receive the information, make sense of it and apply it in our lives.
  15. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Its great that you feel positive about entrepreneurism in Canada, its psychologically healthier to have a naive goldilocks outlook than be frustrated and hating the system. I would agree that what you are describing is a viable social equalibrium, and just leave it at that. One step away from acceptance is rejection, and one more step beyond that is finding a new solution. Its whats happening in our minds thats important. Permaculture people are creatively finding methods. What is usually ignored, not understood or just assumed is how morality can change from instituted greed and selfishness. These are things we face daily as cultivators, simply because enlightenment is not possible if ego is constantly expressing itself in greed and selfishness.
  16. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    In an ecosystem that contains billionaire 1% (termed "plutocracy"), only a few people GET to be bosses. Just as when the store of the family of the deceased Sam Walton rolls into town, mom and pops and their supply chains get wiped out, less people in business for themselves. So here I'll revise: an economy is an ecosystem of people; the current corporate owners of Walmart are not risk-takers in the ideal sense that one would have it, and in fact destroy entrepreneurs. My main message was not about pie-sharing, and its may facets. Its how memes underpin how we act, and the meme that we are likely to change to, will de-emphasize greed and money. Intertwined in the meme and social evolution is energy and spirit. This is what interest me.
  17. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    The current 1% domination was not supposed to happen in our capitalist system. People had hopes: there was the middle class, political checks and balances, industries were supposed to see how going green and giving to the community would be win-win. International free trade was supposed to be win-win (not just pitting countries and workers in downward wage pressure). When I went through university this was textbook stuff. This was not so long ago. Most people don't understand how things have gong wrong. Mostly they are arguing about possible systems, when the real change is in the meme. Memes are like thought viruses that propagate when the society is ready. As 1/7000000000 of humanity, I can participate on thought and energy level. I have strong energy.
  18. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    In a decentralized system, some greedy individuals seek to become monopolists, eventually attain it, and protect their monopolies with force. Whether the system is centralized or de-centralized, as long as their are greedy individuals who want more than a fair, reasonable share, we will end up with something like aristocracy dominated, or 1% dominated economy. Therefore, it is morals/ethics/spiritual evolution that is the lynchpin, not the economic system.
  19. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    Its the tip of the iceburg. Masters of almost all the sects (here in Taiwan) spend lots of time talking about how much luck and karma a person has to have in order to be a "home leaver" and to have contact with a real master xyz , how its the best chance to acheive Nirvana. Its part of the recruitment process, its part and parcel of monk 101. Can we really see things in people's eyes? What a thing to question.
  20. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    No matter which path you choose, whether its loosely or closely related to a religion or system, there are many ways for the ego to latch on something. I see lots of Buddhist monks in town, I can see pride in being a "home leaver" in some of their eyes. Its up to themselves or their teachers to notice and nullify this. I watched a Spanish film called "Camino" recently, and several characters were fanatic Catholic. Much of their behaviors were so similar to fervent Buddhists, even some fervent new agers, and I recommend the movie. Despite the apparent (false) fanaticism of the people around her, Camino, the little girl character was absolutely pure and natural in her spirituality. The question is, would she have gone wrong if she didn't have the fanatics around her pushing her towards spirituality? Many people would like to think the girl just "is" awakened, because the mind prefers to think in absolutes, not in the foggy world of nudges and partials. We like to use words like "Buddhism" because it represents so much, and its thrilling to be able to say a word so important like we know what it means.
  21. When dealing with meat eaters, perhaps one should use grunts and simple gesticulations, it may work better. Or not. Anyway, chicken nuggets are 1/2 off in McDonalds in China now due to the flu outbreak.
  22. Okay. I'd really like to start living again. :(

    I go through the K stuff every day too. I've gone through a lot of personality and personal direction changes as well. I was creative before but K made me more creative. It adds spiritual level of depth to whatever thing you are writing about, you dont even have to think about it, it will just happen. So you could write an essay about making lemonade on the street corner and the by the end of it you will realize you've written about alchemy of the soul as well. I wrote songs complaining about kundalini, I could write them till the cows come home if I wanted. This is the way of art. Spiritual awakenings stimulate art, always and siempre.
  23. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    Are you two sitting in front of the same bong? Of course its tests. Tests tests tests, all the way except you don't get to know what the test is until you get the realization and diagnose it in hindsight.