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Everything posted by de_paradise

  1. Manifestation, Law of attraction

    Life's purpose is the path of realization. Everything conspires to that direction. Things in the material plane of ours just fun attractions. Manifesting and law of attraction are about self realization, just dumbed down for general public to understand in their ego-centric understanding. Free stuff, wow! Its like a hook, but once you got the hook, its stuck, and if you keep manifesting, your mind will transform and will get onto the path. There is no other way. Material death is just a marker for another start. Beckwith is the guy to listen to as far as manifesting,
  2. damn kundalini up to no good again

    I think Kundalini will outlast your resistance. You are wasting your time resisting. I know you have plans, a life, perhaps a desired future, but now its changed. The longer you wait to start integrating your life to a spiritual path, the more stupid you realize you have been when you finally stop resisting.
  3. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Ha, so long ago. My strategy now is to be pretty full-on cultivator, even if it means being the spiritual whacko in the room. I guess its becoming more integrated, and I want to be consistent, for the benefit of myself and to possibly teach something to others. I've noticed that over years, people can pick up new beliefs, but slowly, at their own pace--its appears to them that they thought of it themselves. Most of all, I dont find myself hanging out with old friends who are into completely mundane things.
  4. Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

    I am interested in this material, since I realized there is an actual "Seth Village" near where I live in Taiwan. It seems so much like a woman with self-esteem problems inside the channeling though. I get the same vibe from Esther Hicks too. I don't see why a channeled being would be so obviously colored in topic choice and tone. Granted I know zero about channeling. I was wondering if anyone else had an opinion.
  5. I'm with dc9 on this one. Too conflicting to be mindful of one single thing. So I practise this type of focus during meditation only, maybe sometimes walking around nature. The rest of the time, I use my mind and imagination and multitask. The higher state of an enlightened mind, say a Buddha, there is no difference between being mindful and multitasking and thinking. But the difference between us and Buddha is he has an evolved consciousness, his energy pathways are cleared, he has not garbage and impurities in his body, things just pop into his mind and it feels like bliss, it comes and goes at a nice speed. There is no way we can pretend to be mindful like Buddha if we have junked up energy pathways, full of toxins, and un-transformed consciousness. Its wishful thinking to even bother. Yet at the same time, it is a cultivation method, and I guess some people find it useful, and maybe once in a while find themselves in a better state. Its a good method. The problem, or confusion comes in when people teach this method, and it somehow becomes more than an method, they get convinced that you have to keep doing it all day or you cant be enlightened. Of course its not possible to keep it going while you do your normal day stuff. Some people and teachers just like to copy the books they read, so they can be perceived as wise, so they tell people to be mindful. They can even say, you are not being mindful here here and here. But how mindful can it be to pretend to be mindful? Not very. They dont see any contradiction in learning something from a book and teaching it to others, even though neither of them have the consciousness of what the Diamond Sutra is speaking about.
  6. When I first started, perhaps I did not understand that superpowers were somehow a biproduct of spiritual cultivation. As I understood, they became perhaps something to toy in my head, wouldnt that be neat. I suppose upfront motivation is always good, because the path is long. At some point one understands that superpowers are silliness compared to the goals of liberation, and just as a person has two hands and can create causes and conditions to progress towards liberation, one can also use some other power or method, such as the superpower of "typing a message to be seen by many" to make progress. Out of the many who start the path chasing superpowers, obviously most drop out, and others get to see the big picture eventually. Still others who have superpowers either from their own effort or just somehow born with them, are just living mundane lives, nothing all that special.
  7. I Am Thinking of Trying To Get Into An MBA Program...

    If you want to get an International MBA, you can easily get full scholarship at a Taiwanese University. There's quite a few who want foreign students for their programs and willing to give the places away. Check for adverts. I think Taichung is a decent place. Im not really pro-MBA, but I understand its hard to think of life in the "real world" after being a student so long.
  8. Smoking is a type of meditation

    Nicotine provokes a reaction in your body, because its a poison, and your body responds by creating endorphins, you body's natural pain killer. So you get high, and it may feel like meditation due to the nice feelings. But it also robs your body of endorphins, forcing it to hoard them for the next time you pick up a cigarette. So it distabilizes the body, and also creates a dependency since the nicotine effect wears off slower than the endorphins, producing a tension in the chest, creating the urge to take another cigarette to reproduce the cycle. I look at it as more like masochism, like those people who cut themselves habitually, getting high of the swing from pain to endorphin rush.
  9. Manifesting Wealth

    Many people have read or watched "The Secret" and perhaps believe that the key to manifesting wealth is some kind of potent mix of strong desire and imagination. That may work to a certain extent, but that is not manifesting using the Universe, or God. Because the universe or God is not materialistic like us, its true aim is our spiritual evolution, period. Rich, poor, doesn't matter. In fact wealth manifesting is a selfish activity and the path to spiritual evolution is to become more selfless, egoless. True wealth manifesting can be summed up perfectly by the phrase "Give us this day our daily bread" from the Lord's Prayer. Notice its "Give us" not "Give me", and therefore if you really want to get into this phrase and think about it, you will have to take the point of view of all humanity, or perhaps all beings who get their day's sustenance. And its not give us condos with jacuzzi's, its simply bread, a meal, basic subsistence. Because all beings really need is basic subsistance. Its not that that they deliberately set a low goal, its that the intention for this basic thing is all you need, and all the universe could possibly understand to respond to. And notice how short term the intention is, its not wildly hoping for future gains, just daily, the now, setting the time frame of the intention the closest possible. Some of you may agree, some may disagree with what I've said, and thats fine, there are always varying opnions on forums. What I would be interested in, is if you tried out what I just said, during a meditation or sleepless night, focus on the meaning of the "Give us this day our daily bread" translating it into pictures and thoughts in your mind, envisioning the intention of many different peope getting their daily bread, many beings, dogs, deer, fish, all finding their food. And just getting absorbed by your desire of these beings acheiving this very humble aim. Your good will to see it come to pass. See what happens, see if wealth gets manifested.
  10. Manifesting Wealth

    I was briefly watching some manifesting videos, and I realized that they are teaching the basic things, such as noticing and reforming negative self talk, and ability to imagine more than just a paycheck. I had just assumed a person has already gotten over the negative self talk issue, and has a rapid dynamic imagination, that would see and respond to opportunities. My suggestion of using the will of the universe that OTHER people and beings can get wealthier or benefit on a much more global scale, perhaps thats another level. Lets call it graduate school. But to those who have not gotten the basics it may seem like going backwards, to a kind of servitude.
  11. Manifesting Wealth

    People like Zuckerberg or Warren Buffet did not manifest wealth by just visualizing hefty bank accounts, they really were in the mode of helping people, and by that wish to help people got wealthy. You can take issue with that statement if you wish, but if manifesting wealth was just making their own desires big and bright in their mind, then every gambling addict in Vegas should be rich by now. Of course its not the case. But try to convince people to give up their own desires and try to convince them that they should be hoping to help people instead, caring that every tree, animal and human getting their daily sustenance. This is like speaking in Swahili, they won't even hear it. Desire for more personal wealth is so much a part of their ego, who they think they are, that its not even an issue, its for people like Mother Theresa. However I'm sure most of us on this forum do understand this basic concept of manifesting by wishing others well, its just locating the emotional state, making the habits, that filter down into beliefts, thoughts, and decisions. Its a kind of religion-less self indoctrination to feel really good towards other beings. Meditation is my way in, but there are many other ways.
  12. Manifesting Wealth

    Of course the debate about money goes on, but what I really tried to do here is present a specific technique of meditation that allows you to tap into some kind of powerful universal force. This is done by equating oneself with the larger Self, then using one's heart and best wishes to see their immediate desires met, really feeling in your body while visualizing people and beings. Then once you can start to feel a kind of bliss, then try to hold the images and feelings steady so that energies can flow through your body, cleansing and helping your path. Its really up to you and your trial and error to find the right images and emotions. It occurs to me that perhaps not many people are accustomed to doing this kind of mental/emotional type of meditation, yet this is the mainstay of my meditation. Just isolating what works and wash rinse repeat.
  13. Manifesting Wealth

    I'm sure the Sedona method would interest some people, and I'll check on it. I forgot to mention that the above practise creates an incredible heart charka opening force. I was so shocked by the bull-dozer like power running though my heart chakra, that I decided to make the post. There are some practise notes that I forgot to mention, one is that you should be deep in meditation first, and then practise the imagining of allowing every being to become fulfilled, getting their daily life-giving sustenance. Another think to augment the power of this practise is a kind of Tantra-like visualization, where you can create a kind of ethereal/somewhat transparent image of yourself and place that image of yourself upon the other people, the fish, the tree, etc, so that in some part of your mind, you feel towards the other people, fish tree, exactly as you feel towards yourself. Its a kind of mental trick that allows your mind to apprehend one-ness to the best of its limited ability. So the entire practise of Manifesting Weath is you are actually allowing a part of yourself in the form of other beings to gain their daily bread, to become fulfilled.
  14. Purpose of Mantra?

    I've heard most of the typical explanations of mantra, and probably you have too. Since I can actually feel pretty clearly what particular energy flows are doing while I do (silent) mantra and not doing mantra, over several years of "sample set data" I use it now as a kind of default or "holding pattern" type of between meditation meditation. For example your primary mediation is stillness, but at some point maybe its not working so well because you lose concentration, but instead of breaking, just change to doing mantra for a while, while you get settled down again. Sometimes I will deliberately stick in intervals of mantra because it changes the energy somewhat and can help deblock some bits ready to be deblocked yet somehow the primary medtation energy is not getting there. This sounds confusing, but its like using a brush instead of a rag when cleaning. We know a rag is going to get more dirt because the surface area is larger and its more elegant, but a brush (mantra) can immediately get some big bits (knots, impurieties). So mantra for me is simply a tool, nothing woo woo or religious or fancy. Generally I use om man padme hum because its short and sweet. Let me add, mantra definitely "works". Its also a type of thing that can be done in a slipshod way, or well, and can be done in deeper and deeper levels of consciousness, delicately, pointing toward the same direction as any other meditation. In the same way, a person can worship a crucifix statue of Jesus and its not very impressive, but another person(saint) can worship in a deep consciousness way and their skin starts to mimic the same injuries as Jesus on the cross, and start to bleed.
  15. True. His mind is that of a heroin addict, yet comes on a spiritual forum. Get ready for the long haul flight dc9, its probably no coincidence you dropped by. This could be fun.
  16. I dunno. Seems to have enough red flags to want to wait until you personally meet the guy before spending that kind of dough. (pyrokenisis vid, Verdesi involvement, reports of fraud) My own teacher charged alot, a similar amount, but when I asked him to be a student, after many days of getting to know each other, he told me to think about it for a year. It wasnt just for some seminar either, it was for the whole kaboodle. And I found him, really by chance, it wasn't by some advert directed towards western people. Therefore I was ready to pay whatever he wanted, and I'm still laughing that I got it with only money. I agree that 4 grand is nothing in the scope of a lifetime, and Americans who even have crap jobs can save that easily if they really want to, unless you are disabled or something like that. But my question is, why does an attorney from the USA need to take financial advice from a Chinese mainlander qigong doctor? It should be the other way around.
  17. With enough time spent in deep trance, deep meditation, researching hypnosis and the various definitions, you can come up with a fairly accurate understanding, even with all the overlap in procedure and concepts. It requires a bit of persistence and detective-like spirit. Aaron, its a worthwhile inquiry and answering can last for years as you plumb your mind and take note, and also come into contact with people who have siddhi or gain siddhi for yourself.

    Enouch, you wouldnt happen to have the script or procedure for that weight loss gastric belt surgery hypnosis do you?
  19. The External World is Ultimately Unsatisfactory

    I agree with Lucky7. In the Zen parable that everyone knows that goes something like "......on the path trees and not trees and mountains are not mountains, then after enlightenment trees are trees and mountains are mountains again." The Zen path deliberately uses detaching as a cultivation method. But there are always some people who take this as not as a cultivation method but a life philosophy and say think life is meant to be rich and beautiful, and this philosophy is too stoic, must be wrong. Enjoy life to the fullest etc. Of course, that sets them back to chasing desires, or at least not understanding the simple cultivation method of detaching. The mistake is that people want the end state before the path, think how about just skip to the end where the trees are trees and mountains are mountains. Then you have people who somewhat randomly choose things to detach from, and others, make no effort, all according to some subconscious proclivities or readiness. Then you have people like Ramana who supply a method of more simple direct cultivation method, "just asking who am I" and forget about all this detaching. In my years of cultivation I have found that it is important to locate the areas where you are most weak, such as "greed" for money, or "anger" etc, or need for peer esteem, etc. Work on your deepest complexes, and that's what gives the biggest progress, and you will feel it energetically, as well as in your mind.
  20. Nirvana and transmission (the band Nirvana) I think this is hilarious, they just played some hard core song when the British talk show had decided upon a relatively moderate one. The whole thing is a joke, and I can hear Kurt laughing somehow in the song, not depressing or angry. That is all an illusion anyway, if you rehearse a song a million times its not really about anything except how to convince the audience that its genuine emotions.
  21. Nirvana and transmission (the band Nirvana)

    The thing is, you are right. Fighting now is useless, just as the Brits had India locked down and fighting would have only caused worse problems. But it will be attempted anyway, at least I think, if only to fail because the forces that be are too entrenched. The energy evolution thingy, is that factor which is something I felt (I do realize it might be some kind of nostagia or anchor from my younger days) when I listened to some Nirvana songs, alot of them I'd never really listened to before. This is where the detective work comes in since etheric energy is pretty hard to . I can sometimes feel a person energy just by looking at a line of text that the type that they made, and I think more than several people on this forum have his kind of sensibility. A line of text is far more subtle than a whole song, so it shouldnt be a big effort to get an energetic message out of a song. The evolution angle is simply part of the hypothesis that evolution is preceded by an energetic transfer.
  22. Nirvana and transmission (the band Nirvana)

    Ah, so far it looks like my Nirvana thesis has not gathered many supporters. Kurt being a junky who copied the Pixies among others and made angry music until he topped himself, I admit does not look like good supporting evidence that he was chanelling a positive message overall. Yet I'm just going to keep it out there, just in case someone else takes a listen and comes to a similar conclusion that there is some kind of energy evolution going on there. Im glad you are a musician mrtiger, because it helps me understand that you are probably quite passionate about the topic. Music and spiritual evolution my pet topic too. And yes, we left the angry 90's behind, but I am guessing we can cycle back to anger, or at least tension, but this time with a more refined direction. We have come to an age of the 1% has mangaged to come up owning nearly everything, and our fundamental rights are evaporating so quickly now in many countries. So I think a cycle of anger is on the cards.
  23. Nirvana and transmission (the band Nirvana)

    Well, most musicians do transmit something. I thought there was something obvious about the example of Nirvana. I think it might be worthwhile to explore other bands that created a massive sensation, then try to see if there are other clues. Seriously guys, dont overcomplicate this.
  24. Nirvana and transmission (the band Nirvana)

    Yeah, people see what they filter in or out, even creatively misinterpreting, or one can try to see what is correct and add to it in a positive way. Clearly there was a whole scene unmentioned. This is meant to be a fanciful thread, to try to understand energetic elements in musicians music, not to drag up old prejudices or whatever personal tastes you may have. My main thesis is evolution, since some of us are fairly energy sensitive due to cultivation, we can give a unique insight on the world, not to rehash old points of views.