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Posts posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. "We're so driven by power and profit" Most people just want a bit of space/ home, family and quality food, water, air...

    "Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge" ...International Banks "order (control) from chaos"

    They promote no-think culture via (anti) cultural marxism.

    "Brain Capacity." IB waging covert chemical warfare + slaughter of the intelligentsia in REVOLUTIONS throughout history / practicing dysgenics

    "Life was given to us a billion years ago. What have we done with it?" ... International Banks have burnt it to the ground endlessly

    Aristotle, one of the fathers of Western thought, wrote in his 350 B.C. work, Politics, in Book One, Part X, that usury is the lending of money at interest:

    The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.

  2. In death I will be free.


    Before you were saying "rebirth"


    "We are all one" - the borg


    "We are all the same" - the borg


    "We are just cogs in the great machine" - the borg


    "We are replaceable, blank chips like all the other blank chips, there is nothing unique, we are all equal" - the borg



  3. No, this death is death. From this death there is no return... as there is nothing to return to.

    Do you not find it curious that every REVOLUTION results in historical and cultural destruction?


    Communist (Communism is a Capitalistic system) Utopia




    World communism, also known as international communism or global communism, is the terminal stage of development of the (future) history of communism in Marxist theory. It has also been equated to the Comintern (Communist International). This is the meaning that typically and historically has been meant by opponents of communism. World communism is closely related and connected to stateless communism.

    Marxist theory may treat world communism as utopian, but it is the transition to world communism that attracts attention. World communism is to be achieved by world revolution, according to a theory that was popular in the period 1917 to around 1933 (at least). World communism is incompatible with the existence of nation-states, so according to an older theory there will be an abolition of the state preceding world communism.

    Abolition of the state is not incompatible with world revolution, but is not in itself a distinctively Marxist doctrine. It was held by various socialist and anarchist thinkers of the nineteenth century. An apparent alternative is a theory going back to Karl Marx, speaking of the "withering away of the state".


  4. Neil Kramer is a British philosopher and esotericist. His work focuses chiefly on spirituality, metaphysics, mysticism, freedom, and inner development. He returns to discuss the differences between imperial culture and organic human culture, which is rooted in spiritual mortality and a relationship with the land. Neil elaborates on how imperial culture functions, what it requires of its citizens and how it ultimately keeps people ignorant. We’ll also discuss complex ignorance vs. self awareness. Then, Neil explains how the masses have been confused and conditioned by self censoring thought patterns such as political correctness, within imperial culture. We’ll continue on the importance of understanding our tribal heritage. Without it our identity and inner development is impeded. Also, Neil explains how the belief that we are all one and the same, is death. He’ll talk about what empire gains from sameness. Later, we discuss why it’s crucial to maintain our tribal mythologies.



  5. http://news.yahoo.com/kasparov-likens-putin-hitler-urges-west-act-150329029.html;_ylt=AwrBJR5uSXJUAgQAV3STmYlQ




    "We're stronger," he said, "because we're right. When the Russian feels that he's right, he's unstoppable. I'm saying this sincerely, not just to pontificate," he added.


    i dont see putin as hitler myself. imo putin is far more intelligent and more advanced strategically minded than hitler ever could have been.








    the only real similarity i see that putin and hitler share is that they both said what they actually feel/felt.

    putin is sincere, he has tried to deal with the west without bowing down to the globalist corporate oligarchy banksters

    and the west has only given him the cold shoulder for his efforts to reach out. hitler never ever tried to reach out in a cooperating manner.




    Buchanan argues that it was a great blunder on the part of Chamberlain to declare war on Germany in 1939, and even greater blunder on the part of Churchill to refuse Hitler's peace offer of 1940, thus making World War II in Buchanan's opinion the "unnecessary war" of the title.[36] The title of course was borrowed from Churchill, who stated in his memoirs, "One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once, "The Unnecessary War." There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle."[37] Buchanan writes, "For that war one man bears full moral responsibility: Hitler." He adds, "But this was not only Hitler's war. It was Chamberlain's war and Churchill's war..."[38] In Buchanan's view, the "final offer" made by the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop to the British Ambassador Sir Nevile Henderson on the night of August 30, 1939 was not a ploy as many historians argued, but instead a genuine German offer to avoid World War II.[39] Likewise, Buchanan argues citing F.H. Hinsley, John Lukacs, and Alan Clark, Hitler's peace offers to Britain in the summer of 1940 were real, and Churchill was wrong to refuse them.[40] Buchanan writes that the Morgenthau Plan of 1944 was a genocidal plan for the destruction of Germany promoted by the vengeful Henry Morgenthau and his deputy the Soviet agent Harry Dexter White as a way of ensuring Soviet domination of Europe, and that Churchill was amoral for accepting it.[41]



    As part of his assault on Churchill's reputation, Buchanan claims a moral equivalence between Churchill and Hitler. Buchanan suggests that there is no moral difference between Churchill's support for the compulsory sterilisation and segregation of the mentally unfit before 1914, and the Nazi Action T4 program.[42] Likewise, Buchanan argues that the views that Churchill expressed about Judo-Bolshevism in his 1920 article "Zionism and Bolshevism" seem not markedly different from Hitler's views about "Judo-Bolshevism" in Mein Kampf.[43] Buchanan attacks Churchill as the man who brought in the Ten Year Rule in 1919, in which British defence spending was based on the assumption that there would be no major war for the next ten years, making Churchill the man who disarmed Britain in the 1920s.[44] Buchanan attacks Churchill as a deeply inept military leader who caused successive military debacles such as the Siege of Antwerp in 1914, the Dardanelles campaign, the Norwegian Campaign of 1940, the fall of Singapore, and the Dieppe Raid of 1942.[45]









    When 90% (+?) of governments are puppets of the Iron Bank of Braavos how can there be cooperation? The intention of the IBB is world domination/ global communist system (by means of capitalism)


    • "One stone crumbles and another takes its place and the temple holds its form for a thousand years or more. And that's what the Iron Bank is, a temple. We all live in its shadow and almost none of us know it. You can't run from them, you can't cheat them, you can't sway them with excuses. If you owe them money and you don't want to crumble yourself, you pay it back." ―Tywin Lannister[src]



      And to make an appeal directly to the people is nearly impossible also with vast propaganda machines and gullible serfs.


    Propaganda such as...


    World War I

    Stories of German soldiers impaling children on their bayonets were based on extremely flimsy evidence.[18]

    Atrocity propaganda was widespread during World War I, when it was used by all belligerents, playing a major role in creating the wave of patriotism that characterised the early stages of the war.[19] British propaganda is regarded has having made the most extensive use of fictitious atrocities to promote the war effort.[19]


    One such story was that German soldiers were deliberately mutilating Belgian babies by cutting off their hands, in some versions even eating them. Eyewitness accounts told of having seen a similarly mutilated baby. As Arthur Ponsonby later pointed out, in reality a baby would be very unlikely to survive similar wounds without immediate medical attention.[20]



    Another atrocity story involved a Canadian soldier, who had supposedly been crucified with bayonets by the Germans (see The Crucified Soldier). Many Canadians claimed to have witnessed the event, yet they all provided different version of how it had happened. The Canadian high command investigated the matter, concluding that it was untrue.[21]


    Other reports circulated of Belgian women, often nuns, who had their breasts cut off by the Germans.[22] A story about German corpse factories, where bodies of German soldiers were supposedly turned into glycerine for weapons, or food for hogs and poultry, was published in a Times article on April 17, 1917.[23] In the postwar years, investigations in Britain and France revealed that these stories were false.[19]


    In 1915, the British government asked Viscount Bryce, one of the best-known contemporary historians, to head the Committee on Alleged German Outrages which was to investigate the allegations of atrocities. The report purported to prove many of the claims, and was widely published in the United States, where it contributed to convince the American public to enter the war. Few at the time criticised the accuracy of the report. After the war, historians who sought to examine the documentation for the report were told that the files had mysteriously disappeared. Surviving correspondence between the members of the committee revealed they actually had severe doubts about the credibility of the tales they investigated.[24]


    100 million ++ killed because of these lies...

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    Now, about that bad news about cells phones and wifi. Like you want to know.


    But if you do want to know about it, check out the BioInitiative Report.


    BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public ...
    An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals (The BioInitiative Working Group) has released its report on the relationship between electromagnetic fields (EMF) (associated with powerlines and wireless devices) and health..


    Thanks! :)

  7. Probably not what you're thinking!

    Sunglasses distort the spectrum of light frequencies that get to the eyes, disregulating your entire endocrine (hormonal!) system. The only sunglasses Ott could recommend (grudgingly) in the end, were gray. They reduced the light evenly across the entire spectrum, so didn't create imbalances between the various frequencies (colors) present in natural light. Ott also connected sunglasses to cancer (this was one of his speculative theories based on a number of observations) and found his own degenerative hip disease reversed itself (confirmed by xrays) when he stopped wearing his regular glasses (block UV) and got out in the sun much more.


    The prohibition against computers late at night is because the "janitor/nursemaid" cells (pigment epithelial cells) that protect your retina and macula go to sleep after dark, and don't start functioning again until they've had their required rest period of 8-10 hours. That means the cells you're using to read late at night have lost their backup, no food delivery, no trash removal. Not good over the long term! Of course there's also the melatonin problem, the blue light from the computer/tablet/phone, stops the production of the major sleep hormone, which also regulates our sex hormones and cortisol levels and cycles. Not good!


    Ott also was the original researcher who discovered that radiation from the old TVs and from the ballasts of fluorescent lights were destructive. He got the ball rolling on those old TVs! Sure wish that fellow was still around today. He'd be having a field day!


    So read Ott's books, check out that video. There's some amazing info in there. Guaranteed to change your interaction with light, and also to prepare you for the *REALLY* bad news about wifi and cell phones that's finally coming to light now.


    I agree with all of this :)


    There may come a point I move into the forests and go "wild" haha :D


    ... start over ... renew humanity ... this one is too far gone...and they are happy about it

  8. dustybeijing

    To be clear, I truly want all people to be respected

    I truly want the world to be a vibrant place

    I truly want all peoples to thrive

    I truly want the best for all people

    I want everyone to be uplifted

    I want all media to be inspiring! creative! beautiful... that no person or people are made fools of

    That comedy is light-hearted and not a cover for political agendas

    That all people are able to express their culture + a love for theirs without disparaging others

    That men and women are equally valued and their unique expressions equally valued

    I want the world to rise together... I am tired of these conflicts

    I am tired of people saying that other people do not exist

    YOU EXIST, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and by your very existence deserve a place on this planet...

    To see any people become irrelevant must be prevented ...

    Rather than fight among ourselves... we must see the international banks behind it all... who exploit all people at different levels.

    To recognize and respect each others differences... rather than saying THEY DONT EXIST...

  9. She's offended because it's a white woman who looks a lot like her who's being called a "white whore" on the show. That's what she objects to. Not double standards, but white people, for once, being the victims of racism. So I call her a white bitch. She is.


    If you have no answer to the rest of my post, and must cling onto the only seemingly (but not, actually) racist thing I said, I think it's because you have no answer to the rest of my post.


    So you agree then "white people, for once, being the victims of racism" (I disagree with "for once" however)


    So if other women of another group were called wh*res you'd call them b*tches for speaking out against that?


    And you would expect no anger from that?


    Show me another program in which it is repeated multiple times {insert specific group} wh*r* ... in which there has been no backlash and I will agree with you.

  10. If similar was said of other peoples the creators of the show would be crucified and it would probably make national/ world news.

    Insert any other ethnic group call them a wh*r* multiple times... this is unacceptable... apparently DB doesn't mind though.

    I am not sure why there can't be an adult discussion.

    The "tolerance" and "anti discrimination" crowd enjoy brushing such under the carpet with a few cultural marxist silencing techniques preventing any rational discussion... as it doesn't suit their specific agenda.

    The Marxist tolerated the Ukrainian desire for independence so much they starved 20 million of them death in the name of "equality" or something... etc 1984 doublespeak

  11. Americans are starving to death.

    Despite what it appears to be...

    Food devoid of nutrients is not food.

    The wealth is a facade

    When Man breaks free... then you will see true abundance/ world paradise

    One good step would be to see the Banks behind the Governments and Usury as a most dreadful thing enslaving nations...

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  12. Full spectrum lighting, nice! :)

    turn it off at night when sleeping?

    Spending time in nature.

    + Vitamin C fights free radicals.. + other fruits and vegetables/ organic vitamins to protect the body

    Keeping a strong Aura and removing inorganic materials / metals from the body that would receive/conduct these energies.

    From my understanding the distilled waters of life given enough volume and time will create a type of force-field around the body...

    I am thinking that... vaccines and these EMFs are a combined force.

    The metals and other inorganic material being injected/ consumed or applied into the body are turning human bodies into receivers of these unwanted energies.

    One example people using antiperspirants with aluminum... being absorbed into the body :/

    With strong physical health/ aura these things should be deflected...

    not many are going to such lengths to purify the body though...

  13. Their is a enormous difference between someone who is paranoid - and someone who has understood something. If your comments regarding paranoia were directed to me in order to help me understand the implications of paranoia you are way off base.


    Some people fixate their awareness on things and they become hyper sensitive when it is not necessary to become that way.


    I am able to look into something very finely but I do not have to become it or hold myself there. My equilibrium allows considerable discretion.


    Well this guy understood, but was considered "extreme". "hyper sensitive" ... even crazy... now we think it crazy not to wash hands before operations etc...


    That was new ground at the time...


    As is this discussion today.


    10, 20, 30 years from now people may see things differently.


    I wonder how long it took for people to understand that smoking wasn't actually good for them.


    Now it is understood... and people still do it... *shrugs*

  14. Something to investigate anyway... if it is killing plants/ cell damage how does that effect human health + longevity

    It may be accumulative over 20+ years ...

    Most people aren't going to care


    A group of scientists and doctors in Freiburger, Germany, presented evidence at a conference in 2002 of “a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases among our patients” exposed to RF/MW. These included extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes in increasingly younger people, degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy, leukaemia and brain tumours. They also found a rise in headaches, sleeplessness, tinnitus and other ailments that were able to be correlated with the onset of exposure to communications microwaves.

    Communications frequencies use so-called non-thermal levels of radiation – i.e. they do not directly heat living tissue in the same way a microwave oven does. Well-known scientist and author Robert Becker said in 1985, “…when non-thermal dangers were originally documented in America, military and industrial spokespeople refused to acknowledge them, lying to Congress and the public. Many scientists who naturally wanted to continue working went along with the charade.”


    "I have no doubt in my mind that, at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields."

    Dr Robert O. Becker, Nobel Prize nominee1


    Dr. G. J. Hyland of theUniversity of Warwick, UK, calls the human body “an electrochemical instrument of exquisite sensitivity,” noting that, like a radio, it can be interfered with by incoming radiation. Therefore it is misguided to think that electromagnetic radiation would not be having a negative effect on public health, and there is plenty of scientific research to show that this is the case. One scientist in particular led the charge a decade ago, trying to warn us of the dangers.

    As far back as 1994 Australia’s CSIRO did a 150 page literature review on the status of health effects from EMR. The report’s author, Dr Stan Barnett, said: “whilst researching the scientific database in preparation for this report it has become evident that subtle changes in cell structure and biochemistry have been frequently reported at exposure levels where gross thermal change could not be attributed as a cause.”2

    From 1996 until he died in 2003, New Zealand physicist and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) meta-analyst, Dr Neil Cherry, studied over 600 researchers worldwide. He found that EMR caused DNA breakages, chromosome aberrations, increased oncogene activity in cells, altered brain activity, altered blood pressure and increased brain cancer at very low levels – much lower than those allowed by the Australian standard. He also found that it impacts on the pineal gland in the brain, resulting in a reduction of melatonin - a vital part of many of the body’s biochemical systems, including the mediation of many hormone functions (including the control of weight) and a
    major scavenger of damaging free radicals."3

    These findings - in direct conflict with the interests of the multi-billion dollar telecommunications industry - have not only been replicated many times since, but have proved to be prophetic: cancer, leukaemia, cardiac disease, diabetes, sleep disturbances, dementia, weight gain or loss, weakened immune system, asthma, allergies, arthritis, nausea, memory and concentration problems, neurological conditions, and depression to name but a few – all on a sharp rise.
    He was surprised to find how much published research there is to show that - across the entire EMR spectrum - damage"2 was done to cellular DNA, rendering it genotoxic and therefore likely to be implicated in the formation of tumours and other illnesses.

    Since then other scientists have turned up further studies showing similar results. A study published in August 2007 indicates that mobile phone radiation causes cancer in mice"4 , and another one - published in August 2007 in New Scientist by scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel - finds that after only 5 minutes of exposure to radiation one tenth of the power of a mobile phone, rat and human cell chemicals undergo changes.

    Marshall and Wetherall found an exponential increase in the USA of autism, ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Alzheimer's since 1984, the year the first commercial cell phone networks started to spread across the USA. These rates increased even further with the switchover from analog (1G) to digital (2G) in the early 1990s."5
    In 2005 researchers in China found that relatively low-level RF radiation can lead to DNA breaks6, and in 2004 the REFLEX project, which summarised the work of 12 research groups in seven European countries, reported that RF radiation could increase the number of DNA breaks in exposed cells, as well as activate a stress response – the production of heat-shock proteins. The manager of the project, Franz Adlkofer, said: “…available scientific evidence of such critical events demonstrates the need for intensifying research – precautionary measures seem to be warranted.”7

    Dr Peter French found that mobile phone radiation switched on heat shock proteins:

    "In plain English, the point is that it has been demonstrated by several researchers that increasing the amount of heat shock proteins in cells results in the increased potential for developing tumours, increased stimulation of metastasis or spread of cancers, the direct development of cancer, de novo, and the decreased effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs." Dr Peter French"8

    Cherry also found that microwaves can open the blood brain barrier allowing damaging chemicals, viruses and bacteria into the brain which could cause problems such as dementia and brain tumours."9

    His findings continue to be verified by many independent scientists and doctors around the world, many of whom are signatories to large scale resolutions such as the Benevento Resolution in 2006 and Salzburg Resolution in 2000, announcing their acknowledgement of a connection between adverse health effects and exposure to microwave radiation. As a result, Salzburg has now lowered its exposure levels.

    In February 2007 Swedish scientists announced in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention that they had observed a connection between the health of the population and population density, suggesting that the two factors having the strongest correlation with decreased health quality were the estimated average power output from mobile phones…and the reported coverage from the global system for mobile communication base stations in each country.”10

    This has been confirmed by German company ECOLOG’s report, commissioned by telecommunications company T-Mobil in 2000. The results of this research - leaked to British group HESE in 2006 - have just been translated into English. It found that cancer, DNA damage, chromosome aberrations, changes to enzymes, changes in the brain, interruption of cell cycle and cellular communication, debilitation of the immune system and changes to the central nervous system.

    Around a dozen studies were found in 2006 and 2007 demonstrating similar results, including one that found the signal from a mobile phone affecting genes and neurons in both ‘on’ and ‘off’ modes"11 and another found “some evidence of"3 nervous system structural damage after the EMR exposure."12

    "Is it really wise and safe to subject ourselves to whole-body irradiation, all around the clock and wherever we are, with the same mobile radiation which laboratory studies have shown to cause serious injuries and effects?" Olle Johansson, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden"13 http://www.ecolibria.com.au/Resources/electromagnetic-radiation-emr-and-potential-adverse-health-affects


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  15. Taomeow made the good example (western medical thread) of a German doctor who was put in a psychiatric ward because he believed that people should wash their hands before operations etc to reduce infection... guess they though he was "paranoid" too


    Despite various publications of results where hand-washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis's observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. Some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings. Semmelweis's practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory and Joseph Lister, acting on the French microbiologist's research, practiced and operated, using hygienic methods, with great success. In 1865, Semmelweis was committed to an asylum, where he died at age 47 after being beaten by the guards, only 14 days after he was committed.

    Semmelweis demonstrated that puerperal fever (also known as childbed fever) was contagious and that this incidence could drastically be reduced by appropriate hand washing by medical care-givers. He made this discovery in 1847 while working in the Maternity Department of the Vienna Lying-in Hospital. His failure to convince his fellow doctors led to a tragic conclusion. However, he was ultimately vindicated. While employed as assistant to the professor of the maternity clinic at the Vienna General Hospital in Austria in 1847, Semmelweis introduced hand washing with chlorinated lime solutions for interns who had performed autopsies. This immediately reduced the incidence of fatal puerperal fever from about 10% (range 5–30%) to about 1–2%. At the time, diseases were attributed to many different and unrelated causes. Each case was considered unique, just as a human person is unique. Semmelweis's hypothesis, that there was only one cause, that all that mattered was cleanliness, was extreme at the time, and was largely ignored, rejected, or ridiculed. He was dismissed from the hospital for political reasons and harassed by the medical community in Vienna, being eventually forced to move to Budapest.

    Semmelweis was outraged by the indifference of the medical profession and began writing open and increasingly angry letters to prominent European obstetricians, at times denouncing them as irresponsible murderers. His contemporaries, including his wife, believed he was losing his mind, and in 1865 he was committed to an asylum. In an ironic twist of fate, he died there of septicaemia only 14 days later, possibly as the result of being severely beaten by guards. Semmelweis's practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur developed the germ theory of disease, offering a theoretical explanation for Semmelweis's findings. He is considered a pioneer of antiseptic procedures.



    Many things are worth investigation

    In my experience the truly paranoid person is the person who shuts down at information for fear of the unknown/ fear of the truth

    Or plain general laziness... easier to dismiss than to investigate / don't want to take responsibility / questions dominant habits


    cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]

    Courageous persons such as Semmelweis, always questioning, refining, exploring, pioneers ... at times crucified by the very people they are trying to help "paranoid"

    Would it be paranoia to tell a child to be careful around fire?

    "Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion"

    Or would such a warning be reasonable?

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