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Posts posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. psychoactive or psycho-stimulant?

    is there a difference?

    does not a stimulant cause an activity? There is some association with Ritalin and self-harming

    Maybe it is only a matter of degree?

    Slightly unrelated

    "ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction," said Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, back in 1998 about the phony condition. Adding to this sentiment, psychiatrists Peter Breggin and Sami Timimi, both of whom oppose pathologizing the symptoms of ADHD, say that ADHD is more of a social construct than it is an objective "disorder."

    Proper nutrition will help anxiety, depression, and psychosis...



    Whenever gun crimes are perpetrated, liberals love to point the finger of blame at law-abiding gun owners, but a list of mass shooters from the past 20 years proves that they all had one thing in common – and it wasn’t the weapons used.

    Evidence shows that the common factor in nearly every mass shooting is that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been taking them at one point before committing their crimes.

    Multiple credible scientific studies going back more then a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs ( Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior. One need only Google relevant key words or phrases to see for themselves. www.ssristories.com is one popular site that has documented over 4500 “ Mainstream Media “ reported cases from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs, according to the Liberty Crier.

    Read more at http://universalfreepress.com/nearly-every-mass-shooting-has-this-one-thing-in-common-and-it-isnt-weapons/


    • Like 2

  3. Yes..I agree with you Mr Storm. But isn't appearance something?


    Most would not suggest that it's wrong to appreciate human-made music, poetry, literature, painting, sculpture, etc, or similar beautiful things in nature -- birdsong, sunshine, flowers, the Milky Way, etc...


    So why would we suggest that it's wrong to appreciate the human form?


    And if it's not wrong to appreciate the human form, is it better to appreciate the so-called "inside" of a person?


    A person can no more choose their 'original' character than their 'original' appearance.


    And if both one's outer appearance and inner character are equally a part of the person, and equally appreciable as something of wonder and beauty or of shame and disgust, I can see how some people, in the same way that people on TTB are out to develop their inner character, would like to develop their outer appearance.


    It's a shame that people can't just be happy with who they are, inside and outside, but I don't agree that one is necessarily worth more than the other.


    When all recognize beauty as beauty, ugliness is born.


    I agree in inner and outer as having equal value in natural expression


    Artificial beauty is not the person though inside or out ... like make-up... is a person make-up?


    Cosmetic surgery is just a deeper more invasive form of make-up/ deception


    Truly healthy persons don't need make-up etc... their natural light and beauty shines...from the inside out...


    the make-up is to cover up a broken body... a lazy approach... a rotten apple painted red...etc


    rather than healing the inner...they cover up the exterior


    healing is from within


    art and music are the expression of the inner world


    perhaps a persons physical appearance is also an expression of their inner world.


    Natural beauty can be natural fitness and strength too


    A person practicing physical strength, endurance etc is also practicing willpower, self determination etc


    Their physical body starts to become and expression of will-power etc ... their appearance is reflecting their inner state.





    • Like 1

  4. Excellent topic.

    One of the possibly justifiable critiques of Mindfulness is that some companies introduced it not so much for the benefits of the staff but for the company to mould a quiescent workforce.

    The theory being that Mindful employees are potentially less likely to challenge company policy.

    For example not agitating as much for improved pay or working conditions.

    I taught Mindfulness as part of my old job but within a 'Coaching and Mentoring' award route.

    That awareness of possibly negative aspects comes up in the Mindfulness literature from time to time.


    This is why I believe the concept of no-self is a state/ imperial psychological operation to make the masses more servile/ controllable/ lifeless... to more easily accept evil/ injustice and do nothing about it


    and so the psy-op of "life is suffering" became imbedded and self created ... the masses have accepted the program and go about fulfilling it... to the pleasure of their programmers.


    Robots have no-self/ accept all things... easy to program etc


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  5. To OP - when is it okay then? I think most would agree it's fine to get a cleft palate or broken nose that healed badly fixed. Orthodontics and treatment for bad acne is a change from nature too. Mostly I think natural seems best, but people can do what they want.



    Other than a broken nose/ accidents these things occur because we have moved away from nature. From my understanding within natural systems, nature only creates perfection... when we abuse the laws of nature suffering occurs...


    It isn't "life is suffering" ... as Buddhism would have you believe ... but human error/ arrogance and disrespect of the way that causes suffering?


    People don't know what they want... they have been given the illusion of choice... a selection of lies.


    From a young age many people are dis-empowered... taught to be silent and obey...and punished if they do not. Many seek the approval of the artificial system/ false authority ... they have little self-hood / personal power ...


    So they look to this false authority for acceptance/ love etc


    If the system tells them they need X to be attractive... than some will conform to this


    Say many are fixated on material possession as a from of attraction and worth ... appearance before substance




  6. The "heavenly realms" seem demonic if "gods" are using animal and human sacrifice to sustain themselves... how do you know that all these realms arn't part of the matrix..

    you'd think "buddhas" or whatever would want to sort that diabolical behavior out

    Level the playing field uno...

    Buddhas and their bliss can go to hell if they don't have the...infinite time to sort these things out

    compassion eh

    Appears Buddhists are just in some mad dash to carve out their little piece of paradise...while the rest of the world burns... speak of non-attachment but are addicted to bliss? Rather than approach the world with courage, creativity, perseverance. They accept that "life is suffering", deny the physical world and in so doing create living hell on earth... and call it enlightenment

    Earth can be a Heaven, Earth can be Bliss, I have seen it.

    There is no greater task than to bring Heaven to Earth?

    We are the gods.


  7. Thanks for the responses... I'll share what I believe... for what it is worth

    What exactly does "celestial origin" mean? God, gods, a demiurge, seraphim, nephilim... aliens?.. Higher spirituality creating lower, via higher technology?.. Lower spirituality in possession of higher technology creating us in its image and likeness?.. which is why our technological advances surpass -- nay, squash, flatten, marginalize, exterminate -- our spiritual development?..

    Humans were immortals/gods this is spoken of also in Greek mythology ... in the time of Kronus

    Zeus became jealous, humans weren't sacrificing to it... either...

    From this humans go through 3 lessenings

    Golden, Silver, Brazen...

    From immortals to mortals ...

    A conflict between gods... and as a result humans go from being gods to mortals.

    Taoism also speaks of a golden age when humans were immortals

    Have you seen Stargate?

    Parasitic creatures called ghouls possess human bodies and enslave entire worlds... they have some extra psychic ability and technological power... with this they pretend or think themselves gods

    when a civilization starts to become too advanced they wipe them out... take them back to zero, have them start over... keep them enslaved ... keep them from gaining knowledge... keep them from understanding their true origins

    There are beings far beyond these parasitic entities
    Like "the ancients" ... super advanced godlike humans... I can't recall why they don't directly interfer in these events


    another example may be the movie Gabriel ... angelic beings come to earth, take human form... to battle the forces of darkness on this planet... to set this planet free... the angels forget who they are though... fallen angels...

    The rebellion was against a false god...

    these false gods would love for us to think we evolved from bacteria or that they created us... another disempowerment

    These false gods are masters of illusions/ deception

    I think the majority of texts on this planet are a deception of some kind, to dis-empower humanity

    they don't want us to recognize our light... for them a dis-empowered human is a fuel source

    to break out of this we have to become light again... at this level it is difficult to see behind the scenes... and beyond that.

    I think it is important to understand that not everything you see/ visions/ thoughts are yours sometimes they come from others... there a many different beings I feel and many different realms... dark and light...

    technology has been created as a distraction... another dis-empowerment... the gifts are traps ...

    For example rather than humans developing telepathic abilities... they are caught in using mobile phones etc... these are like pacifiers

    I do believe in the "as above, so below" doctrine -- and the state of affairs "below" would fill me with dread as to the state of affairs "above" even if I hadn't seen it. But I have...

    haha.. agree... I am interested in what you have seen above if you will.

    it could be that there are worlds within worlds , creations within creations

    that that is only one manifestation at whatever level and not the total

    I have experienced very dark places and also divine...

    Earth is the same... angels and demons... heaven and hells on Earth

    heavens and hells within the minds of people...

    We are a species of power abusers, that's the main thing to know about us. If all of humanity wakes up to the fact, we might make it. Otherwise we will just join the ranks of millions of species that tried it on this earth and didn't make it. Not because they couldn't adapt to their environment. But because they couldn't adapt to their environment without compromising this environment. The most deadly virus does not abuse its power the way we do -- nothing kills 100% of its hosts, but we are after precisely that whenever we deal with whatever we deem as "lower" that we think is in the way of our "progress." That's the recipe for extinction, clear and precise.


    I'll post from another thread I commented in

    The human species is FINE

    It is the intraspecies predators/ psychopaths that are the problem ... some question whether they are humans to begin with... lacking humanity/ or humaneness ... anyone seen "They Live"? haha

    Wall Street is documented to have 10x higher rate of psychopaths than average population...

    Psychopaths are drawn to power... so no surprise that positions of power are infested with psychopaths

    With a Shamanic/ organic culture tradition they would be able to see the psychopaths before they took control of things...

    Probably why the psychopaths have been working ages to destroy "shamanic" cultures/ intuitive/ psychic potentials

    It is often that these psychopaths project their destructive nature onto the general populations... + they desire too a planet of psychopaths ... this is all the one god, one world, one government, one people nightmare ... all sparkling... how else would they sell it? psychopaths are renowned charmers

    The covert chemical warfare against humanity is creating mass apathy

    I was watching a dark comedy the other day... to make a long story short... the psychopath was pretending to be a doctor (maybe I should say...the doctor was pretending to be a healer..)... and to exploit the patients... who at first believed this doctor was a fraud ...were later convinced by this doctor... through psychological manipulations + false authority of "doctor" and "science/ theories... completely fraudulent/ unfounded ... convinced these people that it was indeed them who had the problem... and not the doctor... that they were delusional etc... ...and they bought it...

    As... innocence expects innocence... to be like themselves... so they believe others quite openly in the beginning...trusting... the psychopaths take advantage of this good nature...


    Our innate humanity/divinity and deep connection with Nature has been taken from us...

    even from our first breath... our little developing bodies are injected with toxic waste.

    continual "revolutions" etc destroying knowledge... witch hunts etc... pretty similar attacks as the ghouls...

    "Do not abuse power," the only law of the universe per my sources, means "or else," among other things. It's not abstract, it's the only way any unlimited power can work. If it is used in a way that damages its field of application, it runs out of a field of application. Doesn't matter if it's in one family or one galaxy, it's the only law we need to know -- and we as a species still haven't learned it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed -- till the end of time, or till the end of our time. But I'm also looking for a way out of this failed-species trap, that's what taoism is for... :glare:

    I see abuse of power for ages... I haven't seen any "or else" ... I don't think there is karma

    Karma is a trap... makes people complacent

    Makes people think... I don't have to do anything... justice will magically appear

    What if the god we are waiting for is ourselves?

    pretty effective way for evil to control persons from ever attempting to right wrongs... the Wenzi text seems pretty proactive in terms of self defense... isn't it odd that the major world religions teach people to.. turn the other cheek... to be passive... to let evil be done... to let evil occur is the righteous path... you will be rewarded in heaven hahaha...hmmm this is very suspect to me! haha

    I say trust nothing on earth or not on earth... question everything...

    If you see Christ or Buddha coming to you in the afterlife... question that devil

    In my opinion you should be a light unto yourself... nothing can save you except you...

    You have to climb that mountain on your own...

    they take you away from nature... there is power in nature... nature is part of our powerbase

    Nature is the true teacher... instincts/ intuition are the true teacher... so many ideologies/ philosophies shadowing your own divine natural intelligences

    To the point people disregard nature completely... and believe the musings of fools with degrees as ultimate truths


    Have you read the Ringing Cedars of Russia?


    hmm this is a bit wild etc I think there is something vastly more complex at play though...

    I hope to figure it out someday haha :D


  8. Hmm interesting...

    "we do it just because we can" ... yes, very frightening/ diabolic/ immature thoughts

    Hmm... so human hair a result of genetic manipulation at some point...

    or could it be that we didnt evolve in these environments...

    Hair as it is and celestial origins making more sense ... hair being receptive to cosmic energy... hair associated with wisdom and power?


  9. I become sad thinking about it.

    I once met a girl who was very pretty. She was discussing with friends breast surgery... she felt dissatisfied/ unfulfilled/ unattractive... though she was already beautiful and from my short time around them... she seemed a good person.

    I wish at the time I had told her she was beautiful as she is.

    It is this twisted society/empire mutilating these beautiful women... filling their bodies with toxic plastic

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  10. Crazy world eh?

    What will they think of next...

    Reminds me of India, a person was hit by a car but nobody went to help because "it was that persons karma to suffer that"

    This is one reason I am critical of eastern philosophies

    From what I am aware... all large religious organizations are detrimental to the development of humanity...

    As a comparison... take the 9 Noble Virtues (based on virtues found in historical Norse paganism, gleaned from various sources including the Poetic Edda (particularly the Hávamál and the Sigrdrífumál),[2] and as evident in the Icelandic Sagas)

    1. Courage
    2. Truth
    3. Honour
    4. Fidelity
    5. Discipline
    6. Hospitality
    7. Self Reliance
    8. Industriousness
    9. Perseverance

      Hard to find fault in this...

      Yet such is mostly unknown/ unheard of...

      People instead go from one system of control to another...

      "Western" people... need to find their roots again...

  11. never said my comment wasn't flawed or non judgmental - i am extremely judgmental, pretty much all the time


    good job putting words in my mouth though


    then why tell me "Why don't you embrace things exactly as they are, including everything you disagree with?" ?


    Seems hypocritical

  12. well when you are taking to your body with a scalpel (for cosmetic purposes) something isn't quite right internally? and spending $$$ ... who is benefiting from causing dissatisfaction? I can't embrace deception and exploitation of manufactured insecurities via celeb co and friends

    Neither can I see these technological "advancements" as Tao or what have you

    If these things didn't exist people would be happier... and what are they going to tell their children? When the child asks mother... why don't I look like you? well my child I felt I didn't look good enough so I cut my face up and stitched it back together... which tells the child their appearance is undesirable also ... so now the children will be thinking... I don't look good I need surgery... can't be healthy in my view

    you seem to think my comment is a flaw... hence your comment... so... ?

    there is no such thing as non-judgment ... that is self deception

  13. You don't wait if your resourceful... chinese have been going without credit for quite a long time to buy a house or business location. From what I gather, it is more often a 'group' purchase; some might think it is akin to investors lending you money.


    But as in many things east vs west, it would never work here as we don't have the social and familial structure to encourage it.


    In the end, one would have to evaluate if civilization was better or not... and that seems a arguable outcome too.


    In this light, it seems we get the civilization we built from the ground up...


    The west wasn't always controlled by psychopathic religious banks


    There are a number working to find their roots again, build communities etc


    How can you have world peace when people hold the below as their ultimate aims?


    secret societies like the freemasons etc pursue the below aims also... many branches (eso and exo)... same tree... this is the conspiracy of 2000+ years...


    Deuteronomy 15:6 For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.


    Daniel 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.


    Psalm 2:8 KJV Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.


    Psalm 2:9 KJV Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.


    Isaiah 49:23 KJV And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.


    Deuteronomy 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.




    Now Vmarco will say this is ^^^ Theist.... this thinking doesn't have to be theist .... the theism could just be a cover...


    Vmarco are you aware of the 200++ odd million killed by atheist communism....and atheist capitalism?


    Those theist religions you speak of... that "god" is evidently demonic... just because they say god people think a virtuous divinity... doesn't make it so... some people worship evil and call it god... for example


    The atheist use the theist to do their devilish deeds in the name of "god" they have people in hypnosis and thoughts of eternal hell fires... vast amounts of lies are told to the theists to get them to fight for the GOOD... the theist being generally innocent as above believe the lies of their atheist governments...


    For example... I remember Sarah Palin? She changed the symbols she was wearing to gain the trust of those people... which side she is actually working for who knows...







  14. LOL first person I have seen in support of usury = slavery...

    The human species is FINE

    It is the intraspecies predators/ psychopaths that are the problem ... some question whether they are humans to begin with... lacking humanity/ or humaneness ... anyone seen "They Live"? haha

    Wall Street is documented to have 10x higher rate of psychopaths than average population...

    Psychopaths are drawn to power... so no surprise that positions of power are infested with psychopaths

    With a Shamanic/ organic culture tradition they would be able to see the psychopaths before they took control of things...

    Probably why the psychopaths have been working ages to destroy "shamanic" cultures/ intuitive/ psychic potentials

    It is often that these psychopaths project their destructive nature onto the general populations... + they desire too a planet of psychopaths ... this is all the one god, one world, one government, one people nightmare ... all sparkling... how else would they sell it? psychopaths are renowned charmers

    The covert chemical warfare against humanity is creating mass apathy

    I was watching a dark comedy the other day... to make a long story short... the psychopath was pretending to be a doctor (maybe I should say...the doctor was pretending to be a healer..)... and to exploit the patients... who at first believed this doctor was a fraud ...were later convinced by this doctor... through psychological manipulations + false authority of "doctor" and "science/ theories... completely fraudulent/ unfounded ... convinced these people that it was indeed them who had the problem... and not the doctor... that they were delusional etc... ...and they bought it...

    As... innocence expects innocence... to be like themselves... so they believe others quite openly in the beginning...trusting... the psychopaths take advantage of this good nature...

    Understanding the true nature of the banking system is vital to world peace and true prosperity...of the spirit + organic cultures