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Posts posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Re:


    materialize and dematerialize at will?



    Well,,, be careful. I am tossing you some gems, but that is maybe just a rock you are asking about.


    The most accomodating and generous way to look at that is to admit, yes, something like the direction of that is possible, but I am writing about much more and much better than that in terms of development.


    Maybe more like (but still not really accurate): Live and die at will. Much bigger issue. Much more important.


    Or even: Know what "will" is. Even bigger.


    So, these I start to describe are the "ways of coming and going" in the largest possible meaning.




    You can't deny it and then say "yes something like that is possible"... I'd say if you have the ability to de and re materialize you'd probably have control over your life and death...know what will is etc


    To achieve such I think you would need a good understanding of will + thought


    I agree with most everything else you have said

  2. Dualism again < sigh>


    some experiences are not meant to have a scientific and rational. hard reality proof.


    Grabbing them by the throat and shaking them and demanding that they conform to consensus reality is missing the point.


    I had GF a while back that was a 'UFO girl' ... the only time I saw really weird UFO stuff was with her ... the same with other people as well, one time I laughed because a mutual friend was freaking because of she saw a UFO chasing a plane as it was landing at the airport and then vanished, when she was with her ... but curiously enough, the next days newspapers reported others had seen it and Sydney airport picked it up on radar ... then it vanished.


    I am more interested in that dynamic, than any 'real craft' or not side of things.


    Of course it wasnt a real craft ..... but that doesnt mean it cant be seen or detected by radar ;)


    UFO girl was a very interesting phenomena ... she could 'do' other interesting stuff too, but often didnt realise it.


    That reminds me of something in the movie

    FairyTale: A True Story (1997)


    Hmm basically... being in certain persons energy field can change/ open perception further.


    Or that energy field was allowing the unseen to be seen


  3. fasting/ fresh fruit + distilled water

    removing all inorganic material from the body

    4ish liters of distilled water a day ... days of only one fruit ...mangoes

    a week of mangoes and oranges + distilled water = tangible connection to the environment... feeling very light, mild bliss throughout.... clarity

    If continued over 6 months... a year or 2 ... + over coming self limitation/ what one thinks is possible... who knows... that is the plan for 2015.

    people for one question being able to live on mangoes for a week...and so on...

    many say they lack the discipline, I find it more than enjoyable though

    The accounts of the Immortals I have read is 90% diet related and that diet becoming lighter and lighter... and so the body also becomes lighter and lighter... energetics

    If people changed their diet it might save them 20 odd years of meditation or advance it 10x

    people meditating for years to find peace... but are at constant war with their own bodies... love your body, nourish your cells and it will love you back :)

    25 years of age, work in progress :)


    What are you findings?

  4. Well I trust that you are speaking the truth when you say "I've witnessed pretty hardcore proof of ghosts, I've moved small objects across a table with no physical contact" etc... I have no reason to doubt you.

    What you have shared doesn't gain you anything really?

    These are mostly anonymous accounts? the only thing gained is sharing of experiences... from that we may learn something new.

    If we all decided "The way we perceive things is very limited, and open to interpretation/distortion. It's important to not let yourself get carried away and add to the distractions, if your goal is finding inner peace."

    There would be no forum... rocks have inner peace

    What is your purpose of being here? to tell people that their experiences aren't real? seems like a waste of time to me.

  5. Yeh such discussion is outside the realm of many even on a Taoist forum...

    It can't be imagined/ felt by them

    I don't know of anyone teaching it.

    My own is based on intuition + finding texts like the above and experimenting/experience

    I was looking for some confirmation in that 10'000 suns thread, in that I talk about Greek, Celtic and Norse examples that seem to indicate similar to the Japanese + Chinese accounts.

    An example

    Iliad V. 364–382[2]

    Blood follow'd, but immortal; ichor pure,
    Such as the blest inhabitants of heav'n
    May bleed, nectareous; for the Gods eat not
    Man's food, nor slake as he with sable wine
    Their thirst, thence bloodless and from death exempt.

  6. I agree, I mean more refined chi...not as dense so the body becomes more heavenly?

    I am seriously interested.

    Re unicorn:


    The Japanese likewise practiced various dietary abstentions: nikudachi from meat, shiodachi from salt, kokudachi for abstention from the Five Cereals and hidachi or from cooked food (Blacker 1999). Japan’s famous sages, such as Ryosan retired to Mt. Kimpu eating only leaves, or Yosho who diminished his intake to a single grain of millet and then ceased altogether and vanished only to be seen flying like a “unicorn or phoenix” (Blacker 1999). The Japanese have a specific practice, “tree-eating” or mokujiki, to help give up the cereals which consists of eating berries, bark or pine needles. Blacker mentions, Mokujiki Shonin, the Saint Tree-eater, which is applied to ascetics since medieval times. I have been unable to find examples in China of a similar level of cultic devotion as is found in Japan, where people pray to Koshin-sama for protection with attendant koshin cult and cult monuments (koshin-to) of veneration. These innovations seemed to have appeared in Japan in the 16th century and represent a fusion of monkey, koshin and Mountain Deity folklore into a religion rather than the social festivities of the past (Ohnuki-Tierney 1989). This may well indicate a formal religion centered on liberation from corpse-demons that evolved from an austere Daoist observance in China to a festive occasion in Japan and then finally into a folk-religion. Therefore ritual devotion can be said to be one method of ridding the Worms. The above mentioned techniques of Li Shaojun, who taught Han Wudi (141-87 BCE) the "method of worshipping the furnace and abstaining from cereals to prevent old age” (cizao gudao quelao fang) demonstrates a more devotional form though existing in China as well.

    More of my ideas regarding this: http://thetaobums.com/topic/36842-10000-suns/

  7. "Diet" is an interesting concept - but most often an incorrect one, as it assumes a "body" in an "environment" eating "food" - and all of these seen as somehow separate. For example, I've seen texts and lectures advertised that purport to define "food as chi". But in terms of the manifestation/dispersal of the universe, what is really happening is chi manifesting AS food. "Food" did not exist before chi. The body did not exist before chi nor before the environment. Food dissolves back into/as chi. The body dissolves back into the environment.


    So "diet" is the way the environment (chi) is manifesting and dispering as "body". What we call "food" is a physical crystalization of the environment as "taken in by" (becoming) the body - but can also mean less dense energy than physicalized food - the whole spectrum, actually.


    The basics for understanding this is I Ching, yin/yang, 5 phases, and actual living experience.


    Thus that "diet" becomes an understanding of the ways that the overall environment is manifesting as the body, and the ways the body is dispersing back into the environment in every expression it therefore makes. These are nothing but the movements of yin/yang and the condensation/dispersal of chi.




    Hm, ya


    So... technically one could live on Chi? cut out the middleman so to say? Is Chi different to Sunlight/. Cosmic/ Radiant energy? Then you fly away like a unicorn?

  8. As for the reductionist black and white thinking behind the "good/positive/divine vs bad/negative/demonic" mindset, well its extremely inaccurate and does Nature herself no justice.


    Are Mosquitos 'Evil'? They are parasitic! If we destroyed them as christians suggest we do with evil, it will in turn destroy the populations of frogs they feed.


    What about Wolves? Well they sometimes attack and kill things or even people {oh the horror!} but what about how they nurture and raise their little wolflings? Are they Evil, or Good, or part evil part good, or is it about time we do away with such stupid descriptions?


    Are all parasitic spirits always bad? Are they always 'taking energy' from you in a forceful way?

    How do you know your not walking around generating/pumping out certain flavours, and they may just happen to like those flavours?

    If you do go with always bad for that one, then what about your friends? Humans who like and are nourished by the energy flavours you give off?

    Vampirising {forcefully} life force is another tricky issue. There are times when that skill can be used for healing, or to calm someone down who is in a state of excess...


    What about the worse ones? Spirits of breakdown and decay? Isn't decay and rot a very important function in nature? what would happen if all the bodies would no longer break down?




    Nature is Nature


    As with my examples before though... is raining down agent orange Natural? is creating GMO crops that cause organ damage/ cancer natural? you can't see these things as good or bad?


    If there is no good or bad/ right or wrong answer why even bother having this discussion with me?


    Maybe I could say working with Nature/ Tao is Light/awareness and working against is darkness/ ignorance


    I also believe Nature has transcendental aspects/ realms


    "Angels" and "demons" are present in human form, other and within the mind... as is heaven and hell and everything in between... I know of people who live in hell and I know of people who live in heaven...


    I know of people who attract demon like creatures and others who attract divine... like attracts like perhaps? a law of correspondence ... criminals become friends with criminals etc generally vampires attract vampires etc


    For others the criminal worlds are basically non-existent ...like another world... maybe you could call it parallel realities?


    Again I don't see these things as a duality as such...


    To create beautiful things is to create beautiful things it comes from the purity of the heart and mind. Others with pure hearts and minds will be attracted to the works of pure hearts and minds.


    For me it is just about the awareness of different realms... not duality


    Like different music genres some I listen to, some I don't etc ... doesn't mean the one I don't listen to/ engage doesn't exist

  9. I see

    Light and dark would need more defining ...

    I don't believe in a duality of these things... they are different worlds that sometimes cross paths...

    Grades of light and the absence of light

    Light = life, empowerment, self generation/self perpetuating, expansion/ creativity, discipline/ high reasoning/ awareness

    Dark = death, dis-empowerment, dependency, contraction, destruction, abuse, unconscious

    Beings of Light become Suns

    Beings of death will be nothing more than parasites in constant fear of oblivion

    There is nothing to fear, there is only to understand and go beyond

    • Like 1

  10. Each to their own but I want be entertaining vampires and other beings wanting to experiment...

    Just as in nature if you attack something prepare to be attacked back.

    Nature defends itself with utmost fury.

    If you are taking somebodies life force against their will = dark side

    If you are creating self terminating gmo seeds = dark side

    If you are raining down agent orange on innocent village people = dark side etc.... no empathy, completely self absorbed

    Maybe only dark side would say there is no light... ha or light and dark is meaningless etc

    or general confusion

  11. Lth you are correct, trust yourself.

    It could be that a large part of humanity is being harvested of psychic energy there are malicious beings in many forms including human.

    Humans largely unwitting are engaging in demonic practices = consumption of animal flesh = corpse eating demon

    The demonic realms working through certain people are creating mass apathy within the human psyche... drugs ("medical" included) and even alcohol leave people open to these beings.

    With a Sattvic diet you won't be engaging in this and go beyond it

    Many here can't see/ have no intuition etc because they live tamasic lives.


    Tamas is a force which promotes darkness, dissolution, death, destruction, ignorance, sloth, and resistance.



    The Tamasic diet is characterized by the following foods: meat, fish, onions, garlic, curds, mushrooms, alcohol and any other fermented foods, including vinegar, bread, pastries and cakes. Any stale, overripe or underripe, tasteless and rotten foods are also considered Tamasic, as is tobacco, any kind of drug and any foods that have been processed, including those that are preserved in any way, canned or frozen.


    Ayurvedic practitioners believe that a person who eats primarily Tamasic foods is doing harm to both their minds and their bodies. Ayurveda teaches that such a person will lose Prana, or life energy, and will be filled with strong, dark urges such as greed or anger coupled with a lack of proper reasoning skills and a sense of inertia. Such a person is not thought to be capable of achieving the enlightenment needed to transcend the gunas.


    A Tamasic diet is thought to destroy the body's ability to fight disease, to disrupt the proper functioning of the immune system and to destructively alter the normal pathways of the brain. A variety of mental diseases are believed to be caused by Tamasic foods ruling the diet, and unhealthy habits, such as overeating, are classified in Ayurveda as being Tamasic behaviors.



    Do not explore "shadow side" you are correct about thoughts.

    Defeat the shadows... don't explore it... it is a road to the abyss

    long story short ... I thought/felt a person was possessed. A few weeks later in conversions with 3rd party this person themselves had said they felt possessed and saw spirits etc after drug usage

    This person was an energy vampire/ host for one

    The person I lived with was having nightmares associated with this person

    I also started to have strange thoughts that I knew were not my own.

    This dark creature appeared (mental vision)... I destroyed it. Person didn't come back for a long time and is now 99% no longer in our lives.

    After defeating this dark spectra and its dark thoughts you could say a burst of rainbows and light ;)

    (to everyone) You are powerful, do not turn away, do not explore the darkside ;) haha :)


    1 other short story, at a Tibetan retreat

    In the volunteer house

    1 night i was getting very strange feelings and dreams so I got up to read a book + think

    Image of black snake like swimming in shadowy waters

    My roommate got up 1/2 hour odd later... and came into the lounge room... he was into mediation etc

    I said do you feel something odd? he said yes... he was experiencing similar

    We had our own space I suppose pretty well protected.

    A couple of days later when speaking about it a woman in another room said she was "attacked" by this being and she was frozen with fear and couldn't move... she said she tried to hit the walls to get us to help her but she couldn't move and later she didn't want to wake us... because people doubt themselves (was that real etc?) ... the thing spoke to her and said "i've got you"

    Odd thing... that was during a Tibetan purification retreat... the monks there must have fkd up or not contained something...or maybe those monks are dark side... or unconscious

    This is just another example and verification that your thoughts are not always your own...

    All the best!

    • Like 1

  12. Whoever came up with those terms didn't do a very good job.

    I am psycho-active right now = mind active...

    they should have been more precise

    • psycho- dictionary.gif
    • word-forming element meaning "mind, mental; spirit, unconscious," from Greek psykho-, combining form of psykhe (see psyche).

    I suppose similar could be said for a number of words

  13. I respect other people + their culture enough to say... they have a right to exist

    You are saying Asian people are irrelevant?

    That African people are irrelevant?

    South American people are irrelevant? etc

    How do you think I would be received if I told Chinese people...you don't exist and your culture is meaningless and so will be made totally void...

    How do you think I would be received if I told African people...you don't exist and your culture is meaningless and so will be made totally void...

    How do you think I would be received if I told Jewish people...you don't exist and your culture is meaningless and so will be made totally void...

    What world do you hope to create/ destroy? after you have destroyed all peoples and their cultures... what will be left?

    Why are you on a Taoist forum if you think "What the crying fuck is culture?"

    You say you are "pale skin and light hair" ... in other words somebody who is not from China.

    So... if you believe... that everyone is the same... and that "What the crying fuck is culture?" ... why did you go to China? ... maybe the Chinese are just "business" for you hm?

    Just as you have a right to deny a stranger entry into your home... The Chinese also have a right to deny you entry into their home, they don't owe you anything.

    You are a foreign devil hahah

  14. Preventing Cancer



    Vegetarian diets—naturally low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and replete with cancer-protective phytochemicals—help to prevent cancer. Large studies in England and Germany have shown that vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters.1-3 In the United States, studies of Seventh-Day Adventists have shown significant reductions in cancer risk among those who avoided meat.4,5 Similarly, breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in nations, such as China, that follow plant-based diets.6 Interestingly, Japanese women who follow Western-style, meat-based diets are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who follow a more traditional plant-based diet.7 Meat and dairy products contribute to many forms of cancer, including cancer of the colon, breast, ovaries, and prostate.


    Harvard studies that included tens of thousands of women and men have shown that regular meat consumption increases colon cancer risk by roughly 300 percent.8,9 High-fat diets also encourage the body’s production of estrogens, in particular, estradiol. Increased levels of this sex hormone have been linked to breast cancer. A recent report noted that the rate of breast cancer among premenopausal women who ate the most animal (but not vegetable) fat was one-third higher than that of women who ate the least animal fat.10 A separate study from Cambridge University also linked diets high in saturated fat to breast cancer.11 One study linked dairy products to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The process of breaking down the lactose (milk sugar) into galactose evidently damages the ovaries.12 Daily meat consumption triples the risk of prostate enlargement. Regular milk consumption doubles the risk and failure to consume vegetables regularly nearly quadruples the risk.13


    Vegetarians avoid the animal fat linked to cancer and get abundant fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals that help to prevent cancer. In addition, blood analysis of vegetarians reveals a higher level of “natural killer cells,” specialized white blood cells that attack cancer cells.14




    • Like 2

  15. Animal flesh consumption = low vibrational behavior


    In the Samkhya school of philosophy, tamas (Sanskrit: तमस् tamas "darkness") is one of the three gunas (or qualities), the other two being rajas (passion and activity) and sattva (purity, goodness). Tamas is the template for inertia or resistance to action. It has also been translated from Sanskrit as "indifference".


    If you consume death you become death...


    Vegetarian diets—naturally low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and replete with cancer-protective phytochemicals—help to prevent cancer. Large studies in England and Germany have shown that vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters.1-3 In the United States, studies of Seventh-Day Adventists have shown significant reductions in cancer risk among those who avoided meat.4,5 Similarly, breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in nations, such as China, that follow plant-based diets.6 Interestingly, Japanese women who follow Western-style, meat-based diets are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who follow a more traditional plant-based diet.7 Meat and dairy products contribute to many forms of cancer, including cancer of the colon, breast, ovaries, and prostate.

    Harvard studies that included tens of thousands of women and men have shown that regular meat consumption increases colon cancer risk by roughly 300 percent.8,9 High-fat diets also encourage the body’s production of estrogens, in particular, estradiol. Increased levels of this sex hormone have been linked to breast cancer. A recent report noted that the rate of breast cancer among premenopausal women who ate the most animal (but not vegetable) fat was one-third higher than that of women who ate the least animal fat.10 A separate study from Cambridge University also linked diets high in saturated fat to breast cancer.11 One study linked dairy products to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The process of breaking down the lactose (milk sugar) into galactose evidently damages the ovaries.12 Daily meat consumption triples the risk of prostate enlargement. Regular milk consumption doubles the risk and failure to consume vegetables regularly nearly quadruples the risk.13http://www.pcrm.org/health/diets/vegdiets/vegetarian-foods-powerful-for-health