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Posts posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Wondering about solutions to a lot of problems ...

    I think no income tax and no small business tax could be a silver bullet of sorts

    So I will go with Pros

    > More individual wealth = more spending = more jobs
    > More individual wealth = ability to afford good organic foods (increase in personal health) + support eco friendly practices (increase in environmental)
    > Subsidies would be removed and true values would be found (more incentive for ecological practices)
    > More individual wealth = ability for lots of small business = creativity + local jobs + industry = more sustainable
    > More individual wealth = less need to loan money from banks = more freedom, less usury

    > Ability to afford own high standards of education (if desired), education becomes less government controlled... private education creates the need to be competitive/ provide good education

    > Ability/ Choice for parents or a parent to stay at home and care for their own children + educate

    >Ability to afford your own healthcare

    >Greater incentive to work as half your wage isn't being plundered by the government + your hard labour isn't being used against you + others (funding conflict and social engineering at home and abroad)

    I think a goods tax and large business tax would be more than enough to fund infrastructure and minimal welfare stuff (the need for such I think would be dramatcially reduced if no income tax etc happened)

    A goods tax at say 5-10%... which would be voluntary ...as you decide what you do and do not buy

    and similar of large business (however that is defined - profits over 10 million? a flat tax of 10% after 10milion mark? or something)

  2. Nature is constantly trying to kill us

    We would be dead without technology


    *drops mic*


    Tech only gives you a half life ...neither dead or alive


    In Nature there is Immortality, Bliss, Divinity, Life

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  3. Avoid gluten/ grains

    Quinoa is a seed and Buckwheat is a fruit (good)... much easier on human digestion

    Yes the body neeeeds Carbs 100%%%% That is energy... the brain runs on sugars

    Govs promote no carbs because people aren't able to think properly without them (no fuel for the brain/ running on empty)

    See the BBC documentary Sugar vs Fat http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mpbt3_bbc-horizon-2014-sugar-v-fat-720p-hdtv-x264-aac-mvgroup-org_news

  4. Cultural Marxism argues that what appear as traditional cultural phenomena intrinsic to Western society, for instance the drive for individual acquisition associated with capitalism, nationalism, the nuclear family, gender roles, race and other forms of cultural identity;[1] are historically recent developments that help to justify and maintain hierarchy. Cultural Marxists use Marxist methods (historical research, the identification of economic interest, the study of the mutually conditioning relations between parts of a social order) to try to understand the complexity of power in contemporary society and to make it possible to criticise what, cultural Marxists propose, appears natural but is in fact ideological.


    Material wealth = Destroy

    Nations = Destroy

    Family = Destroy

    Gender = Destroy

    Race = Destroy

    Cultural Identity/ Traditional = Destroy




    Communism/ Marxism is a Capitalistic system funded and operated by International Banks to enslave the planet... (These are the same people who operated the slave trade... for 1000s of years... Black, White and all others (I suggest people do some in-depth research into who owned the slave ships?))


    All peoples are to be assimilated, all people are in the crosshairs,


    "Order out of Chaos"


    They create racial tensions to control you


    They understand that homogenous societies are the most peaceful and prosperous (they can't have that)


    We all need to work together in freeing ourselves from the International Banks. We all need to understand our differences, celebrate and respect each other giving each other space to thrive. In Nature all animals live in homogenous societies, it is biological and true diversity, Cultural Marxism is social engineering of the worst kind and goes against Nature. You can't be a Taoist and actively work against natural expressions. Like putting a dam in front of a river... sooner or latter that dam is going to break down and implode/explode... the dam is not "harmonous" or "one with the Tao" or whatever other nonsense.


    We are out of harmony with nature... that is the whole thing about Taoism hm? Especially this government enforced multicultural society... it is not naturally arising.


    In Aus now we have ethnic gangs popping up everywhere, Islanders Vs Aboriginals, Asians and Africans etc... this doesn't work... more and more violence because fools keep saying "everyone is the same" ... and "race doesn't matter" ... extremely disrespectful


    You are saying being African is meaningless/ worthless.


    You are saying being Asian is meaningless/ worthless.


    You are saying being Native American is meaningless/ worthless.


    You are saying being Arabian is meaningless/ worthless.


    You are saying being European is meaningless/ worthless.


    All of this is very anti - human and anti - nature


    If you want to join the borg hive mind move to the moon...everything there is the same, you'll like it




  5. The origins of racism (genocide) is Biblical/ Torah/ Old Testament ... written plain as day.

    Daniel 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    Psalm 2:8 KJV Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

    Psalm 2:9 KJV Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

    Isaiah 49:23 KJV And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

    Deuteronomy 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

    Frankfurt School = Cultural Marxism uses the charge of "racism" to commit genocide covertly... this is known as doublespeak.

    The aim of Cultural Marxism is to enslave humanity + destroy culture (Communism is a Capitalist System)

    When a people have been removed from their organic culture they are given consumerism as THE (Mono) Culture

    Take for example "Womens Rights", Rothschild Bank is quoted (laughing) as saying the entire feminist movement was created to TAX the other half of the population... more workers... "equality" = slavery... it is a LIE + now the Gov has your children from Birth til Death // The 9-5 is slavery

    Equality = BORG, 1984 etc

    Race is more than skin deep, entire biology... in the medical world it is very important to know these things...could mean life or death. I agree with Jinlian Pai ... there is spiritual aspects to this. If race is only skin why this? Jon Entine, author of Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk About It,” takes stock of the DNA London Olympics–where, as usual, African-descended athletes swept the running events while whites and Asians dominated in the water sports, field competition and strength events. What’s going on here? http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonentine/2012/08/12/the-dna-olympics-jamaicans-win-sprinting-genetic-lottery-and-why-we-should-all-care/

    Multiculturalism is Genocide = Monoculture, "diversity" is a lie.

    I am a conservationist of all life, and believe all should be able to live peacefully + preserve their own unique expressions.

    Unlike Cultural Marxism which seeks openly to destroy all culture

    For me... People and Culture are very intertwined... the culture being an expression of the people...

    The Tiger, Lion, Wolf, Bear, Ant, Slug, Butterfly, Fish etc are all important and should all have an equal right to exist without intrusion or exploitation as with all Human races. Difference should be celebrated.. not erased.

    This is Taoism after all and not Communist (Funded by Wall Street) Bums :D

    Just look at what the Communist Chinese Gov did to its own people... well "own" .... funded by International Banks...

  6. Anyone ever tried breath work on the energy centers corresponding to the Chaldean Planetary Hours?


    Almost don't want to mention it, given how powerful it is....


    In essence each hour (by location) is governed by a particular astrological body, which corresponds with a particular energy center (chakra - not sure how it relates to dantiens yet...).


    In a given energy center's planetary hour, any cultivation work performed on that center is greatly increased in intensity.


    Be warned though, it can take you to the verge of "unlimited" power - and you can really damage yourself if you are not SUPER careful and minimal (and if you play with this - DO NOT work on higher centers until the lower ones are "asking" you to).


    I won't give the actual formula I worked out - it would be reckless. :wacko:


    But with a single breath I was able to cultivate enough "power" to spiritually project anywhere and anytime I wanted to instantly (in full visual clarity) - and even make it multiple locations simultaneously.


    I'm just adding it here to make it very clear that "cultivation" is highly influenced by the energy bodies out there (if it wasn't already).







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