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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Ebola coming to the USA

  2. Ebola coming to the USA

  3. Ebola coming to the USA

  4. Ebola coming to the USA

    I would believe the 58 year stat, spent enough time in hospitals + with doctors with my grandparents (I have no faith in dr/hospitals (in general), my grandparents do unfortunately) 1 out of 10 doctors est looked somewhat healthy, as with nurses. Walking to the carpark there is a designated smoking area for staff... yeh...
  5. Ebola coming to the USA

    Well depends what year? did he look at the 1994 stats? He only used 1 year also as a sample. Over a 10-20 year time frame would be interesting. It is still ridiculous that the most "highly educated" etc etc "health professionals" only manage to get themselves an extra 2 years on average... compared to the general population... Vegetarian males on average are living 9.5 years longer than the average http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Vegetarians-have-longer-life-expectancy-than-meat-eaters-finds-study So on average you'd be better to ask a vegetarian about health than a "health professional" // Regarding life expectancy, race and averages that could be related to age of maturity. There is a correlation between age of physical maturity and life expectancy from what I understand. Females: http://www.2minutemedicine.com/pros-network-study-examines-pubertal-onset-by-raceethnic-groups-pediatrics-classics-series/ Males: Observed mean ages of beginning genital and pubic hair growth and early testicular volumes were 6 months to 2 years earlier than in past studies, depending on the characteristic and race/ethnicity. The causes and public health implications of this apparent shift in US boys to a lower age of onset for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in US boys needs further exploration.Note that African-American boys began puberty more than one full year before white boys. http://digressionality.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/earlier-male-puberty-and-racialethnic.html So similar between the girls and boys about 6 month - 1+ year difference This is a general rule Summary: Female mice from strains with lower IGF1 levels reach sexual maturity at a significantly later age. Combined with previous research showing that mouse strains with lower circulating levels of IGF1 live longer, the findings suggest a genetically regulated tradeoff: delayed reproduction but longer life. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120507154103.htm So age of maturity x (A) = general life expectancy
  6. Yes, converting people is a waste of time that is well understood. What appears to be a personal conversation / dialogue is actually a public forum in which this thread in particular has had 1067 views (so far). As per my last post "My response was to all". It may or may not change one persons perspective. Of the thousands in the city of which I was one in a brief moment I was handed information which opened my eyes instantly and from that point on my life changed for the better. I never spoke to those people, or ever had the chance to tell them how much of an impact they had on my life. But they did and I am grateful for that. For many to all (who make such a change) it is already largely part of them, it just needs to be revealed. For others there is near zero hope, some truly have no empathic capacity.
  7. I appreciate your attempts but I will not be mediated! haha My response was to all the "I don't think we should force our views upon someone else" is a typical response I wanted to address
  8. Ebola coming to the USA

    Well hospitals are generally a concentration of sickness Better chances in a grocery store + all the good fruits + veges that when eaten will give you health and vitality that will resist
  9. Ah Thanks Tibetan_Ice, wonderful and inspiring read!
  10. I guess darkness is light which doesn't understand that it is light.
  11. Sunrise, Sunset, Night.

    Good stuff Gatito, Good to see you again
  12. I believe our original nature is light and that light is consciousness, as we consume darkness though that light is hidden from us
  13. Seems like a big mistake for a Buddha, maybe that is why he paid with his life? I wouldn't disagree that this is hell for many. Enlightenment is seen as a path to freedom. Part of my reasoning is, how can we expect freedom for ourselves if we are unwilling to give it to others.
  14. Yes, very interesting stuff, I think this is somewhat the approach toward enlightenment (becoming light / immorality) Being a path from the most dense realities (+food) to the most refined. Ancient Taoist texts say that ancient man "imbibed dew" and “fed on primordial breath + drank harmony” I am not saying that plants do not feel or have no consciousness either, I think everything is consciousness ultimately. I personally dislike having to cut trees down / remove plants (I had to do that when I was in landscape , I also got to plant trees/ gardens too) ... it is difficult to live in this world though and not cause harm. I hope to one day live from dew and primordial breath ... one step at a time... ~~~ Sorry I got you and Tibetan Ice mixed up
  15. I have had more reasonable discussions with toddlers. Here is an example of such. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJNntUXyWvw
  16. Enlightened movies

    Saw it recently, recommended. Personally don't subscribe to the Darwinian theory of evolution but the other stuff is cool
  17. Ebola coming to the USA

    Vending machines selling soft drink, chocolate, chips ... In a hospital ... and folks wonder why... - Avoid like the plague, haha
  18. Ebola coming to the USA

    Here is a fun fact I came across yesterday from a 1994? study. Average American lifespan = 75.5 years Average lifespan of an American doctor = 58 Yeh... Who do you trust? haha
  19. Ebola coming to the USA

    I was waiting in a hospital with my grandparents and was witness to what seemed a very sick person coughing (into their hands), sneezing, blowing their noise in front of a vending machine, continuing to use that vending machine immediately after coughing up their guts all over their hands... pressing the buttons etc... 0_0, started looking around for hospital staff to intervene or to sterilize the machine after... nothing. Grubs. Not to mention other things they have come into contact with I wasn't witness to. Stay away from those places haha. LOL ^ in other words, it is highly transmissible.
  20. http://www.eco-friendly-africa-travel.com/longevity-diet.html#
  21. The Longevity Diet: Secrets to living a healthy and long-lasting life

    Haha, vast misrepresentation of that article. Thanks for taking the time to read though
  22. ah, that one again... plants scream, so I kill cows...or something? Plants scream so I participate in the enslavement of billions? I could cause significantly less harm but I won't. As before 50% ish of the food I eat is fruits (which are given by plants) Working toward causing as less harm as possible. Seems natural and enjoyable.
  23. Ah, ok - not Krishna Krishna... haha My mistake Why take the name Krishna and then promote eating animal flesh, seems disingenuous/ deceptive/ corruption It would be like calling yourself Jesus Christ and then practicing Usury, ha Maybe change the name to Corpse Eating Demon? Less room for error that way