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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    There is no such thing as no faith. Every breath you take is faith
  2. Sex

    What do believe it's origins to be? As you say the Greeks, Pagan at that time understood these things... so what changed in the ancient world?
  3. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    Moses may have been able to but not his followers You forget Matthew 14: 28-33? 28 Peter said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” 29 And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. 33 And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!” Peter was at first able, though lacked faith... so it is possible for anyone to walk on water (unlikely however, especially in such extreme circumstances re crossing of the red sea)
  4. Documentry blowing my mind up atm

    Doctor is in no way a "spirit guide" ... opposite of that. (minor point though)
  5. Documentry blowing my mind up atm

    Commendable stuff JinlianPai, questioning all Ignore the either conscious or unconscious agents of the system
  6. Sex

    Many of these things I don't see as "dual-ity" / in opposition Infra and Ultra are both light Low and High are both Frequency Pressure is Pressure Time and Space are the same thing Hot and Cold are both temperatures .,, Father and Mother are both Creative I don't see duality here
  7. Sex

    Ah yes Lilith Patriarchy is also a misleading term, doesn't get to the root cause of things. Judaism is the root of Patriarchy, if people were being honest every time you see "Patriarchy" it would read Judaism.
  8. Documentry blowing my mind up atm

    Greek, Pharmacia (Pharmacy) = Sorcery
  9. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    Nice bias. "moderation" hm? Things are pretty confusing now, responses not lining up etc. Couldn't have messed things up any better
  10. YA!!!! get that buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz going :D
  11. Sex

    Wouldn't this be too literal? As in breasts = "feminine" energy? Compassion say, having no relation to gender... Who is to say also that it wasn't women that created the "patriarchy"? As per Silent Answers Why is it not that a women becomes muscular or develops a penis when becoming more "feminine" ( as you said "Masculine energy is contractive, whereas feminine energy expansive. IMO, more males experience feminine energy than females.") Doesn't make much sense to me. I think such expressions/ artistic explanations are limited.
  12. Sex

    Re Maitreya, is sex to be taken so literally? Ascribing gender to emotional states I think is misleading/ misconception To say for example that love is purely a feminine expression. Or that aggression is purely a masculine expression. As love (in all its forms) and aggression (in all its forms) find themselves in both genders?
  13. Philosophical Leanings

    Curious is all, multiple choices available and anonymous I hope I have covered most things, no particular order
  14. Philosophical Leanings

    I have an interest in Zoroastrianism, didn't vote that way however. I wonder who the other is. I frequent a blog called Orthodox Zoroastrianism, it is very good.
  15. how to love unconditionally

    Are all animals included in this love unconditional? Or is it conditional, humans only thing?
  16. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    I won't be creating any more such threads in the near future (6 months), beyond that I am unsure
  17. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    Three Treasures (Taoism) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Treasures_%28Taoism%29
  18. At the moment Breakfast bananas + oranges 10+ of any combination Lunch bananas + oranges 10+ of any combination Dinner Quinoa, Buckwheat, Lentils as a primary (in different combinations or singular) / potatoes with an avocado occasionally +/ greens +/ pine nuts Maybe a few herbs throughout the day in small amounts
  19. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    That was funny Green Tiger, Cheers
  20. *Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

    These are different aspects and approaches to the lifestyle. Emotional, Scientific + Comedic (which appeal to different people) Otherwise why not condense all Taoist or Buddhist threads into one? Information about these philosophies crosses over frequently (Vegetarianism/Veganism is also part of Taoist and Buddhist thought + many other spiritual practices)