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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Spooky Coincidence !

    haha ^ :/
  2. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    I don't advocate "high-protein drinks and vitamin and mineral supplements" But the general idea is good high performance vehicle requires high performance fuels Maybe there are better examples
  3. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    Buddha messed up hahah For all the claims you'd think he would have picked that up... has 10s of millions of people bowing at plastic statues. If you are happy with half ok people guiding you through life that is your choice Bruce Lee may be a good example of body + mind If you want to eat pizza, eat pizza... etc I am just saying it isn't ideal/ optimal Would you water a plant with coke or rain water? Would the plant who chooses rain water be making a better choice than a plant who chooses coke. Based on that alone would you choose to learn from the plant who chooses to drink rain water (ideal to its nature) or the plant that drinks coke (destructive to its nature)
  4. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    Those Buddhists look and talk like death, the pizza part isn't surprising So many "masters" who look like death, overweight, smoke etc I don't go to doctors... but if I did I wouldn't go to one that looked like death for health advise. For me physical health. robustness/. strength, youthfulness are all part of attainment ... "Masters" having heart failure... something is missing... in my reasoning... haha... they arn't even intune with their own bodies... how can I expect them to be intune with greater aspects of consciousness. You'll have to demonstrate my errors otherwise how I am to learn through simple accusations. I am enjoying this discussion too, I don't find your thoughts rude at all. What you are kinda saying is that immature people have attained some level of super-natural ability and waste it in coffee shops pulling pranks? and that's "one of the big lessons" ?
  5. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    I don't doubt such is possible
  6. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    what rigid preconceptions do you mean? I wouldn't mix convention and meta ... I think they are the same If this was a joke of his then ok. And trickster = being deceptive there may or may not be value in that So he either drinks coffee and doesn't have "so much energy" or he was pretending to drink coffee... to? have a laugh? because people of such ability can only find amusement in tormenting people in a coffee shop. supernatural trolls
  7. Cats + Humans

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNf0RlzJAzc haha
  8. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    Hm Pretty cooooooll.. Pretty funny though... why is a student of high degree in a coffee shop? If his energy is "so much, etc" ... why the need for a stimulant... seems like a contradiction... salt, spices, coffee, alcohol etc all stimulants that suppress and destabilize natural energy rise and flow I'd question peoples attainment who can't resist stimulants. Any "master" on these things I'd walk away from personally.
  9. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    Ahaha! cool I really liked the opening scenes of the 1st Hobbit too I was born in the year of the dragon, does that help?
  10. Someone attained Golden Dragon Body

    Is this described in Taoist texts?
  11. Daoist Diet - Meal Suggestions?

  12. Cats + Humans

    You could ask one? haha
  13. Fourth state of consciousness

    <p>it isn't that there is no-self/ no doing ... I don't believe... it is just that the awareness is so... that only the action seems apparent.<br /> <br /> And who is experiencing "no self" to say that it is no self... to me this is ridiculous and is either severely lacking in reasoning capacity or is an intentionally deceptive teaching to dis-empower.<br /> <br /> Sometimes when I paint ... you could say I am not there... but I am there at another level without clouds of thoughts or thinking I am.. in that moment I am creating ... I am still present<br /> <br /> Some call this being "in the zone" "in the flow" etc ?<br /> <br /> So we are pure awareness, but we put limitations on our pure awareness to the degree that it is unable to express itself most fully.<br /> <br /> Like a raging river that something has put a dam against and now only a trickle of water escapes... and people think they are that trickle of water completely identifying with that ... when the damn breaks and they experience themselves as the raging river... they have no foundation/ position to see this as themselves.../ overwhelmed by the experience... making illogical statement such as "no self" and going back to the beginning... or less.<br /> <br /> Having access to these levels of consciousness and doing nothing with it. While their country is in abject poverty.<br /> <br /> Even if reality is a dream... why not make it a beautiful dream?<br /> <br /> Then you have someone like Nikola Tesla who is perhaps what a real sage is.<br /> <br /> Uniting Heaven and Earth and attempting to create technologies that would free the world.<br /> <br /> Much more creative... compared to sitting in rags telling people they don't exist (to me this appears to be some demonic (anti-life(creativity) mind**** game) opposite of creativity...<br /> <br /> embracing self annihilation, teaching self annihilation and around them creating deserts.. as something "spiritual" ... for me this is the very opposite of spiritual.<br /> <br /> Spirituality I would define as creativity ... gaining access to such states is to allow greater creativity to flow and to create wonderful worlds.<br /> <br /> When did spirituality get mixed up with nihilism? <br /> </p>
  14. What are you listening to?

    Enjoy, with 1000 blessings
  15. 555554 Total Posts

    555554 Total Posts @ 03:48 555555 Total Posts @ 03:49 on the 11/11/2014 by z00se 4141 Total Members theseeker4 Newest Member 377 Most Online
  16. 555554 Total Posts

  17. 555554 Total Posts

    it appears the http://thetaobums.com/topic/36862-spooky-coincidence/ and this thread are converging
  18. Western medicine - what doesn't it know about energy?

    I agree, something that has been lost worldwide (generally)... and at multiple levels / Self determination, self responsibility, self sufficiency = freedom Oh... but "there is no self" ....ummm ~ haha We weren't soo... compartmentalized.... centralized... isolated tasks like robots... (unknowing) An adult would have been many things: father/mother, farmer, builder, warrior, poet, mystic, healer etc All the power was within the family/ community governments/ corps/ institutions basically obsolete... or voluntary community ... in matters close to home and not half a planet away... meddling in other peoples lives/ cultures etc. Unfortunately these Globalist/ Universalist ideologies will not cease until the whole world is centralized and under their jurisdiction and supreme understanding... or whatever they believe gives them the right to torment the planet as a whole. One true God became One true Government, One true $cience and One World... etc... all must yield! resistance is futile! love is all there is... hahah Utopia awaits! Can't you feel the democrazy? // ^ Womens liberation. ^ Equality ^ Culture + Freedom // Enjoy the medicine...
  19. Cats + Humans

  20. 555554 Total Posts

    Sooo.... Hmmm.... There is no such thing as random?
  21. Spooky Coincidence !

    I think the Universe/ Nature is in constant communication with us, differences are in peoples ability to recognize/ understand this communication. The quicker we are to engage this dialogue the faster we move forward. I think we are being pulling forward too rather than moving forward as such... Rather than A to B ... it is C calling to B to become C and so on Within the Oak seed is the entire blueprint for the Oak Tree/ it's fullest expression is within the seed? Just with navigating the roads in this realm if you aren't watching the signs you are going to get lost... until you start reading the signs