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Posts posted by yesyesyes

  1. Yes 99.999% who think they have empty force don't it's just delusion.


    Those video's are probably just that.


    Here is a real demo of John Chang's student Jim passing his level 2b exam.



    trying do prove that tenaga dalam dont exist by showing another tenaga dalam video dont work .. dont you think so?? hehe

    Jony is Javanese guy and he is training exactly what i said TENAGA DALAM or internal arts in bahasa indonesia..

  2. Lin kong jin is fake, no contact fighting doesn't exist, and has nothing to do with internal martial arts.


    Look whos talking:" the guy with an immortal4 life handle..... hehehe dude go home and study mcdonnalds meditation.. you wont learn anything by watching youtube videos.. and just fyi the system i practice is one and same as mopai.. though different name and school and both come from Java/ Indonesia.. though not originaly they were yogic techniques same as qigong..