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Posts posted by zenstillempty

  1. when everything is perceived in their actual state, the six or eight consciousnesses transform into the five wisdoms/awareness.


    But don't you have to go one step further in Buddhism/Advaita? To the fundamental nature. And that's wisdom.


    Consider the following public knowledge at meditationexpert.com


    Consciousness vs. Awareness

    "In fact, the highest secret of the Zen school of Buddhism is that our consciousness and then even awareness are not the ultimate, fundamental “host” or “Self.” Consciousness and awareness are still a “guest,” they are still a function of the Absolute nature. ... The realm of consciousness is only a projection of the original nature."


    Before the appearance of objects we still have awareness, but it is empty. Awareness when it touches objects becomes consciousness. So awareness without objects is the aprior state before consciousness and is the ground state that “supports” consciousness. Awareness is always empty in a not-knowing state. It just shines or illuminates. That’s called effulgence, which means radiance, brightness, illumination or shining.


    Without touching objects, awareness just remains in its own body and shines, it be-s itself, it just is. That’s “presence” or being. That’s also self-effulgence so effulgence is the nature of awareness. It’s like a great bodyless body of not-knowing knowing. You cannot identify it as either existence or non-existence, as either real or not real because it transcends all these descriptions. It is without these two attributes because that is its purity. Awareness is an ever shining function of our real ultimate essence of being. It allows us to know and understand because it allows us to be aware of consciousness - all the moving stuff.


    Mind is a pattern of consciousness which is born from awareness which is in turn a function of our original nature. At least that’s the explanation of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, which have had thousands of years to work out robust definitions and explanations."



    PS Seems like you put your finger right on it. Good job SereneBlue!>

  2. I think Humans have this misconception about Freedom.


    Humanity must understand one thing.


    Humans are like ants compared to the zillions of multi-dimensional beings out there and there is nothing to prevent other multi-dimensional beings from abusing us and taking away our freedoms in a moment's notice.


    So if a Human ever wants complete freedom, he must evolve himself to the point that not even other multi-dimensional beings can ever touch him again.


    Othewise no amount of laws permitting your freedom will ever allow you to have complete freedom and control of your life.


    Therefore allow you to make me your slave? Wrong conclusion.


    Therefore we should try to create as much freedom for ourselves as possible.

  3. This topic isn't about freedom.


    It is about creating a world without any sexual desires.


    If we all live in this world without any sexual desires or any desires to indulge in our senses through food or entertainment, humanity would want to evolve to become gods within one year.


    Your don't own your sexual desires btw.


    It is the gods who create and own the sexual and other desires in you.


    For me :) this thread is about "creating a world", therefore it is about creating freedom.


    "Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom." -- Zen Master D.T. Suzuki


    And the Gods will agree with me. God doesn't own me. In fact that's why he created me; to be myself. That's freedom. Thank God God knows that.

    • Like 1

  4. Is it an "Evil" thingy to want to create a World without Sexual Desires?


    Do you think that a World without Sexual Desires is better than a World with Sexual Desires?


    In what way would Humanity evolve without Sexual Desires?

    Yes. You should want to create a free world. And that means a big tent that you personally may not always like.


    It is not wrong to create a personal life without sexual desire. That's freedom.

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  5. People who try to control the way others look is CRAZY. It's blaming someone else for the sexual thoughts that are IN YOUR OWN HEAD :angry: This is like radical Muslims who want to punish women because they (the Imams and other men) are horny. Sexual thoughts and feelings happen naturally and we have to deal with them (act on them, ignore them, laugh at them, whatever).


    Also, for regular US Americans, remember what the PUA gurus teach us -- "Don't put the pussy on a pedestal". Just ignore that shit, cuz they're only doing it to get a rise out of you. People act all crazy, like hot girls got gold down there or something. Everybody needs to chill. :lol:


    There is gold down there (Golden elixir ;)). There are whole chinese alchemical yogas for drinking in this energy(which can be done from afar). The idea is to realize we are staring at what God thought was a beautiful creation to be loved, enjoyed and supported in pursuit of nirvana. This is God's IDEA we are staring at. As long as private parts are covered (bikini basically) its all good and human freedom. You like freedom right?


    Believe it or not God designed woman purposely to have boobs that bounce. The idea is to get used to it so that you no longer react. It's easy. Just watch this :) And drink in the energy ... chillllllll

  6. Hi, well the biological psychologists have an operational definition of consciousness as "synonymous with attention". And the next question is attending to what? A person, in order to be conscious, has to be able to

    1. perceive the world,

    2. their bodily self, and also

    3. the flow of their own mental content.


    So if you are attending to one of those three, or aware of it you are conscious of that stimulus and if not you are not, you are not conscious of that stimulus.


    So now you just have to decide where to direct your "flashlight of consciousness." :)

  7. Interesting SereneBlue. I saw some similarities from reading the Wiki page. But there would be a lot of new, Hindu terms I would have to learn, and that's what I'm trying to avoid. Fewer words the better. I'm into it specifically as my singular religion and not for comparative religions/philosophy studies. If I have any questions I ask my teacher. Of course I could spend 40 years trying to comprehend the whole of Chinese Zen Buddhism. That's why I describe what I've learned as basic Zen.




    14. This Chinese Zen sect is called Bailin Temple Zen. The current Abbot and Grand Master is Jing Hui. He personally taught my teacher over a 20 year period and she received Inka directly from him. He studied under the famous Chinese Zen Master Hsu Yun for many years and received full transmission from him in the ZhaoZhou lineage style. Zen Master Jing Hui currently teaches a summer seminar every year at Bailin Temple with about 1000 students, mostly Chinese. So he is keeping this religious Zen sect alive.


    Zen Master Jing Hui, Abbot of the Chinese Zen Buddhist Bailin Temple, and other Buddhist leaders in China, often state that only those who have taken guiyi (conversion ceremony) can be considered true Zen Buddhists. The Bailin Temple has functioned as the center of Buddhist revivals in Hebei Province. It is where my Zen Master was a disciple of, and formally trained by, Zen Master and Abbot Jing Hui, receiving the transmission of the ZhaoZhou lineage and Lin Chi.



    15. By the end of 1987, the whole Province of Hebei had only two Buddhist temples open for religious services; their shabby halls and tatty living quarters were in desperate need of renovation, but the small income from devotees and tourism was not enough even to support the daily life of the few ailing monks who tended the temples.


    In the whole province, no more than 4,000 lay Buddhist believers had taken guiyi (Chan 1989-1), the formal rite of conversion. From that point on however, Buddhist growth in Hebei has been nothing but extraordinary.


    For example, within two days in May 1988, 461 people in the county of Renxian in Southern Hebei took guiyi rite under the Venerable Jing Hui (Chan 1990-4). On 8 January 1995, over a thousand people took the rite at the Bailin Temple (Chan 1995-2).



    16. The famous Zen Master Hsu Xun received transmissions from both the North School of Zen and the South School of Zen. Thus he was the modern, transmission holder of both Zen Master Chao-chou and the House of Lin-chi. Zen master Lin-chi received transmission from Zen Master Huang-po who received transmission from a long line going back to Zen Master Hui Neng, the sixth patriarch of Chinese Zen.


    Zen Master Hui Neng received transmission from a long line going back to Zen Master Bodhidharma. Master Bodhidharma received transmission via a long line leading directly back to Zen Master Matyakasyapa, who received transmission directly from the first Zen Master, the Buddha.


    For those so interested, there is a modern disciple of Grand Master and Abbot Jing Hui of Bailin Temple who actively is teaching and has reading material. Chan Master Ming Qing (Daniel Odier) received in China the transmission of the lineage of Zhaozhou by the Master Jing Hui, successor of Xu Yun considered as the largest Chan Master of China of the XXth century. Xu Yun was holder of all the five lineages of Chan. http://www.zhaozhou-chan.com/ENGLISH/entree_e.html

  8. Hello. In Bailin Temple Zen we say it's best to start at the beginning. When the judging is done, judge never again. Feel the difference between harmful and not, and then feel no more. What's the point? Then do as Chinese Zen Master Hui-neng taught:

    Those who train themselves in Zen should be indifferent to others faults and abilities, negatives and positives, for such an attitude manifests the emotional imperturbability of the empty, selfless, natural mind nature (Samadhi). Those who train themselves for this emotional imperturbability should, in their contact with all situations, emotionally ignore the positives and negatives of it.


    As soon as you open your mouth or mind and emotionally identify negatives or positives, you have deviated from the Dao of Zen. When you become emotionally attached to outer objects, your essential mind nature becomes agitated. When you are emotionally detached to outer objects, the inner peace of your natural mind nature (Samadhi) remains. The reason why we become emotionally perturbed is because we allow ourselves to be carried away and then emotionally attached to the circumstances we are in.

    -- Zen Master Hui-neng