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Everything posted by oildrops

  1. Haiku Chain

    by your testicles I meant huevos rancheros with christmas salsa
  2. Help! Ive fallen and I can't get up.

    this needs to be printed on a teabag,
  3. Water fasting

    I started getting a cold a few days ago, and decided to just not eat for a couple of days. I've been drinking water with lemon, some vitamin water, and tea. I have done juice fasts before. I did drink a lot of beer and eat a lot of pizza the night before, and surprisingly had an easy day of fasting. I'll probably eat some fruit tonight and then breakfast in the morning, as I have a long day tomorrow. This has gotten me into the mindset again though, and I may do a week long water fast soon.
  4. Haiku Chain

    white mustache and all I still would not kick her out but she can't kiss me
  5. ...

    Hah! You cook and eat exactly the same as me! I have been trying to keep the fire low, so I've temporarily eliminated garlic, onions, and peppers. I've never done this, so I am keeping track of how I feel without all the garlic I'm used to. Also, I have been adding minimal spices to my food, and eating a ton of oils. (fish, olive, hemp, flax seed). I had a beer and steak craving last night that I entertained with an organic t-bone and local lager. I was too horny to fall asleep right away, and had some crazy dreams. I've noticed a difference increasing oils and eating a lot of nuts during the day, and not eating carbs for breakfast. Much less fatigue and hunger. If you have never tried adding hemp seeds to breakfast, I suggest you give it a try.
  6. Haiku Chain

    a road hyphen block better than another type you know what I mean
  7. Haiku Chain

    turns out I was wrong about most things, it turns out out turning it does
  8. Haiku Chain

    knocks you out on third like my friend in a cage fight I hope he's okay
  9. Are you saying that through those meditations, you have accessed specific memories in your body that are clearly separate from the mind?
  10. Can I make all the sounds?
  11. What if it was simple

    The book that the instructions are printed on is often many times more complex than the exercise.
  12. What is the point

    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I have gone down the existential pipe a few times before, it's not very much fun, but you will grow from it. Try doing some volunteer work if you are not getting out of the house enough.
  13. I can't explain more, that is just the idea that I have been attaching to lately. The body is a part of the soul operating in this universe. Souls, like the universes are infinitely complex and unfathomable to our mind. If we try to rationalize the soul, we won't get anywhere, we will always be stuck somewhere in the middle of an infinitely complex and simple model. No one knows what happens when we die. No one ever has, and no one ever will. I think it's okay to adopt a comfortable belief system for ourselves to feel happy if not knowing is too frightening to continue to enjoy life, but I find it interesting that the major religions have used this unknowable idea as a point of leverage to control those who need to latch onto a soul identity. What if your soul was the same soul as every other living thing in the universe? Could you let go of your individualism at that level? Would that bring peace? Just some ideas..
  14. I have been reading and connecting with the elimination of Body/Soul duality as opposed to expressing ones soul with the body.
  15. The quote first states that one archetype is representative of evolution, while another is not. It then goes on to say that evolution is a facade, while the "essence" is unchanged. I like Judo Ants interpretation/augmentation. I think that biological human psychology takes millions of years to evolve. Our instinctual behavior has not caught up with the industrial revolution, let alone the technological world we now live in. So it would make sense that our "evolved" society is actually just as primitive as it was during the dark ages, but we have complicated and institutionalized things enough to smear the lines.
  16. What is the point

    You are a human being. Contemplate that, accept it, and let it sink in. Whether you realize it or not, or whether you want to admit it or not, there is love energy in this world for you. Embrace it. Only selfishness can overshadow that. As far as being an American, you can do whatever you want here. The society is very sick, but you'll learn to create your own communities.
  17. good "energy" toys ~$50

    Does anyone know/remember the hilarious Orgonite parody video that was on youtube? I want to see it again, it was awesome.
  18. Yoga does it for me, also running gets you high once you plateau.
  19. Haiku Chain

    holding them in place the fragments of your hiccough a closet of bones
  20. I'm not seeing the photography, is there another link? How does one not express oneself creatively? Sometimes the most beautiful works of art are those that leave no impression on the world- humming a song while walking through the woods, or even just imagining a surreal landscape. Making a connection with a stranger is a creative process.
  21. Haiku Chain

    Uhhh... five more now... right? uhhuh yeah I think that's it postmodern haiku
  22. Haiku Chain

    best watch if to keep to the correct haiku form syllabic counting
  23. Haiku Chain

    only when awake.. is now a dead expression that I can dreamdance
  24. Haiku Chain

    their taking the piss pissing away their last years piss piss piss piss piss