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Everything posted by oildrops

  1. ...

    phases hazes crazesmazes
  2. Losing your virginity what was it like?

    I was really high and couldn't get it up because I was laughing too much. Then we waited a while and then it was like wooooaaaaahahhhh this is awesome! Then she broke my heart. I remember thinking it was a really important experience for a long time, but I don't see it as anything special anymore. It's not like you are a different person after. It's an action that is in the past once it's over (unless you catch something, then you have to live with it). I could still be a virgin now and I would probably be the same person. Sex is only worthwhile in a framework of trust and kindness.
  3. Focusing on a particular organ with qigong

    You are the king of reviving old threads lately! Do you have instructions for healing sounds? I have seen so many variations that I get confused. I do inner smile often, during yoga, during qigong, during small universe, on the bus, before falling asleep.
  4. Yes, asanas should be balanced with meditation to really integrate consciousness Asanas alone can help open energy channels leading to emotional and physical wellbeing, and a higher sense of physical self. Most yoga studios I have been to have a very watered down version of spirituality, because they need the fitness crowd to maintain business. Some people are over-sensitive to cultural misappropriation. Yoga=Hinduism. But now it also means a lot of things to a lot of people.
  5. Thanks for posting Drew. SFQ has been my jam for the last year or so, but I only practice once or twice a week. I get really good vibes about these two guys though. Is anyone practicing SFQ regularly and feeling results? For some reason I have a hard time keeping my mind still while doing the standing exercises.
  6. any1 know any real numerology and whatnot

    wow! I put my birthday into that site and it gave me a VERY good description of my temperament.
  7. Random Haiku Thread

    page two of random so good to be free from chains and others endings
  8. Random Haiku Thread

    skullcap, kava root green butter, valerian and a long good-night!
  9. AA

    Fear of imaginary demons causes a lot of suffering in the world.
  10. AA

    Isn't part of loving kindness meditation to give heart energy to your enemies? And wouldn't a vampire be considered an enemy? I see anyone that I feel anger toward as a vampire. Is fighting against an energy vampire giving them more energy? If someone does something to anger me the sooner I forgive and forget the less energy they get from me. If someone is taking my energy consciously, and I don't feel like I am in control of breaking the exchange, then what can be done? I have done visualizations of shields, of cutting a rope of energy, of sending off a massive surge like a shock wave, and of imploding myself through inter-dimensional planes in a sort of liquid light that disperses and disappears at the same time.
  11. Fasting for better health

    When I feel like that I make a big pot of greens with ginger and garlic, and drink kombucha and lot's of water.
  12. AA

    I would like to hear some perspectives on psychic self defense by those with experience.
  13. Controlling sexual desire

    That's a much more concise version of what I was trying to get at. Thanks.
  14. Controlling sexual desire

    What comes to mind today is the framework of intention that a practice draws from. Foundational energy vs superficial energy. A person can't come along and start taking your foundational energies- that takes a long time and involves more extreme forms of manipulation. If someone can easily absorb and benefit from your presence, you are probably expending more trying to grasp. I see most of what we cultivate as superficial, skin to be shed. What condenses and becomes our nature is what has taught us something important that then becomes wisdom. Our external energies work to facilitate these lessons, and when we cultivate, the external attracts our intent. So if you are cultivating to become a healer than you will naturally attract those who need to be healed. If you are cultivating to become a warrior, then you will attract battles, and so on. Most teachings I encounter (which are 90% healing focused) maintain that it's crucial to remain in emptiness, cultivating virtue and unconditional love.
  15. 21 day retention challenge for guys and girls

    So day 7 for me... it's usually a difficult day with restlessness, and loneliness. I have generally been abstaining one week and then getting back into watching porn for a few days and then abstaining another week. I'm trying to break that cycle for good. Every now and then I will go 2-3 weeks, where physical pain and energy stagnation starts to occur. I have upped my meditation and qigong practice, as well as physical exercise. Stretching my groin and inner legs with a butterfly and wide leg stretch helps. My head and loins are full of energy at night and I have been trying to sink into my ltd, but energy seems to circumvent my heart and disperse out of my arms when doing small universe. I am hoping that by abstinence and focusing on the LDT that I will be able to create an amount of chi that can open my heart. The last time I had this happen though it opened my third eye for a few days and I got a bit freaked out and difficult to function. I felt like I was tripping.
  16. AA

    If you don't mind, I would like to hear your experience.
  17. AA

    I'll comment in this thread my second thought to what I posted in the other thread. When I feel that someone is trying to take my energy, or that they are just low and I am there and the balance is off, I connect to nature and draw energy into myself and channel some of that into them. I do this with love intention, wanting them to gain the ability to charge themselves. Sometimes people are just negative and want attention, so I sometimes see this as an opportunity to disengage so that they get a lesson from the situation, that other people won't fix everything for them. Also, sometimes people are just lonely and need extra love. We have all been there and we will all be there again, so put some good karma on your side. In regards to your roommate situation that you mention in the other thread, I have found that when you live with other people sensitivity goes way up. It's a good situation to practice staying light.
  18. Controlling sexual desire

    I have been in this loop for the last year, I cultivate and then get discouraged by the difficulties interactions bring and then I get into bad habits to become "invisible" again. I am starting to think of it as an ego test. The more energy you get the more you start to feel like the center of the universe. Energy does want to balance out, but assuming that you have more and others have less seems like a bad way to approach it. Rather, you have a different energy, and by giving you can receive the lesson of the person. Why assume they have nothing to give you in return?
  19. Haiku Chain

    see with untaught eyes hear with willful naive ears then forgive the wrongs
  20. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    I didn't mean to dis you, if I came off as being a jerk. It was meant to be friendly teasing but I guess that can be annoying. I admire you for setting your goal at the impossible. I am also interested in ways of enhancing cognitive ability, but I approach it in small ways through diet and exercise without an ultimate goal of becoming something that I am not. Genetics play a huge part, and I work with what I have been given. That's my realist approach, but I also toy with the idea of a collective human memory- that maybe we are wired to receive all knowledge and have forgotten how. I wonder if people have achieved this, but their intelligence unlocked some of the big questions that led them to not use their abilities for any personal or human gain, essentially dissolving ego so that they were never known. Instead perhaps they realized it was more efficient and objectively better (since they would have objective knowledge based on all information in existence) for them to just live a simple life, and focus all their energy on humanistic goals. I don't think cognition is the opposite to enlightenment. I think the ability to perceive things at their nature would lead to either depending on how those abilities are used.
  21. But I have an entire bowl of almonds on my table...doesn't look like a shortage to me. Must be those liberal scientists just not seeing all the almonds.
  22. We are in the beginning stages of a global mas extinction of biodiversity. The human population is going to decrease dramatically within the next 100 years or around that time due to environmental hardships, and food resource limitations. We are already living as if there are 10 planets, so this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Sorry to be negative, but this is not just my opinion. It seems difficult to accept for most people. You don't have to believe me, you can always hide your head in the sand, but I encourage everyone to do your own research beyond the mainstream media. There is really not a lot we can do at this point, and we are heading toward very challenging times. Unfortunately I think we have yet to see the worst of human nature. It's improbable that we are alone in this universe and that other civilizations have not developed the ability to visit us. I think we have been watched the entire time we destroyed our own home. We are not nearly as advanced as we like to think. Only relative to what we know.
  23. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    We are all the master of our own relative reality. You think if someone had the secret infinite intelligence, at least beyond known human limits, that they would be posting on an internet forum based on toaism? Maybe part of the solution you seek is to stop waiting for eggs to come out of the cow. I find this thread amusing, because I find the idea of objective genius silly. Look at what the great chemists and physicists have given us. We are further from our true nature than ever possible before the human ego took control, and we still know nothing about our place in the universe.
  24. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    I constantly meet very high functioning people, who jump through all the right hoops, earn doctorates, are highly esteemed in the academic systems. These same people often seem to lack an imagination. Why not set some actual goals for yourself as opposed to just getting them "super smartz"? What do you want to achieve with your brain juices? Sounds like an ego thing to me. How do you relate to different types of people? People with drastically different beliefs then you? How is your personal intuition, and individual sense of morality? I've always just wanted to be really good at one thing (besides laziness). I would rather be dumb than a mindless slave to goal oriented technological progress that most of our societies intelligence is used for.