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Everything posted by oildrops

  1. Marijuana Use Tied to Testicular Cancer Risk!

    1. That's a very small sample size, all from the same county in CA. 2. In California, weed is grown in large quantities AND is sprayed heavily with pesticide. I doubt any studies have been done on the effects of smoking pesticides. 3.the findings of a 100% increase are based on "ever use of marijuana". While there are certainly many exceptions, a lifestyle of Cannabis use is not always the healthiest over all and CAN BE linked to other poor lifestyle choices. Unfortunately some do not know moderation. 4. This study was done in 86-91, so why is it being presented as new information now? Could it be something that they just pull up every once in a while when the time is right (WA is on the verge of legalization at the moment). Maybe we will see the article titled "Marijuana use linked to Schizophrenia" pop up again. The one that then goes on to explain that it has been used to TREAT Schizophrenia. These "news" articles usually take 5 minutes to see through. Do most people make that effort?
  2. Taking a Trip to California

    Joshua tree might be a good place this time of year (cooling off) and pretty close to LA. Hwy 1 (maybe 101 in CA) is a beautiful drive and passes through Big Sur (try to reserve a camp site in advance) Early season snow storms might be starting up in the mountains this time of year, but a few calls to the park service will answer any questions about that. Or course there is a lot to do in and around SF, but it is very densely populated
  3. Haiku Chain

    moonlight by surprise sundresses sigh rippling create stirring song
  4. Orgasm Without Ejaculation

    Also, throughout the day I feel the need to push energy out of my head and throat and out to my extremities, resulting in a pleasurable body sensation. Any thoughts on this?
  5. Orgasm Without Ejaculation

    Interesting post. I commend you on your control. My only questions is, have you thought about the effects of karma attached to all of those porn images? I have reached the point where I can control ejaculation with muscles a few times, but it always seems to come out eventually. Each time I do the big draw though at the beginning of an orgasm the more I can feel the energy go a little higher. Also the stronger the pc muscle gets the more I am able to pull energy up into my head. I then imagine it circulating in my head and going down the front channel.
  6. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    edited bc response was removed
  7. How do you handle other's intertia

    try sticking your tongue out.... I think positive intent will manifest through ordinary means. Sometimes surroundings can be a drag. I guess that's why we work on inner peace.
  8. Qigong...demonic related?

    never heard of most organized religion? Also, I giggled at the ex girlfriend comment
  9. It is good to establish that relationship, also for yourself to be able to trust and surrender. I haven't tried it, but it seems to do wonderful things for people.
  10. Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan

    I once brought Castenada up to an anthropology professor and she tore him apart. I think his work has long been discredited by serious anthropologists. It is pretty awesome fiction though, and really got me to think differently at a young age. I may have been a Castenadaist for a year in highschool. I was a bit hurt to find out about his bad reputation. haha Part of what I loved about A Separate Reality when I read it, is that parts of it felt like such a hoax, but it didn't matter. I have a couple of his books that I have yet to read, this is a good reminder. Going to watch that video now. I didn't know about all this suicide cult business! not cool mr carlos...
  11. Kundalini Yoga

    Thanks for making this topic. I have just begun kundalini yoga (as taught by YB). I generally like to try something out before investigating too much into it's roots, so that I am not feeling it out with any preconceived ideas. I did the same with Bikram style yoga, and while I haven't been to a class since learning the founder is loony tunes, I would go to another class, because it felt great as a stretching workout. The classes I took were not Bikram classes, but were "Bikram style" and lacked any spiritual component, probably in order to not scare away people who think subtle energy is nonsense. It was an exercise class. Anyway, I decided to do some research into YB and found a lot of information on the web. There is a site out there with stories from people who had left his commune, and they seem to have had a hard time adjusting. I think that this topic could quickly turn into a discussion of gurus being naughty, which I doubt is very useful. It does occur to me often when I read criticism of these gurus is that even spiritually enlightened human beings cannot escape human nature, and there is a very complex power dynamic between these individuals and their students. What I like about Kundalini Yoga is that it can't be removed from its spiritual nature. It is not so focused on contorting ones body, and a lot of time is spent in meditation and looking inward to feel the effects of each Kriya. I regularly practice a very westernized non kundalini yoga routine, and I will generally meditate afterward unless I get too hungry. When I practice Kundalini, I don't seem to be feeling anything, but I am reluctant to trance out on the repeating movements and mantras. I mean, am I worshiping the eternal, or am I sending energy out to a guru master? Maybe I am too self conscious, or too worried about unleashing the kundalini which might ravage my psyche. And now that I read all the information comparing him to a cult leader, I feel icky practicing something that for all I know may have been designed for him to control people. Too paranoid? Gotta consider the possibility. That is what I don't like about it, some of the mantras and movements just make me feel like I am worshiping something and I'm not sure what. This could be a symptom of my own ignorance of the subtle energy body. I can't say that I can "feel" my chakras yet. I have had some great, great rushes of energy while in difficult asanas, and I have also felt powerful emotional energies released from blockages in days after practice, but nothing yet with the Kundalini excersises. I think it is fortunate that we are able to choose where we get our spiritual guidance, but are these practices not entirely removed from their cultural context? Are we looking for a reduction, a distillation of movement in order to help us blur the lines of self and universe, and can that be possible without cultural context?
  12. Progress is Cool

    As someone who also struggles with depression, I am happy you are making progress with meditation. Sometimes the hardest part is the first step, getting out of bed. I recently began cleaning house, and have tapped into some deep negative energy in my body. Stuff I had been pushing down for years. As blockages are released, you might start to not feel great. Remind yourself that you are working through your karma for a better Now. I also try to feel those negative emotions fully, in order to learn new lessons, the most important that I've learned and re-learned, is that the body remembers everything! Good luck, and keep us posted!
  13. I think I've lost it

    That's wild! I have had sleep paralysis 'hallucinations' many times. It is usually somewhat negative and very intense.
  14. Beginners mind

    They are like little flashlights, aren't they? I run into this problem when speaking with psych students, actually a guy last night at a bon fire was diagnosing everything and it made me a little uneasy. It is a science based around looking at a condition in the most negative light possible, which gives power to the illness and ignores holistic lifestyle factors in a lot of cases. I think it is a gear in the pharmaceutical drug racket and keeps people in neat little categories so we can feel safe and, yes more "sane" as Owledge put nicely.
  15. Beginners mind

    They are like little flashlights, aren't they? I run into this problem when speaking with psych students, actually a guy last night at a bon fire was diagnosing everything and it made me a little uneasy. It is a science based around looking at a condition in the most negative light possible, which gives power to the illness and ignores holistic lifestyle factors in a lot of cases. I do enjoy speaking with my friend who is getting a PhD in evolutionary psychology, an entertaining field to learn about. In general I think it is a gear in the pharmaceutical drug racket and keeps people in neat little category's so we can feel safe and, yes more "sane" as Owledge put nicely.
  16. cold baths/showers

    I will sometimes blast myself with cold water right before I get out of the shower. I do this especially if my mind wanders off into any silly areas, so its sort of a punishment that and kicks me back into the present. . .
  17. Hello

    Hello, I stumbled on this forum today and it seems to have some great members and information. I am in between jobs at the moment and have been using my excess time trying to redirect energy as well as tune deeper into my consciousness. My username comes from the colorful oil drop visualizations I have been having while meditating.
  18. Feeling Energy

    Hello I am new here as well. I have on several occasions had dreams where I woke up, and did my morning routine and then realized I was not yet awake. Upon waking, I felt drained as if I had used all my energy for the day already. I have been interested lately in what is known as "astal projection" although I am suspicious that it is just another name for heightened vibrations known in many different forms. Astral projection seems to just be a modern name, unattached to a spiritual model. And yes, people will think you are crazy if you talk about it. As far as the awareness/increase in your personal field, have you been doing anything unusual lately? It seems like you might think your out of body experience and the energy you feel and project might be related, which they might. People exchange energy with each other all the time, and becoming aware of that can only be good.