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Posts posted by topflight

  1. I took the Stillness Movement Workshop June 20-22, 2009 in West Plains, MO taught by Michael Lomax (Ya Mu on TTB). Overall it was an incredible long weekend.


    I had an 8 hour drive to get there and stayed at the Ridge Crest Motel for $47/night. It is an older motel which has been remodeled last year. A full breakfast is included in the price. The motel was fine and the bed was good. Several others stayed at the Super 8 which was a little cheaper, but no full breakfast I believe. The nice thing about small Midwestern towns is that is that you can find a decent motel for not a lot of money. There were a few decent restaurants, but mostly I enjoyed visiting with Michael and the other students.


    I thoroughly enjoyed having Michael as a teacher. He knows his stuff and I believe he has practiced it for over 25 years. He can definitely project qi with various vibrations. He can relate on both a more esoteric level and a practical level. I think practical would be a good word to describe his approach to teaching. He displayed a concern for his students throughout the entire process. He gave thorough answers to questions and there was plenty of time for them.


    It was a fairly small class with 8 students about half new and half returning. We started out Saturday morning going over some background via some PowerPoint slides. Next we did some qigong movements from the Gift of the Tao set. Next we learned the Stillness Movement meditation. The key to this is the qi projection from Michael to get you started. I think this lasted about 1.5 hours, although I lost track of time. I felt it very strongly in lower Tan Tien. We then learned how to close. In the afternoon we did more Stillness Movement and qigong movements. I found out that Michael changes the classes up a little bit every time.


    On Sunday we started out with some more slides and discussion. Next we did "walking in the wu wei" and "tree qigong". It was really cool to feel a definite energy layer around a tree. In the afternoon, we learned spiral qigong and sleeping qigong. We practiced more Gift of the Tao and more Stillness Movement. There were some other things that you should experience yourself.


    Michael with the help of his teachers has put together a fairly comprehensive system which apparently works synergistically. It was all really good stuff and I plan on practicing it exclusively for a few months. After I get used to it, I plan on adding back in Kunlun and Red Phoenix methods. One of the things I felt was lacking from the Kunlun system was a quieting the mind meditation, or "stopping the world" as Michael calls it. From my reading in AYP, this seems to be an important component.


    I was very satisfied with what I had learned up to this point, but what I saw and experienced Monday just blew me away. Michael taught the basics of what he calls qigong medicine and qi projection type medicine. I had done Reiki in the past, but this was on a whole other level (for me anyway). If you have any interest in healing applications, then you owe it to yourself to take this class.

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  2. This is what worked for me to find my wife of 13 years. I had numerous long term girlfriends but those relationships ended for one reason or another. I finally got tired of the whole thing and decided I needed to do something different. So I figured out what I really wanted in a wife and focused on it for a few days. I did not know to write it down as this was long before the LOA stuff. Then I set it all aside. I stopped worrying about being alone and I stopped making an effort to meet women. I was open to all possibilities but no longer pushing. One month later I met my future wife and 5 months later we were engaged.

  3. Based on their comments at the last seminar I went to, Max does not read any forums and Chris does not read TTB and only occasionally kunlunforum. I think word gets to Max and Chris by other means from the facilitators and Chris may respond to that on the kunlunforum.

  4. You mention being 'drained'. SF qigong has an interesting way of healing without diminishing ones own energy. You might want to have a look at it if you haven't already.


    Cay you describe how this method of not diminishing ones own energy while healing works?

  5. who you think you are is extremely resistant to who you really are


    This is so true and not only in the spiritual practice arena we are working on. After I turned 40 I was somewhat unhappy for several years, but I could never find a cause. Everything else was good, relationships, family, career, so why wasn't I happier?


    At a counseling session with one of my mentors, he pointed out that who I had become did not match up with my perception of myself. I had maintained an old perception of who I was even though it was making me unhappy. Once I let go of that and accepted who I had become, I felt much better.


    It is amazing what a good teacher can do for you.

  6. Ya Mu,

    Thank you so much for your insight and advice. It has helped me.






    This thread is a soap opera better than Days OF Our Lives :lol:

    This is utter nonsense posted by someone with prejudice and fear. Simply not true. (referring to original poster and not starjumper) Of course there are teachers out there who don't know what they are doing or who don't care, but generalizing this isn't going to help anyone. I am neither for or against the "Kunlun". I will say I don't agree with ANY teacher that doesn't support their students. I will explain below what I think is going on.

    I do not see any "agenda" in your posts. Only genuine concern.

    And you should have concern - it is your life and your path.


    I have stayed quiet about this because I DON"T practice this method nor do I know the teacher. But since most I have heard is conjecture, here is mine. Again, I neither oppose or endorse the "Kunlun" and I know nothing whatsoever about Max.


    There are many teachers out there who have gained in Power that like to "blast open" folks energy centers to help them awaken. Does it work? Yes and No. It can certainly open folks up to "that which is real". But the problems in doing so are severalfold. Not only does it open the person to "that which is real", it ALSO opens the person to NONSENSE, dis-embodied liars, thought forms, and evil spirits. If the person has cultivated through virtue and energetics PRIOR to this, then they should be able to have some discernment. But they also need to have a powerful form of protection in the form of direct energetics and prayer. The teacher, IMO and experience, should absolutely provide these methods to the student.


    First, a person needs a base of operation energetically which requires natural cultivation. So the better way, IMO and experience, is to help the person raise their energy body vibration rate to start a process of opening in a graceful and natural manner. Depending on who they are (spiritual lineage), this process can take a long time OR it can be very quick.



    Spiritual lineage does NOT come from your teacher, only LINE lineage. Look to the Spirits of Light that sit on YOUR counsel table. If you resonate extremely with a particular teaching there is a good chance that you have found a system where the spiritual lineage and line lineage coincide or are "kin". So if you feel you are being bothered or are attacked, say prayers and ask the Beings of Light who are of YOUR spiritual lineage to help. And help they will!


    So to put it in a nutshell, IMO the folks out there practicing this method who are experiencing problems were "opened up" but way too soon and without proper protection and guidance. I don't think that Max has put any type of "worm" or "virus" nor are you being induced to do things from "spirits of his lineage". But you do need help and guidance if you are experiencing problems. Don't listen to dis-embodied liars. Ask for help from YOUR spiritual lineage, pray, and seek an experienced teacher if you need to.


    It is time we ALL assumed responsibility and that means I and I and I and I and I...

  7. Max said that he does not do the burning palm on women as it can bring up bad memories of abuse by men. He probably would not have time to deal with these issues during a break at a seminar.


    I have been practicing Kunlun for a year now - first from the original book and then after a seminar. I have had issues with mixing with other practices and not doing red phoenix correctly. However I have been able to correct those by slowing down, stopping, or changing my practice based on my intuition and what I have read here and on other forums. I figured out early on that my practice was my responsibility. I don't know if Max leaving us to discover and solve for ourselves was by design or default. I have had nothing but good come of my practice over the past year. My relationships are better and I feel calmer and more in control. I had some of the letting go experiences early on but they calmed down over time. Overall it has been a positive experience and has helped me along my path.


    I have never gotten any bad vibes from Max and have only seen compassion from him in person. I do think that he got very tired of all of the drama over Kunlun which is one of the reasons he is retiring from the city seminar format. That being said, I think he could have been a much more effective teacher by being more available to answer questions and concerns. The lack of in depth information is what has driven much of this speculation and drama.


    This thread has been great and I have gotten some real information from it.

  8. While Max will not be doing city seminars anymore after this year, he is training other facilitators who will eventually be able to do the oral teaching (primarily red phoenix) and do the transmissions. However, if I were going to get into Kunlun, I would train with Max while I had the chance. I just did my 2nd level 1 seminar and his breadth and depth of knowledge are just amazing. The vibe was also a little different since no one had anything to prove anymore (if they ever did).

  9. Smile,

    Did you ever try high purity powdered sand and copper? Both the sand and the crystal are about 99% SiO2. The copper is probably not as good as silver but much cheaper. Silver and copper are both in the same column of the periodic table. Did you have a mesh size for your powder?


  10. I would like to second the request to bring a Kunlun and Healing class to Middle America this summer. Somewhere that has good flight connections and low cost hotels. The Dallas Fort Worth area would be my first choice with good fights to DFW airport. There are also numerous resort and conference hotels available at reasonable cost. I believe Mantra68 has Dallas connections also. By the way has everyone seen the web site I wonder when this is coming out?

  11. I'm an engineer and have been interested in energy work for the past 10 years. I've done Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, NEW by Robert Bruce, Advanced Yoga Practices, and some Kunlun from the book. AYP has given me the most information and best results so far, but I am interested in learning more about Kunlun now.