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Posts posted by topflight

  1. Both my wife and I have been doing the grounding thing for about a year now. For us, the main benefit is far better more restful sleep. Our approach is as follows. We got the 1/2 sheet from When we ordered we got the book, electric circuit tester, ground rod, and resistance wire. The ground rod has about 50 ohms resistance and the wire has about 50,000 ohms. The 50,000 ohm resistance is what they are relying on to keep you safe. I was not comfortable with that and just disconnect with predicted thunderstorms. I was definitely not comfortable with hooking myself up to the house ground through the electric outlet. When something shorts and goes to ground you could be part of that circuit.


    What I did was drive a 8 foot copper plated ground rod into the ground outside my bedroom which is not near the house ground rod. I connected a 12 gauge wire to it and put alligator clips on the other end. The alligator clips connect to the 1/2 sheet. I disconnect them when we have thunderstorms. The risk of lightning strikes outside of thunderstorms is tiny and I'm willing to take that risk.


    We did experiment with the resistor in line and sleep was better without it. He came to the same conclusion in the book.

  2. Both the effective repeal of the Glass-Stegall act and the current insane deficit spending primarily on entitlement programs are both significant contributors to our current problems. If you want to understand how we got where we are and where we are going here are the best books.


    Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    (more middle of the road)


    Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown by David Wiedemer et. al.

    (more extreme, take with a grain of salt)


    The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy--If We Let It Happen by Arthur B. Laffer et. al.

  3. ++++


    edit: Why do you think they have not implemented such as this?


    This approach would still let some portion of the oil out. Maybe they were trying the approaches they thought would fully contain the flow first. Even though it has happened in the past in shallower water, it is very obvious that no one had prepared for this worst case scenario in deep water.

  4. I don't understand why they will not send in supertankers to pump the escaped oil up. The ex-honcho of Shell said that is what they did with a huge undocumented spill and it worked very well; pump it up, take it back to be processed and the water separated. Is BP just too damn cheap?


    What would be even more effective is to have a vessel with the appropriate submersible pumps and containment structures to pump up from 1 mile deep into an onboard oil and water separator. The oil goes into the supertanker and the water goes back in the ocean. Multiple vessels like this could be held in reserve in case this ever happens again.

  5. Neither BP, nor anyone else knows the exact amount of oil coming out of the well. What you see in the video and what is actually coming out of the well is a mixture of both oil and natural gas. It could easily be 80-90% natural gas. You would hope that those scientists that were trying to make independent estimates would understand this. There is no way that I know of to measure the proportions of each at the pipe opening in an undersea uncontrolled leak like this. It might be possible to get a better estimate of the amount of oil when you are further away from the pipe opening and the gas has separated out, however those approaches have their problems also. I imagine the reason that BP did not want to release the video is that people would jump to conclusions without understanding the reality. This does not make BP any less responsible for what happened.

  6. I have always had energy headaches with various practices like AYP and Kunlun and had to work hard to adjust my practice to avoid them.


    ... But it is a matter of efficiency and efficacy.


    With Michael's closedown, I have not had energy headaches for the past 6 months except when I did not do it. It only takes about 7 minutes to do.

    • Like 1

  7. I practiced Kunlun for about a year and found out that the 5 elements standing postures were essential for stability. It ended up being about 1/3 of my practice time.


    There were a number of reasons I moved on to a different practice, but one was that there was no satisfactory explanation why things worked as they did and why people had the effects they did. It is good now to finally learn some more about what I was doing in this thread.



    I have written at length about this issue in another thread. I will try to get to the point succinctly. As a child, I suffered from demonic oppression. As a result, I am an exorcist. I have over 30 years experience dealing with nasties. I am also a kunlun practitioner and I also practice Mao Shan Shamanic Demon Fighting Kung Fu which is from the same lineage as Kunlun. I am also in the same Mao Shan Lineage as Max, the founder of Kunlun. So, I believe I have a very good idea of what is happening here... Here is my opinion based on my experience with Mao Shan, Kunlun and fighting demons....


    (ahem)...There are both internal and external demons. They are both real. However, they all have one thing in common. They are connected to our unresolved personal unconscious fears and issues. It is impossible for anyone who aggressively faces and releases their unconscious/subconscious emotional issues to be harmed by demons ( internal or external). Humans are an expression of the highest form of spiritual energy and if we are successfully practicing a spiritual path that emphasizes honest self examination, you are completely protected. Demons will run from anyone who is unafraid to face all their issues. If someone has demon problems, there is no escaping the real cause. unresolved emotional and psychological issues create holes in our aura. Now we all have unresolved issues on some level. So, I do not mean the average run of the mill unresolved issues. I am talking about issues that are aggressively denied and buried... These are issues that someone has buried deep within their psyche for many years, possibly from early childhood. The Universe is constantly pushing us to face our issues. This is our Karma. We have incarnated on this planet to deal with these issues. If we continue to choose to bury our fears, desires, anger, pain etc... This sends out an energetic frequency that acts like a homing beacon to nasties. External demons are similar to our unconscious emotional issues, because demons are spirits that have chosen not face the Light of Spirit. As such, they are cut off from the Source and need energy. So, when a human has serious unresolved issues, they are unconsciously seeking someone or something to relieve them of their burden. If a demon who resonates with this unresolved issue, (i.e. fear, anger, lust...whatever) picks up on this homing signal, they will seek to gain energy from the individual in question. BUt there is an energetic contract that is made on an unconscious level, sometimes an open contract. The demon will offer to distract the person from their issue with: Fear, sex, delusions of grandeur, torture etc... and in return the "victim" gives the demon their energy. When the "victim" decides that they are ready to move beyond their pain, the demon will fight to keep their energy source, but if the person is ready to do whatever it takes to face their denial, the demon will flee. Exorcism rituals are excellent, but if the person does not follow through with some kind of counseling, the demon will return, because psychological patterns do not go away over night...

    So, in terms of Kunlun, here is my opinion:

    Kunlun, like all Mao Shan stuff is designed to bring your unconscious issues to the surface so that you can release them and reduce yourself to zero so that the vibrational energy of the practices can transform you to a higher level. If someone with an addictive personality or someone who is seeking powerful spiritual practices in order to escape personal pain chooses to practice Kunlun, they usually practice it very hard, this will bring their unconscious issues to the front very quickly and very powerfully. IF this is the case, this will manifest their inner issues and can possibly attract outside entitities. The reason for this is twofold: The internal and external demons are afraid of the transformational energy of Kunlun and will seek to frighten the individual into stopping the practice. If the individual is unready or unwilling to face themselves, this problem will continue until they face the issues or abandon the practice. IMO, people who are not ready to completely face themselves should either practice kunlun sparingly or not practice it at all. Energy work can be serious stuff, we need to be mature and use it for what it is meant for and not treat it like a toy.... Kunlun is a very powerful and effective practice if done with maturity and self discipline....



    Here's some things I have liked to do, during bad dreams, etc...


    If you encounter some scary thing, stare it down. Look at it directly for a long time. Make a point to just glare at it, without any emotion. This helps you face the underlying issue, and develops your will power.


    You can point your index finger at it, which will help to awaken the alert mind and get you out of the hallucinatory state.


    Moving to touch it will help also get over the fear.


    There's a Tibetan mudra for "banishing" that I stumbled upon once, where you cross your wrists and pinkies with the palms facing outward, and point the index fingers and thumbs, while bending the middle and ring fingers to touch the palm. They say lesser spirits are scared of it because it resembles the garuda. It works...I think mostly because of the extended index fingers (awareness) and crossed wrists (symbolizes protection).


    Someone once said that Ya Mu suggested to hiss at it loudly. Haven't tried this but it sounds good, because it'd help to snap you out of it. Another thing is just simply telling it loudly to "get out"...simple, it works.


    Like I said, all of these things are simply so that you can become more alert. That's magic.


    Overall, I view "demons" (internal or external) as products of the mind, essentially the same thing as characters in a dream. I think even calling them demons or spirits is a bit delusional. They have no power, unless you believe they do...then really you're just deluding yourself, and causing your own problems in life.


    In my life, when I dream, the characters don't actually impact my life. I choose my financial situation, my relationships, etc... These characters symbolize the energies of our lives that we've hidden away...that's all. It's a subconscious interpretation...totally the mind. By facing these things, we can become whole and more open...more capable of being good people and living fulfilling lives.


    Any beliefs beyond this are delusional.



    Hissing is the metal sound. Metal is the element for fighting demons. Metal slices through illusion. Sword fingers can be used to dispel demons. Yes, stare it on your spirit guides for courage and help. In Spirit fighting we hiss alot. So, hissing with sword fingers can help.

    We have a spirit fighting mudra in Mao Shan. Any kunlunies who want to learn it, contact me...

    Those in contact with Max, ask him to teach "the Mao Shan Salute" it is a demon fighting mudra. It's actually a short form... I won't teach it unless you are my student or in my lineage (i.e. Kunlun).... If you do that to each of the eight guas (directions) in a clockwise fashion starting in the north, it will cleanse a space and frighten away any nasties... For any of my students who have my DVD, do the Yin yang hands in each of the eight directions clockwise starting in the North. (direction of the Dark Warrior, general of all Spirit Fighters...) Level II DVD which I am almost finished with has a another version of yin yang hands which can be used to dispel nasties also...



    Gjeken, Inedible and others who have emailed me... Kunlun is a safe practice. However, it is VERY powerful. If anyone who has practiced kunlun stopped because the practice was becoming overwhelming, I have some suggestions to help.


    1st) If you have the Kunlun book, practice the Five Element Standing postures. If you are a kunlunie and don't have the book, get it... Those Five postures are extremely important. They will strengthen your nervous system, balance your internal organs and prepare your spirit for the more advanced Mao Shan techniques. ( RP and Yi Gong)


    2nd) Do the Golden flower meditations. Originally, (or so I've heard, check with Max for confirmation) these meditations were done for one year at a time for each dan tien (or maybe it was Three...) Work on the Lower Dan Tien posture and meditation for awhile to help ground you.


    3rd) The Yi Gong (spontaneous) exercise is very healing, purifying and powerful. However, it is imperative that one have a healthy respect for the technique and not use it as just a way to get high or "bliss out." the bliss is not a drug. If someone abuses the practice in an attempt to escape feelings, the practice will have a backlash effect, because the whole point of the exercise is to help you become more conscious. So, if someone is using it to escape, (unconscious) they are in effect at cross purposes with themselves. So, if you are worried because you have felt overwhelmed by the practice, then simply reduce the time you practice the spontaneous (Yi Gong) and INCREASE the amount of time you practice the postures and golden flower.


    4) After using the postures and golden flower to strengthen, ground and prepare your nervous system and psyche, then ( when you feel ready) you can reintroduce the Yi Gong and RP in small doses. As you become stronger, you can increase the time in the advanced techniques. During times of rapid growth, slow down or take a break.


    But also know that part of the process is to work through the emotional and psychological issues that come up. This should be understood beforehand. No one should attempt this practice if they do not understand that this process will clean you out. If you are not ready for it, don't do it. If you are looking for instant enlightenement, don't do it. if you are looking for powers, don't do it.


    So, I also recommend that you work with a counselor or spiritual advisor on a regular basis... This is essential.


    I have been practicing Mao Shan for almost 20 years and I speak with a counselor or spiritual advisor at least twice a month. More if I have a growth episode...


    The more advanced techniques, (RP and Yi Gong) have become the focus of Kunlun but they are only part of the whole system. But remember there was a reason these things were kept secret.


    My blessings to all.


  8. 2) What specifically about marriage might increase health? Healthier diet, support mechanism, regular sex?



    I became much more risk averse after I was married and especially after I had kids. I used to regularly drive over 100 mph in a sports car designed drive that fast (and faster). I mostly stopped driving it after my first child was born and now I'm selling it. If I were single I'd still be more of a risk taker.

  9. I have had many issues with energy headaches. For me, a little pressure is ok, but headache pain is not. Essentially energy headaches are caused when there is too much energy work being done on the head during practice or there is too much energy left in the head. For the first cause, keep reducing the time of the practice that is causing you problems until you find a short enough time that does not cause headaches. You may also find that practice is not the one for you at all right now. For the second find a good closing routine. Michael Lomax describes an excellent one in his book

    I have been using it for the past 6 months and the only time I get energy headaches is when I don't do it.

  10. Back to goats.


    A Viewers Guide to THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS


    By Col. John B. Alexander - US Army (Ret) . Nov 9th, 2009 .

    The movie, THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS, is based on a book of the same title.

    While listed as nonfiction, the facts were extrapolated almost beyond recognition. The people in the book were listed by their real names. I was named many times.

    While some Special Forces units experimented with various techniques, the vast majority of the incidents came from one of two other sources. Formal psi research programs were conducted in the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). There was also a unique think tank called Task Force Delta at Headquarters Department of the Army and later at the Army War College. Delta was arguably the most innovative organization in the world.

    With support of senior leadership, we were consciously pushing the envelope.

    It should be noted that all of the explorations undertaken were done based on solid rationale.


    Facts and Fiction

    - The First Earth Battalion (1EB) was created by Lt. Col. Jim Channon, a brilliant imaginer and artist. He literally owns the First Earth Battalion concept.

    - The 1EB was never an authorized military unit of the U.S. Army

    - The 1EB was a notional concept that encouraged/allowed people to think innovatively, yet within a military construct

    - The New Earth Battalion is a movie version of 1EB

    - Most of the movie characters are based on real people - though some are composites

    - The Kevin Spacey character seems to be made up for movie purposes

    - Senior officer with ponytail (Jeff Bridges) NOT REAL

    - Remote Viewing - REAL- and was a 20 year official program

    - Use of Remote Viewing in Gen Dozier kidnapping by Red Brigade - REAL

    - Concern about Soviet psychic research - REAL

    - JEDI projects - REAL - but ad hoc (I had one of them with multi-agencies)

    - Spoon bending - REAL - was taught to hundreds

    - Cloud busting -REAL - though never as fast as done by Clooney

    - Computer crashing - REAL - incident did happen

    - Fire walking -REAL

    - New Age exploration - REAL

    - Running into walls - NOT REAL (is the opening scene of the movie)

    - Use of LSD - not only NO, BUT HELL NO

    - Hamster staring -ATTEMPTED - by Guy Savelli (a civilian martial artist)

    - Goat Lab - REAL - used to train medics

    - Goats - Hit by martial artists - It did die hours later

    - Goats - Staring - no credible evidence to support this allegation

    - Dim mak - PROBABLY REAL - supported by physical evidence

    - References to a hollow army -REAL - post Vietnam was a traumatic period

  11. Glenn Wheaton has always had a somewhat checkered reputation in the remote viewing community primarily relating to the the difficulty in independently validating some of his background and stories. However, as far as I know no one has been able to disprove them either and his remote viewing skills are self evident.


    Here is a review/interview with some of the players which were composited into the movie.,7832466.story


    If you are interested in more of the history about remote viewing and the military RV unit these are the books to read.


    If you are interested in RV methods training, I would recommend these - Lyn Buchanan/Lori Williams - Paul Smith

  12. Here is Glenn Wheaton's ( report on the unit from his HRVG list he posted up on October 1, 2009


    The Men Who Stare at Goats...




    Aloha All,


    I got some new information from the production folks in Puerto Rico today from the set of "The Men Who Stare at Goats". The cast includes George Clooney, Ewan Mcgregor, Kevin Spacey, and Jeff Bridges. Not to shabby for a story that began for Jon Ronson in my living room at the old Hrvg HQ in Kaneohe. One thing that will be certain is that the work itself will be a work of fiction with a bit of Science Fiction thrown in. The Character Clooney will play will be a quasi-hybrid of me and Uri Geller. The writers have taken my experiences with Project Trojan (Jedi) and the events surrounding the death of a goat at Fort Bragg during a demonstration of Gi Gong in a remote section of Fort Bragg called the Mata Mile. Mix in a bit of Uri Geller and you will have Clooney's character. Where they go from there will be anyone's guess. For the record some time back I wrote about the day the goat that started it all died. It is a true story and it happened just as it is portrayed.


    The Goat that died...


    The Goat was an old goat and well past his prime. He was actually born in Honduras and got to Ft; Bragg with several hundred goats on a C-130 intended to be used in slaughter classes to train Green Berets how to slaughter livestock. We learn to slaughter everything from chickens to water buffalos to feed indigenous troops we train in some pretty remote areas.

    What very few people know is that the death of the goat was what helped usher in Project Trojan (AKA Project Jedi) into the Special Forces. This goat's death was under such extraordinary circumstances that it was actually classified.


    The day the Goat died.


    It was winter in North Carolina and on the morning the goat died it was about 35 degrees with a foot of snow on the ground. On a normal training day at Ft. Bragg the Special Forces run the sandy trails in the woods in an area called "The Mata Mile" from about 4:30am to 6:00am. At 6:00am or so they pull into the deep woods for hand-to-hand combat training. We had arranged to train on this day with Michael Echanis, a long time combat trainer in the 5th Special Forces group. I was in the 400th Army Security Agency Detachment at that time which is the Intelligence arm of the 5th Special Forces Group. Although part of the Special Forces Group, we really worked for the National Security Agency. There were 7 of us on this morning and as we finished our run we pulled in at a location called the "Bear Pit". The bear pit is actually a huge pit about 10 feet deep and about 80 feet wide.


    On a normal training morning we fight in the pit for 1 to 2 hours before heading to the NCO club for breakfast. It was just dawn when reached the pit and we could see a dagger stuck into the tall pine tree near the pit which told us the instructor was already there. The 7 of us stood on the periphery of the pit and stared down into the piney dawn shadows trying to see where Michael was. This was where Michael excelled at being invisible. You would never see him until you jumped down into the sandy depths of the pit, and then it was too late, because he would be on you and for the next hour you had to fight virtually every second, it was all of you against him.


    I remembered hearing the goat somewhere in the pit, mewling and shuffling as bodies were being thrown about. At times the goat would flat out run to escape the violence Michael was dealing in every direction, running in circles and leaping over and between us. When Michael was finished with us we collapsed in heaps on the floor of the pit. Michael cornered the goat and grabbed him by the horns and drug him to the center of the pit and tethered him to a stake he forced into the sandy floor. He looked around the pit and simply said, "Where are your minds?"


    The goat was exhaling frosty breath and kept shifting depending on where Michael was. We were all wondering what the heck the goat was for when Michael pulled a knife from his boot and slowly raked it between each of his fingers on both his hands. There was a fair amount of blood seeping between his fingers when he picked up two handfuls of sand and began to squeeze the sand through his fingers. When the last of the sand had fallen to the ground we could see that his hands were no longer bleeding. Once again he said, "Where are your minds?" He then turned his attention to the goat. It immediately began to bray, more like a horse or donkey but very unlike a goat. The goat began to shudder then dropped to his front knees, he was obviously in distress, and slowly blood began to drip from his nose and mouth. In less than a minute the blood began to froth and spill like red suds to the sand. It was then he fell over to his side and passed in a fit of jerks. Michael got up and as we sat in the sand totally in shock he leaped the 10 feet to exit the pit, pulled the dagger from the tree and stared at us from the edge of the pit. He looked down at us and said once more, "Where are your minds?"


    We buried the Goat in the floor of the pit and turned the sand to erase the blood scar left by its death. After raking the pit floor we ran back to the barracks and got cleaned up. Later at breakfast at the club we discussed what had happened and how it happened. This was the critical moment for us; it was when we decided to begin the search for a new way to think about how we get our minds right about being soldiers.


    That's the story, that's the truth of it. Michael did kill the goat and never laid a finger on him. I don't really know the hamster killer wannabe boy from Jon's book, but my guess is he is so fill of crap his eyes are brown. It is doubtful and improbable he had any involvement with the experiments conducted after that day in the bear pit. There were only 7 soldiers ever involved and were all Intelligence assigned to my team. There were no civilians involved. Anyway I hope the story rings true, it is the way of it.

  13. I am impressed with all the feedback about Lomax here and want to check if people write this stuff here because he insists? If people genuinely find his work useful, I am happy for them.


    Michael neither coerced nor asked for my comments about his classes and book. I'm just sharing my experiences hoping that others might benefit from them as I have benefited from their postings here.


    When I came into the class I was not sure about what I was going to do, but I was open to the possibilities and to committing the time if I felt it was worthwhile. When I took the class Michael asked that I spend 100 days practicing Stillness-Movement. I had strong results early on, but it really took about 10 weeks for me to be sure that this practice was for me.

  14. Some of what Michael Lomax teaches and initiates in you is this filling of the lower dantien. I felt it immediately during my first Stillness Movement training. He said that this is the starting place and that with practice everything else will come in time. I think he does not go into a lot of detail about the development process so you can discover it yourself and not limit yourself by a linear understanding.



    I have enjoyed not having to mix and match practices to try an find a combination that does not give me energy overload problems. I went from AYP with a bunch of different practices, to Kunlun with just a few, to Stillness Movement with one. I sure that I will at some point complicate things again, but for now I'm happy not to have continually try to rebalance various practices. It seems like I have progressed more in the past 4 months than in the previous year. Maybe I'm just at the place where I would progress quickly no matter what I did, but it sure is nice not to have to worry with practice, I just have to do it.

    • Like 1

  15. I read the book 3 times before going to a Stillness Movement workshop. In fact it was the book and Michael's posts here on TTB which convinced me to go. The story part was enjoyable to read. The instructional part gives a summary of the core of what Michael teaches. I also like the summary of important points at the end. However, you are not going to learn how to do Stillness Movement from the book and I think it should be mostly used as a reference.

    • Like 2

  16. I own both the first and second editions. The second edition is completely rewritten. He has taken everything in the first book and everything he learned in the past 10 years and boiled it down to the essentials. I'm only through chapter 5 in the second edition, but I like it better than the first. One of the chapters talks about affirmations and your higher self as a way to manifest some of your abilities. I learned how to feel and manipulate energy in my body using methods from the first edition so I think his work has much merit.

  17. Here is some good info on Kechari without snipping.



    Here is how I learned to do Kechari. The ability to do it is governed by both the configuration of your tongue, particularly the frenum, and the muscular strength of your tongue in the upward and backward directions. I think that everyone is more worried about the frenum when they should be doing a tongue workout!


    1) Place the tip of your tongue at the junction between the hard and soft palette on the roof of your mouth and push up. Maintain the upward pressure for the duration of your practice or meditation. I did this for about 40 minutes a day for about 2 weeks.


    2) Place the tip of your tongue in the middle of the soft palette and push up. You may need to use your fingers to push your tongue back into place. Maintain the upward pressure for the duration of your practice or meditation. I did this for about 40 minutes a day for another 2 weeks.


    3) The next step is to go above the soft palette. Dry the end of your tongue with a dry washcloth. It will remain a little sticky. Place two fingers under the tip of your tongue and push way back behind the soft palette. Now push up and over with your tongue. The first time I did this I had both a tremendous energy flow and a slight burning sensation from nothing ever being there before.


    4) I quickly got used to it, but is was a distraction in my meditation for about 3 weeks. After that I did not distract me any more. After about an additional 5 weeks, I did not need to use my fingers any more.


    Kechari stage 2 was a great benefit to my AYP practice and I will add it back to Kunlun at some point.



    Sorry to hijack your topic topflight but I have some kechari tips...I achieved stage 3 within a couple of months without snipping the frenum, a couple years ago. B) Hopefully this helps someone...


    So stage 1 should be pretty easy for most people, unless they have a really inflexible tongue or their frenum is huge. Everyone's mouth is different, and it doesn't mean anything bad if your mouth isn't ready for kechari yet. Some very advanced yogis had to really cut the frenum for a long time and do tons of milking the tongue to get where they got.


    I've found that even stage 1 is really energetic...maybe even too energetic, but that's hard to tell right away. I call that the creeper effect. You'll be doing very fine for a long time with it, and then decide to add more and more and still you're not feeling anything substantial, then all of a sudden you're having minor health issues and feeling really ungrounded and woozy. So yeah there's the creeper effect, which needs to be taken into consideration. For this reason, I think a person should forget about stage 1 practice right away, and try to get as far as they can. Go for stage 4!


    This way of going about it takes a lot of practice. I wouldn't try to do sessions where you try to keep it in one place, since that's more energetic. I would constantly be trying to get further with the tongue.


    So in stage one, the spot where the hard palate stops and there's the soft part, move backwards beyond that. If that's as far as you can get and you can't feel where the soft flap ends yet, then just keep trying to move the tongue back. You can push it back with your fingers, too, but this doesn't really help.


    One method you can use is putting the underside of your tongue on your hard palate, by turning it back, closing your mouth, relaxing the tongue, and sucking in, so that the tip of the tongue is sucked backwards. This really helps if you can't get further than stage should pull at the frenum. Hopefully just that description makes enough sense...kind of hard to describe a simple practice.


    Another method is one I made up, where you take the tip of your tongue and press it fairly hard into your frenum. Try to go as high up on the frenum as you can.


    And ANOTHER method, is milking the tongue. WASH YOUR HANDS, then relax the tongue and just keep pulling it out. Like a cow udder. :lol: I think the relaxation of the tongue is most important. Try not to think of anything when you're doing it, and if you have a cd or movie that really makes you feel happy, do it while listening to it or watching it. This will stretch the tongue out and also make it less tense so that it can bend back. In my opinion this isn't as important as the other two methods, since those also accomplish a stretching of the tongue.


    So once you can feel where the soft flap ends, feel around in there. Try to feel as far back as you can, as far up as you can, etc. Try to get the tongue over that flap. At first it will be necessary to use your fingers to get up there...and I think getting up there is the key factor in reaching stage 2. So right away feel free to just assist the tongue. When it's up there, it may easily slip back down...the trick is to thrust the tongue forward and upward constantly.


    I reached stage 2 after practicing for a lot of the day. I worked at a catering job and drove a big delivery van, so when I was doing that I would practice. And when I was watching tv and everything. I even did it in Barnes and Noble while ordering a tea at the Starbucks. Of course I had to bring the tongue down to order...but anyway...


    Once you can keep the tongue up there, which generally happens before reaching stage 2, you should find a way to stop using your fingers. Some people have luck with moving the tongue back and up on the side...I believe the left side works better for them. For me, that doesn't work. I tend to make a "ha" sound (not with my voice but more like a really hard whisper). This makes the soft palate open up, so that I can quickly thrust the tongue up there. I figured it out when driving on a long road trip, I was looking at my handsome face in the rear view mirror and yawned and saw the soft palate move I tested out a few things and found that if I made that sound it would do the same thing. It's just moving a lot of air through the throat...I think the more your mouth is open the more it's able to open the gap, due to internal mechanisms. In fact, I don't believe I can even do it with the mouth closed or very partially open. So if you want to do it in a very public place without anyone knowing what you're doing, just pretend you're yawning. Another part of why it works is due to the fast movement of the kind of catches the soft palate and like a kite, pulls on it, so that it moves down.


    Anyway, that should make it easy to get up above the palate. Next is what you should've already been working on...moving forward and upward. It's really about a constant advance of the tongue, but also about a relaxation of the whole head and throat. Everyone knows that if someone tells you, "relax now!" it won't happen...but if you consistently do this forward movement, you'll find that during times when you're not thinking of your practice you will probably advance quite a bit. So the key is just to practice basically all day. Soon you'll find the bottom of the septum...BAM that's stage 2. :D


    At this point, the practice will probably become energetic instead of just a movement. You'll probably get tons of energy rushing through the upper spine and center of the head, and you'll probably be able to hear it. It's not tinnitus! You'll definitely be able to tell! Do as much as you can handle...this may have been too much already. At this point, I think it's fine to go back to stage 1 and practice for a minimum amount of just do a couple minutes a day or whatever you can handle. If you can handle stage 2 and more, or if you don't care what you can handle and just want to push forward because you're a spiritual stud, then continue on to stage 3.


    This is considerably easier to reach. No tricks. Just feel around the cavity. Keep pushing forward and upward. You should be able to feel everything in there and get a mental map of it. You should feel the whole septum up and down, and what's on the sides. You'll probably get teary eyed due to touching untouched areas, but that gets more bearable. At the top of the septum is stage 3.


    Now, stage 4 is totally beyond me. I have no idea how to get into that, and to be honest I don't think it matters. There's enough energy moved by just practicing the above!


    Keep in mind that kechari awakens the kundalini, so buyer beware. Weird stuff will happen...just let it settle. Self pace the's not wise to take on more than you can handle. It's good to keep it going at a comfortable pace.


    For me, that involves hardly ever even doing stage 1! I find that it's good enough to make the link between the head and body by putting the tongue on the ridge behind the teeth, and smiling. Stage 0. :)

  18. This is good.

    This is the same thing that I am calling "transmuting the sick energy into Light". The only thing is that I have watched other people who think they know how to do it not be able to and wind up very ill. A person can't do this until they can (not a conundrum).


    One of our poems begins with:

    There is a Lotus inside my body.


    So what we may have is a difference in terminology used to describe the same phenomenon. Over the years have you noticed other healers from other lineages who were able to transmute sick qi to light? How did they describe it in words?


    I do 1-2 hours of stillness movement daily and maybe 1 healing a week. I do the protection before and cleaning afterward. I am aware of sick qi, but with the proper preparation and procedures, I am really not that worried about it.