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Posts posted by LongMen

  1. There is a note from Master Wang's Lao Zi Academy (http://laoziacademy.us) ; it maybe the official information. Dr. LI and her husband devoted their valuable time and energies to Taoism.


    NOTE: The Taoist JINHUA (Golden Flower) mountain Taoism Center is opening throughout the year for people who love Chinese Traditional Taoism Culture, and who want to experience the Taoists traditional living and practising.




    For more information, please visit links.


    Attached Files
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  2. Thank you for the post about the old books from 1987.

    From what I compare the pictograms. The Old Yin Xin Fa had only 11 Steps instead of 12 Steps.

    The 3rd step doesnt exist in the past and the fifth is old number 3. 4 is normal progressing until the last step is different step in the old.

    This is highly interesting.


    Thanks for your carefully reading. I'll ask Kathy and Master Wang about why is there difference between different versions.

  3. Dear Bums,


    Some day, I got gifted learning information about meditation, I believe it is very good. I hate people sell the traditional Taoism treasure, also don't like people hide the traditional Taoism treasure only for their own use. The attached one is a guiding manuscripts translated by our European trip organizer Mrs. Wang. Hope Tao Bums like it.


    I accidently find a website in English and Chinese, http://jennyoo.blog.163.com . One paper named "April 2012 at Jinhua Temple – A Taste of Monastic Life", is interesting.





    2012年金华道家庙之旅 -- 修道生活的滋味


    April 2012 at Jinhua Temple – A Taste of Monastic Life


    海外老子学院学生 撰写, 摘自 http://laoziacademy.us/201204paper.htm

    Student of Lao Zi Academy (http://laoziacademy.us)


    经过了漫长的国际旅途,我到达了上海国际机场,准备好了下一程的和道家师傅--王老师的精神之旅的修行。出了海关,我就和凯茜电话 联系上了,她恰好正在开往机场的磁悬浮的车上来接我。尽管旅途疲惫,但我急迫的想赶快到达金华,所以我选择了自己先走一步去庙里。凯茜给我用中文写好了纸条,还给了我一步中国的手机(怕我万一走丢了)。凯茜真是对我太好了,她把我送上去上海火车站的换乘地铁站并亲手将她买好的火车票给我。我们在“人民广场”站分手,她还要返回到浦东机场去接其它国外的学员。


    After a long flight I arrived at Shanghai airport, ready to embark upon yet another spiritual seminar with Master Wang. Once through Shanghai Pudong airport custom gate, I phoned Kathy Li (http://laoziacademy.us) who was take the maglev train coming to pick up me. I was anxious to make the journey to Jinhua so although tired I elected to make my way to the temple. Kathy wrote a note for me in Chinese and also gave me a Chinese cell phone (in case I got lost). Kathy was so kind got me into the metro after handing me a ticket she had purchased. We parted ways at People's Square as she had to return to the airport to pick up other seminar participants.




    For me the adventure was about to begin! I was in China once again and was full of excitement. Using a bit of sign language when necessary, I eventually got onto the train at Shanghai South Station to begin the three and a half hour journey to Jinhua. It was right around 13:40 by the time I boarded the train. Jet lag was kicking in however that was not enough of a reason to miss out on the sights and sounds along the way. My attention was fully engaged to capture as much of the sights and sounds as possible, of this country that fascinates me so much.


    Upon arriving at Jinhua, I was met by Lian at the train station. Somehow managing to exit out of the entrance rather than the exit but fortunately I had a phone on me. Soon we were driving through Jinhua and up the bending mountain roads toward the temple. Lian and I spoke of my journey and previous experiences related to training. All along I kept thinking that the day I'd been waiting for over the past weeks had arrived.


    Evening was setting in when we arrived at the temple. Lian gave me the key to my room and announced that dinner had begun at 18:00, that we should still be able to make it since we'd arrived only a few minutes after. That was welcome news. I quickly dropped my bags in the room and headed out to the dining hall. It was great to see Master Wang once again. In a warm and welcoming fashion, Master Wang got up from his chair and approached me to say hello. I shook his hand and regretted much not being able to talk to him in Chinese about how good it was to meet again. Soon I found myself exchanging greetings with old friends, lots of hugs and smiles. With such lovely aromas in the air, it did not take long to settle down for dinner. The long day of travel was slowing drawing to a close.


    The April 2012 seminar was a special event for those of us travelling from outside China to train with Master Wang. Not only was it the first seminar of its kind at this temple, it was well attended, with over 20 students arriving from many nations. Upon arrival, we were issued with beautiful blue Taoist garbs, an orange long sleeve shirt and a participant card both with the inscriptions “Advanced Taoism Inner Alchemy Retreat, 4.2012, Jinhua China” in English as well as in Mandarin. The new “Alchemy House” was well equipped with familiar comforts including many blankets and LAN internet access. All was organised and set to allow us to proceed well during our seminar.


    With a few exceptions, each day began with a familiar pattern of early morning (06:00) walking practice which sometimes included tree practice (ping heng gong), breakfast at 07:30, lectures starting at 09:30 with meditation/sitting thereafter, lunch around midday, afternoon rest, afternoon lecture starting at 15:00 with afternoon meditation right after and dinner at about 18:00. Most evenings we either studied or practised ping heng gong (tree practice) after dinner at about 19:30. On a number of occasions while performing Ping Heng Gong at night on pine trees on the temple grounds surrounded by dark mountains (no street lights anywhere!!) one could hear the sounds of traditional Chinese puppet show music coming from the small village at a lower altitude below the temple. This simple event really made a big impact on me – making me realise where we were at – in a countryside Taoist temple, far from the flashy lights and noisy sounds of big cities


    Training at a temple had a different feel to it. Much of the daytime brought constant reminders of the temple environment through the drumming and singing that accompanied daily ceremonies. There was an air of religion and worship around us, the typically dressed Taoist priests, the incense sticks...even the very buildings of the temple grounds held us to this impression. With the exception of a particular day in the Taoist calendar, each meal time begun and ended with thanksgiving in the way of singing in front of an alter prepared to offer gratitude for the food we were about to receive. The temple monks and nuns were gracious in their bearing and friendly toward us. For me, a significant highlight of the seminar was partaking of a tea ceremony after lunch on day four. The monk who led the ceremony simply would not stop being kind to us. Tea making is an entire art onto itself, using different pots and cups for specific kinds of teas. The five seminar participants gathered there were given a taste of “Puer” and another kind of tea called “Tie Guan Yin”. The former is an aromatic, dark brown brew which tastes really good and which, when prepared correctly, seems to develop a unique surface which is difficult to describe. It was made in an exquisite brown pot built from a special material which was translated to us as “purple mud”. To drink “Puer”, you must first look at it, then smell it before drinking it. The second tea was just wonderful! I have never had anything quite like it before. It smelled ethereally good and tasted just as great. This tea, made from a special green leaf, has to be made in a white tea pot and poured into a white cup. It is light green in colour, very nice to drink!


    Other seminar participants had the opportunity to attend temple ceremonies as well as receiving readings of their fortune. There always seemed to be events going on with lots of visiters frequenting the grounds during the seminar. Master Wang was very accessible to us. In his now familiar jovial and very warm manner he would mix in with us for the morning walk and while we studied tree practice forms in the lecture hall at night. We even got to see a very cool demonstration of Chen style tai chi from one of Master Wang's senior Chinese students, upon Master Wang's request. During the day, we received very interesting transmissions during the lecture sessions. Even the lecture materials which initially seemed to be familiar were taken to a higher level of explanation.


    It is not to say that due to Master Wang's cheerful nature many of us did not suffer the customarily painful sitting sessions. Quite the contrary, in fact there were particular days when a good lot of us agreed that the pain endured in the sittings was strong. Master Wang went into fascinating details about the nature of reincarnation energy and how by experiencing pain we gradually release this energy. Master Wang explained what happens as reincarnation energy is eliminated, leaving physical body energy and universal energy. Pain is a gateway to releasing the binds of reincarnation energy. This changes us, getting rid of certain traits inherited through our ancestry. By going through this pain when doing the sitting, we may be able to reach a high level in our practice.


    It will be impossible to complete an account of the Jinhua seminar experience without mentioning the visits to the Chao-Zhen and Shuang Long caves. Personally, caves are a big favourite so it was pleasing news to learn that these two events were on the itinerary. Meditating in the Chao-Zhen cave was particularly special, fulfilling a long-held dream. During this experience, I was able to locate my 'prenatal direction' as well as harmonise with the rhythm of the mountain. It was also possible for me to “look through” the mountain to see what was outside. The best part of this experience was being able to “see” a fairy during the sitting, and to compare notes with another student who also had similar experiences. The visit to Shuang Long cave was mainly for sightseeing, as this very amazing place was also being visited by scores of school kids as well as other citizens. Master Wang showed us the place where Ancestor Lu (Lu Tung Ping/Lu Dong Bin) carried out his meditations, and many of us posed there for photos, some sitting cross-legged. For me, the sight of a waterfall inside a cave deep underground just brought goose bumps all over. It must have touched upon some primordial memories!


    Alas, all events in our time-bound existence come to pass. The seminar came to a close before we realised it. At the end of this seminar Master Wang issued out certificates to all participants, something which I believe was also a first of its kind. For me, the certificate giving ceremony felt like being back in school again. Although I cannot (yet) read the Chinese characters, I am very proud of my certificate. This entire experience in China has encouraged me to continue to take my training seriously and to return to efforts to build a working knowledge of Mandarin.


    The occurrence of this wonderful event is relying on the hard work of Lao Zi Academy. The collaboration among overseas Lao Zi Academy, Longmenpai European and Jinhua Taoists Association, made this seminar happened. Special thanks to Master Wang, to Jinhua Taoist Association, to Lian, Kathy and to all who in diverse ways put in their time and energy into organising this seminar. It is my hope that in future, others will also have the opportunity to attend such a seminar for its spiritual and cultural value.


    • Like 3

  4. I accidently find a website in English and Chinese, http://jenyoo.blog.163.com . One paper named "April 2012 at Jinhua Temple – A Taste of Monastic Life", is interesting.





    2012年金华道家庙之旅 -- 修道生活的滋味


    April 2012 at Jinhua Temple – A Taste of Monastic Life


    海外老子学院学生 撰写, 摘自 http://laoziacademy.us/201204paper.htm

    Student of Lao Zi Academy (http://laoziacademy.us)


    经过了漫长的国际旅途,我到达了上海国际机场,准备好了下一程的和道家师傅--王老师的精神之旅的修行。出了海关,我就和凯茜电话 联系上了,她恰好正在开往机场的磁悬浮的车上来接我。尽管旅途疲惫,但我急迫的想赶快到达金华,所以我选择了自己先走一步去庙里。凯茜给我用中文写好了纸条,还给了我一步中国的手机(怕我万一走丢了)。凯茜真是对我太好了,她把我送上去上海火车站的换乘地铁站并亲手将她买好的火车票给我。我们在“人民广场”站分手,她还要返回到浦东机场去接其它国外的学员。


    After a long flight I arrived at Shanghai airport, ready to embark upon yet another spiritual seminar with Master Wang. Once through Shanghai Pudong airport custom gate, I phoned Kathy Li (http://laoziacademy.us) who was take the maglev train coming to pick up me. I was anxious to make the journey to Jinhua so although tired I elected to make my way to the temple. Kathy wrote a note for me in Chinese and also gave me a Chinese cell phone (in case I got lost). Kathy was so kind got me into the metro after handing me a ticket she had purchased. We parted ways at People's Square as she had to return to the airport to pick up other seminar participants.




    For me the adventure was about to begin! I was in China once again and was full of excitement. Using a bit of sign language when necessary, I eventually got onto the train at Shanghai South Station to begin the three and a half hour journey to Jinhua. It was right around 13:40 by the time I boarded the train. Jet lag was kicking in however that was not enough of a reason to miss out on the sights and sounds along the way. My attention was fully engaged to capture as much of the sights and sounds as possible, of this country that fascinates me so much.


    Upon arriving at Jinhua, I was met by Lian at the train station. Somehow managing to exit out of the entrance rather than the exit but fortunately I had a phone on me. Soon we were driving through Jinhua and up the bending mountain roads toward the temple. Lian and I spoke of my journey and previous experiences related to training. All along I kept thinking that the day I'd been waiting for over the past weeks had arrived.


    Evening was setting in when we arrived at the temple. Lian gave me the key to my room and announced that dinner had begun at 18:00, that we should still be able to make it since we'd arrived only a few minutes after. That was welcome news. I quickly dropped my bags in the room and headed out to the dining hall. It was great to see Master Wang once again. In a warm and welcoming fashion, Master Wang got up from his chair and approached me to say hello. I shook his hand and regretted much not being able to talk to him in Chinese about how good it was to meet again. Soon I found myself exchanging greetings with old friends, lots of hugs and smiles. With such lovely aromas in the air, it did not take long to settle down for dinner. The long day of travel was slowing drawing to a close.


    The April 2012 seminar was a special event for those of us travelling from outside China to train with Master Wang. Not only was it the first seminar of its kind at this temple, it was well attended, with over 20 students arriving from many nations. Upon arrival, we were issued with beautiful blue Taoist garbs, an orange long sleeve shirt and a participant card both with the inscriptions “Advanced Taoism Inner Alchemy Retreat, 4.2012, Jinhua China” in English as well as in Mandarin. The new “Alchemy House” was well equipped with familiar comforts including many blankets and LAN internet access. All was organised and set to allow us to proceed well during our seminar.


    With a few exceptions, each day began with a familiar pattern of early morning (06:00) walking practice which sometimes included tree practice (ping heng gong), breakfast at 07:30, lectures starting at 09:30 with meditation/sitting thereafter, lunch around midday, afternoon rest, afternoon lecture starting at 15:00 with afternoon meditation right after and dinner at about 18:00. Most evenings we either studied or practised ping heng gong (tree practice) after dinner at about 19:30. On a number of occasions while performing Ping Heng Gong at night on pine trees on the temple grounds surrounded by dark mountains (no street lights anywhere!!) one could hear the sounds of traditional Chinese puppet show music coming from the small village at a lower altitude below the temple. This simple event really made a big impact on me – making me realise where we were at – in a countryside Taoist temple, far from the flashy lights and noisy sounds of big cities


    Training at a temple had a different feel to it. Much of the daytime brought constant reminders of the temple environment through the drumming and singing that accompanied daily ceremonies. There was an air of religion and worship around us, the typically dressed Taoist priests, the incense sticks...even the very buildings of the temple grounds held us to this impression. With the exception of a particular day in the Taoist calendar, each meal time begun and ended with thanksgiving in the way of singing in front of an alter prepared to offer gratitude for the food we were about to receive. The temple monks and nuns were gracious in their bearing and friendly toward us. For me, a significant highlight of the seminar was partaking of a tea ceremony after lunch on day four. The monk who led the ceremony simply would not stop being kind to us. Tea making is an entire art onto itself, using different pots and cups for specific kinds of teas. The five seminar participants gathered there were given a taste of “Puer” and another kind of tea called “Tie Guan Yin”. The former is an aromatic, dark brown brew which tastes really good and which, when prepared correctly, seems to develop a unique surface which is difficult to describe. It was made in an exquisite brown pot built from a special material which was translated to us as “purple mud”. To drink “Puer”, you must first look at it, then smell it before drinking it. The second tea was just wonderful! I have never had anything quite like it before. It smelled ethereally good and tasted just as great. This tea, made from a special green leaf, has to be made in a white tea pot and poured into a white cup. It is light green in colour, very nice to drink!


    Other seminar participants had the opportunity to attend temple ceremonies as well as receiving readings of their fortune. There always seemed to be events going on with lots of visiters frequenting the grounds during the seminar. Master Wang was very accessible to us. In his now familiar jovial and very warm manner he would mix in with us for the morning walk and while we studied tree practice forms in the lecture hall at night. We even got to see a very cool demonstration of Chen style tai chi from one of Master Wang's senior Chinese students, upon Master Wang's request. During the day, we received very interesting transmissions during the lecture sessions. Even the lecture materials which initially seemed to be familiar were taken to a higher level of explanation.


    It is not to say that due to Master Wang's cheerful nature many of us did not suffer the customarily painful sitting sessions. Quite the contrary, in fact there were particular days when a good lot of us agreed that the pain endured in the sittings was strong. Master Wang went into fascinating details about the nature of reincarnation energy and how by experiencing pain we gradually release this energy. Master Wang explained what happens as reincarnation energy is eliminated, leaving physical body energy and universal energy. Pain is a gateway to releasing the binds of reincarnation energy. This changes us, getting rid of certain traits inherited through our ancestry. By going through this pain when doing the sitting, we may be able to reach a high level in our practice.


    It will be impossible to complete an account of the Jinhua seminar experience without mentioning the visits to the Chao-Zhen and Shuang Long caves. Personally, caves are a big favourite so it was pleasing news to learn that these two events were on the itinerary. Meditating in the Chao-Zhen cave was particularly special, fulfilling a long-held dream. During this experience, I was able to locate my 'prenatal direction' as well as harmonise with the rhythm of the mountain. It was also possible for me to “look through” the mountain to see what was outside. The best part of this experience was being able to “see” a fairy during the sitting, and to compare notes with another student who also had similar experiences. The visit to Shuang Long cave was mainly for sightseeing, as this very amazing place was also being visited by scores of school kids as well as other citizens. Master Wang showed us the place where Ancestor Lu (Lu Tung Ping/Lu Dong Bin) carried out his meditations, and many of us posed there for photos, some sitting cross-legged. For me, the sight of a waterfall inside a cave deep underground just brought goose bumps all over. It must have touched upon some primordial memories!


    Alas, all events in our time-bound existence come to pass. The seminar came to a close before we realised it. At the end of this seminar Master Wang issued out certificates to all participants, something which I believe was also a first of its kind. For me, the certificate giving ceremony felt like being back in school again. Although I cannot (yet) read the Chinese characters, I am very proud of my certificate. This entire experience in China has encouraged me to continue to take my training seriously and to return to efforts to build a working knowledge of Mandarin.


    The occurrence of this wonderful event is relying on the hard work of Lao Zi Academy. The collaboration among overseas Lao Zi Academy, Longmenpai European and Jinhua Taoists Association, made this seminar happened. Special thanks to Master Wang, to Jinhua Taoist Association, to Lian, Kathy and to all who in diverse ways put in their time and energy into organising this seminar. It is my hope that in future, others will also have the opportunity to attend such a seminar for its spiritual and cultural value.



    Hope everyone have a nice Mid-Moon day (中秋节) on today ! Recently, Taoist Master Wang Liping contacts with us from Russia. If there is any question, please send email to Lao Zi Academy ([email protected]). The domestic Lao Zi Academy in Jinhua will have an opening ceramoney during this upcoming event.


    On behalf of teachers and Taoist Masters of this event, we announced the registeration information at this website.



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  5. It's about culture.


    Master Zhang Zhishun is the true 21st Quan-Zhen(complete reality) Taoism lineage, who became Taoist in his very young age (17 years old) in Zhong-Nan mountain and Mount Hua (Shan-Xi province), now is the chief priest of Yuchan Temple in Han-Nan province. The Taoist ancestor Bai Yuchan was the founder of Yuchan Temple in SONG dynasty.


    Master Wang Liping had taught seminar in Yuchan Temple in the year of 2007, that is his 1st public teaching after decade stagnation.


    The Taoist ancestor Bai Yuchan theory of Inner Alchemy is different from that of Zhang Boduan and Shi Tai. Zhang employs idea of Sudden Enlightenment ( 頓悟圓通 Dunwu Yuantong ) to define the Reversion to Emptiness of Inner Alchemy ( 內丹還虛 Neidan Huanxu ). Bai Yuchan, on the other hand, integrates ideas of Chan Buddhism into Daoism by stressing that the highest Dao lies in a man's mind, and a man's mind is Dao itself. He also combined Thunder Skills with Inner Alchemy, which helped to form the theory of Cultivation characteristic of the Southern Lineage. That is, Inner Refinement produces Inner Alchemy, and Outer Refinement produces Skills, a theory which has had great influence on the Daoist theory of Cultivation and Refinement of later periods.







    So what? Is how much you exercise. If you have time, you can exercise, you stay healthy. If no time, much stress, not good.


    Many like this can find if you look. Doesn't mean anything for qigong for health or power.

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  6. 全真龙门派第二十一代传人张至顺道长 the Long Men 21st generation descendant of Taoist Zhang Zhishun








    Lao Zi Academy & Longmeipai European group,


    Thank you very much for all your hard work making the April 2012 retreat happend in Jinhua Taoism mountain.


    --- Oversea Taoists Group.

    • Like 3

  7. Lao Zi Academy & Longmeipai European group,


    Thank you very much for all your hard work making the April 2012 retreat happend in Jinhua Taoism mountain.


    --- Oversea Taoists Group.




    Taoist Inner Alchemy 10 days Training ends successfully in Jinhua Immortal Huang Temple


    Initiated by Lao Zi Academy, cooperated by Longmeipai European group and Jinhua Taoists association, Taoist Master Wang Liping, the 18th generation transmitter of the Dragon Gate Taoism branch of Complete Reality Taoism, taught 10 days inner alchemy training class from Apr. 5 to 14, 2012.





    The foreigner participants experienced a taoist’s life and the wonderful feelings of meditating in the 36th fascinating cave through a temple life. During the 10 days retreat, students went to the famous Chao-Zhen and Shuang-Long caves. During the 10 days living in Taoists temple, there are have 2 important religious ceremonies:


    1. Birthday blessing ceremony for a student.

    2. Welcome ceremony for previous president of Macao.


    For more information, please visit: http://laoziacademy.us & http://longmenpai.com/forum . Click here.



    Poetry by Taoist Ancestor Lu Dongbin to the tune of Qinyuanchun (Spring in the Princess Garden):


    It's about Inner Alchemy.....



    • Like 1

  8. 100 years old Taoist Master Zhang teach "Eight Jin-Gang Gong"





    http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzA4NjA1MzMy/v.swf" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle"


    Taoist Master Wang Liping's teaching book in English is available. You can order it through "amazon" online book store. Here is the link:





    This book's name is "Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu" , which is translated by Richard Liao from Master Wang Liping's Chinese version book.


    If you have questions, you can visit links:


    http://wangliping.eventbrite.com & http://2011-daode.eventbrite.com/

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  9. In the early age of WLP, his teachers and grand teachers, like the Taoist in below picture. Even though they suffered from poverty, but they past down and transmitted the Taoists practice secrets to WLP. Late on, WLP came out to teach. At least in the 1980-1990-2010's WLP's teaching, he was quite genuine, his price are quite affordable and reasonable..... At those time, the teaching class are more in mountain or universities way out of his town, at least NOT in local HOTEL ...


    Checked related website, if this April 4th-15th small size retreat in low cost, in good place (Taoist cave and temple) happens, it may give some fresh air to us...











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  10. Master Zhang spends now half of each year in a hut on Zhongnan mountain, where only a few disciples pay visit.

    In the last few years, since his appointment as abbot of Yuchan Temple in Hainan, he also spend some time on the island where people can easily find him http://www.yuchangong.com/yuchangong/daozhang/315.shtml






    Thank you YMWong. Your Yuchan Temple in Hainan information (http://www.yuchangong.com/yuchangong/daozhang/315.shtml) is very helpful. From the video you shared, we see a nice REAL Taoist. He looks like a nice grandpa. :) He belongs to the TRUE TAO. Considering this April 5th-14th WLP's in-temple class in total cost much lower than through other venue, I am thinking about going to both Jinhua Temple and Yuchan Temple, may have more feeling about truth of China's Taoists.


    WLP is mixture of QiGong DaShi + lay Taoist, with colorful life.

    Master Zhang ZhiShun is REAL Taoist in mountain temple.

  11. Thank you very much for this video. Thinking about this "乱世 / 末法时代 trouble era" ..., how should we find the truth and sages ? Hope having chance to learn from this hermit on Zhongnan mountain. Would you mind share to us how could we reach him ?



    Here is a nice video of Longmen Master Zhang Zhishun (born 1912) who lived most of his life as a hermit on Zhongnan mountain, showing a daoist massage for health and well-being.



    When asked if these people could take this video, no money involved of course, he replied "of course, and show it to as many people as possible so they don't need to spend their money at hospitals"


    A breath of fresh air



  12. There's more information on the seminar in April organized by the 'European' here:



    The location was changed to JinHua as posted on the home page (red text):



    Thank you very much for the information. Read your site, and also check with my friends. The all inclusive estimated total cost (tuition, accommodation, etc.) is 2350 Euro/person, which is = < USD $3100 . How great deal for practice inside a the Taoists temple and caves !!


    Plus, the starting date is April 5th. My China friend tells me that day is a solar term point named (清明节) Qing-Ming (Pure Brightness) festival -- a day for remembering ancestors. How great is that Taoist Master choose this day allowing people "meet up" with Taoists ancestors in the Tao mountain /temple /caves !!

    • Like 1

  13. Got following information from somewhere in a forum. It's interesting and having fun of reading...


    "Note from a Chinese cave"


    Lift up your head

    Calm your eyes

    Look far away, as far as you can

    Look beyond the walls

    What do you see?


    .... caves are located in a wooded, hilly area about 200 miles southwest of Shanghai. The most famous cave, Double Dragon Cave, is entered by a stream that passes under a stone overhang just a few inches above the water. Visitors must lie flat in a shallow boat as it is pulled by wires under the outcrop. Rock whizzes by a couple of inches in front of your face and suddenly you are there, in the earth’s womb, where people have come for millennia to meditate—lifting up their heads, calming their eyes, and visualizing a world beyond the walls that hold us.


    ..... on a ten-day retreat to study with Wang Liping, probably China’s most famous teacher of qigong, a form of meditation and breathing exercises rooted in traditional Chinese religion ...........


    .Continue my reading....


    Wang, who stopped teaching before the crackdown and laid low for much of the past decade, avoided this maelstrom. Now he is making a comeback. Among the qigong masters, he had always been somewhat unusual in emphasizing the religious roots of his teaching—specifically, in China’s only indigenous religion, Daoism. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, government officials widely saw Daoism as the most backward religion— practices like palm reading or fengshui were routinely condemned as “feudal superstition.” But faced with the rising popularity of foreign religions, especially Christianity, the government is beginning to endorse Daoism, too. Though he remains cautious, Wang has quietly begun teaching again in public, shunning the word “qigong” in favor of the Daoist term “inner alchemy.”




    The 62-year-old Wang has had a colorful career, even if one isn’t sure how literally to take his official biography. According to that account, in the 1950s he was chosen by three Daoist masters of the Longmen (Dragon Gate) school to be their successor—the 18th generation in a lineage. He lived at home on the outskirts of the northeastern Chinese city of Fushun but after school would meet his teachers in the forest for intense training; they would sometimes bind him cross-legged so he would stop fidgeting.




    Quite interesting. How colorful of this 62-year-old man ? I won't stupid to consider the story of <Opening the dragon gate> as his true biography, it's more like a novel book !!

    • Like 1

  14. Has anyone learn to do magic from Wang Li Ping?



    This is an interesting topic. :lol: Checked some "magic, Taoist wizard..." term in Chinese.



    Here is theChinese Information: http://baike.baidu.com/view/143008.htm


    Here is the machine translated information: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.god8.org%2Fcontent.asp%3Fid%3D1918


    法术 (fǎ shù , magic arts): 泛指方术之士所采用的画符、念咒等迷信手段。亦指神仙和道人呼风唤雨、驱邪除病等手段.   


    释义基本解释  词目:法术   拼音:fǎ shù   [theurgy;magic arts] 泛指方术之士所采用的画符、念咒等迷信手段。亦指神仙和道人呼风唤雨、驱邪除病等手段。


    法术能量来源. 法术,是人类运用空间物质转化变换再现于物质世界的一种方法技术,其变化过程大都是在太极弦的另一侧,也就是四维空间以上的时空中完成的,所凭藉的能量不外乎三种:其一,就是自身元神或金身之力;其二,自身灵力与空间意识体之力;其三,单纯依凭空间意识体之力。


    法术学成的分类  一.不交自会:就是指民间巫术而言。这种不交自会,纯系空间信息意识体借体修行或控制被控人,达到积善修德之目的,在民间这种倩况是比较常见的。   二.阴交阴会:可以概括旁门左道之类法术。所谓江湖旁门之术,泛指那些不......

  15. Cited from Lao Zi Academy Forum:


    Natural Breathing Walking Practice method 自然换气法


    1. the walking speed from slow to fast, the overall speed is relatively fast to his own physical tolerance as the standard. During the walking, the shoulders, elbows, hands are relaxed, fingers are down, swing arm back as far as possible, you can open the heart and heart surrounding channels through the arm back swing. 第一:走路的速度由慢到快,总体速度是比较快的,以自身体质的承受度为标准。走时两肩,两肘,两手都放松, 十指指尖向下,上肢尽量向后摆动,向后摆动可以开通心经和心包经。


    2. Expand your chest, adjust breathing to be as thin/quite/long as possible, then the lung channel had opened. ...... 第二:要挺胸,胸挺起来呼吸就要细均长,肺经就开通了。......


    More detail, please visit Lao Zi Academy forum.

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  16. Got following information from somewhere in a forum. It's interesting and having fun of reading...


    "Note from a Chinese cave"


    Lift up your head

    Calm your eyes

    Look far away, as far as you can

    Look beyond the walls

    What do you see?


    .... caves are located in a wooded, hilly area about 200 miles southwest of Shanghai. The most famous cave, Double Dragon Cave, is entered by a stream that passes under a stone overhang just a few inches above the water. Visitors must lie flat in a shallow boat as it is pulled by wires under the outcrop. Rock whizzes by a couple of inches in front of your face and suddenly you are there, in the earth’s womb, where people have come for millennia to meditate—lifting up their heads, calming their eyes, and visualizing a world beyond the walls that hold us.


    ..... on a ten-day retreat to study with Wang Liping, probably China’s most famous teacher of qigong, a form of meditation and breathing exercises rooted in traditional Chinese religion ...........




    Sounds like a great deal. I think I speak for a lot of people on this forum that while I don't doubt Wang Liping is the real deal the price is steep for a lot of the members here. It's kind of a stupid thing to say considering some people have raised money for years to see him, people of much less sufficient means. I'm not even sure why I'm writing this, now.


    In any case I'll definitely buy the book when it's released and am very curious as to it's content. Awaiting eagerly.

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  17. I have a Chinese Medicine friend in California, he knows some information about the book's translation. It sounds like the original Chinese book are collection of WLP's 30 years teaching, and the Chinese version book is available in China for many years. Considering the Chinese version book seen by people for many years, WLP having large amount followers learning from him in China. For sure it (teachings book being released) will help student's learning very much.


    You mentioned Wang Lipings teachings book being released this year, is this book going to be adequate enough to practice the preliminaries out of?

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