Marks of Glory

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Posts posted by Marks of Glory

  1. My opinion on colors is this: if you want to make a color and associate it with feelings of healing, and sending qi to the area, then you can. Its optional. Some people perhaps were unconsciously forming colors in their deep unconscious mind while getting better from a sickness, and from then on, somehow associated the "getting better" with the color. In general, the type of people who go for colors for this or that, are weekend yoga class types, very superficial type of meditation. Personally I find green, because its the color of plant growth to me a nice color. But white I think is better for sending energy to a location. Its about the deep subconcious level associations, not the current defintion of a color category as thought by our programmed conscious minds.

    If you want to have a healing animal, you just create one. A disease fighting cat. How about visualize maggots wriggling and eating the infected area? This is much closer to the reality of T-cells and natural killer cells that fight disease, compared to a color. The sun is very healing, so can fire be. So is water. They all have colors.





    I agree with you in some aspects.. I think it is possible to "create" a symbol subjectively and associate it with a power...


    but I also think that there are certain symbols that are concrete in themselves. Theos Bernard for example says that White coloures light is usually associated with Kundalini, so I wouldn't use it anyway because of Kundalini's avasalating force... He says that certain colours are associated with certain Tattwas, but does not say much more...

  2. Whoa aloot of replies rsrs... Here I go...





    Can you be more specific about your practice? Qigong is very broad term :)


    My night practice is dedicated to Chinese Qigong...


    I start my practice with simple Ba Duan Jin to open up the body and spread some Qi around.


    Then move along to the Relaxation tecniques found in the "Qigong Empowernment" book or Grandmaster ShouYuLiang


    Then move alond to the Qi Permeating Technique found in the "Qigong Empowernment" book or Grandmaster ShouYuLiang


    Then move along to the Kidney Strengthening Qigong series, found in the "Qigong Empowernment" book or Grandmaster ShouYuLiang.


    Then I move along to the Zhang Zhuang Standing meditation found in "The Way Of Energy" book of Master Kam Lam Chuen.


    This series takes about 2 hours.




    Feeling cool in a refreshing way is fine, but the waking up very cold and getting sick indicates it's either a side effect of the cleansing, or you've gone wrong somewhere in practice.

    What are you practicing? Do you have a teacher - they should be your first port of call.


    Some times I think that those illnesses are carmic dirt being keensed up (My totally spiritual self says that) and some times I think it is just a immune system failure (my rational 21st Cenrtuy self says that). During one of this illnesses I dreamt that I was in a boat in the seashore, right next to a very high mountain (right beyond the beach), the Mountain was covered in dark clouds, and I felt as if My mouth was full of bits and pieces of shell material from the sea, and I kept spitting it all the time... Really looked like a cleansing process to me, rsrs..


    I believe that this process is kind of "normal" since I have read articles that mention this "process"; I.e. The fact that Theos Bernard in his "Hatha Yoga" book says that the Kundlini Yoga practitioners haave to practice during Spring or Autumn as not to get sick. Bilbo Baggins in "The Hobbit" gets pretty sick, with a cold and sneezing like hell after he manages to "open up the gate from the Dungeons of the Forset Elves Castle and dive into the Underground River that flowed throught the castle". And well during one of the initiations of Goku in Dragon Ball (hen he goes to a Icy Cold place to drink an Elixir), well soon after that, Master Kami gets with a pretty strong Cold, sneezing and all...


    So beacause Of this, I think it not because of something gone wrong in the practice, but on the contrary... went pretty well..

    The thing is... what comes next? And what Can I do to avoid those side-effects?





    It sounds like kundalini side effects to me...which is sympathetic nervous system arousal, of blood (and warmth) shunting to the center of the body.


    Moxa on zusanli is supposed to be very good for warming yourself in the winter.


    Relaxation and parasympathetic nervous system activation is called for here...if you can find ways to do that.


    Geese, right on the Spot Bro!

    Yesterday i spent the whole day sneezing like hell, all day long... At night I dipped my feet on very hot water for about 15 minutes and did moxa on Zusanli points right before going to sleep, and woila! Stopped sneezing right away and snezzed only like three times today!... I've heard that the Samurais would burn their Suzanli points with hot iron before going to battle so that their immunity and Yang would Boost.


    I guess that this is the solution for the problem.... dipp Feet in hot water and moxa on Suzanli right beore going to bed (and sleeping with socks also) rsrs




    are you getting overly warm during practice? sweating? is it cold where you are practicing? how deep is the cold?



    During the practice I get warm and even sweat... then I notice that my skin is getting cold, but I do not feel cold, just my skin is very cold and kind of sweaty and moist.




    I know what you mean. Like during the meditation, you start to go deeper and deeper into the emptiness then you start to sweat and shake then afterwards, you feel light and cold somehow numb and weak. yeah whenever I truly go into meditation that lasts for an hour a session, that happens to me but I realized after researching a lot on spiritual cultivation that it's merely a side effect of cultivation. Of course meditation reveals latent diseases, mental or physical.


    Exatly brother!!!! I shake alot, but a kind of very subtle shaking, like a rumble, specially in my Sacrum and Spine..






    Thank you all brothers!

  3. Watching the sun through closed lids I'll see bright fluorescent colors. I'll run/breath the colors through my core, bones, muscles, etc.,


    Thank You thelerner... I have seen a similar practice on he "qigong empowerment" book composed mainly by Grandmaster Shou Yu Liang. He says he learned this practice from buddhists, and that the bodies of the masters that has got very proficient in it actually dissappears when he / she dies, and kind of dissolves into rainbow colours... pretty cool, he says that it can be practices with a candle also, but I didn't read it very attentively and never tried practicing it.. I will surely try it now.



    I can't comment about the color visualizing, but I can give my experience from a similar injury. Three years ago, I tore my meniscus snowboarding. My knee was very swollen and was stuck in a partway bent position. The MRI showed a partial tear. I went to an orthopedic surgeon who said I would probably need surgery, and I was very upset. I knew the surgery removes some cartilage, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to run long distances after that. He said I could wait a month and if it doesn't heal I can get surgery.


    About 10 days later, with my knee still extremely swollen and stuck in a bent position, I decided to get acupuncture. The first thing she said was that my leg was bent due to tense tendons and muscles in my leg, and we needed to straighten my leg or it would never heal. She finally was able to straighten it after some massage, and then did acupuncture. I ended up limping out of her office without my crutches. I went back for I think only 3 more sessions because I had to go back to college, but it ended up healing completely. In between sessions I just focused intention on healing my knee, and tried to eat cleansing foods. I just ate fruit, white rice, and steamed vegetables. My advice would be to get acupuncture, especially if it is a recent injury. My understanding is that acupuncture works best when done as soon as possible. Hope this helps you some, and if its a partial tear I think its comforting to know that your body can heal itself if you let it.


    Thank so very much my brother!


    in my case it was a partial tare... I practice alot o Yoga meditations and full lotus, and it was diring a full lotus that it popped... I am very worried that I will never be able to enter into full lotus again.. but I am just waiting... I have discovered some nice exercices to open up the knee joints so that the meniscus isn't pinched... It has been three weeks since my inury.. my knee is still slightly painful, but with total movement range... I discovered it is now making like 4 different snaping sounds...


    Those are the exercices:


    Knee Openners:




    Manduki Asana




    I highly recommend that people that practice ull lotus and feels pain in the meniscus pracice dilligently those exercises so that they do not snap the meniscus, and manage to staay longer periods in the lotus position...


    Geese... I hopes that I had access to this information before popping my knee!


    Am calling the acupuncture center right away...




    Norma Blakey is an expert on this stuff. She runs colour healing courses at our centre, they are well supported.


    nice images... I thought that maybe the Golden Colour would be appropriate since it is associated with the root chakra, and physical body (Gold and Red in the Traditional scriptures).


    But any way, I think I am just going to boost some energy through my knee after my Qigong practice and get some acupuncture done, since I do not manage to visualizy very well definite colours for long periods of time..


    Thank you all

    • Like 1

  4. Hi.


    I have noticed that after some intense Qigong practice my body stays kind of cold to the touch (starts happening during the practice). But I do not feel cold at all.


    I go to sleep and often wake up feeling very cold at night. As if my body is cold.


    I have got ill much more often lately.


    Does anyone know why this phenomenon happens?


    Is there anything that I can do to not get sick but still contunue with my practices? Teas, moxas on specific areas of the body, etc?


    I have heard that Kundalini Yoga practitioners are recomended to start their practice on Autumn or Spring so that they do not get a Sick.


    Any comentaries are welcome.;


    Thank You.

  5. I have heard sometime ago about how the visualization of certain colors are good for developing certain aspects of our human framework... But I do not remember the details.


    Does anyone know what color is good for visualizing for developing healthy Tissue? Maybe there are difrerent colors for different tissue.


    I am asking this because I had a torn meniscus recently, and am very afraid of not healing properly, which could possibly hinder by future practice in full lotus positions.


    At the end of my Qigong practices I am visualizing just plain Qi, no color, passing through my knee and taking away all impurities, but maybe there is a specific color for catilage damage.


    Does anyone know anything aboiut this?


    Than you

  6. I'll repeat Ish's question to you. What form of Zhan Zhuang do you practice? Any special arm or leg positions?



    Thelerner, I read master kam lam chuens books and videos on youtube.


    I practice holding the belly, holding the ball on the chest, arms spread oon sides and holding um heaven. Will try other ones after some more weeks who knows.


    I am still a newbie on zhan zhuang, but it is very powerful for me.


    As an overall formula though, I would first master breathing processes such as nadi shodhana pranayama (on the morning) with high retention periods. That certainly will activate your energy. After that I would start to add on zhan zhuandg practice at night. I recomend this because it is the way I did it.


    I thought I was going insane, for months on a row everything was constantly spinning around me. I was totaly spaced out, I couldn't walk on a straing line, always tilting to my left. I didn't know what was happening.


    So I started practicing zhan zhuang at night, after some months I discovered how to reallly STAY STILL, like a rock, a mountain, And a miracle happened. my body stayed still, the spinning sensation stopped and all of a sudden a spiraling energy current started moving round my body like a snake, i finaly separated the energy from my body, and it was very pleasent. I ended up discovering also that thoughts are formed by energy, a kind of subtle matter on top of the head, so I learned how to stop the thought process, so the "energy" ontop of my head to get loose and start spiraling around my body in the most fantastic spiral moving patterns, often spirling down my left leg into the ground.


    The Pranayama activated the energy currents and the standing meditation gave the last "pull" to further unlock. Incredible.


    those experiences are the latest ones I had, but every week or so I discover new ones, truly amazing..


    I agree with DAO rain tao... an empty mind is totally necessary for the new experiences. and.... STAND STILL, ROCK STEADY...

    • Like 1

  7. Once you reach an advanced stage drop it and focus on moving and sitting meditation practice. Then come back and see if you really need it.


    I have been practicing Pranayama and sitting meditation daily for three years now.


    I noticed that for months on a row I kept entering into a mental slumber, sleepiness process, without alot of benefits.

    After starting practicing Zhan Zhuang, everything changed. I practice standing meditation for about 1hr - 1hr 30min at night and sitting meditation on the mornings. The result is incredible, sometimes I need to stop the sitting meditation earlear due to excessive energy.


    I feel very lucky to findout about the standing meditation. Really nice. A true complementary practice to sitting meditation.


    Sometimes after a good session, some frieds have said to me that they are able to see auras and even feel extre-physical entities. (He believed that he attracted the spirit because his energy got strong.)


    Every day of practice is a new discovery. New energy patterns. New insights into the practice and into my energetic nature.

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  8. If you have the capacity of creatively practice, and notice to your own body's signs, sooner or later you will feel into the correct practices.


    ofcourse, you can fuck up alot of times and get some scars,


    if you are lucky, those scars won't be too damaging.


    self discovery is this, we are the only ones able to change ourselves.


    no book, and no masters can do it.


    but they sure can give us some tools!




    *I love free media*

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  9. Funny. My ups and downs are quite accentuated lately.


    In phisics an electric current is formed by Potential Diference.


    maybe it's normal if you really want to get enlightened, kind of snapping the taiji-cord to return to Dao, qat least during some periods of practice.


    Just don't kill your-self in the depressions, "The wise man knows that the storm will fade away" Laotse


    And don't try to grasp absesively the "ups" also, just watch it, do not possess it.


    You did not get a boner because your energy was up high.


    People with energy uphigh lack of sexual desires, and feel as if they are stepping on clouds - ungrounded.

    alot of yoga practices do this, like nadi shodhana pranayama with high retention periods.

  10. Nice...


    I like to go for the ROOTS always also...


    A funny thing that I have noticed is that most people accept a "guru" very easily.

    The first freak indian-looking idiot that appears in their front, they already kneel down and well... kind of funny...


    Another point, and this one is more subtle, and a kind of a hunch... I believe that most of those Qigong and Yoga teachers of today didn't actually have great acomplishment and enlightments but, nevertheless, the practices that they expound on their books, workshops, etc, are (sometimes) quite profound.


    A diligent student, normallyt born with an innate capacity of energy manipulation, and a reasonably opened third eye (inner guru) opened, who is lucky enought to access correct knowledge, about energy mechanisms, etc... CAN, by himself, find the path and use the knowledge acquired from those lower acomplishment teachers. As if the force of destiny is using people of lower acomplishment to pass on knowledge to people of higher acomplishment....


    Ex. One obssesive low acomplishement practitioner goes to China to seek for knowledge. Cool, but there is a balance beacause the real true knowledge is inside. Anyways. He searches, searches, searches and searches for a great great great grand master. and.. eventually.. he finds this master! The master looks at him, sees that his acomplishement is low, and that probably the exercises won't give many spiritual benefit. But anyway, he feels that it is necesssary to pass on his knowledge to the student (who does benefit from the practice also), who wrights a book in english with the info and sells it world wide in amazon. Many people who don't have the time or financial oportunity to find a grand master - teacher, but that are born with great energetic capacity, reads the book and continue their cultivation practice from previous lives.


    note: 1st - this is a hunch

    2nd - by no means I think I am of a higher acomplishment by saying this (maybe destiny is using me - low acomplishemnt - to say something true, just as the example said above.

    • Like 1

  11. There is the possibility of grounding the excess qi to the ground, which would not drain the energy vessels from your legs (ejaculating would).


    To get past your solar plexus you should know how to relax your diagragm and abdominal muscles. Try the Following.


    - Lay down on your back in Shavasana (savasana).


    Slowly relax you whole body, arms, then legs, the back, then head, then abdominal muscles, etc. one at each time.


    After you are considerably relaxed.. focus primarily you abdominal muscles... try to relax them to the point that they will sink toward the ground with the gravity pull.


    Now go on to you diafragm.. it is a little tricky to feel the diafragm, just concentrate on the area of you solar plexus - stomach. And bring you consciousness some inches inside your body... Now, relaxxxxxxx.. especially when breathing out.


    After you practice a while, you will manage to relax your diafragm together with you abdominal muscles... You will know that you are managing to relax them deeply because your diafragm will spontaneosly move upward (toward your heart), your rib cage will naturally expand laterally, and you abdomen will suck in, causing a vacuum effect on your digestive cavity, due to the upward pull of the relaxed diafragm. All those movements will happen at the same time, maybe a little violently and for a short period of time initially... if you manage, you will certainly know that you managed it.. it is beautiful. This is the True UDDIYANA BANDHA.


    A picture:



    It is not only wrong, but also harmfull to practice uddiyana bandha by contracting the abdominal muscles inward... IT WILL BLOCK THE ENERGY FURTHER STILL.


    After you managed it laying down.. try to do it sitting down, and whilst doing jalandhara bandha, in the following sequence:


    1)breathe in 2)breathe out 3)Hold your breath out 4)chin lock 5)relax abdominal muscles and diafragm (spontaneous uddiyana bandha) 6) stop uddiyana bandha 7)relsease chin lock 8) breath in


    don't harmyour self... youi MUST be relaxed during the practice.. remember it is an advfanced practice. I recomend doing it olny after you mastered breath retention inward and outward, which takes some years.


    Notice that, when practiced properly.. the throat pit will be sucked in spontaneously also... the chin lock (jaladhara bandha) will help maintaining the air tight in your lungs...


    If you want to do this practice.. you must manage to do it in a very relaxed state.... and with the correnct inhalation:retention:exhalation:retention ratio.


    The upper sucktion and relaxation of this practice will make the energy get past the solar plexus easily, but be ware... it will go straight to your head, you must know what you are doing, and where/how to direct this energy if it get's stuck any where up there....


    All this information is because you asked for it... please be careful... Any problems you may PM me


    It is not only wrong, but also harmfull to practice uddiyana bandha by contracting the abdominal muscles inward... IT WILL BLOCK THE ENERGY FURTHER STILL.


    Please... very careful... dealing with energy is a delicate art... you must be cautious... I recomend you practice nadi shodhana pranayama some years before attemting it...this will increase your breath retention period and adapt your body for the pranic load.


    Hope this helps..



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  12. I think you are building jing and preserving it by doing so...


    i see semen and hormones as "solid" energy.


    you will go a little insane yes, and if you manage to brake through insanity / past mental conflicts you will access higher spheres / vibrations (which require higher amounts of energy to access)..


    by holding up you jing you will probably start feeling like women feel before their menstruation (pre-menstrual tension).


    It is a good way toget to know your unconscious problems.... youi will probably get pissed of with people, etc... but actually you will do so because of your own self-repressions.. so it is up to you to identify them... your "shadows"....

  13. Hmmm... some interesting things came in mind....


    Swami Satyananda says in some of his books that kundalini is firmly established one it reaches manipura chakra, which is in the same location as the real lower dantien (behind navel and in front of mingmen)


    Very interesting in deed.. the chakra that precedes is is Swadhisthana, he refers to it as ~purgatorry~ very yin like experiences,passiveness, and living lot of past karmas mentally, I found this experience veery similar to the ~yin spirit~ ddeescription.... passive, and storehouse of karmas....


    Swami said also that alot of tantric buddhist traditions regard the Kundalini force as residing in Manipura region and not in mooladhara.... maybe because in the dantien is where the embryo is formed initially.... firmly estblishing spiritual development...


    after you reach this level... conserving energy becomes alot easyer, and the alchemical work gets very hot.... kind of the opposite problem...


    Any way... probrable the spiritual embryo is formes in manipura and it`s birth takes place in ~sahasrara chakra~, (it is know that when kundalini reaches there, the yoguin nver is born again.



    just wanted to share this info because soetimes by studying diferent traditions it becomes easear to get the real message...

    If you want to discover the mysteries of language, it is good to stud 33 completely diferent languages, like chinese, one eaastern (latin) and say, one native american... so that ou kind of understand the symbolic drills... the same applies to learning alchemy... it is easear to understand what the enygmatic word mean if you study diferent traditions...


    in hermetic alchem is is said that there is a humid and dry path... sooner or later you need to adopt the dry path.. it is very hot... guess it is when you reach manipura... you feeel graounded and energy doesn`t disperse that easily anymore (unlike the humid path, where the energ disperses ina chaotic and apourish manner)






    do you think this post is interesting? useful? easy to comprehend? worthless?


    thank you

  14. Inverted Yoga postures? sirshasan and shoulder-staand, practice aswini mudra (anal sfyncter contraction) when exhaling, when upside down. also learn how to relaax all the abdominal and diafragm muscles so that a vcum is created to suck in our guts back in....




    cold water.... ICY cold water there...

    • Like 1


    From what I have been taught it is better to open up the body with something like Temple qigong or baduanjin, move into chansigong, transition to zhan zhuang exercises once the body's pathways have been opened, and then to perform tan tui-like routines to send the qi out the legs and back to the lower dantian so as not to "short circuit" oneself. After the "tan tui" I usually practice slow and intricate footwork patterns and exercises similar to some of the Pencak Silat drills. Interestingly the "tan tui" I was taught was a little different than the standard 10 or 12 road to be more compatible with taiji principles and to preserve my knees.


    What a nice methodic aproach Mithstrike...





    Does anyone know where a methodic approach of wushu stance training can be found\ I simply have lot of difficulty creeting my own...

  16. If I wasn't open minded-- I wouldn't start a thread on 'serpent gurus' teaching people lol...


    I want to emphasize the corruptions of myth, and satan is allegory... and how the 'serpent' in the western world is associated with 'evil', thanks to Abrahamic religions


    Then you post a video about how a 'guy talks to the devil' lol


    Kind of goes directly against the whole point of my thread.. :)


    your flesh is allegory also


    Life is this allegory, it is real and not only philosophical....

    you me, the internet, this computer...


    And well.. this dude says he sees snakes kinda of every night, colorful ones, flying all over... so maybe the Nagas are here right now... if you have the third eye opened....

  17. If he 'talked with the devil' -- then he is Delusional.


    *There is No personified "devil".


    Normally, I wouldn't oppose another viewer's input, but being this is my *Own Thread, I do not want misleading information on it.


    Especially when I am posting information about how cultures [deliberately] misconstrue such concepts for their own personal gain.



    oh.. I thought you were a little more open minded....


    he wold draw amazing archetypal pictures of naked women without not even having seen one before...


    I don't know if you understood qhat I ment in the last post....


    anyway I thought that the video would be interesting for you but I did not find any video that... I am not sure of what you meant with your Thread...


    anyway.. maybe you find this info interesting...


    the clip of the vid (without subtitles, unfortunately... if you would want to see the whole documentary i think you would have to buy the video)




    some images in google:



    anyway th documentary is "Moacir arte bruta" and the director is Walter Carvalho...


    didn't quite understando you DISABLED. but anyway.. hope this helps

  18. Hmmm.;... it is not possible to access youtube from the computer that I am at the moment...


    search for "Moacir arte bruta" in you tube... hopefully you will find some excerpts... or if you are very interested, maybe you find the documentary to buiy in the internet....


    Moacir (the man's name) was born in a cidy called "alto paraíso" (High Paradise) - Brazil... This place if famous for its curitive powers, extreme energy field, giant crystals and miraculous scenery - kinda of like the lord of the rings scenery....


    Any was... Moacir was a diferent person ever since he was born.... he refused to drink even a drop of his mothers milk! from an extremely poor family, he developed abnormal artistic abilities and draws extremely powerful drawings... he sees stuff like flying colouful serpents, and, says he even talked to the devil once... very charming person.... oh.. he has a smelling capability that is of another world.. he simply hates the "stench" as he says of most of the people...


    a must see for mystical students... he was born even with a stran "scrotum like" structure hanging in his throat, like a goat!...


    cheers,... hopes this helps in your surbveys...


    PM me if any dougts....



  19. To this I would add that if you went swimming in the ocean on the East and West coasts, you could also compare the East coast to Yang and the West coast to Chen. On the East coast the waves can be large or small, depending on the weather, but they have a measure of regularity to them, all going in the same direction, you can sort out what to do with them -- swim over or dive under, and you can keep swimming uninterrupted by them. Yang style ocean. On the West coast, more often than not you can't swim uninterrupted -- it's like swimming in a giant washing machine, you can't go in a straight line, you have to jump, change direction, duck, the waves can collide on you two at a time, turn backward, now push, now pull, tumble you off your track -- they are full of surprises. That's Chen style ocean.





    Hmm... Porbably metter to learn how to swim in the East Coast...



    I would say all are good for energetic development, coordination, balance, well being, many health benefits, and heightened awareness. None are good for enlightenment (whatever that means). While Taijiquan methods often incorporate meditation methods and many of the training methods do greatly improve mind-body integration and awareness, if you want to pursue spiritual development you're better off following that path (Daoist meditation, Buddhist methods, Vedanta, etc..). And finally, none are good at teaching you how to fight unless: 1) you are fortunate enough to find an exceptional teacher, and 2) several like-minded training partners, and 3) you are willing to commit a decade or two to dedicated and consistent training. I've been involved in full contact fighting for a very long time and there are precious few folks that train primarily in Taijiquan that can really make it work when it counts.



    I personally am seeking taijo more as a complement for spiritual practices...


    I think that if you stand in Zhan Zhuan for 30 minutos or more, and when energized practice a good taiji sequence, you probably clean alot of dirt from your Aura / Energy field.


    notice the word : think


    Quite a few spiritual schools work with energies withou touching the body... I will search for some Videos and post it here.


    Imho, taiji is an excellent daoist meditation. One can stay in preparation form and become one with dao. We end up lerning all the various forms because we (unknown to us) want to be able to meet the dao in any position, any situation etc(ergo preparation form)


    My teacher emphasizes meditation over martial training in taiji...though we do learn fa jin, etc. karma is non issue if we stick true to being wu wei. Wu wei is the state of nishkama karma so no karmic points are earnt.


    I agree with that!


    I think it is important to strengthen the body so that you feel confortable in any ocasion, so that you can perceive the Dao anytime...





    Ohh... about taiji..

    I practice alot of still meditation, chakra visualisation, mantras in speceific parts of body, etc...

    taiji is quite new to me but htis morning something amazing happened.... as I was sitting in meditation i discovered that I could concentrate on the chakras and mentaly mantralize them alot more efectively by focusing "energetic arms - hands" onto them... i never had that experience before and I guess that the taiji moving meditation helped out alot to achieve this. my actual physical arms stayed normally resting in my knees...


    reminded me of that dude from dragonball - ten chi ran - who had the ability to develop 4 arms during the fight...

  20. Thank you for the info brothers!


    actually, I am planning in making a trip in one year's time.. I am savingo some money...

    and I was planning trying to get a working visa.


    I am planning in living bout 2 years there so that I can study some martial arts in Shou Yu Liang gong fu school...

    I am studying mandarin so it would be perfect if a rented a house in chinatown to practice it.


    I was searching for someone from Taobums that lives there so that I can get a work permit easyer... to get the working visa it helps infinitely if you have a job offer from someone from Canada - Vancouver...


    well.. Thank you for the info.. I will defenetely note those things down...



