Marks of Glory

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Posts posted by Marks of Glory

  1. because the latter comes before the former ;)



    Can you explain better my brother?






    I was thinking in opening a new thread based only on the deep dissection and interpretation of "Taoist Yoga" book of Charles Luk. Chapter by chapter. Anyone interested in starting this Thread?






    Since we are talking about death, maybe it's worth while mentioning that Nature ("True Nature") practices of cultivation oftranscendental Spirit actually resonates with Death. It is a practice of dissolving, of dissolution. That is why Shiva is the God worshipped by most Yogins, and Brahman the creator, the least, having only one temple in the whole of India!


    That's why Taoists in generally also cultivate "Life"



    It's a Xing Ming thing...


    Maybe it also relates to why the Romantics write so much about death in their pursue of the Ideal world (Ideal = the Tao, and the portal to the Tao is Death). Of course they do so intuitively.

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  2. I really like Marblehead and Vortex's metaphorical/allegorical take on this, but I suspect there is some sort of physical analog. Probably something like an OBE. Hard to say for sure though.


    Might help if you provide some more context. Like, for instance, what book are you referencing? Is this from Opening the Dragon Gate?


    Also, what is the 'mysterious female aperture?' Might want to start there.



    The book I read is "Opening the dragon gate" as mentioned in my post.


    the 'mysterious female aperture' is mentioned in the tao teh ching. On Long Men Pai it is said that this "aperture" is found half way between the Heart (representing Heaven here) and the Navel / Kidneys (Representing Earth).


    i.e. the mysterious female aperture is localized on the solar plexus, on the stomach area. If I'm not mistaken there a stage on the practice in which the adept must hold his intent and qi higher than the navel but lower than the heart, until the qi will spontaneosly enter into this cavity. But I never understood When this should be done. Because the same source that I studyes mentioned earlier that the adept must hold his intent on the lower dantien until the Heat manifests and circulates the MCO.


    Anyway, coming back to the topic...



    My experience with what I think is most close to "minor death":


    There are two occasions in which I feel my breath completely ceasing.


    One of them I consider as being a pathological manifestation, maybe of exhausion of Yin, I'm still not sure. But my breathing gets very subtle and wants to cease. When laid down it tends to completely stop, accompanied by a sense of suffocation. This sense of suffocation indicates that this process is not a healthy outcome of the practice. I notice this happening when the air is very hot and stale and dry. If happening during the sleep it is accompanied by very vivid dreams with highly simbolic contents.



    The second experience there i spontaneous stopping of the breathing, but interestingly there is no feeling of suffocation, which is kind of awkward and strange in the moment. I Laying down while having this experience, it is accompanied by a sense o levitating out of my body, of feeling the presence of entities roaming in the room, and a extremely fearful mystery on the air. On these instances I feel afraid of not coming back.


    If, during this experience I neglect to lay down (due to the intensity of leaving the body), and stand up and walk around, my whole vision of the world and society crumbles down and I feel like I lost it. So I lay down for a while, walk for a while, laydown for a while, till it passes.


    This second experience first happened in a Ayahuasca Ritual, and then after intense meditation on a Vipassana 10 day retreat, after focusing on the crown baihui intensely there was a feeling of dissolving of the body into pixels like a waterfall from head to toe, accompanied by a spontaneous exhalation and suspension of breath, some hallucinations and the feeling of the HuiYin dissolving and getting soft.

    • Like 6

  3. Me, I'd go with the part that thinks "it is a part of a process, that I should accept this whole experience." Then again, that's what I usually think. Intense practice leads to intense results. Nothing wrong with that, though it can certainly be scary at times depending. The thing about your breath becoming very subtle sounds very good to me. If it's more intense than you like, I'd experiment with cutting down your practice time.


    My two cents.






    I've seen lots of great cartoons over the years...




    Captain and Luke,


    thanks for your points of view.


    The bad dreams are not the bad part, I actually am quite bald. Every time I "wake up" with night paralysis, instead of fighting it, I always continue relaxing into it more and more, until the experience becomes very, very intense.


    the bad part was my breath. But i think I know the cause. Its a combination of causes.


    First I do pretty intense breathing exercices, so I already am kind of starting to take control over the breathing process and change this aspect of the "brain".


    Secondly the intense practice during the days 24/7


    But mainly... it's still kinda cold here, so all the heaters on the building are on, making the air dry...

    maybe the practice was causing my body to consume alot of water / body fluids for some reason...


    3 days ago I woke up with my Lungs feeling irritated... probably because of the dry air together with an inner dehidration... my hands were feeling much more dry than usual, and my urine was very yellow.. signs of Heat... I was feeling stale and hot also...


    In TCM, dryness directly injures the Lungs.



    So I started drinking alot of water since since 2 days ago, and my breathing came back to normal... before going to bed I spilling water all over the sink, the over, under the bed and under the couch, heheh (I live in a bachelors unit), it's kinda working.




    Hey, could you please explain the technique about focusing on LDT? Do you imagine something there like a light or a golden cauldron? You imagine it behind your navel? Thanks!!!!



    Hey Marcus...


    just focus gently down there... on the whole area, the triangle formed by yout navel, your mingmen and your huiyin.


    I don't recommend visualizing anything... (forcing visualization is one thing... seeing or "feeling" / "sensing" light during meditation is another if it happens naturally, thats good, don't seek it)


    don't use to much force in you intent.. it must...ust must be gentle and natural, other wise you'll create a blockage there.


    when / if you start feeling some vibration downthere, make sure to keep it vibrating (with not a strong intent, and without any visualization) so that it does not stagnate. It's kinda like moving your ears... seems impossible, but when you get it.. you get it.



    practice standing or on a chair instead of sitting in the floor.


    get a god IMA teacher to correct your posture, it'll help connecting your whole body, especially the lower part, the LDT, the legs and feet.



    those are my opinions... follow your gut, not mine.



    My air ticket to China please.



  4. I went through the same thing with paralysis and lucid dreams, several times. I was not doing heavy LDT focus but meditating a lot and sorting my head out due to family and anger issues. I was deeply exploring Taoism and Buddhism while being in a very different place mentally.


    Has anything changed in your life recently? Just wondering if that could be a contributing factor. Spending such a long amount of time focusing on the LDT seems a bit extreme to me though...that could also be it. You could just be mentally exhaused...


    First of all thanks alot for the reply Rara.



    Yes, I can be mentally exhausted. over the last week I started a process that possibly will change the direction of my life, possibly I`ll transfer to a TCM college in the US. I`m pretty stressed picking up all the documents...


    My breath is so subtle that I can`t even percieve it properly. It`s not unpleasent, it`s kind of peaceful and silent.


    The bad part is going to sleep... I just went to bed and my breath started to stop again it`s very frightening, so I got up to avoid sleeping = ( I don`t want to go through that again.. it feels like dying.






    There`s a part of me that thinks that it is a part of a process, that I should accept this whole experience.




    who knows..

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  5. Hey all,


    maybe some of you guys can help me out interpreting this whole experience.


    I've been practicing Tien Tao Chi Kung lately,

    and I`m following Roger Hagood's advice of gently focusing on the lower dantien throughout the day.


    Two nights ago I laid to sleep at night and focused on my dantien till I got to sleep. after spending a whole day focusing on the dantien it's almost sure that a night it'll be vibrating full of chi, and so it was.


    All of a sudden my whole body was paralized (the all common night paralysis). But this time it was different, all my surrounding was vibrating and I was slowly falling as if I was sinking in the deep sea. I had a desperate feeling with it.


    Suddently I was in a very vivid dream, but the details were not that important.


    I woke up all of a sudden, in one violent grasp of air, as if the whole dream happened whilst my lungs were empty.




    Next night, same procedure, went to sleep and focused on my LDT till night closed my eyes.


    I started dreaming... In this dream I was in a soccer field... there was a wrestling team with powerfull men training and being led by a coach... I passed by in admiration, laid down on the grass at a distance of their training.


    There I entered the "whole body paralysis" again. Yes I was within the dream this time. The paralysis was intense with all the vibration sensations over my body., is was particularly intense in my LDantien, this focus point then rose spontaneosly to my crown, where it started to emanate a sound as if of a waterfall. I was freaking out, very scared. Why was that sound emanating from my crown where my intent got stuck? I suddently woke up from the paralysis, I but I still was in the dream... I woke up still in the soccer field thanks to the coach of the wrestling team who was directing water at my body with a hose in an attempt to "wake me up". Apparently the sound emanating from my crown point was nothing less than the sound of the water striking it from his hose.


    The whole fighter team stood around me, looking at me in shock and fear.


    "Geese" said one of them "I surely didn`t want to be in your skin".


    I told them all how I admired how they represented courage and strength.


    Then I really woke up from this dream, in my bed... also with a sudden grasp of air, as if it all happened while my lungs were empty.


    During the whole morning my respiration was very gentle, almost nonexistent, may be too gentle, I don'y know.






    But all those experiences freaked me out, it`s too terrifying. I don`t know if it was triggered because the air here is too dry or if it`s because of over practicing qigong.


    but if it was due to over practicing chikung it would probably be an Excess symptom in traditional chinese medicine, and my breath was actually very, very gentle, which actually looks more of a deficiency symptom. or maybe it has to do with shen.. I don`t know!


    But I surelly would really want to know why it is happening and what is happening energetically.


    I had it before, but it passed away gradually, even though I continued practicing.





    Doen anyone have more information about this phenomena?


    Anyone knows how to interpret dreams? That would be great too...


    Thanks alot my brothers.






    When it happened I was sleeping under alot of covers, and the weather is getting hot in Canada, the sun hits my apartment directly all day long, so there is alot of solar energy in the place.


    I passed the last 2 -3 days with this very gentle respiration, and feeling very warm on my skin.. warm and stuffy, almost stale, the air I`m breathing is feeling a little stale too. I`ll sleep with my windows open.


    for some reason I thing it can be related to the sun, the warmth and the dry weather.

  6. LDT


    It is a place central to the body in relation to all directions, up - down, front - back, left - right, so essential to produce central equilibrium.


    It is the mid point between heaven and earth, manteinind a RELAXED awareness of it helps standing on the midline between worlidy perception and high intuition (once again central equilibrium)


    It also brings vitality to the physical body, making it strong and healthy for a long time.

  7. Cheers Effilang.


    I believe that som ethings are quite right about what you said.


    When practicing some yoga practices, such as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama with long periods of retention, on the right proportions, ofcourse, you start opening up higher chakras before the lower ones.


    But there are some problems with this.... you lose completely your roots, your shen disperses insanely and you cannot ground it easily (that is, only after you "burn um lots of past karmas / mental latencies" you are safe; which kind of reminds me of the "pure yang" state which taoists aim at cultivation). That is why, if you want to tread the path of Pranayama seriously, it is recomended that you withdraw yourself from society for a while.


    on my personal experience.. I started cultivating with pranayama... it opened alot my Shen.. I went insane for some time, it was terribible... then I started practicing Qigong, and straight away I started developing very strong Qi sensations.. probably because my shen was wide opened / deveoped... so it seems to be a little harder to hold my intent at my lower dantien, but as soon as i do it, energy starts rumbling straing away down here... kinda violently, probably because of my opened shen, i guess... it feels like compression, like and inverted triangle...


    about ejaculation... well... my practice started opening the shen.. which means that my energy body was in a mushroom like shape: Big at the top... no very grounded.... I found that, whenever I ejaculate, this patters accentuates; I get more balloon headed, less grounded... and i feel lots of cold, as if my vitality were out of my body (on top of my head), not cool.... I guess that it really is dangerous for people that cultivate too much shen and no Jing to ejaculate, if their body is weak, well... their vitality can escape their body in a way that could result in death. seems very plausible from my experiences, some times I would even have breath shortages, felt like dying...



    hoped this helped

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  8. I do not want to make propaganda of cigarette smoking, i myself was a heavy smoker same years ago, and quit


    but it is a fact that tobacco is widely used by "cultivators" of alot of differentent religions.


    For example Xamans, Hopi Xamans, and other xamans all over the world, and Voodoo, Candomble, Umbanda are a few I know about. It also appears alot on Gustav Meyrink`s classical Theosophical novel "The Golem".


    It is interesting to add too that J R R Tolkien, who started involving himself with the Occult and secret wisdom from a very young age used it alot on his pipe, and mentioned, very specifically, on "The Lord of The Rings", it`s importance. Of course, he did it indirectly. his quote on the beginning of the book goes more or less like this "I do not know precisely what herb they smoked but it surely was of the nicotiana family (...)" one of the uses probably is to hold back some anxiety attacks which are common on "kundalini" awakenings (dispersed Shen (?). Taoists instead learn how to hold their intent on their Lower Dantien, for example). this is my guess. But I think there are other reasons too, i think it is quite a powerful herb, that actually opens some gates.


    But not at all necessary, and very harmful.


    For it`s spiritual purposes, I sometimes give a few puffs on a pipe, without breathing it in, whilst in my closed room, so the smoke stays in the atmosphere and breathe I breathe it in not so concentrated, and meditate.

  9. The only light i notice in my third eye is violet. Sometimes its dim and sometimes it is deep and rich. I also notice white dots of varying size. Sometimes they are other colors gold, red, periwinkle, hot pink, or blue. But that is rare. I do feel i can see shadows as well, they tend to dim the surrounding light, but it is only noticeable when i close my eyes and bring my attention to my inner eye.

    Also reminds me of something, when i was in a state of psychosis in the hospital i literally saw gold and white orbs with my eyes two times. It was cool.



  10. To Veritas: the pain maybe due to purification, but if it feels too violent, take care and stop the practice, the testes is a place where you really should not play around with, rsrs..



    When you practice, do you use your eye to fix the external sun and moon and your ear to fix the inner sun and moon ( Golden Flower)?


    There are a few excercise in SSS book to open third eye, candle gazing, brow gazing while chanting "Om". Have you tried them? Also nose gazing and throat friction. They can be practiced anywhere and anytime.


    There are two types of pleasure down there: one from penis and one from prostate. The pleasure from penis is yan and from prostate is yin. when the two frequence are combined, it generates a bliss beyond simple orgasm.


    You should be able to get prostate pleasure without any involement from your penis (it should be soft in your yin pleasure practice).


    There are two version of the Golden Flower: one for internal practice (Whelm?) and one for external practice (Cleary?).






    I do not use my eyes to fix the sun and the moon, nor do i use my ears.


    the only practice I use is emptyness, and to achieve emptyness I practice anapanna; simply feeling the air coming in and out through my nostrils, I reduce the area of awareness to my upper lip and entrance of both nostrils, till the points that i feel that I am not my breathing and I am not my body, at this point I feel my spirit naturally gathering in my third eye area, it happens spontaneosly, but I see no light over there, (probably because I still have to revert my essence into qi and clean my marrow rGov. Vessel - Zhao Bichen)


    I have practiced those practices tht you mentioned, like Trataka (golden flower incense gazing) and ujjayi pranayama SSS, but i felt that they were distracting me and not making me achieve emptyness.


    After I achive some degree of emptyness by practicing anapana, then I start sirculating my awareness, sometimes holding it in certain places such as the Dantien.


    In my opinion, SSS`s book is very good, especially the Systematic course in Ancient Tantric Techniques. but the really good techniques of this book, in my opinion, is the Nadi Shodhana, the Bandhas, Nauli, and Asanas to stretch the body and sit in full lotus eventually. But the meditative techniques... I did not like it so much... I use Vipassana and the Vipassana retreat that I went was really the bonus meditative technique for me.


    thnks for the info on penis and prostate pleasure, i will keep an eye on this, sometimes I feel as if I am about to ejaculate and my penis isn`t hard, some times I have a very strong hard on but no feeling of iminent ejaculation, maybe there is something to do with this???


    my version of Golden Flower is Wilhelm`s


    I felt heat by my balls this morning. It felt like my youth was being restored. Rejuvenation. Lolz.

    I also find it interesting that i decided to search this very topic today and noticed all of these recent post. Interesting.

    I also woke up from a dream the other night. Someone had introduced themselves to me and offered to heal me at their clinic. Whoever this is, thank you for your humble generosity. I didnt get the name though, i woke up when i realized i was talking telapathically to some one.




    Maybe some one from another dimension or a superior personality of your own self.


    Nice dreams brother!

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  11. I think at this point, I know there are at least two method to go up: central channel and MCO.


    The kundalini yoga method is to open all the rest of chakras. Then guild the energy straight up to the crown. I got that from the book "Kundalini yoga" by SSS.


    The Chinese taoist yoga is to open the MCO. Then guild the energy around MCO. I got that from the "the Secret of the Golden Flower".


    I believe either method needs the third eye to be open first to guild the energy. I don't think the thrid eyes need to fully open. But it should be operational enough to sense the energy or light.


    Is rest of your meridian/chakras open?


    If you bring the energy to huiying and spin the huiying, do you feel pleasure? If so, you can bring the pleasure energy up to help open other meridian/chakras. I believe that pleasure frequency is relatively safe to spread around.


    Also, remember to "smile". The taoist secrete smile seems to bring the light from crown down to the whole body. It shatters the darkness of fear.




    I am familiar with SSS, and read recently the Golden flower and another book on Taoist Yoga writen by Zhao Bichen, funny enought, I think that this book is only available in Chinese and Portuguese!!! (most good books are only available in English). Any ways, in Zhao Bichen`s book, he says that first of all the Cultivator must start reverting his Essence to nourish the spinal column, he does this by transforming Jing into Qi by circulating the MCO together with breathing exercices, i believe that your awareness (internal breath) follows your atual breathing process (external breath) and it leaves the huiyin and reaches the baihui after 4 external breathings, in each of this breathings you rise up and up along the spine, then 4 breathings to come downs again to the huiyin. He says that the time to practice this is when you are in the "Zi" period, when you have and erection spontaneosly without having sexual thoughts. He says that after practicing enough, you feel eventually feel the signs that you should go further to the next level... those signs are: you feel a breeze behind your ears, you listen to a vultures sound behind your head, and you see a golden light. That means that you have nourished and completed your Vessels and nourished your system. After that you start using this light in the cultivation.. I`m not sure how, but I know that at this point he says that you continues circulation the MCO but use only your pure intent, without the external breathing. I am saying this because, acording to Zhao Bichen, you open your third eye only after along time of MCO (the golden light). Please note that the info that I mentioned here can have some imperfections since I am posting it from memory and I read the book only once and in a period of less than one day.


    As for my experiece, the testicles pain came from the ground into my huantiao points and then to my testes (instead of dantien).


    I do feel pleasure and even get erections during some practices, sometimes I have to contract my internal musces to avoid semen to spill out. The last Time I felt an derection and my Huiyin swelling up, I brought my attention to the area inbetween my anus and my tail bone, first I felt the skin surface and then subtled my awareness to feel the qi on that area and on this moment the bubble in my huiyin area moved to the place that my awareness was and then it transformed into a tingling sensation and expanded into my body (but not the MCO, it simply expanded and dissolved into my body), and my erection dissapeared subdued immediately.


    another funny thing, once my Huiyin was fuulll of enery, I would feel that area swollen up during the whole day, I would spend almost the whole day with an erection, so I decided to try the MCO technique of Shou Yu Liang`s book.. well... I really felt my body divided into two parts and the Qi rising into my head then lowering to the Huiyin in the COnception Vessel.. all went fine, and during this process my breathing got very very subtle, the strange thing is that when I went to sleep that night, I had a nocturnal emission = ( .. Since then i still did not manage to acumulate enough sexual energy such as I did last time.

  12. Finally pythagoreanfulllotus got me convinced that full lotus is detrimental to one spiritual development.




    Bring on the full lotus backlash! It always cracks me up! haha.


    Sitting in full lotus is not my "personal problem." haha.


    Obviously you shouldn't force the full lotus position but if you can't sit in it then your energy channels are not open and you need to sublimate your energy more.


    Full lotus is a great means of testing your level of energy.


    I don`t think that you can sit in a full lotus just by opening the channels, i would recomend some yoguic asanas together with the meditations for that purpose






    When I sit in meditation, half lotus, I feel energy first on my Huantiao points, the two bony protrusions of my sacrum that are touching the ground, then the energy rises to the huiying, sometimes going down to my testes, at this point my testes start bounding and thumping and vibrating quite violently, then I bring the energy to huiyiin and to sacrum, never got past this point though... I`m kinda scared.


    Or you could not make it flow through your microcosmic orbit and work towards getting to level 2 in the mo pai system. The methods for level 1 and 2 can be found on the internet for free


    do you have a link?

  13. hmmm yes, i guess it`s time to start circulating that energy.

    After acumulating Qi in your Dantien, any Qigong will get very powerful, maybe you should try and open the small orbit by opening the lower gate. When I feel alot of Qi in my testes I try and bring it up my spine, it first goes to my huiyin where I feel it as a bubble, as if my huiyin swells up, the maximum I brought it up to was my sacrum, because I was scared of not having a teacher with me.

  14. Greetings.


    I have attended to a TCM doctor to treat my torn meniscus with acupuncture. After each session, he would spray a red liquid which he had prepared with Chinese Herbs and said that it was very benefical for healing injuries but did not tell me how to prepare it, with which herbs, which proportions and if it was an alcoloh extract, etc...


    Does anyone know about any herbal extract recipe for healing the musclcular, akeleta, tendons system?



  15. hmmm...


    adding some info on breathing exercices, to develop sensibility on that area, while laying down, you can try and isolate your breathing pattern into: Abdominal, Intercostal (rib cage) and clavicular breathing. try practicing at least 5 minutes of each of them seperately, and at the end, at least 5 minutes of all of them together.


    Abdominal breathing: place a book on top of your lower abdomen and try and lift and lower that area whilst breathing, without moving your ribcage. Note that your lower abdomen must rise as a secondary effect of the diafragm movement, try to use the mininum your actual abdominal muscles, letting the job to the diafragm.


    Lateral Breathing: ribcage bereathing, now spend some time breathing only with your ribcage, without moving your abdomen.


    Clavicular breathing: (optional, try and breathe only with the upper lungs, by raising your shoulders and trying to touch your ears with it, and then lowering them... it is very difficult the the less effective way to breathe.


    Complete breathing: will in the lower abdomen, then fill in the intercostal (middle lungs), and then fill in the clavicular aarea (upper luings - optional). on exalation empty the upper lungs (clavicular area), then the intercostal area, then finally the lower abdomen. The motion reminds of the tides or waves of the sea.




    *Edit.: oh... after finishind the exercise, ajust lay down relaxed and try and mentally relax your diagragm to the point that your whole abdominal area and stomach sinks towards the ground (especially in the exhalations) this can stretch quite alot our diafragm... I believe that the snake pose (bhujangasana) is good for stretching that area also... give a look and practice carefully*


    About the inverted breathing... I totally agree that it is good to pack up the lower Dantien, but I believe it also is important in transmuting some sexual energy and circulating it (when pulling the stomach in while inhaling you kind of naturally bring it up into your Du channel).


    correct me if I am wrong.

  16. years of practice... the cleaner your meridians are and the smoother the flow of energy, the more sutil and fluid your breath becomes...


    you should find some good breathing exercices to help you out, before the practice of circular breathing, like the ones exposed in Shou Yu Liangs book "Qigong Empowernment" or Hatha Yoga`s Nadi Shodhana.... be sure to practice them correctly other wise you can do serious damage to you Pranic or respiratory systems..

  17. I'm sorry about your situation. I hope everything turns out fine.


    Love conquers all.


    A few days more, I'll reach my 100 days of celibacy. Let's wait and see what's going to happen.



    Wow... 100 days !!


    I still have not had any nocturnal emission, but today I noticed that I am more passionate and staring at women at the street so, at the evening I will practice taichi focussin on sexual chi, internilazation of Desire and internal Bliss, to continue with my experiment...


    let me know about your experience!