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Posts posted by Tatsumaru

  1. ADHD / ADD - The Absolute Thread

    A large percent of people claim to be suffering from either ADHD or ADD nowadays. Some of those are just lazy guys with no game and no life, some of those are just trying to get their hands on some Rx drugs, mainly amphetamines, but some of those are also genuinely affected.

    I have been living with ADHD for over 20 years. I was told by my conservative parents that I am pathologically lazy, have problems with authority and learning and am basically doing all of this just to spite them. A protest of some sort... I guess... At one point in my life I just accepted that I am a no-good lazy, unable to focus and study (basically progress in life) guy. I never thought I had a condition, I just assumed that I am of the lower quality. And yet my mind won't let me accept that I have no potential. I just feel that I can, but also that I am caged or incapacitated of sorts.

    For those of you who don't have ADHD/ADD - imagine a bird with its wings tied to its body. You know you are supposed to fly and that you probably can, but it just won't happen. Your flying boils down to pathetic jumps that take all of your energy. This leads to extreme confusion and all sorts of other disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar and worse. It feels like prison. You open up a text book to study and at about the third sentence you feel as if the whole universe resists you. If you try to read the whole chapter it takes so much mental energy that you end up tired and you go to sleep barely remembering something. At the same time you know you are not stupid, because you feel and understand things your fellows don't. You probably have a well-developed intuition and weird interests.

    So much confusion, so much anger, so much desperation - that's ADHD / ADD.

    I have made no research on ADHD / ADD treatment as I've realized that I have it myself just recently. From what I know a lot of people are taking a lot of different drugs. Some with little to no effect, others with nasty side effects and lastly some with decent results. Stimulants and NRIs, DNRIs, SNRIs, are common as scientists believe norepinephrine has something to do with this disorder.

    And while we are at norepinephrine, let me tell you something...
    A year or so ago I had a bad panic attack. Really really bad. I had post-traumatic issues for 11-12 months. But that's not my point. The next few days immediately after I got out of the hospital I developed a strong anxiety disorder. Was afraid to sleep, afraid to stay alone and even afraid to take my vitamins. I was so scared for my life that I was constantly listening to my heart and I even lost some hair. But let me tell you this - these few weeks that I was overpumped with (nor)epinephrine I wanted to study like crazy. I started studying to become a doctor. I was so motivated and I was reading textbooks on biochemistry for hours and I was loving it and I was getting it fast and becoming a doctor and graduating from an Ivy-league university seemed quite possible. Never before in my life have I felt anything remotely similar to this. I was finally capable ! (Hint: maybe norepinephrine really has something to do with this)

    While this feeling was really nice, my anxiety issues were so horrid that fixing them was my priority. I did fix them eventually with almost no drugs and now I am completely fear free. I only fear for the normal things I have good sleep I even do risky things every now and then. However... I am also back to my previous ADHD self and you know... Everything is as it used to be - bad.

    Now I started this thread because this is a really horrific disease and there is just not enough information about this. Without ADHD/ADD we can achieve so much in our lives and yet we do not know how to fight this disorder. I want to gather all kinds of valuable information here and hopefully help some people get over their ADHD/ADD issues. Everything goes from herbal remedies, to drugs, research chemical, cognitive therapies, personal and misc experiences.

    Let's figure this out guys ! I want my real life. I want to be a highly productive member of our society ! I bet you want this too.


    I have high hopes that chinese medicine or ayrveda might have a cure for this. Please let me know if you know some very skilled and knowledgable chinese herbalists or ayurveda healers.

  2. Hello,

    Is there anyone here who has shown interest in drugless anesthesia ? Probably via hypnosis or acupressure ?

    Is it possible to induce full anesthesia in a safe way to a person ? We all know that medical anesthetics are very dangerous and come with a plethora of potentially fatal sides such as respiratory and cardiac distress, vomiting, comma etc.

    All help will be greatly appreciated.


    Again - we are not talking about pain management, but full body anesthesia. The one they would use for harder surgeries. Thanks.



    I've seen those hypnotherapists on shows who just touch people and they feel asleep. Is this true or is it a myth ?

  3. This is becoming quite not what I wanted it to be... Bunch of people selling their ideas about life to each other.


    How can you ask "What's the need of being super smart ?". There is obviously no need. There is no need for anything. Nothing is wrong and no goal is useful. There is no good and there is no wrong. There is no purpose to life, there is no God. I want to be super smart because I enjoy the idea of being so. Nothing more nothing less.


    You just talk too much. You can't seem to focus. Instead every one of you is trying to prove himself wiser and more spiritual than the rest. Quite sad actually.


    I will stop following this thread now as it has become useless. Good luck and be well.

  4. intelligence: the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations (from Marriam Webster dictionary).


    Are you sure you want to discard your intelligence


    It was already explained that new situations are of the low brain only. In reality there are no new situations, so you don't need to survive or adapt to any new conditions. So yes, I definitely do.

  5. I cannot describe the hole either. For me the keyhole is an empty space with functional meaning in the heads of humans. From an ant's point of view probably, a keyhole is a hole just like any other.
    I cannot relate with what will never leave me, as I do not know what it is. Is it my soul ? Everything seems to go away eventually - flesh, thoughts, feelings, passions, meaning.

  6. The truth is,...cerebral intelligence is never, and can never be, in the moment,....it's impossible. Like the other 5 senses, it can only observe that which is perceived in time,...which is motion,...and as every serious neophyte should understand, there is no Present, Moment, or Instant in time.


    Suggesting that the 6 Senses are "often not in the moment" is fully wrong,....the 5 Senses cannot ever be in the moment.


    Thus,...let's mention, as Lao Tzu and Buddha suggested,...that anything not in the Moment, is not real. Why cling to things that are not real for one's identity?


    "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go.....the only way to understand [the Tao] is to directly experience it." Lao Tzu


    Let the 6 Senses go. It is impossible to have a direct experience through the 6 senses,...all experience born of the 6 senses can only be experienced through the conditions of the 6 senses.


    Buddhism says: "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara


    So,...one does not have to worry about all six,...just let go of one. This was once a question of science,...but then, scoence became sense-based.


    As I mentioned many times,...René Descartes, concerning the senses, articulated, “All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once.”



    They only tell you what is true, but they never tell you how to achieve it. You cannot truly let go of illusions as long as you operate on the level of 5 senses. At least that has been my experience. No surges of understanding ever come and no blissful enlightenment engulfs you as soon as you have realized that you don't know anything about anything.

    I have no idea about anything. I doubt everything. Yet I am everything but groundless. I have sought spirituality my whole life, yet I'm no different or more special than any other man.


    Days after days after days I have sought understanding. I guess I'm just one of those people who give up after not seeing any result. It's hard to be fanatic about something that doesn't appear to work.


    Suffering is useless. It brings no pleasure. Delayed gratification is useless it doesn't bring any relief. Only instant manifestation of desires can ever help you let go, as one will be able to experience the uselessness of possessions only after having them. Only experience matters. Only experience changes.


    Empty words, proverbs, quotes, citations. beliefs, hopes. They don't matter one bit.

  7. Try to picture my goal like a computer game.


    In every game you have to struggle and train and get better to pass through ever coming harder and harder levels in order to beat it and reach to the end where the glory awaits.

    However all games have cheats, with just a line of code you can get to the end, bypassing all the effort.

    I think that life is such a game and that there are cheats. I've played the game for quite a while and now I want to use the cheats.

  8. Quite an entertaining film,...reminded me a little with The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1936). I've generally considered brain development a hinderance to spirituality,...but in Limitless,...from my perspective,... Eddie Morra was evolving the abilities for transcendant purposes, not for egomaniac pleasure. How many, statistically speaking, would have progressed as Eddie?


    Enlightenment is fundamentally simple,...it is a consequence of observing things as they are. For the most part,....IMO, smarts can be a diversion from that realization,...the realization of observing things as they are.


    For me, the film Limitless showed a possibility beyond the drug. Eventually, he no longer needed the drug. Sort of like in the Onge's Hat story,...the "Egg" was no longer needed once they understood the crutch of the "egg." But,...was an "egg" ever really needed to begin with?



    Does one need NZT-48, if one realizes where it can take you? Does one need the "egg," if one realizes where it can take you?


    “The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it.” Charles F. Haanel


    Does one need NZT-48 or an "egg" to prepare a corresponding vibratory brain cell? Did Sakyamuni have access to NZT-48 or an "egg"?


    Actually yes. For example when your head hurts, you know that an aspirin will take you where your head doesn't hurt, and yet you need the pill. Thoughts alone don't change your status. Not without some special understanding at least.

  9. Read "The Brain that Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge, M.D.


    This book documents the growing scientific evidence of our brain's neuroplasticity.

    It has been traditionally thought, by scientists, that once the brain reaches maturity, its neuroplasticity has slowed to a stop. That the brain at that point is essentially hardwired.


    But a growing mountain of respectable scientific research is slowing overturning that long-held assumption. Peer-review studies in the literature are now showing that the brain is more soft-wired (neuroplastic) than we thought, even in old age.


    Our thoughts can and do change our brain's neural networks. We can overcome mental illnesses, improve intelligence, even reverse hearing and eyesight damage, simply by rewiring our brains.


    Being on this forum is an advantage for you, because it means you've already opened yourself up to practices like meditation.

    This is important because concentration is highly important to build new synapses and neural networks.


    But I cannot elucidate the contents of the book better than the book can itself. So I strongly recommend reading it.


    The Brain that Changes Itself is one of the most important books I've ever read. If you really want to heighten your intellect, you need to be aware of the advances being made in modern neuroscience--and this book offers that.


    I know. That's why I started using Cerebrolysin and IGF-1 in addition to heavy mental exercise. I started listening to Mozart, reading Dostoevsky, learning to write with my left hand, chess play, bridge play, painting hell even writing. Maybe it helped a little but there was no WTF at the end of the process which took about 6 months.


    Actually, This guys a lot like me. Someday I want to change the world as well. Space-Travelling technology and what not. He must be an aries as well.


    Yes I am. And I am infinitely thankful to vemarco here, who created a very very professional horoscope for me that changed my life. Literally.

  10. Really?


    I can't be truly content unless I find God.

    I can't be truly happy unless I get a better job/car/house/spouse/body/brain ......

    I can't have true intelligence unless I get to know myself down to the core.


    This line of thinking got us into trouble in the first place.


    I boldly declare I have true intelligence. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot (God included). :)


    There is no God.

  11. intellectual potential is 100% genetic. nothing you do can make you smarter, but you can do lots of things to make yourself dumber like banging ur head against the wall. so theres no secret to it other than being born smart. sorry to bust ur bubble lol


    You didn't burst my bubble because all of what you said was 100% bs. On the other hand however, quite groundedly demonstrated a lack of basic knowledge in genetics.

  12. I get they guys who dis me. After all it is true that being intelligent and knowledgeable is the absolute opposite of being enlightened.

    However everyone who really seeks to let go should realize that there is nothing wrong with anything in the world, thus there is no need to criticize me for going backwards on the path. If you are able to contribute please do so.


    Being super smart is fake and in the relative reality thus it shouldn't require any hardship to achieve. It should be instant if one knows the means to unlock it.

    Knowledge is something that I want to let go of after some time, so I'm not looking for a lifelong commitment to it.

  13. After reading the book Mega Brain, I've found out that one of the secrets about Einstein's brain prowess might have been the ratio of glial cells to neurons. Basically Einstein was a very rare case as his brain autopsy showed that he had an enormous amount of glial cells per neuron.


    The only compund that I've heard can enlarge the size of glial cells is Royal Jelly. I wonder if that could help...


    Lion's mane is a good idea I should grow it.


    @thelerner - I was really great at playing the piano. I have all kinds of awards on my wall from different contests. But being a musician is A: too time consuming (7-8 hours of playing per day at least) and B: paid really poorly. What good is extreme intelligence if you have to live like a bum with it.

  14. You don't need to there are free pdfs


    I like to buy my stuff. It's good for the economy.


    I have to say I've tried Immrama's binaural beats for a short while (didn't work). I wonder if there's some secret meditation technique that gives unlimited mental prowess as a result.

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  15. http://www.wikihow.com/Develop-the-%27Sherlock-Holmes%27-Intuition

    very helpful


    Einstein factor



    Look for a free version of this pdf, It's extremely effective!



    I know exactly how you feel man, I've always wanted to be like that guy off of limitless, I've just been lazy. But these things actually work.

    I will order all of those. Thanks.

  16. Anyone saw that movie "Limitless" ? Gosh I swear people have been talking about nootropics and stuff all over the forums and I have tried basically all the nootropics except for the super secret stuff like J147 and AMPA-kines and what not. I've tried all the racetams, methylene blue, cerebrolysine, huperzine, galantamine etc. etc.


    Some of these things work a little but they are absolutely nowhere near the omnipotence that the main hero from the movie got out of that fictitious pill NZT-48.


    Ok I know "It's just a movie". However all of us here should know by now that nothing is impossible, so saying "Look, it's just a movie" won't cut it here.


    And I've exercised my brain a lot as well. Started playing the piano from age 6 profesionally, was the first in my class to read/write (way before I even started school). I have great insights every now and then but I just don't feel that I'm living up to my potential. In fact I'm rather mediocre for what I have. And I know I have much more. It's one of those things that you just know with your third eye. But I just don't know how to unlock it. Exercise is not the key, at least not of the classic type (e.g. learning to write with left hand, doing mind games, reading dostoevsky, painting etc.). Sure it helps, but is still nothing special. I want the premium package, the absolute vision to change the world in real time.


    I will do anything to have it, I will even jump off of a cliff if that will solve it. I need to know tell me, what are the secret techniques to unlocking the mind, no matter how dangerous. Thanks.

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