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Everything posted by 林愛偉

  1. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    Waigong is to utilize breath and mind to cultivate the muscles, tendons, ligaments: focusing on the manipulation of structure to attain substance and force. Basically cultivating one's mind and utilizing it to raise one's energy, change the body structure, strengthen it as to prepare for deeper, less physical practices. Neigong is to use mind and energy to do the work, the body, though it will be moved and such, the focus is totally on mind concentration power and energetic strength. Wai gong prepares one for Nei Gong. When the body "external" is healthy, then the "internal" body can rely on that strength to be cultivated. Vague to a degree, but that's the best way I can put it at the moment. Also, nothing that I have is secretive, I just call it Jing Xin Shen Gong: Pure Heart Spiritual Cultivation. Basically begins with mastering structure/form, cultivating the body, rid it of toxins, develop concentration power by cultivating the mind through cultivation of the Buddha Dharma and Daoist teachings, etc, etc, etc. Peace and Blessings White Tiger! Lin
  2. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    Wai Gong/Nei Gong, nothing special about the names. The practices I have are not taught commercially and even in books. They are practices learned through meditation and personal apprenticing with my teachers. My Wing Chun lineages are of Jiu Wan, to Jason Lau, to Alan Goldberg- Jiu Wan Lineage. The other lineage we hold is from Yip Man, Moy Yat, Alan Goldberg- Yip Man. Jiu Wan was a student of Jiu Chow who studied with Yip Man under Chan Hua Shun. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  3. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Some of you already saw this one: Just put music to it, nice and calming... enjoy! It old though. ekmIAW336-4 Peace, Lin
  4. The Sutras that really helped me put things into perspective : Shurangama Sutra, Diamond Sutra, 6th Patriarch's Diamond Platform Sutra, Buddha Speaks Amitabha Sutra, Liao Fan's Four Lessons, Confucius' Di Zi Gui. Many more, but these really helped to put things into perspective...
  5. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    Wing Chun Kung Fu -10yrs, 37 Form Taiji Quan - 8yrs, Qi Gong: Wai / Nei Gong 19, or 20yrs. Peace, Lin
  6. Hi Every One, Here are a few vids I did recently in teaching my student some apps of 37 Form Taiji Quan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=935atIC5Lo0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us4gBCmfjVk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWzAlPi4lGs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=616OrlBaIrA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7FL_KcIRyY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ivqt3zN6as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY2CdhUW2I8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rWBK8clMBg Enjoy! Peace, Lin
  7. 37 Form Taiji Quan - Various Apps

    Thank you! Went fast...now preparing to teach later on tonight. Peace, Lin
  8. 37 Form Taiji Quan - Various Apps

    You should teach the car some taiji quan..hahaha
  9. 37 Form Taiji Quan - Various Apps

    Sorry about your truck brother man. Getting married this morning! The exchanging of Recitation Beads...hehehe Amituofo. Lin
  10. 37 Form Taiji Quan - Various Apps

    Just ideas, and things I have done with the Taiji Quan I have. Peace and Blessings, Lin Here are four more videos on that day. Peace...and Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf861QVIq9I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEdwNkxh0jw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0glavu_eg4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ETWPh_lESE
  11. A Fundamental Buddhist Concept

    All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are the same, its only the characteristics they utilize to manifest to living beings which are different. Living beings, though hold the Buddha Nature, are not realized Buddhas until they are. The only difference between living beings and Buddhas is Karma. Peace, Lin
  12. Why Taoism is different

    There is a saying in Buddhism. It goes: "Waiting at the gates of hell are more Buddhist Sanghans and Daoist monks." The reason is they purposely make vows, promises to oneself and others, and still break them with the thought that because they have left the home life, they are holier than thou. Not all left home of Buddhism and Daoism are like this, but a great many. Then, they teach their followers to do the same thing with "unconscious" views that it is ok. Now lay cultivators follow their teacher's to the hells of their mind, thinking it is heaven. Hell is of the mind. It is a mass karmic retribution/outcome regardless of who does what. People create the realms, and though outcomes are myriad, many people vibrate on the same level of energ, thus creating the same outcomes of eachother, thus manifesting mass karmic retribution/outcome. Whether good or bad. My Daoist Shifu once told me,"... it doesn't matter which education says what, Daoist or Buddhist. What does matter is our own capacity to attain common sense in being a good person. Follow and lead a wholesome life, and you will be alright. Do otherwise and beware of your own karma." One's own rationalization will cover the mind. No rationalization, no mind, thus clarity without defilement. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  13. A Fundamental Buddhist Concept

    There are four views that leave one on the cycle of Birth and Death, thus aiding in creating karma. They are, 1). View of Self 2). View of Personality 3). View of Others 4). View of Lifespan. This is within the Daimond Sutra, stating any views such as these, (basically any remnants of these views within the mind) one cannot end the cycle of Birth and Death. Peace, Lin
  14. Abstaining from masturbation

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD6Efggk5s8 I figured you will all get a kick out of it! Also, if anyone can embed it into the post, go for it! HAHAHA Peace, Lin
  15. The Story of Chinese Taoism

    Interesting. I'm not very naive, but I will do some research given your information. And instead of reading about it, I will ask her personally. Funny thing is most masters are talked about negatively even when they had proper training. Buddhist Venerables were also talked bad about and storied made up to discredit them. Luckily, Master Zhang in Hawaii is still alive, and can be reached. Thanks for the heads up! AMITUOFO! Peace, Lin
  16. The Story of Chinese Taoism

    Very unfortunate. Is there any way to confirm what you say? She teaches at Beijing's Bai Yun Guan, visits and knows old masters in Long Hu Shan, takes students there, holding ceremonies and the like. During my stays at Taishan in Shandong, she was highly revered by the monks at Bi Xia Ci for her cultivation and "status" in the Daoist World. Maybe she is a story teller, but what she says matches up with the Daoists I met. Peace, Lin
  17. The Story of Chinese Taoism

    Heavenly Master Chang Yi XIang in Hawaii, founder of World Medicine Institute, is of the Zheng Yi Sect of Long Hu Shan. http://worldmedicineinstitute.com/about/fo...rs_message.html Sorry about the number, She is the 64th Heavenly Master. I always get mixed up with the numbers. Peace, Lin
  18. The Story of Chinese Taoism

    63rd Heavenly Master Chang Yi Xiang of the Zheng Yi Sect...? I correspond with her frequently. She is my cultivation brother's teacher. As for the story i received... I have my own reasons to feel and believe as I do. THere is always some good in people's heart's regardless of their ways. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  19. The Story of Chinese Taoism

    Not at all of Chinese descent. I just heard many things from the horses mouth, that's all. A different take than what the west puts out. And by the conduct of the people I lived with in my city in China, and those around them, something was clicking with their story. Enjoy ! Peace, Lin
  20. Intention

    My English isn't so well...talk Chinese all day, listen to Chinese all day... I'm surprised I can still type! Peace and Blessings, Lin
  21. Intention

    What do you mean?
  22. Intention

    Too much about the word suffering...thinking about it causes more of it. Why bother? If it wasn't said, there would be no confusion about it, no question. Rationalization occurs when there is some view we hold about what we gather through our senses. How about utilizing methods that make nothing arise, and nothing fall in the mind? How about that thought which is no where supported? Suffering in Buddhism is not in Buddhism, but Buddhism is in suffering. When a problem arises, so does the Buddha Dharma. Because there is Suffering in the world, not only physical pain and sickness, but emotional entertainment...haha there will be Buddha Dharma. When people have their riches, they will become lazy and not cultivate much. Its good. Intentions during meditation... it should be What you intend before you meditate. Holding intention during meditation is not meditation, but concentration. THere still is a state of viewing and holding, it is not yet stillness, not yet "empty". Meditation can be in forms of concentration, but when even the idea of concentrating has stopped in the miind, then one is not even meditating. What are they...? To the person viewing them, they are meditating, to another, just sitting, wasting time. What's the difference... intention for enlightenment only fuels the excitement for it, it doesn't make it happen faster. Enlightenment of oneself only helps others when the others are asking for it, have conditions to accept it. Have fun! Peace, Lin
  23. Types of Tai Chi/taiji (updated)

    Zheng Man Qing 37 Form Taiji Quan. Zheng Man Qing, a disciple of the Yang Family Taiji Quan school. Peace, Lin