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Everything posted by 林愛偉

  1. T.V. Interview

    Thanks for your blessings... its only the beginning.. I hope that I'll have more opportunities for this in the future. It'll be posted on Youtube once it airs. Peace, Lin
  2. T.V. Interview

    It will be on youtube by the tv station's efforts. Ther want to post it up all over the place...lol
  3. God / Enlightenment = SEX

    Its sad when one cultivates according to the proper teachings, and they are called fundamentalists, but when one teaches outside practices, they are praised as though they had great wisdom. Sad indeed. Peace, Lin
  4. God / Enlightenment = SEX

    Yes, only when its reserved and cultivated, not wasted and mixed with another one's sexual energy that may just be full of deviance and impurities. Peace, Lin
  5. chinese medicine (tea and acupuncture)

    You are right... Tui Na isn't fluff and buff..lol
  6. chinese medicine (tea and acupuncture)

    It can be dangerous if the person administering the treatment doesn't cultivate, thus resulting in a long life short lived. Peace, Lin
  7. chinese medicine (tea and acupuncture)

    HAHAHA He was more like enjoying himself and what he was doing...hahaha
  8. chinese medicine (tea and acupuncture)

    Tui Na is more Physio-Therapy. Massage pales to Tui Na application. The clean needles thing..yes make sure they are disposable, because the western blood isn't used to "natural" conditions full of bacteria and disease as the Chinese. Reason, people there aren't afraid of dirt! People in the west scream over a little dirt. I'm all up for the dirt every where lifestyle, living in the woods, country side and all around you is simply earth. Really good for the immune system, unlike the vaccinations. Anywho...I used to treat in all kinds of places. Doctors/hospital TCM office, sidewalks, on the mountain, country side, on the floor...people aren't too picky on where they ned to get help, just as long as they get it. Peace...lol Lin Those thick needles can go anywhere, just as long as the person getting them can take the pain! haha
  9. chinese medicine (tea and acupuncture)

    There are all levels of Acupuncture out in China: TCM Doctors using thick needles, using the astrological methods for needling, utilizing Qi Gong as a needle, and with needles...anesthetic methods as well. Move around through the TCM crowds by being regular at hospitals, if you can speak Mandarin. You will./may meet many interesting people. Acupuncture is great! Peace, Lin
  10. chinese medicine (tea and acupuncture)

    The Chinese Medicinal Teas are not like teas we get in a store. They are raw herbs in which you would have to boil for an hour, in a specific manner, and then drink. Bitter, but wonderful for the body. It may not be a usual thing for most TCM Doctors. Unless they specialize in herbs, they wouldn't write you a prescription. The teas to look for in stores would be: Long Jing Cha (Dragon Well Tea), Gao Shan Cha (High Mountain Tea), Pu Er (Da Hong Pao), Tie Guan Yin, Mo Li Hua Cha (Jasmine Tea), Jv hua Cha (Chrysanthemum Tea), Ri Zhao Cha (That tea is named after a city in Shandong)-its a great tea! Stay away from bars, and local clubs; stay away from drinking outside with other foreigners, and being seen with different women. Its a bad reputation, and fits into the views of what foreigners come to China for. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  11. The soft overcomes the hard -- or does it?

    Animals do it easily because they don't have a reasoning mind, as is their nature. They abide by their Karma, and when their conditions are finished, that consciousness moves to the next proper vessel for their mind's vibrational level/karma. Yet, this doesn't mean its all harmonious. They just go with conditions till their conditions are finished. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  12. The soft overcomes the hard -- or does it?

    THe world of animals is much different than the world of humans. As a human, one cannot look to the world of animals for answers. Animals have their own nature, and unless one wants to be like animals they shouldn't follow what animals do. Peace, Lin
  13. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Gradual and Spontaneous are a flip of the hand. One leads to the other, and there is neither of them.
  14. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Yes. That is true indeed. Yet to get to that point, practice, cultivation in developing concentration power/focus, is definetly needed to mature the practitioner. I have seen someone pass out from MCO, first time they practiced Qi Gong, and just followed what their teacher spoke about without actually having the proper foundation laid do for it.
  15. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Breath (air) is energy. There is nothing that is not energy. Peace, Lin
  16. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Its all Qi Gong; breath cultivation. External breathing, then internal breathing. When the internal breath starts doing its thing, then there is something to be happy about. Before that, its all temporary...lol Peace, Lin
  17. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Spontaneity has its gradual process in getting there. It only seems to be sudden/spontaneous because there seems to have been no movement before. In actuality, nothing is not moving.Everything moves and not moves. Holding to formlessness is holding onto something. To be formless, a view of that state can not arise. True form and formless is the absence of form and formlessness. When you see forms, you see that there is a space empty, no form, but that empty/formless space has a shape. If it didn't, how can one recognize form? Peace, Lin He almost tripped! Hopped so he wouldn't fall. Can't take everything as a "mysterious", "energy" thing. His body weight distribution was moving too far right and he didn't sink his hips to have enough root. What was transmitted was important; Make sure you have root when demonstrating in front of so many people. Everyone makes a mistake sometimes. Peace, Lin
  18. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    I am a silly monkey who rambles on and on. My wife doesn't even like to listen to me.. hahaha
  19. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    HAHAHA am I really that predictable? hahaha New Years was fun! Had over 40 people at a small dinner...set up Jing Xin Yuan, teaching more now, running a Chinese Medicine Clinic...busy busy busy... was thinking of delivering newspapers too! Too early in the morning though 3-7am... I still ahve morning practice to get to. Peace, Lin
  20. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Form is good. It is a guideline for how to walk, move, recognize changes in all things. Once that is mastered, one can let it go. All this formlessness being superior is a waste of time. Its no more superior than form. Formlessness should not be a goal to attain, but a state experienced on the path way. The human body is a form. When moving, there will be a form moved with. There is nothing formless, thus nothing with form. No riddles, but simple state of attainment. You need a road to recognize the importance of not needing one. To mature through it and gain some gongfu in order to realize is wise. Cultivating through forms are like planting the seeds, cultivating the soil and reaping the harvest. Grasping at the harvest without proper cultivation of the land will quickly and surely leave dead crop, and poisoned soil. Peace, Lin
  21. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Movement will not harm you , unless you are like an unbridled horse. Intuitive movement can only harm if the teachings leading to it are unwholesome. Doing it on your own will not do any harm unless one likes to flip and go crazy. Then expect a broken neck! Peace hahah, Lin
  22. Is anyone here an ascetic?

    Doing that which others find difficult to do is ascetic practice. Waking up at 3, 4, or 5am to practice is an ascetic practice. Eating once a day at noon, twice a day and fasting the rest, is ascetic. Meditating is ascetic, standing practices are ascetic,... Walking in a manner which cultivates mind, proper structure and energetic cultivation is ascetic..lol Anyone practice Qigong?... That is ascetic too! Peace and Blessings... Eat the bitter, taste the sweetness! Lin
  23. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    There is no such thing as a formless form. The "formless" movement practices is simply a practice where one was not previously taught the form they are moving through. Taiji Quan started this way. The only thing "special" about the "formless" form movement is at the timeyou do it, you reap benefits, after that time, if you try to do the exact same moves again, you have defeated the purpose of "spontaneous" movement. With formless, there is form. Notice the formless and you have noticed the form. Notice the form, you thus recognize that which has no form. "Emptiness is form, form is emptiness." Its not a riddle of the Heart Sutra, it is simple; because one holds to forms, the formless appears. Because one holds to formlessness the forms appear. You want real spontaneity, put an end to your views of forms and formlessness! Physical movement on the other hand is only spontaneous when there was no physical movement prior to that, otherwise, the only true spontaneous movement is that where not even a thought arose and not even a movement manifested. Peace, Lin
  24. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    Peace and Blessings White Tiger. You are right indeed. When the student is ready the methods will be offered!