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Everything posted by taooneusa

  1. it really depends on body health, internal ability and body type/element predominance. ..and how much ibutane is actually in the mushroom. Over consumption is where people get into trouble. The affect can be very severe. It sometimes effects the central nervous system with seizures and respiratory failure: "" I remember a couple that was walking asking me if I was alright. Then I remember one of them saying they called the ambulance. Then I remember what appeared to be the police and some paramedics standing over me and asking all sorts of questions which I could not respond too. I thought it was all a dream. Then I remember being in the emergency room with doctors and nurses stripping my close off, sticking all sorts of IVs in me, and a tube up my urethra (I remember this excrutiating pain). I heard a couple nurses or doctors (not sure) scream, 'He is going into seizure again.' I then recall the doctor asking me if I took heroin a few times, and all I muttered was amanita, but he didn't know what I was saying. Then I remember coming to, with my mom by my side, about 6-8 hours later. I didn't know who I was or where I was for a long time. I thought maybe I had been hit by a car, or maybe I had died. I simply didn't know and really didn't care, it is the day after now, and all I have as memories of last night are about 6 IV spots on both my arms, and an extremely painful urethra, which is torture to pee out of. I simply don't know what happened, maybe it was the drugs, the dosage, or something completely different. I got CAT scans and I don't have a tumor. I have never had a seizure in my life prior to this. I also can no longer drive until I follow up with a neurologist. "" Yep, a night in the hospital in the most awful psychic agony I have ever experienced while they poured ipecac (SP) and charcoal down me 'cause the little bastards refused to let me puke. I was pumped. I was then hooked to a heart monitor and had the distinct displeasure of seeing my heart stop a couple of times. After one of them and a couple of firm thumps to my sternum I asked the doctor if I was going to make it. He was rather preocupied with saving my life and sorta muttered, 'we don't know.' They would not treat me with anything until the mushroom was identified which they did by flying it to a poison control center in Denver, I think it was, by Navy jet from Moffet field. They then shot me with something that had me down in 15 minutes after about six hours of mental horror. The next morning every damn med student and intern came by to find out what it was like. I didn't have good things to report. Your mileage may vary. The view I got of the human condition and the burried sadness, pain and agony in everyone around and treating me in the busy emergency facility may have been one very powerful sort of empathogenic halucination effect but it fucked me up for a long time. I have tried nearly every psychoactive even remotely available and nothing, NOTHING, has had such a negative psychic effect. "" Apparently she had asked if I was ok and if she could go to bed, and I said, “OK”. She then asked if she could turn the light off and I said “Ok” again. She awoke 10-15 minutes later to a gurgling sound coming from the other room. She found me convulsing on the floor. I had pissed myself at least once, and my eyes were wide open, but rolled back in my head. She tried to wake me, but I was non-responsive to her repeated attempts. Desperate, she called the hospital and had them send an ambulance, who in turn called the fucking cops like most stupid hospitals do in the event of an O.D. (How this can be justified when this only results in more deaths from OD’s when people avoid medical attention for fear of the police). The ambulance came and the cops shortly thereafter. this guys symptoms of sweating, being very cold and salivation precede central nervous system problems like seizure and respiratory failure that result fro overdose of muscaria. "" First of all this was about he most unpleasant thing I've ever done. My wife and I split 30 grams of dried aminitas. We ground them up in a coffie grinder and then heated them on the stove with water for about 45 minutes. We started to drink them about 5:15 and finished about 5:25. The taste was not apetizing at all. My wife started to feel sick at about 5:45 and we both were getting light headed. I got up to use the restroom and i felt like i was drunk; but only in my head. For about the next 30 minutes we watched TV. andabout 6:20 I had to vomit. We bot had a tottaly 'in the head' feeling. The only thing I felt in my body was like i was being pushed into the couch. When I closed my eyes I felt like I was falling. My wife felt the same way. About 6:30 I went outside because I was cold. Even though it was 80 - 90 degreese outside I was still cold. I found myself sweating profously, and salvating like my favorite dish was on the stove. After baout 30 minutes I went to lay on the couch. I still felt the same.. in my head. My wife looked like she was asleep so I didn't bother her. I was still sweating really bad...but still cold. So I got a blanket and tried to go to sleep. It didn't work. The blanket made me sweat more, which made me colder' and so on. For about the next three hours I felt this way. Finally about 10:00 I started to feel normal. So I got something to eat and when I diddnt feel anything anymore I was really tired so I was able to go to sleep. Sleep came easy accept I kept waking up with a soaking wet pillow; and I dont ussually drool when I sleep. The next morning i woke up and felt fine. There were no after efects like LSD or anything. As an ending note...neither of us will EVER take Aminitas again. Bad Experiences with Muscaria
  2. Hey Drew, I am not writing in response to your experience. You have a ton of internal experience and ability, so things like this don't matter. I was writing out of concern for readers on a website that promotes spiritual progress where quick fixes can entice. "so then there is no more inhibition of adrenaline in the body. So this causes extreme energy and euphoria." For persons with week life force the above can be very dangerous as the adrenals get depleted and the life gate can shut. The symptom then is sudden and severe decrease in body temperature. The body really needs to be in excellent condition for this kind of thing. I'll quote wiki here " Ibotenic acid is a chemical compound that is naturally occurring in the mushrooms Amanita muscaria and Amanita pantherina, among others. Ibotenic acid is a powerful neurotoxin and deliriant that is used as a "brain-lesioning agent"[1][2] and has shown to be highly neurotoxic when injected directly into the brains of mice and rats.[3] and When ibotenic acid is ingested, a small portion is decarboxylated into muscimol. I understand the liver does adjust, but for many people this is a dangerous thing to do.
  3. The lesioning chemical in amanita breaks down tissues in the brain in the order it comes in contact with them. Blood flow determines this, so the areas in first contact break down more. Because of this the mushroom cannot be consumed constantly. Most people have some calcification or hardened tissues that present a danger with a chemial that dissolves grey matter. If you have ever hit your head there is a possibility of internal bleeding if you use amanita. The spiritual 'opening' achieved with this mushroom is not from psychotropic effects. The 'opening' comes from plugs or calcification in the sinuses of the skull being dissolved that enables dark light to get in. It is not safe to use alone and without a shaman. Shamans first consumed it from reindeer who bodies can handle it before 'sharing' it with their initiates. It is impossible to tell the amount of chemical in a single mushroom, there for one cannot count on 'ounces' as a consistent measure.
  4. It's metals in the chemicals tested in a spectrometer that give off colors. Metals that power linking up of complex protein chains. The metals are the ojas that give chakras their particular spectral range. Amanitta is something that for most people should only be done with guidance from a shaman. The Berzerkers were enabled to make shore invasions, rape, pillage and plunder while under it's effect. There's some interesting research out of china, japan and US about Ganoderic Acids.
  5. one of the chemicals in fly agaric is a lesioning agent. It breaks down tissues in the brain (grey matter) It is impossible to know the amount of chemical in any single mushroom. Overdose is very possible if you follow the 30 grams idea. Traditionally a shaman would drink the urine of a reindeer that had ingested amanita and then other humans would drink the urine of the shaman -this refined and guaranteed the amount of chemical to a safe standard. Interesting that Amanita sounds like Amritta. Also Ra is called Ra SaTan. Ra, Sa and Ta are in-tones. Also, Aman Ra like the Christian Amen -a man of Ra, a man of god aside note: Ra Ptal -the son of the god man sounds like Hindi "Raj Patel" like eastern Raja (king) Amun Ra -the self created man-god is the unite Jakal (anubis) and Ra the son of god. One the avatar (manifestation) and the other an incarnation of the same presence. Amanita-A Man-Amen-Amun-Mu-Moon-land of Mu-Santa-Saint-Satan-keeper the underworld-Anubis-Ra-Man-Raja-Ptal-Patel-Age of Water-Amrita-An Avatar Ra Ptl Ah Mun Ra "" Claus came from the Dutch Klaas, from Middle Dutch Niklaas, which derives from the Greek name Nikolas (or Nicholas) from Nikolaos. Nikolaos is a combination of two words, namely, Nike (victory) and Laos (people). So Nikolaos literally means victory of the people. Old Saint (sat-i-n) Nick The rob is made from a dye derived from beetles that consumed the sap of trees called Dragons Blood. The same beetle also feed on a certain sacred cactus common to the southwestern states. Another source of the red dye is Cinnabar that is the source of Alchemical Mercury. Mercury and Gold are used together by yogis though its not the gold or the mercury they're after. There is even a red liqueur consumed and made by priest in Europe made from the same beetles. The Heart of the Soviet Union 'Red Square' is a Huge hint at the root tradition of Soviet shamanism and Christianity. The color of robes and especially hats tends to show the element they were using to derive "gold" Saint Peters robe: Dragons Blood tree these trees grow only in one place where a third of its plant life is found nowhere else on the planet. It has been described as the most alien-looking place on Earth. Reishi does contain the stone, amanita does not This authors description of the the Rig Vedas suggests that Soma or Amrit are a psycho active plant, but this is not the case. The "blue throat" of Siva describes a chemical cascade between the mid brain and thyroid or throat. Amrit or Manna that came from heaven describes a manifestation of the "blue element" in the air that is inhaled completing a ctcle of the wind channels and holding open the upper sushumna. That color in the throat also shows the Ojas have been refined through one complete cycle of the cosmos. Here's a kicker: that Oja started out on Saturn billions of years ago.. The description of stirring the mountain is also a global level event that released a lot of manna from the earth all at once into the waters My link ""Readers familiar with Hindu mythology will know the popular legend of "the churning of the ocean". This tale explains how soma came into being and versions of it are to be found in the Vishnu Purana, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The three sources differ in their details but, briefly, the story is as follows: The gods had been defeated by the asuras and appealed to Vishnu for advice. He counselled them that they should unite with their enemies and together they should churn the ocean which, at that time, was composed of milk. First they scattered various herbs in the ocean, then, taking Mt. Mandara as a churning-stick they wound the naga-king Vasuki around it as a churning-rope. The gods and asuras took opposite ends of the great serpent and heaved back and forth. Many wonderful treasures then came forth from the ocean, the first of which being amrita (in Hindu texts this is often used as a synonym for soma). All versions of the story also feature a virulent poison (variously called kalakuta, khalakuta or visha), in some it is said that it is another product of churning the ocean, others say that the strain on Vasuki caused him to vomit it up. However, Shiva saves the day by drinking the poison and retaining it in his throat, which turns blue as a result. Thus Shiva acquires the epithet Nilakanta ("blue-throat") Cosmic dust gathered in the wake of the procession of the planets filtrates through the north poles of planets attracted through the lay lines to gather at specific gravity wells typically the site of pyramids. These refined by the sun and earth are the Earths Ojas that beget Man. They are literally the Man-na from heaven. An, Ah Mun Rah is a Man who's capable of manifesting the gold within him self from the Manna. They are also the source of thunder and the unusual colors is exhibits. They are the Ogdoad derived from the seven that manifest from the six sounds.. Om.. The earth is constantly increasing in size.
  6. Global Revolution!

  7. Global Revolution!

  8. Global Revolution!

    found a link to a free e-book for Power vers Force. On page 115 is the chart showing levels of consciousness sphere of influence over world population. The history of Hawkins work is included in the book that is very fascinating. My link
  9. Global Revolution!

    like the Wu dancers it's women who awaken first because the earth is female -mother nature. Piss of the wrong group of mothers and an unstoppable force will issue. run Mr. Rothchild I think Drew Hemple points out that Na-Aum is ment to be freely given away. Males are the natural Jing source that leads to awakening the heart of the mother -literally the earth and all the Wu dancers. seems to make cultivation a very important social issue. like the Wu dancers it's women who awaken first so the Ogdoad is originaly 4 -a hint at cosmic math. I hear a movement of mothers has started in Israel? this would be the heart of oppression in the movement since Rothchild is heavily invested there. Israel is a huge food supplier for many countries. There is an absolute overabundance of sustenance there. Control of the food markets is where they have their real hold over populations. Conscience based positive intentions go out to all the women in Israel. Ah,hm I wonder how fast jing energy travels compared with with a bullet? or maybe with Shen energy? we are one big soup of energy. The movement of consciousness will begin in the area of greatest strife.
  10. Global Revolution!

    our hearts are our magnetic core that make a rather large sphere all operating from the same station. We get our telepathic abilities from this and our conscience that is our link to the creator Sol-Sun. Conscience allows divination within the boundary of cosmic laws that may be called Mother Nature. No harm can be done in this place. In fact harm cannot even be conceived of. There's a very good chart produced by David Hawkins in Power vers Force that shows the per capita sphere of influence individuals have at the various levels of consciousness also depicted in that book. I wish I have a copy to upload. Its rather remarkable being in the ranges of 100,000 to millions for person who's heart is open, or in peace.
  11. Global Revolution!

    sheriffs and highway patrol here are privately owned organization. All the policing agencies are receiving the same equipment. One interesting piece is sonic blast device that sends a sound wave that travels through glass and metal to jolt or distract persons inside vehicles. Ever been hit with a red light camera flash? My intuitive about these things is they are designed to damage specific parts of our nervous systems.. (I know they can do this from the sky, but when you have a bunch of protesters all in one location, why not target the insubordination?) ..Parts essential to our now collectively-spontaneously-evolving-returning-soul-selfconscience. There really is nothing they can to to stop the cosmic wheel. The tipping point they hate is all of our hearts opening at once because they do not have a continued existence in that place -only we do. they've spent the centuries weeding out their own humanity that is soul self conscience. it really is impossible to commit genocide when you have a conscience to rely on. The immortal seed, the Po is missing in them and they would rely on technology to continue, but this only lasts so long. They imprison our mind with fear to prevent their own end, haha Metta-aleph, Om Ma ni Mad mi Hum, Ga-Ya-Te-Ga-Ya-Te-Ha-Ra-Ga-Ya-Te-Ha-Ra-So-Ga-Ya-Te-Bo-Ji-So-Wa-Ka-Ha-No-Shin-Go-Wa
  12. The Importance of Music

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Nb36e_3oo&feature=related overtone between instrument heart, heart and stone
  13. The Importance of Music

    .probably gatherings like this is where it will all start -a small group of women spontaneously like the Wu dancers. Hm, Hu-man Wu-man must be another base tone""Ancient oracle bone inscriptions ..use wu most frequently in relation to spirit sacrifices and for calls to “bring the wu.” One Shang oracle bone was inscribed, “divination, the wu proclaims…” Another mentions a group of nine wu who did a ritual dance before sacrifices." (9) This is the Ogdoad -a 1/8 scale, just shows that these things always occur spontaneously like Phoenix rising the Egyptian scale returns. ""Ancient oracle bone inscriptions use wu most frequently in relation to spirit sacrifices and for calls to “bring the wu.” One Shang oracle bone was inscribed, “divination, the wu proclaims…” Another mentions a group of nine wu who did a ritual dance before sacrifice ""The oldest Chinese dictionary, Shuowen Jiezi, equates wu with zhu, a ritual invocator, and with ling, “spiritual, divine.” It underlines the female signification of wu: “wu is a (invoker or priest), a woman who is able to render [herself] invisible, and with dance to invoke gods to come down. The character symbolizes the appearance of a person dancing with two sleeves.” . Another translation of this passage runs, “An Invoker. A woman who can serve the invisible, and by posturing bring down the spirits. Depicts a person with two sleeves posturing". The Shouwen also refers to “an inspired shaman serving the spirits with jade.” Another word with the sound wu (but written with a different character) means “to dance. Wu: female shamans in ancient China in cursive Japanese Kanji "love" ..and in ancient Seal Script that Kanji was derived from: this image to me looks like the heart sutra and the expression of full lotus as the connection between stem cells at the perineum and crown or shushumna/katika/aida -fire air and water channels connecting at mid brain.
  14. Global Revolution!

    I agree many will change sides, but it's good to be aware the entire events. Personally I believe the extreme shows of force against protesters around the world is costing the power elite backed countries a lot of money they would have needed to carry out their plans. Shutting down of sea ports is adding to that stress. Feeding and mobilizing 4,000,000 comes out of the pockets of all the protesters. I went to star bucks yesterday and paid 3 dollars for an item that aught to cost 50 cents, so in a away I do support the nwo. The Rothchilds are supposedly worth 500 trillion dollars how extreme will their actions become if we successfully shut down their sea ports?
  15. Global Revolution!

    Please consider a supposedly depressed economy and Millions of military personnel returning home the past three years. "defection" by any active or reserve military with the NDAA action would meaning immediate imprisonment (for indefinite period of time) Who with family or none would trade this for state side employment in privatized security/policing at higher level and pay? They're offering very quick upward advancement with the requirment of relocation that prevents attachment to local surroundings -act with impunity..
  16. New Color Discovered

    Explain why you posted this here
  17. Global Revolution!

  18. My first full lotus experiences

    that's handy, do you recall the motions? thanks
  19. Global Revolution!

    text on screen in middle video above says "troop levels and pay" All the troops are coming home. Promotions to higher rank are only necessary when lower ranks are going to increase in numbers. right? With a merger of local police and military the subordinates will be local police, hence and increase in lower ranks. The most common estimate on line of the total number of local police is 800,000 a huge military. " As of 31 December 2009, a total of 1137568 personnel were on active duty within the United States and its territories" this is the current number with reserve: Active personnel 1,477,896 Reserve personnel 1,458,500 not including TSA, DEA and DHS and other acronym that's almost a 4,000,000 man army Yikes Less Than Leathal? Weapons.. Weapons used over seas are coming home to the u.s. and made available for use by local police Check the Label on shirt of the guy above A scaled down version of the above weapon intended specifically for 'crowd control' After being stationed by the driver, the square satellite dish mounted on top of the Army Humvee is aimed at the target by use of a video monitor and joystick. After the operator switches the unit on an invisible stream of millimeter waves (at 95 GHz) is directed at the target, exciting the water molecules on the body and rapidly causing the sensation that their skin feels as if it’s on fire. The end result is that the person standing where the ADS is aimed at wants to get out of the way pronto. When the person is examined afterward there are no marks on the body "exciting the water molecules on the body and rapidly causing the sensation that their skin feels as if it’s on fire." this is an open air microwave.
  20. The Po Corporeal Soul and Re-viving the Dead

    Po is red chi and Hun the true blue chi. Blue is literally life and red is death. The two function in accord. The Po has a physical form and purpose that begins all crystallization like in DNA and proteins. It can be reawakened any time. Egyptian Ka is like Po that is seat of the souls (Ba) conciousness it belonged to. It is hidden in the marrow and in sexual fluids of note because the Po can be freed up from sexual fluids much more easily than from the marrow. There's a gong for purifying the marrow of the hands and arms. The Po is purified and refined in the chakras rising upwards in stages as the Holy Ojas.
  21. The Importance of Music

    I've been musing about and waiting for inspiration to translate the heart sutra-diamond sutra from their origin in the 1/64th scale for play on guitar.. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ZltcnTVlgRw this video at 5:38
  22. The Importance of Music

    the device at the very beginning of this video is interesting -the video above